700+ entries in 0.377s
asciilifeform: !s longitude
mircea_popescu: !s story of harrison, the watchmaker
mircea_popescu: !s momotaro
asciilifeform: !s a miner problem
mircea_popescu: !s ada manul
davout: !s segwit
asciilifeform: !s harrison bergeron
asciilifeform: !s eysenck
asciilifeform: !s natural stupidity
asciilifeform: !s armstrong
asciilifeform: !s http://nsa.unaligned.org
asciilifeform: !s so room would be empty
asciilifeform: !s from:mircea_popescu point truffle
asciilifeform: !s from:mircea_popescu dog truffle
mircea_popescu: !s housewife
asciilifeform: !s shall be delivered
asciilifeform: !s 300 bytes
mircea_popescu: !s blackholed
shinohai: !s S.BBET february statement
mircea_popescu: !s marketmaking from:jurov
asciilifeform: !s reactor test
asciilifeform: !s yoga master
asciilifeform: !s standard ml
asciilifeform: !s beedog
asciilifeform: !s from:asciilifeform scalar
asciilifeform: !s prisoner's dilemma
asciilifeform: !s axelrod
mircea_popescu: !s chiral miners
asciilifeform: !s from:mircea_popescu divesting
asciilifeform: !s waterfall
mircea_popescu: !s perimeter
asciilifeform: !s non-outsourceable
BingoBoingo: !s CYP 450
BingoBoingo: !s CYP450
asciilifeform: !s wyatt dog
punkman: !s jl777
asciilifeform: !s bear suit
asciilifeform: !s spamola
asciilifeform: !s orphan tx
asciilifeform: !s officially sad
asciilifeform: !s fefeleaga
trinque: !s funkenstein importprivkey
trinque: !s polarbeard importprivkey
thestringpuller: !s phuctor status
ben_vulpes: !s zoolag
thestringpuller: !s zulag
asciilifeform: !s gettrust Anduck
asciilifeform: !s flycheck
trinque: !s from:phf openbsd
asciilifeform: !s you and the atomic bomb
mircea_popescu: !s from:nefario stallman
mircea_popescu: !s trb
asciilifeform: !s grub2
asciilifeform: !s pedigree bridge
asciilifeform: !s from:asciilifeform pedigree bridge
asciilifeform: !s facedancer
mircea_popescu: !s "signs of life"
adlai: !s meth lsd lisp
mthreat: !s buttman
shinohai: !s http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/02/25/dea-riverside-wiretaps-scaled-back/80891460/
danielpbarron: !s 1 more message
mircea_popescu: !s 700mb
asciilifeform: !s killdozer
asciilifeform: !s menstruade
asciilifeform: !s block cipher
asciilifeform: !s r6rs
asciilifeform: !s mining is a bug
asciilifeform: !s sussman
pete_dushenski: !s morgan 3-wheeler
asciilifeform: !s nine edge first
shinohai: !s http://jcarlosnorte.com/security/2016/02/21/date-leak-gzip-tor.html
asciilifeform: !s bob beck
ben_vulpes: !s de raadt
ben_vulpes: !s linus
mircea_popescu: !s buildroot
asciilifeform: !s xanadu
asciilifeform: !s transclusion
shinohai: !s http://truthinmedia.com/mcafee-will-decrypt-san-bernardino-phone-free/
asciilifeform: !s from:asciilifeform coinbr
asciilifeform: !s eysenck
asciilifeform: !s психушка
adlai: !s from:mats s.mpoe
asciilifeform: !s parachute
shinohai: !s http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/san-bernardino-shooting/judge-forces-apple-help-unlock-san-bernardino-shooter-iphone-n519701
asciilifeform: !s visicalc
shinohai: !s http://www.knownaija.com/ibm-has-just-open-sourced-44000-lines-of-blockchain-code-on-github/
thestringpuller: !s minitruth
asciilifeform: !s openbsd dbus
felipelalli: !s openbsd
asciilifeform: !s tadpole
mircea_popescu: !s 25.25
asciilifeform: !s myelin
pete_dushenski: !s maidsafe
mircea_popescu: !s 99dresses
trinque: !s trinque.sh
asciilifeform: !s from:mircea_popescu !unrate adlai
shinohai: !s https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/pull/329
asciilifeform: !s ball gag
asciilifeform: !s from:ascii_field predict gavin