494 entries in 0.557s
mircea_popescu: funkenstein_ it's really dbezzle/dt. not bezzle yet.
funkenstein_: young, dumb, and full of bezzle ?
assbot: Logged on 10-06-2015 20:17:58; ben_vulpes: ascii_field: galois's in on the btc-usg-bezzle?
ben_vulpes: ascii_field: galois's in on the btc-usg-bezzle? ☟︎
ascii_field: they are attached straight to the bezzle reactor core.
asciilifeform: did funkenstein_ miss the entire collection of threads re: 'the bezzle' (term from galbraith) ? and mircea_popescu's 'tin woman' essay? re: how imbeciles print money like toilet paper, and the only way to afford food & rent in usa is to work for the folks who get first or second dip into the freshly-printed bucket ?
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-05-2015#1147610 << incidentally, the fact that this has been funded is proof positive that bezzle IT industry broadly agrees with me : moore's law is dead. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: mats not just the thunderbolt. same story with the warthog. idea being basically "we wish to move on from this real-items tethered system of bezzle to a system of pure bezzle. we do not wish to have any further actual items involved in the entire allocation and expenditure of budgets thing"
gabriel_laddel: Though I'll note the "chasing a better world a dollar at a time" makes a great deal of sense, unless one lives in the peculiar bezzle-buck nightmare we currently inhabit.
cazalla: i can't articulate it well but i'm sure i've read alf mention it before that it's part of the bezzle.. have you work and paid just enough to cover bills but never enough that you could be free of it within your life time, at least until you're washed up and old
mircea_popescu: "didn't happen in bezzle-land, didn't happen at all. icbc trades on pink sheets. world exists in my asshole"
Adlai: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-04-2015#1112435 << that is an advantage in roughly the same manner as bezzle automagically condensating on a plastic card in my position, is an advantage ☝︎
mircea_popescu: it was born essentially as the first bezzle thing, "we'll make you a Content Management System" to justify X agency spending more on a website than it's worth.
mircea_popescu: ascii_panama but the bezzle is nothing but an interface oin that same api.
ascii_panama: the bezzle pays for the box
ben_vulpes: has bezzle connotations
nubbins`: ascii_field your average bezzle cubicle dweller prob spends 25% of gross income on food
decimation: as I recall, it was 'first to market' - well before mobile phone data plans were reasonably available (for non-bezzle price)
mircea_popescu: fifth, the "web designer community" is ~= vc bezzle. it has exactly nothing to do with the web, relevancy, the future or anything else.
mircea_popescu: ussr wasn't built on the bezzle tho.
decimation: mircea_popescu: perhaps, but to fully realize it usg would have to publicly destroy the dollar bezzle
funkenstein_: bezzle over 4 millies again
mats: ascii_field: iirc bezzle rate for live rounds are 70k+
asciilifeform: http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/03/20/french-court-orders-picassos-electrician-to-return-nearly-300-artworks << bezzle lords have legal title to the bezzle, it seems
mircea_popescu: "i live in a shit country, borrowing directly from bezzle is way better than going through local banks"
pete_dushenski: remove thee from the bezzle-mindedness
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes i was talking about the nodes they were using tro "spy on bitcoin" aka "repackage freely available information for the bezzle idiots"
mircea_popescu: that's a topic that desperately needs awareness, the bezzle's nothing compared to the igzzle.
mircea_popescu: well considering all the bezzle poured in, it should be d.cbse
ben_vulpes: hey noisy chump what travel bezzle are you using to procure tickets to con3?
assbot: Logged on 12-03-2015 11:59:26; gabriel_laddel: Adlai: currently pestering bezzle lords to pay my bills so I can finish it off
gabriel_laddel: Adlai: currently pestering bezzle lords to pay my bills so I can finish it off ☟︎
cazalla: as for bezzle.. "22.3 Million in 6 Rounds from 8 Investors " didn't seem to help
saifedean: people don't really have shitty bezzle careers, they have actual productive jobs making useful things... like furniture and food
saifedean: the fact that this place has almost-hard money makes a real difference: there is no bezzle here, there has never been a stock market crash, housing crash, or any kind of business cycle
saifedean: there is such a giant start-up culture in lebanon these days thanks to Central Bank bezzle, everyone and their dog wants to make a start-up... nobody wants to actually do something, just pontificate on start-ups and entrepreneurship
Pierre_Rochard: thestringpuller: it’s the bezzle-wot. Great because of the wot part, spammy and diminished by the bezzle part
ben_vulpes: avoid "baccalaureate" bezzle, hack js and css.
decimation: the story I got was that those devices are priced at bezzle rates
mircea_popescu: and yes it did work. and no, the bezzle wasn't as bad then as it is now.
decimation: what about $bil's of bezzle? that helps too
decimation: yeah, ru has an outsized (normalized by bezzle gdp) aerospace industry
gabriel_laddel: Anyways, this is what I have in mind when I say "new format" - and no, I don't think the 'adults' would be happy about a program that converts arbitary PDFs into this sort of program, as evidenced by no bezzle barons funding Aaron Swartz's legal defense.
thestringpuller: you do bring up good question tho: what is the bezzle investors endgame (or what they have in mind at least)?
thestringpuller: jurov: what if the bezzle investors don't care tho?
jurov: (they=the bezzle investors)
gabriel_laddel: the impotent bezzle-lords?
ben_vulpes: decimation: probably some of my earliest introductions to the bezzle.
ben_vulpes: makes me wonder what those of us desperately milking the bezzle of what drops it yields will be castigated with.
mircea_popescu: let us bezzle outbezzle itself to all fuck.
asciilifeform: jurov: can ask them for stuff and pay in bitcoin... but quite bezzle rates << same as 'bitpay' but spammier flavour. and same problem. you can't bitcoinize a fiat business relationship not because of the funny green usg money but because it is wotless
jurov: ^ lol asciilifeform can ask them for stuff and pay in bitcoin... but quite bezzle rates
decimation: so imagine what that alone does to the local real estate bezzle...
asciilifeform: decimation: iirc, usg also automatically buys the house at bezzle-planned rate if you get relocation orders
decimation: the whole business works out to be a backdoor gov't subsidy for the real estate bezzle near bases
nubbins`: bunch of guys so wrapped up in bezzle trappings that they don't realize their cage door is wide open
mircea_popescu: other person presents with complaint "i can not correctly use bitcoin because i'm on bezzle". you average +8, i average the same -1.
punkman: also, I'm not gonna care about Zimbabwe bezzle, as long as I'm not there
punkman: cazalla, wishing the bezzle away
cazalla: you think i'm gonna raise my own to go out into the world, accue large amounts of bezzle debt for a uni degree to work at mcdonalds?
Adlai: ugh. several of irl peers work as salespeople, and justify this as their response to bezzle... "we get preyed on, so we prey on others"
cazalla: jurov, what i have doesn't even keep pace with the bezzle
cazalla: fwiw, i didn't even finish school, plenty of C's D's E's and F's because what they taught was utter shit.. oobedience to the bezzle, obedience to who paid them and kept a roof over their head
cazalla: goal is just to impart to son that he need not follow rules of society set by bezzle
cazalla: much like asciilifeform's discussion of people working for #b-a at the liberty of the bezzle or offtime
cazalla: bezzle makes em dependent, lazy
cazalla: but these make work jobs they put you in for 30-40 years at bezzle rates
jurov: cazalla not saying it's a bad idea. just "such a bezzle!" came to mind
jurov: http://www.honeyflow.com/ such bezzle. poor bees. wow.
saifedean: if the thing could produce more joules than it consumes, it wouldn't need so much bezzle to keep it running
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> the funny part is that it is mostly the children of the less-poor (california, clustered around enclaves of mega-bezzle) who are dropping << This part, also vermont which threatens dpb directly
asciilifeform: the funny part is that it is mostly the children of the less-poor (california, clustered around enclaves of mega-bezzle) who are dropping
jurov: but I have no idea who can be motivated to develop this.. certainly not bezzle valley
mircea_popescu: decimation the ones who "don't" are more valuable as bezzle access. the ones who "do" really don't.
decimation: that's special $1 mil bezzle
asciilifeform: the mega-bezzle isn't simply buying carriers, it's buying countless yachts, mcmansions, etc
decimation: speaking of predictions: I predict that hawaiians will be considered 'official indians' and be put on the bezzle dole http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/feb/10/china-threatens-arm-hawaii-separatists-who-want-ki/
asciilifeform: to suppose that there is room in bezzle world for build quality is like imagining that there is room in the tardstalk phorum for honesty
ben_vulpes: i speak of the post-bezzle world.
asciilifeform: there's room in that budget for build quality << in the bezzle world, this is not what happens;
kakobrekla: only true bezzle can provide
asciilifeform: (yes, the galbraith of 'the bezzle')
ben_vulpes: even though all i can ever aspire to own in terms of vehicle is that crown jewel in the plastic bezzle crown (the honda element), i yet recognize those valuable scarce and uncounterfeitable things like bitcoin and well-husbanded women.
asciilifeform: (to keep real estate bezzle heated up)
asciilifeform: trinque: better to just give unto bezzledom what is bezzle << consider the implications of the well-known u.s. court case Wickard v. Filburn.
trinque: better to just give unto bezzledom what is bezzle
asciilifeform: it's a usg newspeak term that encompasses not only paupers, who have no business in a bank regardless, but also folks resisting bezzle who consciously stay out of bank
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller you ever read that crooked timber tyhing about the bezzle was in log yest ?
assbot: The Global Bezzle – whence it came, where it went and why it matters (repost from 2011) — Crooked Timber ... ( http://bit.ly/16nCmVW )
mircea_popescu: http://crookedtimber.org/2013/11/21/the-global-bezzle-whence-it-came-where-it-went-and-why-it-matters-repost-from-2011/
gribble: Bitcoin Falls Victim to Galbraith's “Bezzle” - The New Yorker: <http://www.newyorker.com/news/john-cassidy/bitcoin-falls-victim-to-galbraiths-bezzle>; Agenda: Essential Task of Unwinding the Bezzle - WSJ: <http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424127887324469304578140891938671684>; The Global Bezzle – whence it came, where it went and why it ...: <http://crookedtimber.org/2013/11/21 (1 more message)
jurov: ;;google bezzle economy
jurov: BingoBoingo: "bezzel economy" -> "bezzle economy"
kakobrekla: in bezzle format even
mircea_popescu: wtf was it called, narrowly missed becoming a grant bezzle
nubbins`: bezzle life
ben_vulpes: this is bezzle
mircea_popescu: because it went from bezzle pocket t obezzle pocket.
cazalla: bezzle of course!
gabriel_laddel: lol. twould be more entertaining than all of the bezzle 'media' output circa 2014