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decimation: asciilifeform: I think it's true that whatever you define "living wage" in the bezzle-world, the number has been steadying going up over the years
decimation: re: bitshares : I find it amusing that in order to be pretend to be "credible" one must have all sorts of bezzle-corporate logos pasted on their website
decimation: we did worse - we made them depend on the bezzle for welfare - now most of them exist in a drunken half-stupor
mircea_popescu: it'd be fucking ridiculous if i took my capital out of the bezzle, but allowed the emotional soliciting nonsense to continue.
mike_c: no way, stocks can't peak in bezzle world.
decimation: as this blog points out, the real reason they are doing this is to bar another escape hatch from the bezzle economy
decimation: headquarters of mcdonalds & related bezzle business
decimation: well, that's the problem with the bezzle, it doesn't pay much to have skills, only friends
decimation: note those cities largely lack gov't jobs, and lack the primary patrons of bezzle money (big finance, welfare, defense contractors)
decimation: note that the areas that have increasing millennial home-buying are all low-cost areas that have escaped bezzle inflation: "Among the top cities that may see a surge are Austin and Dallas in Texas, as well as Denver and Des Moines, Iowa. "
decimation: there were plenty of the early ones who cashed in on bezzle money - real estate prices are not cheap around bellingham
decimation: yeah that's the underlying driver. bezzle -> real estate values -> suddenly life is unaffordable for the peasants
decimation: "agilent" is going to go to the bio-bezzle company
mp_on_a_boat: the bezzle economy is a crime against humanity.
decimation: and the parts that aren't are bezzle-priced
mircea_popescu: or invest your intelligence with the bezzle, 4% left in thirty years ?
mircea_popescu: the notion that you can somehow be rich without being powerful is perhaps the lulziest part of the bezzle system.
gribble: Have you played Elite back in the 80s ? pe Trilema - Un blog de ...: <http://trilema.com/have-you-played-elite-back-in-the-80s>; The theory behind the alternative EVE corporation pe Trilema - Un ...: <http://trilema.com/2013/the-theory-behind-the-alternative-eve-corporation/>; The bezzle-USD and the tide-USD pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: <http://trilema.com/2014/the-bezzle- (1 more message)
benkay: <mircea_popescu> decimation: now, why do you suppose those who work in the bezzle economy are showered with special favors while those who work in the "real economy" are treated as serfs? <<< here's the thing : real estate agents are certified, and have to be bondend in many places, and have to follow best practices, and can and are put to the coals ifthey do not.
mircea_popescu: decimation: now, why do you suppose those who work in the bezzle economy are showered with special favors while those who work in the "real economy" are treated as serfs? <<< here's the thing : real estate agents are certified, and have to be bondend in many places, and have to follow best practices, and can and are put to the coals ifthey do not.
decimation: now, why do you suppose those who work in the bezzle economy are showered with special favors while those who work in the "real economy" are treated as serfs?
decimation: it could easily outsingapore singapore with its location. but it won't, because it is a combination of bezzle playground and indian reservation
mircea_popescu: decimation not what i meant. what i means was, the proposition that somehow girls naked in the street are tools of the us bezzle. it's ludicrous.
decimation: mircea: re pussy riot: but ultimately they are tools of the western bezzle machine
decimation: I wonder if this has to do with the sudden uptick in acquisitions by the bezzle masters
decimation: ascii, as long as USG is able to keep the bezzle going - joining the bezzle wot is going to be profitable. Ivies are the traditional entrance to the bezzle wot
decimation: which puts you right back into having to make friends and influence people in the bezzle wot
mircea_popescu: fluffypony, you may underestimate the bezzle. what's whatsapp sell for i forget ? 50 trillion ?
nubbins`: that's the bezzle alright
mircea_popescu: i can sorta visualize the bezzle as this very raunchy bubble butted 20something mulatto
nubbins`: "#b-a, where the bezzle comes to die"?
Pierre_Rochard: it’s been a while - the bezzle is time consuming
decimation: asciilifeform speaking of bezzle, have you seen what it costs to transact property in Maryland?
decimation: yeah that's true, the the bezzle-world you have to dance by the money-printer's tune
decimation: where in other more bezzle-oriented industries you can have massive profit margins for little effort
bitcoinpete: ya, time isn't in the bezzle. yet
mircea_popescu: it's a whole bezzle.
bounce isn't sure why you're so happy to throw bezzle at redmond-owned skype
mircea_popescu: i tihnk the first rule of embezzle is that you can never know how much bezzle there is.
decimation: that's pretty much the whole bezzle right there
decimation: the only reason that USians don't open a checking account with the Fed is to spread around the bezzle
asciilifeform: or, failing that, could be induced to operate outside of the stated parameters, proving bezzle
asciilifeform: where miscreants who minimize their bezzle radiation exposure get to pay double
asciilifeform: incidentally, tomorrow is celebrated the greatest american bezzle holiday - tax day
asciilifeform: we might be witnessing a bifurcation a la 'bezzle dollar'
BingoBoingo: keonne: The defintion of want and the definition of bezzle
bounce: apropos bank accounts, plenty places it's not a privilege since the government pretty much if not outright requires everyone to receive the bezzle through one of those. easier on the tax man, see.
mircea_popescu: the real problem is that it makes it impossible to differentiate talented managers of resources from fools who happen to be friends with the bezzle-kings << HARDLY :)
decimation: chinese bezzle is spent on its production industry
asciilifeform: it's 'the bezzle' again
decimation: the real problem is that it makes it impossible to differentiate talented managers of resources from fools who happen to be friends with the bezzle-kings
asciilifeform: (re: politics of housing in usa, bezzle-dollars, etc.)
bitcoinpete: the bezzle economy deploys its regulators under the guide of "public health" to clean this stuff up but it really can't go away
bounce: not being part of the, well, bezzle economy is the word here
mircea_popescu: so : the bezzle fundamentally is born out of and exists for the following reason :
mircea_popescu: so anyway : only recently has tech become respectable, and as such it couldn't historically afford the huge bezzle-usd load of owning real estate outright.
mircea_popescu: <decimation> right, I get your point, but in the context of today the problem is that bezzle-finance has made the job of resource allocation niegh impossible << yes, tis true, but also somewhat unrelated to the issue of engineer pay.
decimation: right, I get your point, but in the context of today the problem is that bezzle-finance has made the job of resource allocation niegh impossible
decimation: greater bezzle leads to lesser bezzle
decimation: this whole "the ceo should get 1% of the business" deal is something that happened in the 80's with the increasing bezzle
mircea_popescu: if you overpay them the bezzle-usd just runs into inflation.
decimation: right, my only point is that they are all fractional reserve banks on the British model. The bezzle follows you everywhere
decimation: yeah homes are definitely fully funded with bezzle
asciilifeform: i started looking for new flat soon after mp's essay on 'bezzle dollar' and thought it was hilariously fitting
mircea_popescu: you may not know this, but there's a major miner bezzle market going
asciilifeform: for those who remember mp's essay about bezzle-dollars:
benkay: bezzle -> crypto may yet fly
rithm: i personally operate mostly in the bezzle space obv
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2014/the-bezzle-usd-and-the-tide-usd/#comment-98750
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/the-bezzle-usd-and-the-tide-usd/#comment-98746
ozbot: The bezzle-USD and the tide-USD pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/the-bezzle-usd-and-the-tide-usd/
mircea_popescu: people with money, actual money, are underserved because not part of bezzle.
benkay: another cuh-ray-zee aspect of the bezzle is the plastic rewards thing that makes cash more expensive.
mircea_popescu: it's just that it makes no sense for you to keep virtual benjamins if you do nothing in the bezzle.
asciilifeform: how does using paper benjamins release you from bezzle?
mircea_popescu: about 200mn of us citizens live in the fictitious world of bezzle. they never use cash for anything. about 50mn us citizens live in the real economy, they mostly use tide for currency, but at the fringe there's this exchange of people who work for the fictitious economy,
mircea_popescu: i suppose properly bezzle should be traced back to gailbrath, cca 1929
mircea_popescu: tho both concepts are in general currency ( http://blogs.independent.co.uk/2008/12/16/madoff-galbraith-and-the-bezzle/ )
mircea_popescu: bezzle / fuffel ? yeah
mircea_popescu: should bitcoin get bezzle status, adelman problem
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform because the average american owns some bezzle called 401k
mircea_popescu: gotta love buffy, the bezzle slayer
mircea_popescu: mike_c put that in perspective. the bezzle is the bezzle. people who are authorised to handle the imaginary portion of the monetary base may do X Y Z types of things. people who are not, however, may not.
jurov: prolly copied verbatim from some bezzle manual
mircea_popescu: anyway. this is, mostly, the bezzle.
mircea_popescu: you familiar with the concept of the bezzle ?
mircea_popescu: greenspan_fan you know, anyone can bezzle.
mircea_popescu: they simply use that particular bezzle to defraud whoever's so inclined.
asciilifeform: at some point 'the bezzle' becomes real, the cartoon wolf looks down and finally obeys gravity, goes splat off the cliff. ☟︎
asciilifeform: he was the fellow who introduced me to 'bezzle'
asciilifeform: AFAIK, how quickly the bezzle dissolves will depend on how long the attack can be maintained.
asciilifeform: true, it will generate a Bezzle.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: "the bezzle."