1300+ entries in 0.486s
a111: Logged on 2016-08-04 01:20 mod6: <+asciilifeform> mod6: dupe champ << was that thte total dups counted below? 5`431?
mod6: <+asciilifeform> mod6: dupe champ << was that thte total dups counted below? 5`431? ☟︎
deedbot: [Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 126044733741731328742413066718552314382419228167112456334027928884317367999330241024168451126326383475145520025295451544372438227070210798265767098934250820341305937931860061514790268968891523470454082874208728274680634763462042122485524526243688604432591998753006364684812749745538152702859571396997177876337 divides RSA Moduli belonging to '<>&%"\${}`'deadbeef1; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/617706D7A6FC1817D01 ☟︎
mod6: however, this is a decent opportunity to go a head, build with the build script, save all your terminal output to say a `script` into typescript or whatever bash logging you wanna do, and gather up the list of deps buildroot pulls so I can start to climb that mountain.
mod6: it turns out that the base64 encodings are ~5-10k bytes larger, it's pretty close, but it's nice with the `gpg --armor --sign` since you can verify and extract all in one step.
mod6: 2. used `gpg --armor --sign`
mod6: 1. made base64 encodings with `uuencode -m`
mod6: 1`120 of s.mg traded
shinohai: 10:14 @TRS80` shinohai: и бизнес - RIN.ru: <http://business.rin.ru/cgi-bin/search.pl%3Faction%3Dview%26num%3D341688%26razdel%3D25%26w%3D0>
shinohai: 10:14 @TRS80`
Framedragger: agree, no real diff, `postsoviet block -> usa` streamlined process yay
shinohai: btw pete_dushenski cheers for `blacked.com`
mircea_popescu: in any case, we're way the fuck better off with you putting in the medium-skilled 100s of hours to get this working ; and then gradually improving on that basis - than to wait for someone to put in the 10`000s of hours of very highly qualified work to replace lamp&all.
shinohai: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1507203 <<< what are `virii` ? ☝︎
ben_vulpes: `http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506634 << incidentally, renders servers nigh-unusable for other purposes. ☝︎
Framedragger: asciilifeform: postgres defaults are fucking stupid. `shared_buffers`, an important thing when doing sorting, is 32 MiB at default
mod6: I'm a bit hesitant to "sign" a file outright that I don't have carnal knowledge of -- say openssl - at least without a disclaimer that says "I am only confirming the SHA512 of this artifact is ABCDEF1234... This does not mean that I have read that code and it ``fits in head''."
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-13#1502503 << for the ~same reason 10`001 "approaches to interpreting the wot graph" must exist. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2016-07-13 11:48 Framedragger: this may sound like bait, but.... could you not just use signed commits in git, and enforce use of those commits, and use `git blame`? is the argument against this the usual "git is a shitload of code, best to start anew [and also without existing political associations re. github etc.]", or sth more than that?
Framedragger: this may sound like bait, but.... could you not just use signed commits in git, and enforce use of those commits, and use `git blame`? is the argument against this the usual "git is a shitload of code, best to start anew [and also without existing political associations re. github etc.]", or sth more than that? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: 5k, 10k, 15k, 250k and over. o look, there's more in this "250k or over" than in the average 5k increment! could it be because it contains i dunno, 111`864 increments ?
mod6: i was able to get that 0.001 to the foundation into 420`000 :]
mod6: heheh `nodule day'
shinohai: $define `public good`
gribble: I have not seen nubbins`.
mats: ;;seen nubbins`
mod6: 420`007
mod6: 420`004
mod6: to total transacted was 9455.53208374 on 420`003
mod6: reward on 420`003 was 12.80146071
mod6: 32`124.16849594 transacted on 420`002
mod6: 420`003 nao too
mod6: i've got 420`002 nao
mod6: reward on 420`001 with fees is 12.51263172
mod6: reward on 420`000 with fees is 13.07569681
ben_vulpes: mod6: i'm seeing 420`001, are you?
mod6: there it is! 420`000
mircea_popescu: mats ~nobody finds it funny that didn't know 5`000 various idiots that, if brancusi'd, end up beavis and butthead.
mod6: <+trinque> http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/2db8bf37-64c1-4198-891c-2d9684c41a18/ <+trinque> sseems like a bug << yeah, i was watching this all day; was eventually included in 419`596
mircea_popescu: "The House bill, for example, includes $1.5 billion for an unrequested modern “amphibious” warship for dual land and sea missions, $400 million for four unrequested C-40 aircraft to carry cargo and commanders, and $1 billion worth of unrequested National Guard equipment, a perennial pork-barrel favorite, the Taxpayers for Common Sense report said. " << so basically, 1`000`000 smartphones.
shinohai: `Dindustan`
mircea_popescu: g alt='",$comment->comment_author,"`s avatar' src='",$comment->comment_author_url,"http://trilema.com/default_avatar.png' class='avatar avatar-32 photo' height='32' width='32' />";
mircea_popescu: if ($comment->user_id==1) echo "<img alt='",$comment->comment_author,"`s avatar' src='http://trilema.com/avatar.png' class='avatar avatar-32 photo' height='32' width='32' />"; else if ($url_parsed["host"].$url_parsed["path"] > "") echo "<img alt='",$comment->comment_author,"`s avatar' src='",str_replace("//avatar.png","/avatar.png",$url."/avatar.png' class='avatar avatar-32 photo' height='32' width='32' />"); else echo "<im
shinohai: http://archive.is/MdA2J <<< Obama dreams of being nubbins` when he leaves office.
phf: so plan9 actually got rid of find. you're supposed to use `du|grep` for that
deedbot: meau` voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: $up meau`
thestringpuller: well for instance nubbins was nubbins` but is now nubbins"
thestringpuller: $key pleasurep`
thestringpuller: $getrating pleasurep`
thestringpuller: $gettrust pleasurep`
mircea_popescu: understand : ethereum pretends to be 1/10 of btc financially, while it is 1/10`000`000 hash-wise and outright 1/infinity technologically.
Framedragger: (in paraconsistent systems, they try to "contain" cases when `p && ~p`. normally by principle of explosion you can prove anything (`1. p. 2. p || q [from 1, disjunctive addition.] 3. ~p [given.] 4. q [from 2. and 3.]`). these systems remove one or another inference rule (e.g. that p || q may follow from p, or double negation, or something else), or *suspend* it, in the fashion that some equations may have complex numbers as intermediary
felipelalli: and a "premined" coin (dev coins) is easy to inflate the final marketcap: I just create 1`000`000`000`000`000`000 coins and sell to my mum at $ 0.01
mircea_popescu: yeah but see, did pharoh buy one pyramid or 100`000 chunks of cut stone.
Framedragger: (dunno how bulk import on phuctor is done but hopefully it's something pretty close to `for f in *; do ./import_this_openpgp $f; done`) :)
danielpbarron: ;; later tell nubbins` 5c6c63613b0284340d4de49801107afd6cb0f77be925323ce649fce620fbd0d5 and 19dRVts7U1NaiTT69xWtvwXsSJ2yxFxw4M
phf: reading thing you wrote as applied to a new problem might potentially reveal issues. "oh this code uses strcpy with null pointer, strcpy is included from `my` code, so i'm going to make a bunch of assumptions that break down in this case"
mod6: let's say that i have this project called `t'. and I'd like to make it readily availble and a genesis for this specific tool.
mod6: If I were to do it, i might just add a note in ther ethat says "wallet functionality and ``caching transactions'' need to be perm. separated."
shinohai: It will be interesting to state `Worked on this saga today`
mod6: I'm sick of "epic" tickets, so came up with a "saga". For trb, a saga is something like ``ideal bitcoin''.
shinohai: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1495646.0 <<< selling `gavincoin.com` kek
mod6: <+asciilifeform> (recall, block index is RETARDEDLY kept resident in ram, being first leak) << yeah, getting these into `t' for the trb project will be a big main priority once i get tbot deployed.
shinohai: The best was the `no 'Web of Trust' needed` comment. He refused to read the relevant trilema article that I sent him obviously.
phf: grep is still there, and will basically remain as such by doing `"dog"`
shinohai: ;;later tell mod6 new `t` changes working a-ok with zero bugz
mircea_popescu: 865159723 is a prime (the 44`318`624th) newly found nao.
shinohai proposes entry into wiki under `venacular` .
mircea_popescu: it's the denied middle, like chips in runs of 50`000. you can have 1000. you can have 1mn. you can't have a fucking 50k.
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: `nslookup` should say; maybe your overzealous hosts policy heh
mircea_popescu: and as to the other thing : numbers per se are meaningless. if there's a million truck drivers in the world, and 999`990 use a truck that does 10 mpg and i have 10 people using a truck that does 12 mpg, guess who'll be selling and who'll be buying trucking companies in the not so distant future.
mircea_popescu: but if i'm not, i'll never know. the situation where i'm friends to you, and you say hi to me in a channel of 10`000 people i don't know ; and the situation where i'm friends with you and you say hi to me in a pm are identical.
mircea_popescu: it's economically masked by the fact that power leverage increased with technology, exponentially - so to run a 10`000 group then you needed 1k > 100 and 100 > 110 and at least a dozen > 120, but now 3 people over 115 suffice.
shinohai: bwahaha I have a `t` bot working mod6
mod6: where ``keep it'' invoves doing the hard, useful things that need doing.
mod6: or if you know the id number, do `./t.pl tickets.txt pid <TICKET_ID>`
mod6: when you're done adding/editing or deleteing a ticket, just print them if you wish `./t.pl tickets.txt p`
mod6: you can just `./t.pl tickets.txt add` and it'll prompt you from the cli.
mod6: i'll y to make some steps towards getting a genesis going -- gotta get through this `t' stuff first tho
ben_vulpes: anyways, should you care to, you can now also `curl -L -F "pastebox=@foo.txt" wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com`
mod6: then see if you can press it successfully: `./v.pl p v v054-wFunk asciilifeform_maxint_locks_corrected.vpatch`
mod6: further, use `v' and ensure that your patches dir is up to date with the mirror. if you're not sure, just mv your patches dir to like 'patches.old' and then use 'init' to get the latest.
mod6: so might hvae a new version of `t' for ya to look at sometime this weekend. i've been cleaning up the graph. trying to get the sagas colorized (which is complete), but I wanna get all the disconnected graphs printing in a certain wa.
mod6: I've been working on `t' cleanup this week. 'tis going alright.
danielpbarron: later tell worked for me a coupla hours ago ; turns out nubbins` intends to return my t-shirt payment
mod6: General update: for the last 4 days or so, have been just working out some of the kinks in `t', getting it ready to send to the list.
shinohai: `niggers.trilema.net`
gribble: 56296 – Undefined reference to __sync_add_and_fetch_8 for ...: <https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=56296>; 34316 – undefined reference to `__sync_add_and_fetch_8' - Bugzilla: <https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=34316>; [SOLVED] Error while building rtorrent 0.9.4 from slackbuilds.org ...: <http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/error-while- (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: ;;google undefined reference to `__sync_add_and_fetch_8'
mircea_popescu: in other lulz : undefined reference to `__sync_add_and_fetch_8'.
mircea_popescu: apparently http://cado-nfs.gforge.inria.fr/ is what bernstein uses. except "Required software tools [...] GNU make and CMake (2.6.3 or later) for building (CMake is installed on the fly if missing. This feature requires an Internet connection.)" and then Connecting to cmake.org||:443... connected. ERROR: certificate common name `*.kitware.com' doesn't match requested host name `cmake.org'.
mircea_popescu: practically, its closing means wiping 235`013 shares and 51.57856632 btc off coinbr account ; minus 0.31561326 btc your reward. that makes sense ?
adlai: includes proper seppuku, ie, privkey cleartext in `strings -n 20 .bitcoin/etc`
shinohai: nah still shows them all even if i add `pid`
shinohai: OH ok i didn't use `pid`
mod6: hey shinohai: should be something like this `./t.pl ticket.txt pid 18`
a111: Logged on 2016-04-27 19:20 hanbot: nubbins` is just this dude that amused you once with his bitcointalk drama antics two years ago and spent the interval trying to parlay it into as much $$$ as possible.
hanbot: nubbins` is just this dude that amused you once with his bitcointalk drama antics two years ago and spent the interval trying to parlay it into as much $$$ as possible. ☟︎
hanbot: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-27#1458499 << nubbins` was not an illustrator. his *wife* was the illustrator. ☝︎