1000+ entries in 0.498s
punkman: !s micro ecc
punkman: !s polarssl
assbot: Logged on 19-12-2015 17:11:48; asciilifeform: !s gettrust liquidassets
asciilifeform: !s gettrust liquidassets ☟︎
mircea_popescu: !s cjdns
asciilifeform: !s taxcoin
asciilifeform: !s usgcoin
asciilifeform: !s grooveshark
adlai: !s mpoe sleeps
jurov: !s photovoltaics ascii
ascii_field: !s meni rosenfeld
kakobrekla: !s Decred
ascii_field: !s axenic mouse
mircea_popescu: !s princeton review
ascii_field: !s brass pole in bangkok
adlai: !s uncompressed
adlai: !s fqa
mircea_popescu: !s btcdrak
mircea_popescu: !s nethash
pete_dushenski: !s tosh.0
adlai: !s animals anyway
adlai: !s writtit
adlai: anybody who cares to find out what that rating means can probably understand it from reviewing the background to all the !s drama
mircea_popescu: !s bittrex
asciilifeform: !s happyland
adlai: !s khaled mardam-bey
ascii_field: !s gettrust btcdrak
ascii_field: !s treason
asciilifeform: !s bitcoin-wizards
nubbins`: !s dolezal
ascii_field: !s more persuasive than persuasion
ascii_field: !s in the sewers
ascii_field: !s Conde de Alba de Yeltes
pete_dushenski: !s cheese addiction
punkman: !s bitfury
pete_dushenski: !s orlov
pete_dushenski: !s infowars
mircea_popescu: !s walk of shame from:mircea
pete_dushenski: !s jwz
ascii_field: !s from:fromphuctor
adlai: !s meth-lsd
asciilifeform: !s 19 y.o.
asciilifeform: !s 17 y.o.
asciilifeform: !s djvu
asciilifeform: !s gendarmerie
adlai: !s theorems to prove
adlai: !s vexual edition
BingoBoingo: !s ponerty
shinohai: !s http://www.coindesk.com/gaw-faces-ponzi-scheme-charges-from-sec/
ben_vulpes: !s eject sjw
BingoBoingo: !s chuck norris rule
punkman: !s cjdns
shinohai: !s https://github.com/jgarzik/playground21/tree/master/apibb
ascii_field: !s tax passports
mircea_popescu: !s m s.nsa
mircea_popescu: !s shoup
ascii_field: !s gendarmerie
asciilifeform: !s cabergoline
shinohai: !s http://www.engadget.com/2015/11/23/3d-printing-guns-new-south-wales/
shinohai: !s http://cointelegraph.com/news/115703/delta-id-coin-new-utility-altcoin-developed-for-timestamping-system <<< why???
asciilifeform: !s patton
mircea_popescu: !s fractal
asciilifeform: !s colour bits
asciilifeform: !s color bits
asciilifeform: !s what color are your bits
gabriel_laddel: !s the translator did not miss them, they were not there
asciilifeform: !s red mercury
mircea_popescu: !s ferret cannon
pete_dushenski: !s tu-95
mircea_popescu: !s "company"
mircea_popescu: !s "just get me a box somewhere"
shinohai: !s Guatemalan floods
mircea_popescu: !s argentina floods
mircea_popescu: !s slovenia floods
mircea_popescu: !s ven
mircea_popescu: !s kraepelin
asciilifeform: !s johnny encrypt
jurov: !s ascii_wagen
jurov: !s gasenwagen from:ascii_field
jurov: !s gasenwagen from:asciilifeform
asciilifeform: !s garbage disposal
asciilifeform: !s paillier
asciilifeform: !s homomorphic
pete_dushenski: !s hateful eight
assbot: Logged on 13-11-2015 15:14:24; mircea_popescu: !s disinfo recipes
mircea_popescu: !s disinfo recipes ☟︎
shinohai: !s http://www.zdnet.com/article/brazilian-army-gets-hacked/
punkman: !s cyberbullying is a barrier
shinohai: !s http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/11970391/Internet-firms-to-be-banned-from-offering-out-of-reach-communications-under-new-laws.html
ascii_field: !s room will be empty
shinohai: !s android 2fa vulnerabilities
mircea_popescu: !s it's a job not a conviction
ascii_field: !s intel me
ben_vulpes: !s bezzlecorp
BingoBoingo: !s five words
asciilifeform: !s chicken also wants
shinohai: !s http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/nov/03/hackers-gonna-hack-but-why-maybe-freud-has-the-answer
asciilifeform: !s rotherham
mircea_popescu: !s Philip Müller
shinohai: !s http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/02/asia/australia-drops-knights-dames/