89 entries in 0.663s
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-06 14:29:53 jfw: mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-05#1958950 - still worked, though that was on a musl gawk, perhaps it's special in a sufficiently different way. I don't have a drepper box around with that much disk atm. I'll believe it once blew up in some environment though.
jfw: mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-05#1958950 - still worked, though that was on a musl gawk, perhaps it's special in a sufficiently different way. I don't have a drepper box around with that much disk atm. I'll believe it once blew up in some environment though.
asciilifeform: aking the proposition of free trade futile. Whether or not Drepper is aware of the political implications of the of his technical decision is irrelevant to the fact of their existance. Nevertheless, there is a belief by technologists “educated” at ITT and the public equivilants that software can exist outside of politics. As a result the US has a legal system that runs on Word, a financial system that runs on Excel, and a voting
asciilifeform: for the l0gz: 'Years ago, a “technical” decision was made by a core gcc developer named Drepper to break static linking. This means that no useful binaries can ever execute on Linux without dynamically linking to certain libraries making the proposition of distributing signed binaries futile, making the proposition of secure software futile, making the proposition of Bitcoin futile, making the proposition of sound money futile, m
asciilifeform: ( why should 8GB of 'drepper-os' or winblowz get 8GB of sram ? it'd be rather a penicillin for a corpse )
mircea_popescu: and i view esp the drepper thing very much in these terms, "we are dumb cunts deliberately and by design, and we will not excommunicate another dumb cunt irrespective of any considerations, because believe-women".
asciilifeform: ( not that it would've made much diff -- e.g. drepper is certified author of no fewer than 3 open-and-shut sabotages, and still somehow 'contributing' as if nuffinhappened )
asciilifeform: ( e.g. 'bash bug', also drepper , also via glibc )
asciilifeform: when uncovered that drepper (maintainer of glibc) deliberately broke static linkage globally
mircea_popescu: and even taking the epsilon% remaining, 99+% of when THAT crashed it was because fucking drepper & co "upgraded" some shit.
asciilifeform: this was back when asciilifeform had nfi why trb wouldn't statically link, not yet found drepper's 'gifts'
asciilifeform: it doesn't have much bearing on the problems faced by actual people, aside from drepper-extermination.
mircea_popescu: all that code SHOULD NOT have been shared. not with fucking red hat, not with fucking koch, not with fucking drepper and so on.
mircea_popescu: dude. situation 1, as currently : you release code, mp like an idiot compiles it on ubuntu, jnow your code exists as a drepper mockery of itself. as far as the machine can tell, you asciilifeform are an idiot.
mircea_popescu: but i mean... lookit, the author will make a static binary ; and who the fuck is going to make a drepper systemd thing ?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-27#1805906 <<< it's how you say drepper in lisp. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: "ulrich drepper's famous page on". famous ? really ? how the FUCK is anything drepper did even vaguely worth the mention, let alone "famous" ? oh, because pantsuits push it, ie http://trilema.com/2012/a-conversation-with-frank-zappa-ix/#selection-231.0-233.634 ? hurr!
asciilifeform: ( picture the elephantine drepper glibc in every bin )
asciilifeform: ang-st: asshole in C << koch, drepper, et al. but they're old and they ain't making more, for some reason.
asciilifeform attempts a build of traditional stator trb inside netbsd ( as rotor is unnecessary there, there is no drepper glibc )
mircea_popescu: a drepper shall be born.
asciilifeform: or that glibc imports drepper's 0days for you
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633736 << this might actually be crucial ingredient in any drepper-safe item. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: apparently they contain dependencies they aren't aware of. how does this happen, clumsy drepper hand edited them post facto ?
asciilifeform: drepper is a 'ustard' ?
mircea_popescu: now let's do a practical exercise : produce a google query which results in the source of drepper's sha512
mircea_popescu: Written by Ulrich Drepper, Scott Miller, and David Madore.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: iirc the one in gnupg is drepper's
ben_vulpes: amusingly, sha512sum shows drepper as an author on this particular system
mircea_popescu: so is the conclusion here that "bash is bad for your karma" because "drepper told eberlein in 2007* that they only support bash over at libc" ? (*= https://www.sourceware.org/ml/libc-alpha/2007-01/msg00042.html )
mircea_popescu: wait, drepper what ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: drepper
mircea_popescu: and in other koch, drepper, weimer news : http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lbl5enj5Dm1qd2dcwo1_500.gif
asciilifeform: phf: koch, drepper, weimer (yes, i shit thee not, all three participated, grep for them in the credits) took great care to make this job as painful as can be.
asciilifeform: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/b385a4e6-836d-4829-b157-d157b09c5a4f/?raw=true << and the drepper grep, is too long to take up log space !
asciilifeform: ^ one in a series of many similar lulticles, which neglect to mention the inconvenient fact that folks use mechanical tabulators, vaxen, 8-inch floppies, SOLELY BECAUSE the available alternatives are microshit and drepper
BingoBoingo: Oh, it's just what Ubuntu is, see https://i.sli.mg/uga6Y7.png calves could not pass A4 challenge because drepper
asciilifeform: whose key will you remove? drepper's ? which we never ~had to begin with~ !
mircea_popescu: #This thing is made by drepper, and while it doesn't per se suck, it very likely lies.
mircea_popescu: "This patch also fixes a memory leak of opt.keyserver en passant." << first rule of koch, drepper, weiner & all nsa goons : ALWAYS bundle new vulns with memory leak fixes etc.
asciilifeform: the idea is to categorically cut off the very possibility of drepper existing.
mircea_popescu: besides, as per satoshi's argument ("no, don't bring it on"), might not be the smartest thing in the world to give drepper incentive to exist on bsd anyway
asciilifeform: now rotor is not ~quite~ as necessary on bsd, because drepper is absent there. BUT we still need deterministic nailed-down toolchain, esp. for when we finally do the deterministic binary thing.
phf: is that drepper quote?
asciilifeform: http://www.softpanorama.org/People/Stallman/prophet.shtml#An attempt of hostile takeover of glib << l0l drepper gold
asciilifeform: but i suspect that the story is not meaningfully different from how drepper stole libc
asciilifeform: drep drep drepper
ben_vulpes: I personally don't understand the reasons beyond "it's the right thing to do with the reference implementation, dummy. also, fuck drepper."
asciilifeform: anyway drepper was drepper 20 yrs ago. today there are new dreppers. tomorrow there will be yet other dreppers.
pete_dushenski wonders where bounty on drepper's head is if wuille is worth the trouble
pete_dushenski: do you have a poster of drepper's face on your wall with a hitler stache, devil eyes, and a horns carved in ?
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349603 << wait till pete_dushenski remembers about drepper ☝︎
asciilifeform: it wasn't drepper, or poettering, somebody unknown
asciilifeform spoke to brother of poettering, drepper, et al, and he replied 'wouldn't it be interesting if someone built a thing where people signed code with pgp and rated one another and...'
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-10-2015#1300862 << one sees disproportionate output from drepper, esr, etc., folks who spent the past 20+ yrs walking around in search of things to infect ☝︎
ascii_field: * Written by Ulrich Drepper <drepper@gnu.ai.mit.edu>, 1995. * * Heavily modified for GnuPG by <wk@gnupg.org> * << l0l
BingoBoingo: Drepper was more Trypanosoma brucei than maggot
mircea_popescu: the difference between linux and bitcoin is that gavin;s a laughingstock and erm is invited speaker, and hearn's barely a shitstain whereby drepper took a decade to be worked out of the thing.
ascii_field: nah, idea is, drepper is a real live face on the murder of linux
ascii_field: and what imaginary. drepper lives.
asciilifeform: mats: drepper is not a talentless man. if he were, he'd be harmless.
assbot: Logged on 06-08-2015 21:20:41; ascii_field: priceless moment: when you realize that 'sha512sum' and related utils on your box were all authored by... ulrich drepper
assbot: 10134 – Ulrich Drepper is a fucking dictator asshole ... ( http://bit.ly/1K5U8sT )
ascii_field: priceless moment: when you realize that 'sha512sum' and related utils on your box were all authored by... ulrich drepper ☟︎
BingoBoingo: Cars fuckign cars, cats and dogs getting along. Drepper really did beat Linus on Glibc didn't he.
asciilifeform: the main allure, for me, was 1) drepper goes to the furnace where he belongs; no glibc 2) can switch cpu arch by turning a knob
asciilifeform: yes, let's have winblowz, poettering, drepper, chinese capacitors, in reactor room.
assbot: Logged on 30-07-2015 01:50:12; mircea_popescu: "Note, this is pretty much contrary to what Ulrich Drepper reckons about static linking." << everywhere a gavin!
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-07-2015#1217330 << we vivisected drepper here on several occasions. he is ~the~ most accomplished publicly-known gavin thus far. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: "Note, this is pretty much contrary to what Ulrich Drepper reckons about static linking." << everywhere a gavin! ☟︎
assbot: 17 results for 'drepper' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=drepper
ascii_field: !s drepper
decimation: drepper presaged poettering
assbot: Logged on 01-07-2015 14:49:54; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-06-2015#1181240 << the one thing left loose is that AFTER such, rms is not saying, to me or to anyone, "hey, drepper moved to the dark side, glibc was forked". the last thing you'd expect rms to be indicted for would be an inclination to "make things work" and fold for convenience rather than stand for principle. nevertheless...
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-06-2015#1181240 << the one thing left loose is that AFTER such, rms is not saying, to me or to anyone, "hey, drepper moved to the dark side, glibc was forked". the last thing you'd expect rms to be indicted for would be an inclination to "make things work" and fold for convenience rather than stand for principle. nevertheless... ☝︎☟︎
ascii_field: (drepper. https://sourceware.org/ml/libc-announce/2001/msg00000.html )
assbot: Not Ulrich Drepper (@drepperquotes) | Twitter ... ( http://bit.ly/1g3u4qR )
assbot: Ulrich Drepper | LinkedIn ... ( http://bit.ly/1g3tjOo )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform gets a confirmed kill https://sourceware.org/ml/libc-hacker/1999-08/msg00050.html drepper's the enemy.
asciilifeform: see the drepper link earlier today
asciilifeform: https://sourceware.org/ml/libc-hacker/1999-08/msg00049.html << drepper!
asciilifeform: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/+bug/134400 << as i understand, drepper 'did it'
assbot: 4 results for 'drepper' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=drepper
asciilifeform: !s drepper
asciilifeform: btw, i found our shitgnome: http://www.akkadia.org/drepper/no_static_linking.html
asciilifeform: (and yes, as far as i can tell, the recent glibc pant-shitting was -also- drepper)
ben_vulpes: who is drepper anyways?
ben_vulpes: is drepper the shitgnome or did drepper find the thing?
asciilifeform: it was drepper.