1500+ entries in 0.577s
trinque: and serves merely to satisfy something within nubbins`
mircea_popescu: i'm not going to read further logs, at all, for as long as nubbins` can speak into them.
jurov: nubbins`: no, he proposes strictly determined flow of bitcoins through bitbet
assbot: Logged on 23-03-2016 19:12:27; nubbins`: doesn't put enough forethought / planning into things
davout: nubbins`: i disagree
assbot: Logged on 23-03-2016 19:06:41; nubbins`: that any weird bullshit has to get approved by both
asciilifeform: nubbins`: it is described in the manual, what will happen if you send to a closed bet.
trinque: nubbins`: can you invest your own money in your business which is then use to pay liabilites of said business?
trinque: nubbins`: you own a business and decide what it does, yes?
trinque: nubbins`: and you're not one of them
asciilifeform: nubbins`: and not 'from mysterymeat to mysterymeat'
asciilifeform: nubbins`: both tx were for ~every~ purpose, from bbet, to bettors.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: you are painting uncertainty where none existed.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: then irreconcilably different premises, aha, and i have no moar wordz.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: BUT if i owed you 100, and he dropped 100, and i say 'i paid', and kakobrekla does not contest this claim - you've been paid.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: no, because i had no commerce with him.
PeterL: nubbins` what if MP was travelling when bet resolves, pays somebody to send txn to bet winners, do those payments not count because they don't come directly from bbet wallet?
asciilifeform: nubbins`: what am i to do, half the folks i talk to killfiled other half
asciilifeform: nubbins`: both payments were quite clearly 'from bbet' tho.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: i see what you did there.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: except that it is not external.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: the separate-entities thing
asciilifeform: nubbins`: your contention is that it was impossible for the windfall recipients to return it ?
asciilifeform: nubbins`: no
PeterL: <nubbins`> hmm davout are you really going to withhold bet payouts to bettors who were unlucky enough to receive free money from mp's personal funds << so if person A used separate addresses for bets and person B used the same address on multiple bets, A gets more money and B gets less?
solrodar: nubbins`: it's logical to reduce payments to those addresses if and only if if davout decides MP's double payment can be charged to the company
davout: and regarding S.BBET specifically there's 3.2 (a) reading "The representatives of BitBet have elected to divide BitBet into 10`000`000 (ten million) equal non-voting shares with a total equity value of 100 BTC (0.00001 BTC each). In the event of liquidation or breach of this Agreement they solemnly promise and warrant to repay all investors holding shares at this minimum value."
mrottenkolber: assuming it signs the whole commit object, given `merge --verify-signatures' is probably reasonably secure.
mrottenkolber: Not sure what `git commit -S' signs exactly, but...
asciilifeform: nubbins`: the post in my town keeps 'banker hours'
assbot: Logged on 22-03-2016 19:44:42; nubbins`: asciilifeform did you receive yr textiles yet?
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: the most recent jam was at 403`396
asciilifeform: nubbins`: because there is a very real problem.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: i invite you to comment on my post, possibly suggest a cleaner solution to the problem ?
asciilifeform: speak only of m1rc34_p0p3scu to nubbins`, possible.
nubbins`: the edict is issued: speak not of mircea_popescu to nubbins`
mircea_popescu: how exactly did you judge the cost function of not spamming mp nonsense so it came below the value of talking to nubbins` ? i wish to know, explain this to me.
mircea_popescu: so basically, you're going to dump garbage at me because you have a strange passion for nubbins` ? you imagine this is a way to behave or something ?
asciilifeform: nubbins`: mcafee and vexual are drooling in a ditch, but mircea_popescu throws garbage trucks !
asciilifeform: nubbins`: i want what mircea_popescu took.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: what i'd like is for him to share the lsd!
mircea_popescu: would have helped to write it down. as the original article asked, as the rebuff to the original nubbins` said, and so on. two weeks ago, whatever.
mats: nubbins` is rapidly approaching 1.5k lines over two weeks about the same damn topic
asciilifeform: nubbins`: for a fella who gave his last fuck, you seem pretty excited
asciilifeform: nubbins`: and 'taleb' was not you ?
assbot: Logged on 08-03-2016 00:21:18; nubbins`: if i had a satoshi for every time mp said "looky" when he'd lost an argument, i'd be able to donate a tx fee to bitbet
assbot: 6 results for 'looky from:nubbins`' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=looky+from%3Anubbins%60
nubbins`: !s looky from:nubbins`
asciilifeform: nubbins`: on subj
asciilifeform: nubbins`: when precisely did you give your last fuck ?
nubbins`: <+asciilifeform>https://bitbet.us/bet/1249/alphago-will-defeat-lee-sedol-overall-in-march/#c5867 << there is what, dozen of these, and i dun think they're all nubbins`.. << why does everyone labour under the impression that i think about any of this shit while i'm not here?
asciilifeform: https://bitbet.us/bet/1249/alphago-will-defeat-lee-sedol-overall-in-march/#c5867 << there is what, dozen of these, and i dun think they're all nubbins`..
thestringpuller: fuck. i guess I'll just add watchdog and if logs don't have `ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED` in the last 60 minutes `kill -9 <pid>; ./startrb.sh`
nubbins`: <+asciilifeform>nubbins`: actually ok to tx back to originating addr << 10-4
asciilifeform: nubbins`: actually ok to tx back to originating addr
asciilifeform: i actually considered buying some b00kz from nubbins`
asciilifeform: nubbins`: soon as i get home.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: i will ! ty
assbot: Logged on 16-03-2016 14:03:05; nubbins`: davout you have a 21.co?
mircea_popescu: "no subway, no travel - i don't own a 1/100000 of the 100`000 spare car meta-pool, nor do i have anything to do that'd justify it."
davout: nubbins`: just interested in seeing who's paying attention
phf: soviet joke. americans purchase a sukhoi airplane from soviets, comes in parts, there's assembly instructions though. so they go through the process, result is a working tractor. wtf. they break it down, assemble again, tractor again. so they call russian, "wtf, tried assembling all we get is a tractor", su responds "please read fine print, `the product needs to be finalized with a judicial application of hammer and file`"
assbot: Logged on 15-03-2016 12:33:48; nubbins`: did goat elbow a button when he pushed pirate-backed assets?
asciilifeform: srsly nubbins`
assbot: Logged on 15-03-2016 12:31:44; nubbins`: did karpeles elbow a button when he deployed test code to gox production servers?
PeterL: nubbins` I was under the impression that bitbet shares get either a part of the sale of assets or 0.00001, whichever is higher, are you saying they get both?
cazalla: does this drama add to reduce the value of the limited edition posters you made nubbins`?
assbot: Logged on 14-03-2016 17:39:26; asciilifeform: i must agree with phf. and i think this is how nubbins` ended up killfiled by mircea_popescu, for the 'i speak for trees, for the trees have no tongues' thing.
assbot: Logged on 14-03-2016 16:33:30; phf: nubbins`: the core of the issue (the way i understand it) is whether or not mp can use personal funds to pay out bets, and whether he can later ask for those funds back from shareholders. that seems to contradict the contract, so the accusation goes, he's in breach of contract. seems simple enough.
assbot: Logged on 14-03-2016 16:33:27; phf: nubbins`: i think it's a pointless to discuss (and takes away from the core of the issue) whether or not miners are conspiring against bitbet. ascii's been known to say that lizard hitler personally disconnected his node, nobody cared to pipe in then, because it's an established local way of talking and thinking (не веришь прими за сказку). miners are a cartel, they can collectively decide
assbot: Logged on 14-03-2016 16:33:26; phf: nubbins`: it's a shame that you chose this approach for your denouncement. some people are here (myself, maybe ascii) not to make money, but to fuck around with novel ways of doing things. it would've been nifty if, as a "lord" if you will, you picked up the game and made your accusations formal, maybe solicited a judge from the wot, made it interesting somehow! you don't have to obviously, but the approach tha
assbot: Logged on 14-03-2016 17:38:00; asciilifeform: nubbins`: was it really meant to live only until the first disaster, however small? e.g., stolen server ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> nubbins`: or was the idea << or possibly the system that worked well for s.dice was simply carried forward, with not enough thought given to the matter. "hey, it's also gambling".
assbot: Logged on 14-03-2016 17:37:40; asciilifeform: nubbins`: the one mega-mystery in my mind is still the 0asset thing.
asciilifeform: i must agree with phf. and i think this is how nubbins` ended up killfiled by mircea_popescu, for the 'i speak for trees, for the trees have no tongues' thing. ☟︎
phf: nubbins`: that's not the meaning of the paragraph. not "what" you did, but "how" is the focus., and the sentence you're pointing at is an exposition that frames my perspective, in a form similar to "some of us here are shoemakers and we blah blah blah". whatever blah blah blah is, it's not usually about how shoemakers can not shoemake anymore, but is more like "i speak for shoemakers"
asciilifeform: nubbins`: or was the idea that it ~ought to be~ successful enough to be able to cover any loss with simply the profit from any particular month ?
asciilifeform: nubbins`: was it really meant to live only until the first disaster, however small? e.g., stolen server ? ☟︎
asciilifeform: nubbins`: the one mega-mystery in my mind is still the 0asset thing. ☟︎
nubbins`: <+phf>nubbins`: it's a shame that you chose this approach for your denouncement. some people are here (myself, maybe ascii) not to make money, but to fuck around with novel ways of doing things <<< nothing about what i did prevents this from continuing.
phf: nubbins`: the core of the issue (the way i understand it) is whether or not mp can use personal funds to pay out bets, and whether he can later ask for those funds back from shareholders. that seems to contradict the contract, so the accusation goes, he's in breach of contract. seems simple enough. ☟︎
phf: nubbins`: i think it's a pointless to discuss (and takes away from the core of the issue) whether or not miners are conspiring against bitbet. ascii's been known to say that lizard hitler personally disconnected his node, nobody cared to pipe in then, because it's an established local way of talking and thinking (не веришь прими за сказку). miners are a cartel, they can collectively decide what the protocol behavior should be ☟︎
phf: nubbins`: it's a shame that you chose this approach for your denouncement. some people are here (myself, maybe ascii) not to make money, but to fuck around with novel ways of doing things. it would've been nifty if, as a "lord" if you will, you picked up the game and made your accusations formal, maybe solicited a judge from the wot, made it interesting somehow! you don't have to obviously, but the approach that you chose was basic and ☟︎☟︎
assbot: Logged on 14-03-2016 14:35:55; nubbins`: hey, do you guys remember yesterday when MP said he'd steal 750 BTC worth of outstanding bets if he can't find a receiver for bitbet?
asciilifeform: nubbins`: we had this thread ?
asciilifeform: nubbins`: i have nfi why he transmitted without fee. just as i have nfi why the operators at chernobyl reactor 4 wanted to 'test'
asciilifeform: nubbins`: what would have been your conclusion if he had transmitted with a fee but same thing happened ?
asciilifeform: nubbins`: hanbot's advice was derived from working with mptronics
asciilifeform: no, srsly, mp's elbow button aside, who is the example nubbins` would have us learn from ?
asciilifeform: nubbins`: and who then was 'actual business' ? mtgox ?
asciilifeform: nubbins`: i thought you did not believe that mpoe was a market ?
nubbins`: !v assbot:nubbins`.rate.kakobrekla.5:3dd5c75e6eb580d676a8bec10313e0623b3ffc472704cfc7f67d01d4cb8244a9
kakobrekla: nubbins` i dont have any data on mempool backlog during the period
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: was is essentially what nubbins` said earlier ?
asciilifeform: nubbins`: so you would operate it yourself, for no reward, for a year ?
asciilifeform: nubbins`: yes well the question was not about bets. it was about how long you would have mircea_popescu wait for a receiver.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: what would you do in his place? spend the rest of your life waiting for a receiver ?
danielpbarron: >> (a)The representatives of BitBet have elected to divide BitBet into 10`000`000 (ten million) equal non-voting shares with a total equity value of 100 BTC (0.00001 BTC each). In the event of liquidation or breach of this Agreement they solemnly promise and warrant to repay all investors holding shares at this minimum value.
adlai: thestringpuller: i was gonna link you to `!s from:ascii ersatz` but you're right there
asciilifeform: nubbins`: neato