700+ entries in 0.287s

mircea_popescu: sending some thugs to scare the peons is the 2nd cheapest thing in the
mircea_popescu: trinque, for instance. or maybe there's a great
book awaiting the writing in there ; or a great woman he's not yet met, or nobody knows the future. which is why the "things not to do" list is so fucking short and vague.
Mocky: shinohai, thanks re: mims warez. I found similar, already a 3rd of the way thru. a
book hand printed in mechanical pencil... remarkable
mircea_popescu: !!rate Mocky 3 Mocky Habeeb. Wrote a
book on Amazon DB ; works for infraWise (which is pretty lulzy, but don't hold it against him).
a111: Logged on 2018-01-19 02:45 asciilifeform: 'chukcha wrote a
book. we open the
book: pg 1: 'man got on a horse.' pg . N : 'man got off horse' pg . 2 .. N-1 : 'tgdyk, tgdyk, tdgyk...' '
mircea_popescu: mod6, you understand, refinancing is people putting money on a proposition. it depends immensely what the proposition is. P1 = "our
book value is ~11 and consists 95% of exotic hardware nobody else can get where it is" is very different from P2 = "we ate through our seed A+++ would do some more dicking about with files we download. oh and there's also some hardware."
mircea_popescu: (english) Moreover, every alteration that takes place in a human body - for example, a state of health or a state of sickness - can be brought down to a question of natural causes, as Aristotle has shown in his 7th
book of Physics. And the greatest of these is the influence of the stars. But the devils cannot interfere with the stars. This is the opinion of Dionysius in his epistle to S. Polycarp. For this alone God can do. T
mircea_popescu: in any case, it's what makes danielpbarron 's review thoroughly horrible : he tries to watch the already juiced matter (no, the film of the
book wasn't very good, because americans) with completely ahistoric eyes, and wonders how they managed to die in car crash on those roads, you can barely go 35.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-14 03:54 trinque: danielpbarron: eh you know, I was going to call the
book the (apparent) movie is based upon garbage, but gears began to turn, and if recollection serves, the thing's a passable depiction of what happens to meaning in the aftermath of destroyed structures of authority, a la mircea_popescu
trinque: danielpbarron: eh you know, I was going to call the
book the (apparent) movie is based upon garbage, but gears began to turn, and if recollection serves, the thing's a passable depiction of what happens to meaning in the aftermath of destroyed structures of authority, a la mircea_popescu
☟︎ ben_vulpes: and yeah farmers get rekt and bankers
book it; story of the ages.
mircea_popescu: since we're discussing "retards are retarded", here's a fine example :
https://archive.is/RbD9o ; it consists of a) let's leak through the inept choice of "pad by the value of padding, so if you need 5 bytes of padding pad with 5 bytes each = 5" (and then pretend this is not to be reviewed "because popular" and also do every other elbow trick in the
book to stick it past) followed unneringly by... b) construct elaborate ritua
pete_dushenski: just finished reading "NYT #1" (aren't they all)
book by yuval harari - homo deus - in which this ~historian~ goes on and on about ai taking ur jerbs, magick biotech pills that will turn us into supermen, and other technodystopianist nonsense. had dude shut up after first 2/3rds of the
book and stuck with the history of human technological progress
pete_dushenski is still waiting for asciilifeform travelog of romania, and giveaway
book list...
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, you're confusing the concept of par value for shares (which is 0.00001 considering you issued 1.1mn on 11 btc capital) with
book value per share, a different item.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-23 21:58 asciilifeform:
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 21:51 mircea_popescu: no, you said "oh, but pizarro
book is small" in the sense of, "how much trading can it take". well...
mircea_popescu: no, you said "oh, but pizarro
book is small" in the sense of, "how much trading can it take". well...
☟︎ mircea_popescu: were the
book written in this heavenly tongue, it'd be immediately readable i guess. but it factually is not.
trinque: this before even evaluating whether the magic happenings in the
book were credible
trinque concedes it's a bias of his own, left the church young on the basis of "magic
book didn't prevent lying shitbags from infecting the magic
book building"
trinque: if usglandia were populated with these christians rather than the others, it'd be *far* more tolerable. I've always gotten along with them, because the skull contents tend to be orderly, even if they originate at "because the
mircea_popescu: Darwin_Fish, but your source for what god declared is a
book which a guy wrote and some other guys maybe didn't alter (too much).
a111: Logged on 2014-08-12 02:16 mircea_popescu: TimSwanson you the guy with the ofnumbers/
book thing ?
mircea_popescu: trinque the line i was going on with the "what odds do you give" is that CDB is indelible from the
book, stays there in red. cost of carry of capital, goods or otherwise, and so on.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-03 16:36 BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> so this upscale local market ("automercado") that stocks all the shit i buy and consequently got a multi-mn monthly account came up with the very dubious idea of running a promotion. one of those things where you get stickers with your receipt and then you fill a
book ? in the terms of the master provisioneer, "they'll rue the day!". i think she's got like twenty of the things all lined up. << Here "automercados" are
a111: Logged on 2018-04-03 12:30 shinohai:
http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-3#324610 <<< I'm sorry, been working on my new
book "How to set chmod permissions in under 1 minute so users can log into their shell, and other things isp ops should know!" .... but I'll look into that as time permits.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> so this upscale local market ("automercado") that stocks all the shit i buy and consequently got a multi-mn monthly account came up with the very dubious idea of running a promotion. one of those things where you get stickers with your receipt and then you fill a
book ? in the terms of the master provisioneer, "they'll rue the day!". i think she's got like twenty of the things all lined up. << Here "automercados" are
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-04-03 12:30 shinohai:
http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-3#324610 <<< I'm sorry, been working on my new
book "How to set chmod permissions in under 1 minute so users can log into their shell, and other things isp ops should know!" .... but I'll look into that as time permits.
mircea_popescu: so this upscale local market ("automercado") that stocks all the shit i buy and consequently got a multi-mn monthly account came up with the very dubious idea of running a promotion. one of those things where you get stickers with your receipt and then you fill a
book ? in the terms of the master provisioneer, "they'll rue the day!". i think she's got like twenty of the things all lined up.
mircea_popescu: jesus christ why is peterme.com orange ;/ and what the fuck is this, one self-promotion item from jan 2017, another pushing a
book from august 2016 and a third from april ? jesus christ these people lack any insides already.
phf: i saw it on a colleagues table, started reading it, and it looks sensible and educational. first time i borrow a
book from a coworker :o
phf: trinque: have you seen
https://masteringpostgresql.com? it's by dimitri fontaine, who's a major postgresql contrib, but he also wrote pgloader, a proggy for etl into postgresql, which he wrote in common lisp; you get mentions of clos and naggum and such in his
mircea_popescu: they have a
book on torque measurements an' errything.
mircea_popescu: yes, but this "poor mastery of
book learnin', relying on endless tomes of tico brache measurements" thing -- very much what the engineer started off as.
mircea_popescu: cotor =>
book spine, the tough part of cabbage, more generally a hard core of things
a111: Logged on 2018-02-02 21:26 mircea_popescu: phf you can also
book with a day+ layover in panama on your way back. for one thing you get to see the place and despise panama for good reason rather than by hearsay ; for the other flight over here is ~1hr ~every hour.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo ^ also for your
book. << Booked
phf: i don't have a wallet setup with that thing, i'll
book pay tomorrow. i'm beat right now and don't want to fat finger something
mircea_popescu: phf you can also
book with a day+ layover in panama on your way back. for one thing you get to see the place and despise panama for good reason rather than by hearsay ; for the other flight over here is ~1hr ~every hour.
☟︎☟︎ BingoBoingo: <ben_vulpes> 8.6 was peak macos in my
book << 7.5.1
a111: Logged on 2018-01-31 00:06 ben_vulpes: 8.6 was peak macos in my
book mircea_popescu: lobbes sadly thaty
book is not availablew in my country ;/ i wonder if you could buy it for me and ship it!!1
mircea_popescu: ~same thing as "received holy
book", ie why the eastern version yielded "orthodoxy".
mircea_popescu: people put their email in there all the time ; which got zimmerman banned in my
book, because i wrote to the email and he responded that he "long ago lost the key".
caaddr: something from the same
book: gpg2 does not allow export of the two RSA primes, p and q, from a password protected key. it does not think that you *own your own primes*. the primes upon which your reputation rests
BingoBoingo: Brb, making coffee and reading a
book of substantial size y entonces me voy a dormir.
a111: Logged on 2014-02-26 06:23 asciilifeform: channelling herr naggum: 'It is like going to a library full of books that took 50 man-years to produce each, inventing a way to cut down the costs to a few man-months per
book by copying and randomly improving on other books, and then wondering why nobody thinks your library full of these cheaper books is an inspiration to future authors.'
mircea_popescu: speaking of which, recently /me introduced briefly phuctor to whitebeard, mentioned bernstein smooth integers speedup, got very confused headshake and an invitation to point to where did this wonder happen ?! in s. n. bernstein
book. "not that one, a newer one, american" "oh."
btcvixen: I was thinking of writing a
book.... entitled "from hashcodes to Heroin: a bitcoin legacy"
mircea_popescu: "What can I say? I wasted 6 years of my life on SGML and related technologies only to find that when I wanted to translate my experience and knowledge and significant grasp of this technology into a
book that would teach what I had found to others, I had to look real hard at all the braindamaged things that I had been willing to sweep under the carpet and found, to my horror, that SGML, once understood, could not possibly be
esthlos: asciilifeform: have any (text)
book suggestions for a computer hardware architecture n00b?
mircea_popescu: contrary to what pantsuit may be whispering in ear, "here i am, with this 10lb
book of which i can read not a word" is a very poor predictor of failure.
phf: or read for that matter, though i'm not sure if i prefer the
book in this case.
mircea_popescu: which is what the "here's capital good selling under
book price -- go, buy" link was all about! there's not going to be any "SALE!!!" better than this, ever, no matter what.
phf: one is an accumulation of knowledge on the subject of history in your head, the other one is a written
book of that title, that one, if one were so inclined, could track down and read :)
a111: Logged on 2017-12-21 19:38 phf:
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-20#1755450 << i've picked up a
book in new orleans, “Symbolic computation : applications to scientific computing”, it's all macsyma and various sussman style scheme hacks for exploring dynamic systems, but an interesting trick that almost all the code uses, which i guess was sop in lisp world at some point, is to do visualization and control on a lisp machine, but do the heavy numeric simulations in fortran 77. the in
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-20#1755450 << i've picked up a
book in new orleans, “Symbolic computation : applications to scientific computing”, it's all macsyma and various sussman style scheme hacks for exploring dynamic systems, but an interesting trick that almost all the code uses, which i guess was sop in lisp world at some point, is to do visualization and control on a lisp machine, but do the heavy numeric simulations in fortran 77. the in
☝︎☟︎ phf: "a face
book? i do not poses a face
book, i have many regular books though!"
phf: i supper proper presentation of fg schematics in a v-tron is either in the style of the marine chronometer
book i have next to me or not at all. "taking first the essentials, c is the escape wheel. the escapement consists of the bar E, carrying the two projections e, e' etc". everything else ought to be handled separately
☟︎ mircea_popescu: suppose you're 16yo girl. are you going to a) tell your mom you hate her, which is transgressive except for how she read you were gonna do that in a
book when you were 6 ; or b) join isis so as to shoot your classmate in the face by the time you're both 24 ?
fromloper: the macroinstruction set doc was actually published as a dead tree
a111: Logged on 2016-01-18 18:36 ascii_butugychag: on account of that schmuck at shmoocon who was peddling a group-theoretical crypto algo, quasi-proprietary and patentalicious, that was more or less stolen verbatim from maslennikov's