84 entries in 0.492s

trinque: didn't the oregon
militia people get off anyway?
mircea_popescu: moreover, the neighbours do not come to punch people in the street because they have work to do. raising a
militia was expensive even in 1700. today it's very fucking expensive. hence the police, ie, standing
mircea_popescu: rifle of Middle Eastern goat herders, guys named Abdullah, and backwoods
militia types who like the fact that it shoots cheap ammo and has ballistics like their familiar .30-30." <<< amusingly, these are actually quite good points.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: And like in africa they are actually organizing a
militia this time!
BingoBoingo: shinohai: correction, When plea out, you aren't a
militia hero anymore
mircea_popescu: not exactly. lafond makes this point, re the difference between a police force and a
militia. you can't expect the police to protect you against organised violence. it works entirely and strictly for disorganised violence.
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: possibly kid imagines that the company of others leads directly to '
militia', and usg stoolies, and straight into jail
BingoBoingo: Anyways. The point is the Bundy fumbling has to happen for
militia movement to develop which isn't 75% USG informant by weight.
BingoBoingo: <ben_vulpes> repubtards are gonna say "los federales gunned down a confused old man stumbling around in the snow!" << Old might have been the serious problem. Perhaps these men started too late to get the actual RUF sorta
militia mindset. Turns out Kony was right.
BingoBoingo: trinque: I'll take that comment back if you can get together a freedom loving
militia to liberate the Alamo. I'll need something to write about after Obola goes Janet Reno mass murder in Oregon Waco style.
assbot: Logged on 27-01-2016 05:41:09; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> anything involving american '
militia' sums to 0 from start. << they have a word for the dudes knowing the results of experiments aforehand, and that name pointedly isn't scientist.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> anything involving american '
militia' sums to 0 from start. << they have a word for the dudes knowing the results of experiments aforehand, and that name pointedly isn't scientist.
☟︎ Duffer1: dudes death is really bad for hopes of peaceful resolution with remainder of
militia BingoBoingo: <trinque> mircea_popescu: on the hosting side bezos has eaten a lot of it, and as far as what the average derp is staring at when she thinks she's on the internet, facebook << For on this try to find the web presence of any 'Murican
Militia organization
mircea_popescu: "10/13/99 -- Members of the Southern Indiana Regional
Militia meet with FBI agents as part of a government effort to defuse tensions between Patriots and officialdom."
BingoBoingo: Serisouly though, today's alt-right and
militia movement almost exclusively communicates on Facebook.
mircea_popescu: "was the armed
militia of the American colonies whose own efforts ultimately led to the establishment of the United States of America! While some say that the right to keep and bear arms is granted to Americans by the Constitution, just the opposite is true : the existence of the federal government is granted by the citizens bearing arms, under limits set forth in the constitution"
BingoBoingo: Various Michigan
Militia attracted substantial attention for existing.
BingoBoingo: In the 1990's this was serious USG concern during first Clitler administration between Ruby Ridge, Waco, and Michigan
Militia BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Typical black twitter drama, but Oregon
militia gets banned.
BingoBoingo: Bunch of presidential candidates not-Trump from USia's other socialist party are denouncing the liberating
militia's actions in Oregon
ben_vulpes: this
militia action is going to cost the agencies untold sums
punkman: "The local school district in Burns announced it will keep schools closed all week because of the
militia situation."
mircea_popescu: they can support "free syrian
militia" or w/e also for all the difference it makes irl.
ascii_field: these were nucleation points for '
militia movement' in the '90s, which was, afaik, five parts usg provocateurship to one part genuine, if imbecilic, organized rebellion - which had to be nuked
assbot: Oath Keepers Member: We’re Sending Armed
Militia To Arrest Lawmakers And Obama ‘For Treason’ | FreakOutNation ... (
http://bit.ly/1LPyXfJ )
pete_dushenski: Foreigners and citizens of Ukraine, who want to visit Lviv should know that the officials of
militia, the customs service and other law-enforcement bodies not always follow the law. " << sounds like usistan
pete_dushenski: "Using geo-referenced data, we find the legislation increased looting of civilians, and shifted
militia battles towards unregulated gold mining territories. These findings are a cautionary tale about the possible unintended consequences of boycotting natural resources from war-torn regions, and the use of international resource governance interventions."
trinque: mircea_popescu: there are
militia groups around calling themselves "three percenters"
assbot: Logged on 06-03-2015 20:38:28; asciilifeform: if there were a 'rural
militia' with above room-temperature iq, usa would already look like iraq
mircea_popescu: "The federal government has never won a sedition case against
militia-types, white supremacists, or neo-Nazis. Since World War I, they have won numerous seditious conspiracy cases against Puerto Rican independentistas, communists and others on the left, but no one on the radical right has ever been convicted of plotting to overthrow by force of arms the government of the United States."
mircea_popescu: On March 28, 2010, nine members of the Hutaree
militia were arrested and charged with crimes including seditious conspiracy.
mircea_popescu: yeah, the civil
militia project of selling as many as possible, once the jews ran out.
mircea_popescu: undata the following factor is involved : me and a buddy will kick your ass. you and four buddies will kick our ass. the 100 man
militia kicks the 50 man
militia, right or wrong.
BingoBoingo also wonders if I commit to crossing darien by foot if a BitBet relating to Bingo captured by
militia (FARC or the others) might be in order...
assbot: Nadya Labi: How a
Militia Grew on a Military Base : The New Yorker
bounce: probably more effective to start a
militia/hire a bunch of trigger happy goons/whatever and do some "long pig hunting" on poachers
BingoBoingo: Well, there's also the standoff in Utah between government forces and a local
militia mircea_popescu: apparently the well armed
militia is about to start a war with the even better armed bureaucracy
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform romanian canonical equivalent is "tu crezi ca te cauta
militia pe messenger". ie, you think the militsya is pursuing you through im.
mircea_popescu: nubbins`: on another note: "Pussy Riot members attacked with whips by Cossack
militia in Sochi" << bwahaha
nubbins`: on another note: "Pussy Riot members attacked with whips by Cossack
militia in Sochi"
decimation: some states are fairly homogeneous, and the idea of a 'state' is a sufficient Schelling point around which
militia can rally
Vexual: sign up for
militia, sell ak, get $17, profit
ThickAsThieves: yeah but taaki comes of as vagrant gutter punk
militia mod6: i kinda like the idea of the
militia too, but it turns out that they never fought very well in the revolution until Cowpens
BTC-Mining: Argh, virtual
militia! They're squatting my interwebs! Look at their pixely signs!
Bane_Capital: Smoovious: Try collecting debt from a heavily armed
militia rg: luke-jr : rally the bitcoin