255 entries in 0.33s

mircea_popescu: spyked while at it, plox to take
danielpbarron.com off #eulora / #trilema ty.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, so on re-reading
http://danielpbarron.com/2018/show-me-the-light-by-all-means-but-later/ ; do you in the end dispute the (subsidiary) point that "darwin fish is proof that there will be and can not be any reward for either your effort or your merit in pantsuit empire, and '''proof''' one may attempt to show to the contrary is of the nature of similar '''proof''' offered by any three-card-monte conman" ?
ben_vulpes: but for example pizarro.
danielpbarron.com and thewhet.net are both functional, although hanbot's lacks the pretty links for another little while
lobbes: hm,
danielpbarron.com seems to be down. (though, mebbe he's taking the server to oklahoma too)
jhvh1: thestringpuller: It's not just you.
danielpbarron.com/ appears to be down.
jhvh1: pete_dushenski: It's not just you.
danielpbarron.com/ appears to be down.