494 entries in 0.738s
mircea_popescu: orly. im sure they're "commercial" in a sense other than, "moar bezzle"
mircea_popescu: gotta be in the bezzle to be in teh bezzle eh ?
mod6: the Twins built that Target field for $1bn bezzle bucks. and if you step outside to smoke the fascist asswads wont let you re-enter.
mircea_popescu: i mean, the written output of the bezzle world is not about convincing, or for that matter even fooling mp.
ascii_modem: that money only existed for as long as it wasn't put to work << definition of bezzle, aha
decimation: bezzle lawyers would sue you out of of your socks
pete_dushenski: such a weird flavour of bezzle
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform: yeah, difficult to get ahold of in bezzle land, which increasingly seems to prefer to "select a hero at random" (as per naggum).
decimation: this ledgerX thing is amusing. bezzle's gotta bezzle
asciilifeform: this is a tell-tale bezzle bell
decimation: thestringpuller: can't he find someone with some credit to get a bezzle loan?
decimation: BingoBoingo: yeah, prices of assets that are outside the bezzle orbit have generally held steady
decimation: re: "there's no inflation" << if you look at assets that are close to the bezzle this is obviously false http://cdn2.blog-media.zillowstatic.com/1/SECMI-Infographic-01-9e5cc6.png << manhattan real estate for instance
mircea_popescu: you can coax time on expensive machinery for very little money. what costs is the bezzle support, you know ? most of grant money goes back to university to "pay for" grad students etc.
decimation: right, only proper friends of the bezzle get the legal privileges
mircea_popescu: nuts the bezzle world.
decimation: my company sells my time at $210 per hour, but that's bezzle rates with bezzle qualifications
mircea_popescu: so their children know not of such bezzle.
mircea_popescu: so they even know about, just, won't mention the bezzle corps.
ben_vulpes: decimation: nope. bezzle hosting gets paid for with bezzlebux.
mircea_popescu: in forbes this month : find out why and wherefore the most overvalued company of all time is "not at all" overvalued, because reasons unstated ; come see how their bezzle is not nearly as good as our bezzle, a fact directly proven by the happenstance that what our numbers show should be possible is directly and observably not possible
asciilifeform: i.e. bezzle.
asciilifeform: every mouse, every rat, gnawing on the sacks in which bezzle lords safely squirrel away their wealth - is doing good work.
asciilifeform: turd-art as a bezzle altcoin
decimation: asciilifeform: the page I linked above does list her prominent bezzle connections
asciilifeform: there is a kind of 'bezzle' or, more precisely, 'dekulakization' dynamic involved, where cpu designers are really labouring to extend the life of idiot software ecosystem
mircea_popescu: so there are degrees. yes, everyone in the bezzle is in the bezzle.
TheNewDeal: isn't the same thing in the bezzle economy?
mircea_popescu: i suppose the next logical bezzle step is a tesla-lockheed merger
asciilifeform: under the bezzle, there is very little profit in solutions.
asciilifeform: http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/04/f14/Volume%201%20NNSA.pdf << mega-turd. i don't expect that anyone will read it. but i did. and will relate, how obscenely it brags about the extraordinary bezzle of the u.s. 'national ignition facility' ☟︎
decimation: real estate will always be an asset - but the bezzle freshly printing to fund it won't
asciilifeform: a bezzle is there, whether or not the 'wave function collapsed yet'.
asciilifeform: this goes straight back to galbraith's original discussion where he coined 'the bezzle.'
asciilifeform: jurov: if bezzle usd, then it's on the radar.
jurov: and if he gave you some bezzle usd?
asciilifeform: in post-bezzle radio, 'adaptive frequency hopping' or bust.
decimation: but I am assuming a world where e-m spectrum could be otherwise be allocated to other-than-friends-of-the-bezzle
mircea_popescu: is anyone even keepiung count of all these braindamaged "services" the bezzle keeps pumping out ?
mircea_popescu: otherwise endlessly spinning the "simulated loads" of bezzle is a great way to keep a great engine away from the road.
mircea_popescu: saifedean: making the switch from the crap that everyone eats today to paleo eating is no less revolutionary than jumping from the world of bezzle to bitcoin <<< eh get out with the paleo stuff. what do you do for cake ?
saifedean: oh but paleo is intimately related to bitcoin: it is cheap money that has plagued the world with high time preference and that, in turn, is what has turned food from being nourishing to a giant bezzle-funded industry that aims to provide sugar kicks and insulin spikes to the proles immediately when the temptation kicks in.
saifedean: interesting... my idea is also to make it a paleo restaurant... if you guys haven't gone paleo yet, let me just point that making the switch from the crap that everyone eats today to paleo eating is no less revolutionary than jumping from the world of bezzle to bitcoin
saifedean: with the emergence of bitcoin and the destruction of the world of bezzle and its instant gratification and fast food culture, people are going to appreciate and pay top dollar for the quality stuff that's done right
saifedean: once you've had a proper well-cooked steak, any other day of your life will be ruined if you venture into a McDonald's or some other Bezzle Institution
saifedean: the way i see it, bitcoin will kill pretty much all the world of bezzle, as i'm sure you folk agree, and the only jobs that will thrive in th future are those that involve actually doing something useful for other people which others appreciate and are happy to pay for. there are few things in life people appreciate better than a well-cooked steak, and few things in life that are done badly as often
saifedean: coz i really enjoy grilling, i'm very good at it, people really like my steaks and i could get them to pay me good money to eat it if i put my head to make it good... sounds to me like a better way of spending your life than any bezzle career
saifedean: it sure as hell beats working in the world of bezzle, a slave-like existence producing nothing and wasting your life in a worthless pissing contest whose first prize is the ability to kiss a bigger ass
saifedean: may i ask what did you do in the pre-bitcoin era? In the Bezzle Age?
mircea_popescu: except the owners happen to not be bezzle-rooted, some dudes in latvia rather than san fran.
hanbot: the bezzle academiponzi.
mircea_popescu: so, 3:1 bezzle ? except that 1 will prolly be just as bezzletronic ? what is this, lenin's wet dream or something ?
mircea_popescu: PeterL: Speaking of bezzle, I just did my yearly health insurance signup. makes me mad how much I have to pay now, about 4 times as much as two years ago for the same crappy plan <<< terrorist doesn't understand how obamacare works.
asciilifeform: decimation: this is only partly due to bezzle. it is also because in usa, 'they don't piss in elevators like back home.'
decimation: Sure, let's print up some more bezzle, why not
PeterL: Speaking of bezzle, I just did my yearly health insurance signup. makes me mad how much I have to pay now, about 4 times as much as two years ago for the same crappy plan
mircea_popescu: bezzle butts, what do they know.
mike_c: bezzle money is cheap
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu has it right re: the massive bezzle gifts, but notice that these aren't really handouts to the plebes - they only get to touch the money and feel warm inside for a few seconds, then they have to give it directly to real estate chumpmeisters or college racket
asciilifeform: likewise, both idiot and normal person understand that something evil is at work underneath the cost of modern life being what it is re: the bezzle.
mircea_popescu: and i very much doubt any of the bezzle-powered "entrepreneurs" will ever manage one.
asciilifeform: as orlov pointed out, the u.s. bezzle consists of an iron 'car, house, job' triangle.
asciilifeform: those who are willing to pay the 'auto tax' into housing bezzle and get a 2-3x costlier flat, can live in special reservations where driving is optional.
asciilifeform: direct interplay with housing bezzle
asciilifeform: these folks have, like any elite, vast personal wealth (also an ocean of bezzle, yes)
mircea_popescu: bezzle influence. they will charge a derpy usg bureaucrat 2k for an hour, and then take three dudes at some party
mircea_popescu: if it loses the usg bezzle lifeline (wf) it's gonna be "all" rather than "some" tho.
mircea_popescu: pretty much everyone in washington is somehoe connected to a bezzle thing that runs on "helping" west africa
asciilifeform: sans bezzle.
bounce: some bezzle, gather together the people that can do the block-building, ship'em off to shenzen, open-source the results
bounce: nothing ended up here. could use a bit of bezzle. say, to build a harder-to-snoop phone.
ben_vulpes: went to home depot (BEZZLE CENTRAL, APPARENTLY)
bounce: wonder if buying chunks of laid up corporate tax evasion bezzle at a discount would be sellable to them corps.
bounce: if the fab is laid up there's lots of tax break leverage. but you'd have to be a big corp to really make that happen. you know, apple and their sea^Wocean of bezzle. they can't use it in the usa though, have to buy up something somewhere else.
ben_vulpes: oh wait it's bezzle MIT
mircea_popescu: "austerity is bad for bezzle, news at 11"
mircea_popescu: an interesting alternative entry point into the theory of teh bezzle
decimation: yeah this is a good point. I rent now and I'm reluctant to get back into the real estate bezzle world
mircea_popescu: <decimation> indeed. The other day I was trying to find an etf or stock that didn't depend on 'bezzle' (ie usg fiat finance). I didn't succeed. << this is roughly equivalent to, "the other day, i tried to find a natural process going backwards in entropy. i didn't succeed"
decimation: indeed. The other day I was trying to find an etf or stock that didn't depend on 'bezzle' (ie usg fiat finance). I didn't succeed.
decimation: ah, you would have to rewrite bezzle wintel software stack
decimation: one would become an enemy of the wintel bezzle lords
jurov: redhat would be in a position to do it..but perhaps their current bezzle makes better $$$
mp_colonist: i suppose this is a good bezzle unit. whatscrap sold for .15 alibabas
asciilifeform: moriarty: bezzle retrofit. snore.
ben_vulpes: is running a consulting shop and sucking dollars out of shartups a short on the bezzle market?
decimation: if they reset the research budget to $2000 they couldn't afford the bezzle-equipment
peterl: gotta love all those bezzle dollars
decimation: as if Harvard has anything to say about how actual (non-bezzle) business is run
assbot: Logged on 25-12-2013 21:26:27; asciilifeform: at some point 'the bezzle' becomes real, the cartoon wolf looks down and finally obeys gravity, goes splat off the cliff.
assbot: 1 results for 'bezzle wolf' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=bezzle+wolf
decimation: !s bezzle wolf
mircea_popescu: decimation: I called up NIST a few weeks ago, asked them how much it would cost to measure the phase noise of an oscillator. They said it would only cost their time, which would come to about $10k! for a morning session <<< in other words, "can only work if you have supply of bezzle dollars", ie, "only with scrip saying it's ok signed by stalin"
mircea_popescu: decimation: yeah back in the early 1900's the whole idea of the 'silver dollar' was the precursor to the modern bezzle << not so clear cut, really. more like a power struggle between west and east.
decimation: yeah back in the early 1900's the whole idea of the 'silver dollar' was the precursor to the modern bezzle
decimation: asciilifeform: the purpose being to attract more bezzle funding?
mircea_popescu: <decimation> bezzle finance did pretty well << insanely well.
decimation: bezzle finance did pretty well
asciilifeform: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7340013 << mr church has some very serious beef with teh-bezzle.
decimation: it is interesting how the us status hierarchy (bureaucrats on top, producers of things on bottom) has all kinds of distorting effects -- all of which is funded by the distortion of bezzle money