786 entries in 0.798s

Adlai: what's up with logs, have we built the
moon cabin yet?
Vexual: did i have aplan for some
moon or other?
mircea_popescu: it does not work. might as well grab the
moon with a tweezer
mircea_popescu: plus if you suck a cock once in a blue
moon you'll be popular as all hell.
assbot: BitBet - Qntra to the
moon :: 0.31 B (79%) on Yes, 0.08 B (21%) on No | closing in 6 months 6 days | weight: 90`974 (100`000 to 10) ... (
http://bit.ly/19fs1Mm )
brendafdez: The first park to use the name was Coney Island's second major amusement park, designed by Frederic Thompson and Elmer "Skip" Dundy and opened in 1903. They named the park after the spaceship in their Pan-American Exposition ride "A Trip to the
brendafdez: Vexual in a way it does refer to the
moon. From derpipedia: Luna Park is a name shared by dozens of currently operating and defunct amusement parks that have opened on every continent except Antarctica since 1903.
mircea_popescu: obv, fake title will be constructed by convention, but hey. not unlike saying "the
moon belongs to X"
Adlai: dogecoin rallied after they added css3
moon rocket upvote animations
assbot: What if /hashtag/bitcoin?src=hash price goes up during a down
moon cycle? /BitcoinBravo /hashtag/
moon?src=hash /hashtag/parabolic?src=hash
danielpbarron: the guy was trying to convince me that the price was effect by the
moon chetty: right? left? too the
moon might as well be. right and left don't make sense anymore
trinque: king says I want a
moon base
assbot: Logged on 27-02-2015 01:31:56; asciilifeform: i think of the folks who might have tried to go to the
moon in balloons, or shooting selves out of cannons, in the past
mircea_popescu: fluffypony: Frankly, handing off to a reference counting system <<< "One day a student came to
Moon and said: I understand how to make a better garbage collector. We must keep a reference count of the pointers to each cons.
Moon patiently told the student the following story: One day a student came to
Moon and said: I understand how to make a better garbage collector..."
pete_dushenski: i'll keep using your
moon nazi example because it's so darned useful here: trust isn't complete, but limited to one domain
thestringpuller: pete_dushenski: Well, US harbored Nazi scientists for
moon program or what not.
pete_dus_: "mebbe if the price won't go to the
moon, block size can!"
hanbot: <mircea_popescu> it's this particular concoction of the forcible solipsism of crusoe with the narcissism of a fifteen year old boy that grew up alone among cows, with the desperation of a dying beggar on the dark side of the
moon. << ahahaha best review evar
mircea_popescu: it's this particular concoction of the forcible solipsism of crusoe with the narcissism of a fifteen year old boy that grew up alone among cows, with the desperation of a dying beggar on the dark side of the
mircea_popescu: anyway, still great article, hitting the mark. qntra can only go to
moon from here.
mircea_popescu: anyway, it's funny just how self-contradictory the guy is, and how carefully crafted his pile, and how incredibly unstable in spite of all that effort. reading his lengthy posts is sort-of like admiring someone who managed to build a half mile tall chair pile in his quest to get to the
moon on chairs.
decimation: yeah that's a good point, the heirarchy is too busy running actual business - it doesn't have time to prance around and promise the
moon to the sans-culottes
Apocalyptic: jurov, well reddit wants
moon, I guess they got it
BingoBoingo: thestringpuller: Seems to be an especially strong week for drama. I anticipate
davout: 1/0 is an alias for $
MOON RagnarDanneskjol: re molokization of deedbot v2.0 - no idea what you're talkin about? has nothing to do with me. also don't recall pestering anyone here ever..once in a blue
moon I will ask questions in pm if I'm not authed/voiced.
mircea_popescu: i hope hje's partenering with kenna to start a
moon printing program
BingoBoingo: Well. Working on getting this one right considering it may be applicable to my own plan to escape the
moon by stacking chairs.
mircea_popescu: so basically doge v2.0, because the fucktards must have a "
moon rocket".
decimation: kakobrekla: bounce off the
moon << yeah, radio hams do this, but the antenna farm required to make it work is quite large
kakobrekla: well, you can also bounce it off the
moon on the way to dc.
undata: there's both a bootstrapping problem there as well as a finger-vs-
moon thing
mats_cd03: 01:14:25 <+BingoBoingo> Such flat, BTC made it to the
moon, but got stuck in the sea of tranquility << makes me happy, tbh
BingoBoingo: Such flat, BTC made it to the
moon, but got stuck in the sea of tranquility
mircea_popescu: "Then, God be bless'd, it is the blessed sun: but sun it is not, when you say it is not; and the
moon changes even as your mind. What you will have it named, even that it is; and so it shall be so for Katharina."
mircea_popescu: "Does it have money or financial mental associations, or even slight links, for example, Luckycoin is for luck, that is necessary to become rich, Mooncoin means
Moon, and the
Moon drives ocean waters and financial flows (as assumed in financial astrology) plus to the
moon means also price growing process
And MEOW, or BBQ coins have no these associations at all)."
adlai: "I think the dark side of the
moon is worth 100 dead kids" - maher
mircea_popescu: "most people report sun and
moon visibly the same size to naked eye"
mircea_popescu: and yes, one of the many different reasons bayesianism is little more than "a cult of ai without
moon or minsky aka stupid"
cazalla: ah never mind, went to
moon soon after
kakobrekla: well yeah if you can burn a hole in the universe you can prolly flash to
moon BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: Prolly can encode BTC transactions in Baudot and send to the
moon with lasers
kakobrekla: if its going to the
moon you need lazers or dunno space elevator
BingoBoingo: So we need BTC to hit the
moon already so we can roll our own transoceanic fiber.
undata: "gravity" holds the
moon to the earth
xanthyos: if it crashes, my purchase goes through, if it goes to the
moon, coinbase will cancel the transaction
BingoBoingo: Well, new meme clogging Derpistan seems to be "Forget the
moon, we caught a comet"
mircea_popescu: they believe things more akin to "the
moon is made of cheeze" and "jews did nyc"
mircea_popescu: but bothered the turtle, because it could no longer see the light of the soon or the
moon, or the stars.
decimation: interestingly, it uses "AJ-26" engines, which were 'commercially purchased' by usg from... the soviet
moon program
undata: in the same way that me jumping jiggles the
moon mircea_popescu: (and for that matter, it IS quite fucking possible for the current, fixed e implementation to spit out badly coded stuff every once in a blue
moon, when the p q happen to be a multiple of 65537)
undata: mircea_popescu | mike_c only thing going to the
moon is undata. << maybe I'll luck out and Elon's overcompensating
bounce: The
Moon is Waxing Crescent (1% of Full)
mike_c: listen you pack of elitist fucks, bitcoin is for the masses and dogecoin is going back to the
assbot: The Boswell Sisters - Stop the sun, stop the
moon (1932).wmv - YouTube
assbot: Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz - Book Review: Empire of the Summer
Moon BingoBoingo: Just needs to work long enough to pass "hello Wor[melts]" kind of like reverse
moon probe
bounce: well, they work a lot better than trying to go to the
moon your way
mircea_popescu: bounce sure. you can also go to the
moon by pulling on your underwear
mircea_popescu: also a project. there's no shortage of projects, it's not like you can either pick "go to
moon" or nothing.
mircea_popescu: to say "by the end of the decade - man on
moon" is substantially different from "hey, we're spending some moneys on some things"
mircea_popescu: you understand this ? anecdotic agreement by wizard x with wizard y is not how you fly to the
mircea_popescu: if they had, the soviets would still be a thing, painting the
moon red