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a111: Logged on 2017-08-09 15:58 mircea_popescu:
anyway, let it be said that there's nothing wrong with oaep as far as we know, but for the sake of argument a mpfhf based padding scheme would conceivably work like this : 1. given message m, of length l, generate r = random bits, of length l' up to l but not less than 256 bits. 2. compose m' = r + m + c (in that order), where c is l - l` (
and its bitness is always same as the bitness of len(m')-256). 3. compose Pm = R + S +
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform
anyway, let's sit down
and make something sane for this guy. peterl i mean. what's his message supposed to be like ?
and if we are sending to key A
and B, we will need 1024 bits for each segment
anyway mircea_popescu: in other lulz, /me went to open bank account today. you can not BELIEVE how fucking pussy whipped these people are. a) bank's only wire intermediary is bank of america. why ? uh... that's what the other banks do too. but... why ? umm... is it because you schmucks are a us colony, in the sense you don't get medicare
and they still get all your shit
anyway ? uhhhh
anyway, let it be said that there's nothing wrong with oaep as far as we know, but for the sake of argument a mpfhf based padding scheme would conceivably work like this : 1. given message m, of length l, generate r = random bits, of length l' up to l but not less than 256 bits. 2. compose m' = r + m + c (in that order), where c is l - l` (
and its bitness is always same as the bitness of len(m')-256). 3. compose Pm = R + S +
☟︎ mircea_popescu:
anyway, "a guard" pish. that's where you take the riots, if you're serious about rioting. brick pelt pelosi, feinstein
and friends.
anyway. "creates jobs" right. you too could be retiring to dogs
and grandkids if you only copy/paste from wikipedia!
phf: ok, i'm convinced of "cooperation is what happens
anyway". now i think that it doesn't work with conflicting interests. save person from river, potentially drown yourself kind of situation. or trade with them with smaller payoff, kill them
and take their stuff for higher payoff.
anyway. the tattoo situation (me asking girly "why haven't you yet figured out a tattoo that works to put on yourself!!!") is very much like me asking alf "where is the proper computer!!!". the complexities involved in making sense of the immense jumble that modern world puts at disposal are exponential on the base,
and the base grew exponential on time. we'll, likely, never catch up. yes ppls 5k years ago could lick every in
mircea_popescu: board is no such a huge deal. for one thing they're all farmed out
and most parts are off the shelf ; for the other -- how the fuck are you gonna cut off the on-chip nasty.
mircea_popescu: but
anyway, the fertilew swamp on which that was produced were "better building materials", ie, "let's make a house out of drywall
and insulation".
mod6: <+mircea_popescu>
anyway, bitcoin crash now at 200phash or so. basically, one solitary guy
and whatever gear he managed to rent. << remember when 200p was like insane amt?
anyway, bitcoin crash now at 200phash or so. basically, one solitary guy
and whatever gear he managed to rent.
anyway, portuguese
and spanish are the lulziest in this vein. at some party i chatted with this girl for a little,
and eventually i asked her why does she have such a thick accent ? "because i'm speaking portuguese".
anyway, the whole shtick with the "extraction" is because ingested dmt gets reduced metabolically, so one's stuck ingesting enough to overwhelm the monoamine oxidase pathway. but instead of doing all the dumb shit with shot glasses
and eating formaldehyde
and whatnot, one could just take lifril
and be about the same place.
anyway, the important, overarching point above is that the situation is not symmetrical. yes, the continued existence of the republic is, in
and of itself, some kind of victory against socialism ; but no, the continued existence of socialism is no kind of victory, for it, or against the republic.
mircea_popescu: why so shy
anyway ? mebbe rich fellow sees you
and swoops in
and rescues you from venezuela.
anyway, the discussion of card cheating brings us to an inverse of that ancient towers point (
http://btcbase.org/log/2015-10-31#1312420 ) : it is only in prison that technology is sufficiently limited for the "cheating -- allowed" approach to work. yes, it does work well,
and yes it is very warmly human. but it is also a strong part of the rural vs urban dispute, in that it is strictly a matter of rurality,
and can not live
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2017-07-22 16:35 mircea_popescu: suppose you go to the casino, yes,
and lose some money playing with the fates. if you discover that the game was fixed, will you go "ah well, i had lost it
anyway" ?
mircea_popescu: suppose you go to the casino, yes,
and lose some money playing with the fates. if you discover that the game was fixed, will you go "ah well, i had lost it
anyway" ?
☟︎ mircea_popescu:
anyway, the old "gop" dorks fell over like so much paper candles, the traditional senatorial refuge in disease
and bodily weakness. guy won his home front, no question.
phf: but then i was at a potomac jew book club where they were discussing generation p (or one of the earlier novels
and they couldn't get past THE HORROR OF THE 90s, literally entire conversations were about omg so much crime. all these people emigrated right after the collapse, where's for me the staple of 90s (oh there's a dead body on the corner, because petya shnur couldn't share the territory with vasya kulak, shrug) were the norm
mircea_popescu: dumbfounding shitnonsense is this
anyway. i do the things i do because they ARE! the right things to do. present fucking tense. not because i'm hopping such
and such a tomorrow as'll make them retrospectively the right things. wtf is even this, inflatothink.
anyway. the "UAE demands to Qatar" redo of WW1-era "serbian ultimatum" is ... still ongoing!! now with revisions
and etc.
mircea_popescu: but
anyway, yes, 5k in deductible payment that improves property is way the fuck better than aerosol induced astma, which is something that does happen,
and which is something that can readily cost 10x that over a miserable lifetime.
mircea_popescu: making everything depend on gossipd present
and running is the right thing
anyway. i'll rack the "us--major player in ddt history" up there with "apple could buy russia"
and all other self-referential wank.
anyway. the problem with ddt was bioaccumulation. it was the original spark for a lot of the current understanding of "why it is bad to eat agroindustrial shit". ddt is weakly toxic, but it
and metabolites accumulate, get stored in fat, etcetera.
anyway. straight alcohol, like the 99 proof stuff for making at home liqueur. fire hazard, but otherwise repellent
and killer of bugs.
anyway. they DID have this glare in eye liek exactly as described. as if they believed celestial mom
and dad are preparing the feasrt for them,
and they best but fidgetingly wait.
mircea_popescu: laugh if you will, but the ENTIRE experience of wealth ustard enjoys is exactly this
and nothing else. from the kid begging his parents for a lambo truck /
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s8XilZa2WY all the way up to the fiat captains of industry, stuck between being "too big to fail"
and being FED-fed
sina: "today, until a constanttime solution is in place, gpg is the tool of choice for RSA encryption. any time you use it, you can't know whether you have completely compromised your private key.
and we use it
sina: none of us do,
and yet, tmsr uses "18th century hygeine"
anyway. I am assuming because of considered evaluation of possible threats
and their outcome
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform
anyway, to continue upstream : education is an effort to resolve the unknowledge-sybil problem. you take in the girl
and know full well what she doesn't know, whip her, fuck her, not necessarily in this order, until she gets to the place where you don't know what she doesn't know, at which point she's an adult slave.
mircea_popescu: but
anyway, it's quite evident
and not a matter open to much dispute that a whole lot of not-really-into-bitcoin barnacles have been steadily accumulating, at least in their own esitmation, since 2012 or so.
anyway, the paradigmatic "soft fork" is "we will not mine transactions involving 1Terrorists address". permitting any other one is simply going towards this at whatever pace
and from whatever distance.
anyway, for the record, "oh,
and what is the use of storing 500mb when i can calculate this in seconds" : because, dumbass, you might want as we wanted TO HAVE SOMETHING TO COMPARE YOUR CALCULATIONS TO.
anyway, this endless lulz of socialism whereby they come up with a dumb "solution" to a non-problem which sane people ignore ("code pages")
and THEN they come up with an "improved" solution to the same nonproblem
and expect sane people to not piss on their face because hey, IMPROVED!
anyway, a couple days ago, i was messing around trying to go from 1 .. Word.
And I thought that I got a compile error saying "Expected Standard.Integer, found "Word"" or something of the kind.
anyway. your chief point is correct, in that flexion is pure lisp for language, that i even to this day can say inexistent words whose meanings are directly evident to romanian speakers is a large matter. english even has rudiments of proper flexion, i can say "the built"
and it connotes, but not to all speakers.
anyway I just wanted to test
and make sure all of my things were working post upgrade
mircea_popescu: would have been great if we had a service that had already been open, tested
and could be advertised ; but it'll be useful even to have it new, not like the dorks have much memory or mental consideration space
anyway, i don't score cluelessness for stupidity. it's structured
and self defending/perpetuating cluelessness that triggers.
anyway, hi
and all that
anyway, there's two problems with the by-capital allocation. one is that various lusers (microsoft, govt offices, hospitals, etc) end up buying computers they can afford monetaerily, but can not afford intellectually. then it's all "antivirus companies"
and "hackers"
and their dumb, drunk-fucking mother on a stick.
anyway, let it be pointed out that by-capital allocation of computing power is both a) immensely, ridiculously ineffectual
and b) not really practiced, not even by the "obviously right way" de facto proponents (usg)
anyway, i'm very much convinced that the various "oh, it's the same thing really" bad choices hash designers
and implementers make, very much typified by the above "machine word so as to '''elegantly''' avoid these problems" very much plays into nsa needs. it's again that same old convenience that makes the usg usg.
anyway, this existed in romania too, weirdly enough just about syncrhonously, early 90s. it was an incredible collection of chicks nobody would fuck with a hog's dick
and really pedosmiled older dudes.
anyway, between this "the vermin came later" 8086 installation, the bottle of dial glue, a pile of equerres labeled "a collection of eschers"
and so on, there's just about enough for a collaborative exhibition.
and yet...
anyway. his bad for inserting a conjecture among actually known shit. there's a difference between "we don't know if rsa is hard"
and "we know you can't compress all files"
anyway, there's entirely no relation between garibaldi
and say venice. you wanna talk d'este, sforza, zee germanz etc.
anyway, PeterL has a solid point : you may think of whatever split between capital goods
and labour, but fact is, at the time we are discussing the shovel owned oyu, not the other wayu around. if you owned a shovel you were god damned out there shoveling every day.
mircea_popescu: but
anyway, they'll work just as well as everything else in the empire of stupid works. did "ourembargo" work ? sure, in the sense shittington post wrote about how it will,
and then promptly forgot it ever happened
mircea_popescu: but
anyway, if costa rica enlarges its airport because it gets tons of traffic
and it HAS TO, panama will built an even larger one!!!! which nobody really needs wants or uses. but THEY ARE BETTER DAMNIT
mircea_popescu: but
anyway, there's really no way to run for oneself. take jurov for instance : years later he's still struggling to come to terms with the specific portions of socialism he can't let go of. if people end up taking teh bait
and going to bury themselv es ion google for the rest of their life, what exactly was lost ?
a111: Logged on 2016-05-19 15:31 mircea_popescu:
anyway, Framedragger golang is not liked here because we don't own it,
and we don't like usg.google more than we like usg.anything,
and because it seems quite well engineered to work as a baited hook for the usg chump works.
anyway, it is logical to have the error permanent "what it is",
and the self-reference tensed "i was". rather than pretend the error has no further substance than its past occurence, whereas the id is eternal
and so therefore is.
anyway -- if you're making both the payload
and the hash on the same machine...
mircea_popescu: Framedragger
anyway, appreciate the wisdom of having all that idiotic bubbling consumer behaviour at the outskirts of bitcoin,
and the unmitigated power
and awesome finesse of actually implementing the wisdom.
anyway. is passage there about "football glories" who expect they already did their work
and will be getting conference chicken free for life.
anyway. the amounts are not relevant. the plan is "get all you can
and get out".
anyway, item goes around with 10-20-50 MJ, it's only sensible to try
and FOAD it .
js-of-mp: but
anyway, next time spank her lightly
and graciously permit her to apologize for it.
anyway, but back upstack : it'd be perhaps fair to say that it wasn't porn ~per se~ that changed the world from pantsuit to breathable. it was the fortunate situation that just as the chick in every young household had been exposed to other girls outperforming her, the dude could then afford a cam
and so he could go "ok, get to work bitch".
anyway. the (vehehehery unlikely) alternative is that the usoviets blather in a warlike direction
and as a result the russians beat the chinese to the punch of "first usoviet aircraft carrier sunk".
mircea_popescu much rather buy used
and then put these new at own shop than buy "certified" bla bla
and have to put new ones
anyway in coupla years
phf: actually in 2005 or so, i was reading a lot of hunter thompson
and first got into the whole americana thing. i spent some time at kind of dirty biker honky tonk places. my guides, on more than one occasion, warned me not to speak at all (at first,
and while i'm sober
anyway), so as not to alert the locals to the fact that i'm russian. i'm pretty sure that at this point at the same bars i would automatically gain an honored guest status for being russia
mircea_popescu: but
anyway, "the suspect had his hands in his pockets
and was whistling a tune, so of course the officer shot him. because that's what officers do, in this alt-nightmare we've built"
anyway, the point being that "man's greatest possible as well as actual aspiration is to wait upon some dumb cunt
and the miserable maggots that crawl out of her cunt with some regularity" was never in history socially acceptable or socially accepted. it became the norm post ww2 not for any reason than because it is a prerequisite (among many other) for stacking pseudo-people like sardines.
mircea_popescu: so there's a pretty thorny dilema, become a faggot or a fighter ? they'll despise you anwyay,
and you'll lose parts you actually liked
anyway, but hey.
mircea_popescu: which is why "eth has market value". the entire market value of ethereum (all chains) is under a grand. but the lizards will keep buying it, for all the fiddy bux a week that costs, to prop up the pretense. if it catches, they got "millionz"
and if not they're out five coffees for a dozen losers who were getting that coffee off social security
mircea_popescu: !!later tell sina a) dun need to msg me the day's log, i always read it
anyway and b) yeah, the prototype actually implements an older spec. trivial to revise if one cares to, was published.
anyway, I guess I will come back later
and ask asciilifeform
and he'll laugh at me
mircea_popescu: works if you're trying to be a party favour until you hit age 30 ;
and pretty much female only
phf: erlehmann: now you can /msg deedbot !!up
and after decoding a challenge response send it back with /msg deedbot !!v <response> you'll be permanently upped while you're connected to services
anyway mircea_popescu:
anyway, point being they're asking,
and if you dun answer then dun be surprised.
anyway, point being : the relative proportion of wealth stored there actually diminished throughout 19th
and 20th centuries.
and there were also a bunch of germanz doing their take of french cuisine etc. but
anyway, the ridiculous item in question reserved an immense space for "motorbike garage"
and a tiny space for "aquaculture" in the shape of cubic foot fishtanks ; in same room, rabbit cages, same size.
anyway. the problem with wine is that better wine
and expensive wine do not well correlate. for the past 40 or so years europe sat on a lake of wine. you can have perfectly fine wines for the cost of the bottling, you can also spend as-much-as-you-want for idiot veblen americana.
mod6: well, i figured, im not really sure I do this
anyway, but lets make a market. i'll say .1, he'll say .0001
and somewhere, we hvae price discovery.
mircea_popescu: works out in practice as well as it does.
anyway -- nothing wrong with poor man's solutions, iuf understood as such
and used as part of an actually figured out plan.
anyway, the -otc days maybe came
and went a long time ago. so gabriel_laddel_p might be sol.
anyway, re the hawaii "judge" lulz, /me is already preparing the popcorn for when the shoe will be on the other foot
and libertards will be frothing at the mouth as to how THIS IS NOT ALLOWABLE!!! only democratic when does it for democratic party!!!1
anyway ; the whole thing with block management hasta be redone, there's no way to separate strands. which is why work is ongoing from the other end, trying to figure out the proper foundation for storing blocks,
and creating a storage engine model etc, ben_vulpes 's stuff.
anyway, the whole tjhing with the "bretton woods agreement" / "our democracy peace
and un" is an attempt to predicate the meaning on an authority predicated on the meaning, through the avenue of "we hate war". nice
and good but can't work,
and so it surprisingly does not work.
anyway. so now imagine ~half of all the chicks her age are also blessed with her mentality
and it should be plain obvious there's NO POSSIBILITY of satisfying them in any other way than through netflix. because, even if you bougth them all ferraris, through buying half a billion of the thing they wouldn't be veblen goods anymore
and so no longer serve the purpose. because they don't want all this shit for itself ; they just w
anyway, there's a reason every army prefers the enemy kill its infantry than it's officers --
and it's also how war improves the population.
anyway, working great for them, soberania & argentina no es un pais pobre ftw. meanwhile they ain't got two empanadas to rub together
and uni profs are buying socks on credit.
diana_coman: ah yes;
and fwiw it's
anyway still live
and well in Ro as well