1200+ entries in 0.479s
mod6: This edge case being: If pub/priv keypair A, have been sent 1.0 bitcoins on say, tx 123456789, on block 200`000. Then sent 0.5 bitcoins from pub/priv keypair A to pubkey address B on block 250`000. If the uesr only scans back from 300`000, the balance in the wallet may not reflect the 0.5 output still there for that pubkey (from keypair A). ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2016-12-08 15:41 asciilifeform: sshello=`timeout -k 0m 3s nc $ip 22`;
Framedragger: `-m 10` should be enough
phf: literally nobody can tell me what the potential downsides of `for i in xrange(1000000): a += "foo"` are
shinohai: "But officer, I use `GPG` and pgp!"
asciilifeform: e.g., for ip in `curl -s http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/phuctored | grep "ssh-rsa key from" | cut -d' ' -f23 | sort | uniq`; do ...something with $ip..... done ☟︎
asciilifeform: sshello=`timeout -k 0m 3s nc $ip 22`; ☟︎
mircea_popescu: you'd think they had wind back in 50`000`000 bc back when ants were a hot new gizmo.
Framedragger: i bet `GET /../../../../etc/passwd` still works often enough :p
phf: for example in the original there's a byte sequence \xc3\xb0, it's a valid utf-8 for code point #240, which if it renders looks like `ð' and in html can be represented as ð
ben_vulpes: http://cascadianhacker.com/ad-hoc-routing-another-benefit-to-life-in-the-republic?preview=true&preview_id=235&preview_nonce=46dc0db338#comment-56 << /me waves at nubbins`
shinohai: I have just logged timestamps on mine with `|xargs -IX printf "$(date -u)\t%s\n" X `
shinohai: yes I am using `gpg --with-colons --fingerprint $1 | awk -F: '$1 == "fpr" {print $10;}'| head -n1 ` to get the fingerprint
shinohai: it was no big deal, just had to add `tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ` to end of the function
Framedragger: (as in, if it's requested by a non-browser it'll return json - e.g. `curl ipinfo.io/`)
shinohai: Where `ICO` = " Initial Cask Offering "
mircea_popescu: and in random fuck this shit : if you're downloading a bunch of fonts and end up with a humongo pile of spurious folders because hey, people are special, the pill is find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -I file mv --backup=numbered file . (followed, probably, by for file in *; do mv "$file" `echo $file | tr ' ' '_'` ; done because special people are THAT FUCKING SPECIAL)
deedbot: asciilifeform unrated nubbins`.
asciilifeform: !!unrate nubbins`
Framedragger: (i remember having use from a super stupid `free > memory.log` cron job every minute or so)
phf: well, the result of staple tmsr exercise of "let me grind these lens myself, oh, wait, turns out the `sand` they use is actually cow shit"
shinohai: oh the `it's`
shinohai: I read `company`
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: you'd still want r-dns to be able to serve existing dns clients though, right? i mean, things like `nslookup`, dns resolution libraries, etc - the current dns protocol? or no?
a111: Logged on 2016-09-15 14:47 Framedragger: mein gott. decided to deploy one of the newer 'productivity web apps' for work, official install is through docker, and *obviously* official docker install is `wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh`. BUT LOOK at the end of that legit2000.sh is:
mircea_popescu: add to this the usual technological 15% (you'll need hallways too, right ?) and suddenly you're talking 1k sqm / 10`000 sqfeet as an absolute minimum. going all the way up to multiple acres of floorspace.
mircea_popescu: now let's add up : on the conservative side, you need 150 + 250 + 500 = 850 sqm ; on the expansive side you can call it 15`000 and be good.
mircea_popescu: 3. if you're the sort of man worth the mention in the first place, you also engage in some sort of activities. i am not speaking here of an "office" where to sit and engage in bureaucracy, because really, government-made men aren't ever worth the mention. but alf at the extreme could prolly soak up 10`000 sqm, so there is that. call it 500 and let it be.
shinohai thinks it is nice to finally read a Bitcoin development conversation that doesn't include the term `Segwit`
shinohai: I rather like `A misfortunate fellow named Rex had a vanishingly small sex. Once charged with exposure he replied with composure "De minimus non curat lex." `
trinque: There was a young sailor from Brighton who once told his girl "You're a tight one." She replied, "`Pon my soul, you're in the wrong hole. There's plenty of room in the right one." << also gold
trinque: insert into `/etc/hosts` (ip, hostname) select ip, hostname from `/var/db/dhcp.leases`; << the only reason this (represented in *any* syntax, has nothing to do with SQL itself) isn't possible is that "freedom" plus autism equals makework
adlai encounters another bug, adds `G++ = cxx` to fix, wonders how deep the shithole rabbits
trinque: ftr I put that comment there. used to be that rotor lacked a -e and so would pass over the boost failing targets silently. while we don't use them, the `|| true` certainly has to go
mod6: adlai: can you run `./v.pl f` and wotpaste it?
shinohai: Nah last night when I started build it repeatedly failed, so when I compared `env` I noticed that it was using gcc6 on new Jessie
ben_vulpes: "fuck, buddy, if i ever see the string `PHPSESSID` i /know/ things have gone /completely/ off the rails"
a111: Logged on 2016-09-25 13:25 Framedragger: !~later tell pete_dushenski btw could you update the bots directory so that `!$ hello` means (something like) 'Prints "Hello, world!" and uptime of the bot'? (you can /msg scriba help). gracias.
Framedragger: !~later tell pete_dushenski btw could you update the bots directory so that `!$ hello` means (something like) 'Prints "Hello, world!" and uptime of the bot'? (you can /msg scriba help). gracias. ☟︎
mod6: or you can read `man gpg` and look up --send-keys
shinohai: We can advertise `V` as trans-free
ben_vulpes: perhaps i misunderstand you, but once i have the type, sizeof, read-binary and write-binary implemented, then i'll have a "general purpose 'binary type object of count `compact size`'"
phf: well, step two after writing compact size reader/writer is to figure out how to make a general purpose "binary-type object of count `compact size`"
phf: *** Nickname a111 is temporarily unavailable, trying a111`
phf: `card.freenode.net * a111 "Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable"` well then...
Framedragger: mein gott. decided to deploy one of the newer 'productivity web apps' for work, official install is through docker, and *obviously* official docker install is `wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh`. BUT LOOK at the end of that legit2000.sh is: ☟︎
mod6: <+shinohai> Shouldn't it be `!%^^^xxx?` instead? << what do you mean by this?
shinohai: Shouldn't it be `!%^^^xxx?` instead?
shinohai: i was doing `curl -v -i --data url=${text} http://archive.is/submit/`
shinohai: next time it could cost 500`000 ecu
a111: Logged on 2016-09-14 12:01 Framedragger: "rdtsc is not guaranteed to be available on every CPU, or to run at a constant rate, *or be consistent between different cores.*" (emphasis mine). `get_cycles()` is recommended, but from cursory look it seems that on some architectures it uses rdtsc internally? madness.
Framedragger: "rdtsc is not guaranteed to be available on every CPU, or to run at a constant rate, *or be consistent between different cores.*" (emphasis mine). `get_cycles()` is recommended, but from cursory look it seems that on some architectures it uses rdtsc internally? madness. ☟︎☟︎
Framedragger: (linux appears to require `rdtsc` to be able to return something akin to tick count. asciilifeform maybe knows if this is a doomed affair.)
asciilifeform: phf`: it is quite possible for a bot to sit on >1 server. just needs >1 nick.
deedbot: phf` voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: !!up phf`
phf: the core of the argument "if you bring your supermodel, she must be covered in alkaline dust by friday, otherwise she looks `too clean`"
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: no objections!! this is good stuff. can't see home partition under `mount` - disk subsystem appears to have failed. (so unfortunately may not be due to bots - yet; OR.. things are even more ominous, in which case, fun!)
shinohai: Medow: do it again but replace `$` with !!
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-09: [00:55:24] <mod6> This hypothetical solution, even if it does work, wouldn't make it a one-button-push solution. Why? A person would need to get V + V.sig, verify, create a .wot dir, sync the patches + seals, manually or automatically, press the tree, then navigate into the pressed tree, and then `make`.
Framedragger contemplates a PoC `register` attack on deedbot
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: pull the key. which it effectively does with the `register` command
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-09: [00:55:24] <mod6> This hypothetical solution, even if it does work, wouldn't make it a one-button-push solution. Why? A person would need to get V + V.sig, verify, create a .wot dir, sync the patches + seals, manually or automatically, press the tree, then navigate into the pressed tree, and then `make`.
a111: Logged on 2016-09-09 02:17 mod6: i'll see where i can get to with this new idea. however, a person would have to do this to build the entire thing: get v; verify v; put vpatches, seals, and keys in place; press; then navigate to pressed dir, then `make`.
mod6: i'll see where i can get to with this new idea. however, a person would have to do this to build the entire thing: get v; verify v; put vpatches, seals, and keys in place; press; then navigate to pressed dir, then `make`. ☟︎
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-08: [23:59:57] <mod6> Altogether, since we have V, I like the idea of keeping things like makefiles and buildscripts out of the main source tree. One can get V, press the makefile project. Run a `make`, which will in-turn, press everything via V and then build with buildroot.
mod6: The simplest solution would be to perhaps have a deedified tarball of makefiles, much like trinque already has, get the deed, verifiy it, decode it, extract it, navigate to the make script and `make`.
mod6: This hypothetical solution, even if it does work, wouldn't make it a one-button-push solution. Why? A person would need to get V + V.sig, verify, create a .wot dir, sync the patches + seals, manually or automatically, press the tree, then navigate into the pressed tree, and then `make`.
mod6: Altogether, since we have V, I like the idea of keeping things like makefiles and buildscripts out of the main source tree. One can get V, press the makefile project. Run a `make`, which will in-turn, press everything via V and then build with buildroot.
mod6: The problem is here, that when you run `make`, it'll build everthing under: build/rotor/TEST2/bitcoin/src despite the fact that the source is really under src/
asciilifeform: what's a111`` ?
phf: ftr ("assbot" "gribble" "lobbesbot" "deedbot" "a111" "a111``" "scriba" "jhvh1")
shinohai searches trilema for an `Art of Fucking` piece.
shinohai: `cutting-edge security` not seen in any other game of hot potato EVAH!
shinohai: There was a guy named ImHash and another using tardstalk handle `VladimirLenin`
Framedragger: trinque: out of curiosity, have you tested how well ircbot reconnects to irc? i see there exists `ircbot-reconnect`. logbot itself only exports that symbol but does not seem to use it itself?
mircea_popescu: shinohai gotta register it ; -ChanServ- TRS80` is not registered.
shinohai: `unknown entities` and coin was the Krypton-eth-clone
asciilifeform: for ip in `curl -s http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/phuctored | grep "ssh-rsa key from" |cut -d' ' -f23`; do timeout -k 0m 3s nc $ip 22 ; done
a111: Logged on 2016-08-24 01:49 asciilifeform: for ip in `curl -s http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/phuctored | grep "ssh-rsa key from" | cut -d' ' -f23`; do nc -w 5 $ip 22 ; done
asciilifeform: for ip in `curl -s http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/phuctored | grep "ssh-rsa key from" | cut -d' ' -f23`; do nc -w 5 $ip 22 ; done ☟︎
mircea_popescu: you can count on 1`000`000 bytes ~ every six minutes til kingdom come. that's your bitcoin footprint.
asciilifeform: 'BLATSTING's implementers are a big fan of mmap. It seems to be used for all file access, not just for manipulating kernel memory through `/dev/mem`. Is it done this way to reduce the number of system calls, to be less conspicious, as well as not reveal what exactly is accessed when running in `strace`? Or maybe a later stage of the rootkit blocks certain kinds of syscalls on certain "hidden" files.'
shinohai: lol they even have `NSACareers` account
Framedragger: `log_hexdump` was being used incorrectly? (i'm only catching up, hey)
mod6: ./.libs/libgcrypt.so: undefined reference to `log_hexdump'
mircea_popescu: and for the record, base-tmsr=` !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuVWXYZ{|}~`
mircea_popescu: ie `
shinohai: i thought mircea_popescu proved that `promoted tweets` was garbage ?
a111: Logged on 2016-03-14 16:33 phf: nubbins`: it's a shame that you chose this approach for your denouncement. some people are here (myself, maybe ascii) not to make money, but to fuck around with novel ways of doing things. it would've been nifty if, as a "lord" if you will, you picked up the game and made your accusations formal, maybe solicited a judge from the wot, made it interesting somehow! you don't have to obviously, but the approach that you chose was basic and
a111: Logged on 2016-08-01 19:47 deedbot: [Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 126044733741731328742413066718552314382419228167112456334027928884317367999330241024168451126326383475145520025295451544372438227070210798265767098934250820341305937931860061514790268968891523470454082874208728274680634763462042122485524526243688604432591998753006364684812749745538152702859571396997177876337 divides RSA Moduli belonging to '<>&%"\${}`'deadbeef1; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/617706D7A6FC1817D01
mircea_popescu: incidentally, anyone recall diablo 1 multiplayer mode ? which nobody ever played, because you could edit your client to send to the other "your player was hit by 1`000`000 dmg" and the idiot'd take it at face value and kill the other person ?
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> im still lost on "one could not tell what thing it contained". << when discussed & shown, they are large signed/armored files. (with `gpg --armor --sign`)
mod6: with `gpg --armor --sign` but, like we discussed, one could not tell what thing is contained.
mod6: but when it came down to it, she hit another error; her Ubuntu 10.04 test environment doesn't have `sharutils', a package that contains uuencode/uudecode. which is what V99994 is using to decode the deedified dependencies from deedbot.
shinohai: mircea_popescu: chick from earlier says to `profoundly thank you`
shinohai: has anyone checked the rng for the new blockchain.info `wallet`
PeterL: shinohai aha, I found the 8`999.6605 btc, that is the total value that would be raised by S.MG if all outstanding warrents were executed, not the amount previously raised
PeterL: "S.MG has a total of 88`096`605 authorised shares outstanding. The shareholder equity per share implied value is thus 0.00009958 BTC."
shinohai: `eulora-level` being certainly something better than my current i5