64 entries in 0.462s
mp_en_viaje: i
still don;t perceive the difference between above quited john d. and historical
curtis y, or
tucker m. or etc. this may be a failure of my differentiator, but w/e.
snsabot: Logged on 2016-07-11 11:31:03 asciilifeform: in ideal picture, 'nobody would dare', as
curtis lemay answered when told to put out his cigar lest he set off the fuel depot
mircea_popescu: somehow these morons went from 1980s alec baldwin's "go home and play with your kids" alt-fuck you you're a total waste of space to
curtis yarvin's 2020s "i'll go home and play with my kids", direct restatement of "fuck you guise, i'm going home"
a111: Logged on 2018-04-30 18:21 mircea_popescu: in front of this, whether we idly decide that he's just dumb or actually evil, ie, his brain dun work like in the case of say bernstein ; or his brain doth work, but he deliberately attempts to shannonize republican words into imperial outcomes, a la
curtis yarvin, jwz, whatever.... well what fucking difference does it make.
mircea_popescu: i find fetlife sluts are about 10kx more interesting than hikikomori bois a la whatever set we've been contemplating, from
curtis yarvin to rms.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-30 18:21 mircea_popescu: in front of this, whether we idly decide that he's just dumb or actually evil, ie, his brain dun work like in the case of say bernstein ; or his brain doth work, but he deliberately attempts to shannonize republican words into imperial outcomes, a la
curtis yarvin, jwz, whatever.... well what fucking difference does it make.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-30 18:21 mircea_popescu: in front of this, whether we idly decide that he's just dumb or actually evil, ie, his brain dun work like in the case of say bernstein ; or his brain doth work, but he deliberately attempts to shannonize republican words into imperial outcomes, a la
curtis yarvin, jwz, whatever.... well what fucking difference does it make.
mircea_popescu: one could readily mechanize the process that created say
curtis yarvin's "identity", say.
mircea_popescu: in front of this, whether we idly decide that he's just dumb or actually evil, ie, his brain dun work like in the case of say bernstein ; or his brain doth work, but he deliberately attempts to shannonize republican words into imperial outcomes, a la
curtis yarvin, jwz, whatever.... well what fucking difference does it make.
☟︎☟︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: the most positive light to shine upon political hacks such as
curtis yarvin would be that they "continue" this decay.
mircea_popescu: because there was some "economist" that was churning out
curtis yarvinesque pieces that got similarily von flondored, except quietlier-ly
mircea_popescu: but anyway, i think i said it before. and if i didn't, here it is again :
curtis yarvin may be stupid, or else he may be evil, but in either case he's done more to ruin his country than quisling did to ruin his.
mircea_popescu: at stage n, when bitcoin exists,
curtis yarvin is too stupid to understand why it's much bigger than him ; and the mental efforts of marginal retard are just about comensurate with the sub dollar value of a coin.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-08 14:51 mircea_popescu: but the invisible line that unites
curtis yarvin, that "lesswrong" derp, spandrell fellow, the restaurant manager chick yesterday, and on and on an endless list of these, is specifically that they welded the head shut.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-13 15:17 mircea_popescu: and this model ENTIRELY explains all of the "luminaries". werner koch worked the feeder-chumper cycle. stallman worked the feeder-chumper cycle.
curtis yarvin worked the etcetera.
mircea_popescu: let me guess, rehash of original "stages"
curtis yarvin "argument" ?
mircea_popescu: and this model ENTIRELY explains all of the "luminaries". werner koch worked the feeder-chumper cycle. stallman worked the feeder-chumper cycle.
curtis yarvin worked the etcetera.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: i mean sure, it worked for obama. but all the white/jew boys of the
curtis yarvin description, i dunno what school you gotta go to in order to come out quite that fucking cluleless. it's not even dumb, it's like anti-smart.
mircea_popescu: and dorks a la
curtis yarvin & friends go around dribbling "hey, since they're behaving AS IF they had the division, therefore they have them yes ?" as fucking if.
mircea_popescu: That he has been able to surf these scandals regularly as little more than free media opportunities shows that American democracy is in serious need of rehabilitation." << in my view, this settles an ancient point of contention
curtis yarvin never manned up to, re "the cathedral" or generally how pervasive, or "in power" the idiots are.
mircea_popescu: not in the slightest. i daresay there is not one thing that originates with the
curtis yarvin fellow.
mircea_popescu: and they keep doing this, too, if anyone's
curtis yarvin's model, hitchens
mircea_popescu: but the invisible line that unites
curtis yarvin, that "lesswrong" derp, spandrell fellow, the restaurant manager chick yesterday, and on and on an endless list of these, is specifically that they welded the head shut.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: anyway asciilifeform , the usg.desperation should be palpable, if they're scraping the barrel so close to the wood they've dredged up
curtis yarvin, even.
trinque: nah, that's
Curtis Yarvin et al
mircea_popescu: would you say random wage slave with a kid in tow and a vague interest in maybe spending a week on "writing a book" is watering down "neoreaction" or whatever the fuck you'd call the line of "being an internet tough guy in the style of
curtis yarvin" ?
mircea_popescu: mod6 at best your dream sounds like a bizarro
curtis yarvin scheme
assbot: LeSean McCoy,
Curtis Brinkley in altercation with off-duty police | Comcast SportsNet Philadelphia ... (
http://bit.ly/1nYj9TF )
mircea_popescu: i think actually
curtis yarvin is a very fine example of what's the problem with derps "reviewing the whole history"
mircea_popescu: this guy's got a pretty fantastic racket. i hope i won't next hear i've heard about bitcoin from
curtis yarvin.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes there's a wider point here btw : the internet has been slowly evolving towards immutability. this trend is visible high and low -
curtis yarvin's attempt to "remake bitcoin in his own yard" did not miss this point, the general response of the fetlife cattle to the meatlist is a very sound "internet is immutable", the wind is there.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform what was the
curtis yarvin brand of systemd called ? i forget ?
mircea_popescu: that reminds me BingoBoingo : i was gonna say i don't like
curtis yarvin / mencius moldbug for the following very specific reason - he sounds exactly like a propaganda job for smart people.
mircea_popescu: it's like reading
curtis bouvard, guy read alot but never had any sort of help to become a systematic thinker.
curtis yarvin a footnote of meaninglessness in a larger discussion, as every fucking time.
mircea_popescu: living makes one live, this much is agreed. merely pleading to ignorance isn't much contribution (and his tendency to plead to nonsense is why i dislike
navhul-lacsup: but
Curtis wouldn't be excited enough to do it without reinventing the world from scratch
decimation: ?The reports [from the contractor] just asserted that they had written X lines of code. .?.?. For an executive, that?s just invisible; you don?t know what it means,? said
Curtis Smith, who oversaw retirement processing from 1989 to 1994. He was a longtime federal employee with a PhD in English literature, supervising a massive technology project. ?I had no idea [if] they were making progress from month to month. And I just sort of took it on
BingoBoingo: Favorite part of the second link of that link to that thread asciilifeform "Sent from my iPhone" by
Curtis mod6: yeah, it seems that this guy
Curtis Yarvin kinda goes against the grain with this one. im not a haskell guy or what not, so I'm not real sure what to think just yet.