1100+ entries in 0.171s
phf: we have a particular friend hoe. she's fucked up most of the time (alcohol and psychedelics), traveled across the world off the money she makes. running joke is that she's taken over by ishtar, and she's having all these crazy amazing experiences while being only half conscious of it. "got fucked up in mumbai, ended up in a hat of a holy man in himalayas. good lay. xoxo" etc.
js-of-mp: its not a matter of like. it is a matter of the dorky reductionism, "oh, slut gives up on everything for sex". this isn\'t taking holy orders.
trinque: very holy and above it of them.
asciilifeform: and holy shit pete_dushenski... that post. i'ma guess you are writing these on a bet
ben_vulpes: holy doodle, my tunnel under steve's wall just broke the surface!
mircea_popescu: by that point need a better caste holy shit.
mircea_popescu: holy shit, i had nfi preet actually married A DUDE.
asciilifeform: 'Ben-Gurion publicly praised the "holy canon" that sank it.'
ben_vulpes: "holy shit look at what happens to tomato plants when grown by humans" "yes, and?" "..."
mircea_popescu: holy shit im not diffing tcoments by hand what is htis\
BingoBoingo: HOLYFUCKSTICKS http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/06/10/police-suspect-shoots-victim-using-shotgun-shell-rice-krispies/
mircea_popescu: holy shit what
asciilifeform: and holyshit, there's a new release?!!
mircea_popescu: whole fucking 1990s fiction is ALL ABOUT this, "holy shit mom, i thought i was a type, turns out reality's untyped!"
asciilifeform: holy fuq pete_dushenski , i suppose you've never taken a heat sink off before ?!
trinque: mouse pad holy shit.
a111: Logged on 2017-05-13 22:02 asciilifeform: and holyfuq, the norland thing took almost hour of uv to cure, vs the advertised 10sec
ben_vulpes: holy shit
mircea_popescu: obviously the elite christian response would be to point out that the basis of unholy communion was in no sense the holy writ, but merely what every language recalled of it, which is to say they distilled all the holy out of the writ.
mircea_popescu: the unholy alliance of neoprotestant old men + bored housewives. horrible.
ben_vulpes: woman wants dark warm hole in which to feel safe, stick her in operatory and holy doodle be retardedly surprised that things go sideways
mircea_popescu: holy shit, you're right aren't you.
ben_vulpes: in other holy shits i never knew: "jfli A descendent of Rich Hickey’s pre-Clojure work on the JVM."
ben_vulpes: holy shit mx revolutions are going for five hundred dollars
mircea_popescu: there's all sorts of losers who imagine these objects are a sort of holy amulet, and the only reason they dun do anything is because "they don't want to", but if "one day" they "decided" to "use them" then WHAM!
asciilifeform: holy FUCK read the paste plox.
mircea_popescu: i can't talk about being a pimp on the clear net ? holy shit i wrote the fucking textbook on it ?
a111: Logged on 2016-12-27 17:44 mircea_popescu: holy shit "Quaternion.Euler" is a full blown core function. and wait, there's more : http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/765683/when-to-use-quaternion-vs-euler-angles.html
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2017/how-i-fixed-phpminiadmin-v-19170312/#comment-122063 << holy shit almighty, would you look at that ?
mircea_popescu: irl, paying tax out of net is a sucker's game. you want to pay the talent out of net, like they do in holyingwood, and the criminals out of gross.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-16#1656836 << holyfuq trinque , that hobo's bed is bigger than asciilifeform's ☝︎
mircea_popescu: © 2008-2017 Balsamiq Studios, LLC holy hell. 2008 ?! nfw ?!
mircea_popescu: anyway, to revisit upstack : putting "quantum computing" in the same pile of failed technologies as stem cell research is beyond idiotic. holy hell, every woman that ever was pregnant got the embryonic boost, measurable and measured, wtf.
asciilifeform: and holyfuq, the norland thing took almost hour of uv to cure, vs the advertised 10sec ☟︎
asciilifeform: holy shit that's slow
shinohai: Holy shit the logs this morning.
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: holyfuck, no.
asciilifeform: http://www.digitalmars.com/shop.html << holy shit, still alive.
mircea_popescu: and holy shit what the fuck IS EVEN THE POINT of spell checkers. today it says pudicity is misspelled, yesterday it said vagal is misspelled, day before that earworm was misspelled, and unverbalizable and paddlings, and slavegirl and peni and snuck for fuck's sake. and on it fucking goes.
mircea_popescu: what duke of this called himself "a warrior" and what the holy fuck, i thought this guy was supposed to be literate ? wtf happened at, say, agincourt ?
asciilifeform: 'This is what nobles do. The Duke of This or the Baron of That, the King of France or the Holy Roman Emperor, they called themselves warriors but actually they were just armed and heavily armoured thugs. If they weren’t leading their men up the hill to their death, they were leading them in the slaughter of the enemy. Sometimes in these battles the nobles died too. But in the middle-ages, in the so-called Age of Chivalry, while the
mircea_popescu: holy shit they got the gall to talk of fyre 2018
phf: well, the catacombs are technically consecrated, so that presumably makes the water holy? i'm not sure what catholic rules for desecration are. taking stuff from catacombs is it for sure though
mircea_popescu: holy shit. how can the doofus be this fucking stupid.
mircea_popescu: holy shit you're stuborn.
asciilifeform: and diana_coman holy SHIT is that method 1001x moar complicated than mine.
trinque: I've seen both "I hate taking baths" and "holy shit there are zero acceptable men in my wot" variants
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform holy shit you're linked in there.
mircea_popescu: records anyway, so I'm not sure if it was built around that limitation or it was a happy coincidence." << holy shit the "built around" theory really sounds pervasive dunnit ?
mircea_popescu: holy shit, the midwest is a whole differtent game. what the fuck, nation of Fargo ?
mircea_popescu: and since we're on this : egypt is, for the arab world, a sort of holywood/bolywood. it is where the official tv arabic is spoken on the street, and it is where every flea bitten hussy aims to go. fulla sudanese hotties just like burbank is fulla kansas ra ra fuck ma a'.
mircea_popescu: ahaha holy shit look at that, avg illinois suburban teacher made 80k
a111: Logged on 2017-04-25 14:11 mircea_popescu: yesterday i banned his B block, meaning that instead of getting back the 130ish bytes per request ("please stop beingt stupid" or somesuch) he's now getting a 404. trilema delivers soft 404s, in the sense of loading up an article anyway. idiot's burned half a terrabyte since, which he hopefully has to pay for. because if he does, his entire (large, holy shit) operation is now under water. dun dun dun.
mircea_popescu: yesterday i banned his B block, meaning that instead of getting back the 130ish bytes per request ("please stop beingt stupid" or somesuch) he's now getting a 404. trilema delivers soft 404s, in the sense of loading up an article anyway. idiot's burned half a terrabyte since, which he hopefully has to pay for. because if he does, his entire (large, holy shit) operation is now under water. dun dun dun. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: holy shit what will the world do without the opinions of odonnel & her ilk!!11
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, /me is cleaning up mangoes (holy shit it's mango season, you can not imagine) to go into this fabulous mango-pineapple ... not sure how you'd call it in english, "conserve" i guess. eeuropean thing, stiff sweet whole fruit preserve.
shinohai: Nah, they are artistic photos, meant to capture the melancholy and precarious situation the rodents find themselves in, teetering on the brink of life and death in a cold, unforgiving attic.
mircea_popescu: and in other "holy shit i love this place" lulz : i bought three fresh coconuts for a thousand colones today ; and half a dozen superb riple mangos for two. this comes to almost 10 kgs of produce for six dollars total. then further down the street proceeded into telas tienda, selling authentic silk brocade, five bux the double-length metre. and it is silk, straight from the worm's ass. it burns, the grain feels right, you nam
asciilifeform: holy FUCK the sheer gangrene.
mircea_popescu: holy shit two in one day ?!
asciilifeform: http://fordmaxmotordreams.com << holyfuck -- exists
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-14#1643603 << holy, was that more than it held before ? ☝︎
mircea_popescu ended up reading twitter matter, minutes later was "wtf am i reading, holy shit what is this."
mircea_popescu: holy shit who thinks like this and why do they.
BingoBoingo: * http://qntra.net/2017/04/islamic-state-oppresses-minority-religion-on-holy-feast-day/
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> "celebrating "Palm Sunday", a feast marking their holy tradesman's triumphant return to Jerusalem days before the holy tradesman was martyred by combined Italian and Jewish police violence." << epic. << Updated, forgot to insert relevant link to earlier qntra <mircea_popescu> "celebrating "Palm Sunday", a feast marking their holy tradesman's triumphant return to Jerusalem days before the holy tradesman was martyred by co
mircea_popescu: "celebrating "Palm Sunday", a feast marking their holy tradesman's triumphant return to Jerusalem days before the holy tradesman was martyred by combined Italian and Jewish police violence." << epic.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/04/islamic-state-oppresses-minority-religion-on-holy-feast-day/ << Qntra - Islamic State Oppresses Minority Religion On Holy Feast Day
mircea_popescu: all these turdwads "Talking about their experience" holy shit
BingoBoingo: HOLY SHIT IT CAN BE DONE. https://www.ammoland.com/2015/11/reloading-22lr-ammo/
mircea_popescu: holy shit what ?
mircea_popescu: holy shit.
mircea_popescu: holy shit it returned! we're down to 25 gb now!
jhvh1: shinohai: Lemon party :: One of the unholy trinity of internet pictures which all must witness to be 'jaded internet users' (tubgirl, goatse, and lemonparty), lemonparty is probably the tamest of the three by just being hardcore old man gay orgy sex. Believe me, the other two are worse. [ex:] *upon seeing lemonparty* OH GOD MY EYES!!! [/ex] | Closly related to the infamous "[tubgirl]" site. If one goes to (6 more messages)
mircea_popescu: which holy shit.
mircea_popescu: holy shit they got some kefir in this country that'll melt your heart.
ben_vulpes: holy mammaries buttman
derpshart: https://thecontrol.co/stablecoins-a-holy-grail-in-digital-currency-b64f3371e111 <-- lulzy idea for alt coin (ethereum token ofc) tied to price of "special drawing rights"
ben_vulpes: and maybe even read it all holy crap
BingoBoingo: HOLY SHIT ALF FUCKING FAKE NEWS BURIED THIS "SIGNAL" In 'hurr durr flynn' 'hurr durr committee'
mircea_popescu: fucking decay of idiocy, they want to turn the nodes-notnodes binome into fullnodes-nodes ? if you don't verify blocks you're not a node, if you can't program the machine it's not a language etc. holy shit.
asciilifeform: >> 'e to thee, Osiris, Lord of eternity, King of the Gods, whose names are manifold, whose forms are holy, thou being of hidden form in the temples, whose Ka is holy. ...'
mircea_popescu: holy shit wtf, "evolving" abstractions ?
mircea_popescu: holy shit, purported usage of weapons IN EXACT CONTRADICTION TO THEIR UTILITY is a holywood standard today!
mod6: holy smokes
mod6: <+mp_en_viaje> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/WRtLs/?raw=true << holy shit we need better logging omfg what is this even. << yeah, true.
mp_en_viaje: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/WRtLs/?raw=true << holy shit we need better logging omfg what is this even.
ben_vulpes: > blessing /dev/sda2 with Holy Penguin Pee << wat
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski holy shit it didn't freeze ?!
mircea_popescu: they were trying to do final fantasy tactics! holy shit, a decade later
asciilifeform: holy mother of fuck, asciilifeform sweated for 2 wks over nothing, turned out it was a bug in... gnat
ben_vulpes: nevertheless, the response is "holy fuck, i haven't had this much fun playing games on my phone...ever!"
trinque: holy shit I just said
mircea_popescu: buy a subway holy shit. why the fuck would you buy an item the dorks expect to be provided "as a publicgood". fuck them.
asciilifeform: 'The list of all used transactions isn't readily available, and once pruning shows up, it might not even exist at all. So, it only makes sense to compare the new coinbase to the list of transaction hashes that are unspent at the time ... ' << holy fuck the 1) idiocy 2) nobody challenged it, afaik
asciilifeform: Framedragger: holy fuck are you reading stackoverflow idiocies verbatim ?!
asciilifeform: https://www.ebay.com/itm/112326565327 << holy fuq phf
pete_dushenski: though i'm entirely open to the criticism that it's like sprinkling holy water on a dented can in the hopes that clostridium botulinum feels the wrath of my gods
asciilifeform: http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/script.cpp?v=makefiles#0083 << holy fuq the magicnumberola never ever ends
mircea_popescu: Framedragger in any case i don't expect to optimize BEFORE DESIGNING holy shit. talk about early optimizations. this is the measuring stage. you optimize nothing.