1200+ entries in 0.226s
mircea_popescu: holy shit, facebook does this doesn't it
mircea_popescu: fopen() times given 100000000 iterations: min = 1761 ns, max = 1506074 ns, avg = 2326.51 ns, << holy shit what.
asciilifeform: holy fuck how can something the size of mcc vanish without ANY trace
asciilifeform: holyfuq nightmare fuel
mircea_popescu: grady fucking britton ? holy hell.
mircea_popescu: but the lazy just won't let go of the holy ring. the idle complification, towards vector spaces, latices et all is just the toil of avoiding doing any work.
mircea_popescu: holy shit, the imbecile lists FUCKING NAPOLEON among "truth, beauty and seriousness" ? the dude with the white dickpants ? THE CAMPIEST CHARACTER OF ALL HISTORY ?!
asciilifeform thinks 'holy fuck is the trb-i article looooong;' who will have the strength, to read this.
trinque: holy fuck the fog of metaphor
mircea_popescu lolz, the glock is 65% of the market. holy shit this angloworld loves plastics.
mircea_popescu: why the fuck is holywood half-black and all fatty, and how the fuck does it expect to hang on to any kind of relevancy in this manner ? bollywood has better women.
mircea_popescu: https://qzprod.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/ap_17058207841866-e1488176685278.jpg << holy shit look at that, every single one of them IS FUCKING FAT omfg wtf.
mircea_popescu: and in other holy shit 8chan, petslut.com! https://media.8ch.net/zoo/src/1414820994001.webm
a111: Logged on 2017-02-23 23:53 asciilifeform: and holy mother of fuck, jurov , why does your thing mangle '@' into 'at'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: holy fuck, 454403 14 minutes (and counting) on dulap; verified on zoolag in 15 seconds
asciilifeform: and holy mother of fuck, jurov , why does your thing mangle '@' into 'at' ☟︎
asciilifeform: holyfuck i am seeing 'ACTION' in '<mircea_popescu> ACTION has seen this time'... but http://btcbase.org/log sees the correct line
BingoBoingo: !~later tell pete_dushenski Holy hell your child is growing fast
mircea_popescu: meanwhile the air conditioner gave them offense (through for instance piping old rush limbaugh shows in their head or who knows what the fuck similar psychogenic noise) so they prayed to religion and applied the corresponding holy water : something WITH AIR IN IT. because air conditioner. therefore expanding foam.
mircea_popescu: see, the parts of that misfortunate fridge tray ARE CLEAR, and i guess they offended them in some way, so they prayed to science and applied the corresponding holy water : something clear.
BingoBoingo: eventually all those little steps add up into "Holy Shit" good enough lesser people would stamp "done" and quit
asciilifeform: phf: every time you find one of these, i think 'holy shit, it was alive until now?!'
a111: Logged on 2017-02-18 20:20 mircea_popescu: it's i realise now, directly the problem - the snippetage. IF a language/method/package/abstract-item-whatever has a lot of "copy paste this snippet" built around it, then the useless worms that opened up and swallowed the immense productive assets and limitless human ingenuity existing in america recognize it for the business-world equivalent of their schooldays : THE HOLY CLIFF NOTES!!1
mircea_popescu: it's i realise now, directly the problem - the snippetage. IF a language/method/package/abstract-item-whatever has a lot of "copy paste this snippet" built around it, then the useless worms that opened up and swallowed the immense productive assets and limitless human ingenuity existing in america recognize it for the business-world equivalent of their schooldays : THE HOLY CLIFF NOTES!!1 ☟︎
mircea_popescu: mats holy shit that's some quick turnaround!
mircea_popescu: this is what i mean. wtf are you talking "a specific duck". of coruse you shoot at a specific duck holy hell.
a111: Logged on 2017-02-17 19:50 mircea_popescu: "so the biblical scholars mis-translated the hebrew word for young woman into the greek word for virgin. an easy mistake to make, since there's only a subtle difference in spelling. but it was the virgin that caught people's attention. it's not every day that a virgin conceives and bears a son. so you keep that for a couple hundred years, and the next thing you know, you have the holy catholic church."
mircea_popescu: "so the biblical scholars mis-translated the hebrew word for young woman into the greek word for virgin. an easy mistake to make, since there's only a subtle difference in spelling. but it was the virgin that caught people's attention. it's not every day that a virgin conceives and bears a son. so you keep that for a couple hundred years, and the next thing you know, you have the holy catholic church." ☟︎
mircea_popescu: and for the record, every film with michael douglas in it is a piece of shit ; but perhaps none as much as "the game". holy fucking shit, the premise is a dour dude who "has it all", including a disdainful relationship with his ex wife and two hotties vying for his attention at work nevertheless a) lives in a totally empty house. because how fucking hard & unthinkable it would be to get all the ex secretaries to live there hu
a111: Logged on 2016-12-27 17:44 mircea_popescu: holy shit "Quaternion.Euler" is a full blown core function. and wait, there's more : http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/765683/when-to-use-quaternion-vs-euler-angles.html
asciilifeform: and holy shit WHY IS ALL OF GCC IN THERE
phf: holy fucking shit, i'm doing cursory google searches on the subject. "tree shaking gcc" results in all javascript articles. google helpfully expands gcc to "google closure compiler"
a111: Logged on 2017-02-10 05:27 mircea_popescu: "Parse Server •Server was Rails at first (with 24 threads max. concurrency) with very little throughput per server (~15–30 requests per second) •The server was later rewritten in Go. The open-source Parse server is written Node.js and lacks many functionalities of the original Parse server in Go." <<< holy shit, can you believe the idiocy ? "we wasted a bunch of money doing stupid shit because we truly believe"
mircea_popescu: holy shit it is.
mircea_popescu: and b) holy shit, 8 "engineers" ? kids with whispy chin-only beards stuffing their tongue up an asshole aren't engineers. they're kids with whispy chin beards stuffing their tongue up an asshole.
mircea_popescu: "Parse Server •Server was Rails at first (with 24 threads max. concurrency) with very little throughput per server (~15–30 requests per second) •The server was later rewritten in Go. The open-source Parse server is written Node.js and lacks many functionalities of the original Parse server in Go." <<< holy shit, can you believe the idiocy ? "we wasted a bunch of money doing stupid shit because we truly believe" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: holy shit the "this poem is not as cryptic" note is shocking.
mircea_popescu: why not those idiotic tank on stilts things from holywood "fiction"
mircea_popescu: holy shit, suck a dick once, replay a million times ? every boring housewife's dream come true!
mircea_popescu: trinque holy shit, meanwhile the "actually said this" line sunk in.
mircea_popescu: double iterator! holy!
asciilifeform: holy fuq, reddit ideologically pure at last?!
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes you also don't have the sort of job they do. what's office drone in heart of usg do, something TO STAND OUT ? holy shit.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform at issue is your very poor (through being inflexible) best scenario/worst scenario context switching. so : it is the habit of engineers to consider the worst scenario when building a house, which is how houses end up 3.5x structurally stronger than thyey need to be. because holy hell, what if rocks fall or the ground moves or there's very wet snow or some idiot gets confused and parks his car on your roof. howev
mircea_popescu: holy shit two hours of this nonsense
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform think of evolution of holy roman empire. currently, block of thousand btc all carry the same meaning, "we belong to holy roman emperor".
ben_vulpes: please no backwards compatibility holy shit
mircea_popescu: the way things shape up, this current nazism is actually a lot more insane than the original german version. holy shit, what, you want to kill ~men~ ?!
mircea_popescu: quora page has been loading for > 20 seconds now, doing half a dozen post requests in tyhe process. what the fuck hayseeds must one have for brains to do a POST on page load holy shit, just build your pages correctly, there's absolutely no reason any webpage has to post without user interaction.
asciilifeform: lol holyshit sbcl is still on soresforge?!!!
asciilifeform: holy fuq why would you give the operator raw pointers.
mircea_popescu: motherfucker, imagine if these pansy-ass "ancaps" end up in power, and fail to hang ~everyone who was ever involved with a us political party in any capacity because "oh that'd be violent". holy shit you don't like reading history do you.
mircea_popescu: they think this is a country! that they should get rents! and salaries! and be paid! holy shit ?
mircea_popescu: holy sticks.
mircea_popescu: http://vshakah.ru/images1/ruurodskaja-rosija-9.jpg <<< o holy shit.
mircea_popescu: in other holy shit wtf is wrong with people - mp decides to examine wtf are these dorks doing to his xmlrpc.php. so he writes in serialize($_POST), which is apparently how you're supposed to do this. but which also promptly fucks something up
mircea_popescu: yeah, really. mozilla hanging on to dear life, mostly through its actual workspace having been cannibalized by google at great expense, because holy shit people are going to give up "web" altogether and nobody cares about the tablets in the long run.
trinque: holy shit, I just considered making a joke that they should have seeds in them.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-10#1600465 << holy shit what the fuck is wrong with these idiots. GOVT EMPLOYEES CAN NOT BE MIDDLE CLASS! they're bureaucrat class. opposite concepts! ☝︎
asciilifeform: holy fuck the orc glyphs
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'u.s. national ignition centre' is an unholy cocktail of 'scientocracy'. it has three purposes: 1) ensure that laser-initiated fusion chain reaction is not discovered. (distant) 2) -- 'if discovered, must be under usg roof' 3) employ 1,000,000 'physics'-flavoured mediocrities
mircea_popescu: https://archive.is/fewZO << holy shit bulletin boards were a crime against humanity. how the fuck was this permitted to exiswt.
ben_vulpes: in other meat, holy shiksa brisket buttman
ben_vulpes: bbl, unholy quantities of meat have arrived
mircea_popescu: holy shit check out this idiot.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: holy fuck, 'broken', using same one for decade+ with zero incident.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-08 23:21 phf: and on the subject of japan and doing things right, gwern wrote about internet culture in japan http://www.gwern.net/The%20Melancholy%20of%20Subculture%20Society#japan-and-the-internet he got everything wrong, but the subject is interesting
mircea_popescu: holy hell ?!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in this century 'lisp people' tend to resemble holyromanempire's 'roman people'
mircea_popescu: holy hell...
mircea_popescu: so then wtf holy shit omfg.
asciilifeform: then went 'holy fuq'
mircea_popescu: holy shit at some point will have to sit down and read something!
mircea_popescu: holy shit they handwrote it ?!
mircea_popescu: yeah how fucking hard can this be, just take the ast and paint me some squares holy hell.
ben_vulpes: holy fuq nearly lost a toe on the ride in it's so cold
asciilifeform: holy fuck mircea_popescu , SAME MODULUS
mircea_popescu: this being the difference between a technology company like apple and a media company like yahoo, aka microsoft : the former actually fit gcc / their erstwhile competition in head. the latter just blather on in the hopes the holy paper clip will help with the printing press.
asciilifeform: holy hell
mod6: holy shit
ben_vulpes: amusingly, .is actually wrote the book on rocketry-resistant fleets. turns out -- many small boats. hard to do that with the holy tent.
asciilifeform: holy shit was that a ... user submission?!
asciilifeform: so holy shit is this not screamingly obvious
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-30#1593130 << holy crap. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-30#1593121 << dude the problems jus' keep on coming. wtf is this, we have hashes, why THE FUCK would we care about directory and holy shit who came up with the idea of using path as hash ☝︎
ben_vulpes: 1 thing of note is that your example patches an extant file in holyfuq/
ben_vulpes: in other unholy file formats: https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296.pdf
mircea_popescu: "Arrival is an excruciating ode to the holy mother's spring sacrifice. Instead of dazzling with feats of shoostment, punching, swordplay, or skillful maneuvering of ICEmobiles, Arrival wallops one incessantly with the great sacrifice of parenthood and just how far woman will go for her babies, especially if that baby is everyone and the sacrifice just the guy she hooked up with that one time when everyone got real stressed ou
ben_vulpes: holy shit i forgot picard was in that
mircea_popescu: holy shit "Quaternion.Euler" is a full blown core function. and wait, there's more : http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/765683/when-to-use-quaternion-vs-euler-angles.html ☟︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2016-12-26 21:56 Framedragger: trinque: yes it's described in holy code form here: http://siphnos.mkj.lt/datadrop/crap-from-scans-to-be-sorted/phuctor-fp.py
Framedragger: trinque: yes it's described in holy code form here: http://siphnos.mkj.lt/datadrop/crap-from-scans-to-be-sorted/phuctor-fp.py ☟︎
mircea_popescu: in other news, holy shit the white house interiors are an abomination. there's flea markets more tastefully arranged by the process of randomly unloading vans what the fuck.
pete_dushenski: holy fuck are they cheap too. boxes that were $8k a decade ago are now cad$100. basically free.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-24#1590078 << holy FUCK the ugly beast ☝︎
asciilifeform: and holyshit, is his site gone??
mircea_popescu reads recipes for coffee liqueur on web. INSTANT COFFEE! they... USE WATER! holy shit...
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-22#1587985 << lol holy shit sherlock. http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-16#1583928 with bells and whistles. how about it simply fails to start if .wot is empty. ☝︎☝︎
mircea_popescu: (srsly, i sat there and went holy shit this is so obvious wtf is wrong with us.)