600+ entries in 0.41s
jurov: while !S can be kept as is, only show the one IP banner is from.
spyked: !S ssh
spyked: !S ssh
spyked: !S ssh github.com
spyked: !S ro-en frunza la ciini
spyked: !S frunza la ciini
spyked: !S ro-en frunza la caini
spyked: !S frunza la caini
mircea_popescu: !S ro-en pizdele dau luzerilor de furca
spyked: !S ro-en da cuiva de furca
spyked: !S ro-en da de furca
a111: Logged on 2018-07-21 14:41 mircea_popescu: !S ru-fr
mircea_popescu: !S ru-fr кто не с нами тот против нас
mircea_popescu: !S ru-fr ☟︎
spyked: !S ro-en fata
spyked: !S en-ro mud
diana_coman: !!s trb node
mircea_popescu: spyked, !S it is.
spyked: in other work: does anyone object to my taking the next available prefix in http://lobbesblog.com/static/tmsr_bot_directory.html for spykedbot? !S fits it quite well.
phf: of which only #!s and #!seen are useful, and #!born mildly interesting
phf: douchebag: a111 logs, speaks logs, responds to #!s #!seen #!seenbefore #!born and #!vulpes
mircea_popescu: 1. i say !S http://pastebin ; 2. bot searches for an image ; 3. bot embeds the pastebin in image ; 4. bot publishes the new image to its tumblr acct. ;5. bot links image here.
asciilifeform: #!s type=1073741825
asciilifeform: #!s riseup
asciilifeform: #!s provably fair
asciilifeform: #!s rabinul si oaia
asciilifeform: #!s fits in head
a111: Logged on 2015-07-09 18:44 asciilifeform: !s царь-государь
asciilifeform: #!s chromebook
a111: Logged on 2016-03-15 02:00 mircea_popescu: !s "we were younger then"
diana_coman: !!s saifedean
asciilifeform: iirc mircea_popescu's headache-inducing abolition of the short (!s etc) commands, was specifically about formally canceling there being such a thing as 'official log'
BingoBoingo: !s Xanthyos
thestringpuller: #!s http://visual6502.org
jurov: !!s talos
mircea_popescu: !S thomas umbach
mircea_popescu: !!s UCI
thestringpuller: !!s 150
adlai: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552285 << s/latency issue/!s mining is a bug/ i've been trying to make sense of the issue. it's not headfit yet, but maybe this will help others too: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/scalingbitcoin/milan/chainbreak/ ☝︎
asciilifeform: #!s surprised by wealth
asciilifeform: #!s esr
asciilifeform: <gribble> mthreat was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 30 weeks, 3 days, 16 hours, 53 minutes, and 4 seconds ago: <mthreat> !s buttman
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski please add entries to the bot page for !% !Q !W !R !A !S !X !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !q !w !r !a !s !x with the mention "not currently allocated" or such, and a note at the end saying in sum that if one wants to make a bot for #trilema they're to take the next unallocated string for his bot's UNIQUE control code, and display what it does to us in channel.
phf: #!s god
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-12: [04:10:01] <asciilifeform> #!s tropos
asciilifeform: #!s tropos
asciilifeform: !!s tropar
asciilifeform: !!s ampoule phone
Framedragger: !!s s il n'y a pas de hors-texte
Framedragger: !!s il n'y a pas de hors-texte
adlai: !s eulora emacs
phf: !s foo
a111: Logged on 2016-05-01 14:43 mircea_popescu: phf : could a111 answer to !s "string", on the basis of http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=string ?
mircea_popescu: phf : could a111 answer to !s "string", on the basis of http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=string ? ☟︎
asciilifeform: !s foo
asciilifeform: !s foo
asciilifeform: !s griggs
asciilifeform: !s idiomatic c
kakobrekla: !s odroid
asciilifeform: !s falkvinge
danielpbarron: !s wences lawsuit
asciilifeform: !s buluceala
mircea_popescu: !s from:mircea samovar joke
mircea_popescu: !s from:mircea not sure
davout: !s bitcoin is addresses
shinohai: !s 1 Kings 3:16-28
mircea_popescu: !s tmsr
asciilifeform: !s vintage purse
pete_dushenski: !s stuck node
asciilifeform: !s the man who was thursday
nubbins`: !s looky from:nubbins`
mircea_popescu: !s resistance of the medium
asciilifeform: !s sirens silence
asciilifeform: !s mental rsa
BingoBoingo: !s lathe accident
asciilifeform: !s what color are your bits
shinohai: !s https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4aqi1s/these_42_bitcoin_projects_were_shutdown_by_an/
mircea_popescu: no but srsly. am i gonna also !s "dump massive" or you get the point.
assbot: Logged on 17-03-2016 00:29:57; mircea_popescu: !s worthless
mircea_popescu: !s worthless ☟︎
adlai: !s mircea abortion
asciilifeform: !s waterfall
mircea_popescu: !s "we were younger then" ☟︎
asciilifeform: !s from:mircea_popescu deficit
asciilifeform: !s from:mircea_popescu tmsr deficit
asciilifeform: !s buluceala
adlai: thestringpuller: i was gonna link you to `!s from:ascii ersatz` but you're right there
ascii_field: !s from:asciilifeform archaeologists
adlai: !s 30D S.MPOE
adlai: !s m s.mpoe
shinohai: !s block explorer
punkman: !s netsurf*
asciilifeform: !s dimon
asciilifeform: !s room would be empty
mircea_popescu: !s rotherham
asciilifeform: !s dumplings
asciilifeform: !s http://36.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbafqkYUis1qlne6uo1_1280.jpg
asciilifeform: !s momotaro
asciilifeform: !s tecan
mircea_popescu: !s negative vs positive functioning