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assbot: Holy shit! Technical Analysis is real! on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Lpjm9Z )
mircea_popescu: in fact. most of these girlies are in the shitter, consider http://trilema.com/2014/holy-shit-technical-analysis-is-real/#selection-85.0-89.62
williamdunne: Holy shit
mircea_popescu: holy shit prolly.
mircea_popescu: holy shit man. a quote from wikipedia and the next mention of the word in comments ?!
mircea_popescu: "I will say this though, I myself would have rather lived in 1940's American than Nazi Germany, and no this is not ignorance speaking, it is just my opinion." << holy shit, by the time a guy with serious respect for opinions as a mental construct and a preference for historical us over nazi germany goes shooting up the police station you know the sops problem hath come full circle.
mircea_popescu: "[How is it possible for an adult American to need to spend full-time maintaining a 20-year-old house? I got some insight into this the other day. << holy shit the us has turned into 80s romania.
hazirafel_: who am i? :my name is sarah, i live in the 'holy land' , i did some programming courses in collage but bitcoin actually motivates me to learn the nuts and bolts, was looking around the net, saw a recommendation of this cha
mircea_popescu: o holy log lol.
asciilifeform: 'There is a discussion on FAA meetings about encrypting the ADS-B signal. By angering the authorities, we will only speed up this process.' << holy fuck the idiocy. i have idea! let's give usg brass cars without license plates ! that way no one will ~ever~ know where they are.
cazalla: i don't mind a bit of holy flax too
mod6: gentoo has an ability to allow you to do an overlay .. but holy crap. gentoo is such a nightmare.
pete_dushenski: "the TIC and NETWORZ consolidation initiative is behind schedule and unlikely to achieve its goal of delivering less than 100 connections either in short- or mid-term timeframes." << not saying this is an easy task, but holy shit does the manhattan project *feel* like it was 3 generations ago. what goals can usg hope to accomplish these days, other than writing more pieces of paper and making more pp slides ?
mircea_popescu: williamdunne holy shit you knbow em that well ?
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron 15:26:55 <@Samsai> oh, that game << holy shit, everyone knows ?!
williamdunne: Holy cow, SSDs have got cheaper since I last checked..
trinque: williamdunne: holy lol @ the idea that them encrypting email to me does *anything*
asciilifeform: Vexual: sd card with single-chip 'crypto coprocessor' (a la the atmel turd discussed a few months ago; possibly even the very same) - with extra holy water and marketing drivel included
mircea_popescu: whereas the rest of the derps are essentially going on a "holy shit something we never heard of before- BURN THE WITHCq!1"
gabriel_laddel: holy fucking god almighty
trinque: holy shit that's rich
assbot: Logged on 20-05-2015 00:47:39; mod6: holy shit gnupg v2 is bizzare! X_X
mircea_popescu: holy shit on a fuckstick.
mod6: holy shit gnupg v2 is bizzare! X_X ☟︎
mircea_popescu: Pierre_Rochard holy shiot wtf is that.
mircea_popescu: https://8ch.net/btc/res/222.html#226 << holy shit that thing has a face.
mircea_popescu: ‘Holy shit, they broke RSA!’ or ‘This is false advertising, they didn’t really do anything!’ imbeciles, << no but it's THE CONTROVERSY
trinque: holy phuctor
mircea_popescu: and holy shit.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> yes. once keys are factored we have the privkey. << holy shit o.0
williamdunne: Holy shit wel done asciii
mircea_popescu: "This is so FUCKING disgusting, holy shit"
asciilifeform: these folks fill the holy trifecta of 1) won't notice 2) if notices, won't care 3) if cares, impotent to do anything
jurov: holy log
mircea_popescu: essentially the position of the Catholic church, hoping that it may teach people to read and write in such a way that they'll actually continue to take the "Holy Scripture" seriously. Why would they ? They won't, they don't, it's just not how that works.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: wavy's quote is "holy shiFt of bs" if it makes a difference.
mircea_popescu: nevertheless, the holy shit of bs i intend to steal, it's pretty good.
mircea_popescu: As virtually limitless amounts of cosmic epiphanies began to dawn on me, timeless transcendence of my timelessly presence in the ‘Holy Shift of B.S.’ (belief systems) about universal life started a Higher Truth transformation twist in my life from I to We (think illness to wellness)."
mircea_popescu: the thought of your average joe when confronted with a vacuum is never "holy shit ima make SUCH A fucking earthquake here..."
asciilifeform: PopeSci - laboratory supplies approved by the holy see
davout: heh, guess you're right, happened to me back in the day, guess my brain at the time recorded 80€ as 'holy shit, lots of money'
mircea_popescu: holy shit sherlock
gabriel_laddel: holy fuck no
mircea_popescu: holy shit what country is this
assbot: vytah comments on Holy Satoshi! Butter pays 85Btc transaction fees for a 16Btc transaction. Is this the largest fee ever paid? ... ( http://bit.ly/1E6kISv )
mircea_popescu: holy shit.
williamdunne: Fetch the holy hand grenade
mircea_popescu: omfg holy shit three days of logs within a cup of coffee ?!
Citizenfive: Hence, maybe — holyfuckwhatanidea — financially incentivize Tor scrutinization at the protocol level? O.O
mircea_popescu: holy derp on a stick.
mircea_popescu: holy shit. apparently online en dictionaries have lost a meaning of sufficient.
williamdunne: Holy shit
trinque: http://www.myfoxdc.com/story/28783266/free-range-kids << free range... holy lol
pete_dushenski: holy sweet mother of public health
ben_vulpes: holy hell this is a manifesto
trinque: holy shit decision sciences.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-04-2015#1095683 << holy shit is this the onion ?! ☝︎
mircea_popescu: holy shit this guy is ALSO bruce w ?
trinque: holy shit the guy's made dragonballs
mircea_popescu: it was a holywood "socialist realist" piece tho
mircea_popescu: holy shit, "crocker's rules" omfg. http://trilema.com/2014/anonymous-derpage/
trinque: holy shit no one knows why there's both a u_int32_t and a uint32_t
mircea_popescu: dude holy hell, no configured file ever existed before ?
asciilifeform: holy everliving phuck, is auditing a cpp-built bin a pain.
funkenstein_: holy shit
ascii_field: holy fuck
ben_vulpes: holy heck a whole half btc of donations this month
pete_dushenski: because HOLYWTFBBQ happened to the logs!
mircea_popescu: holy shit the only google reference to that is a logs link.
mircea_popescu: holy shit 28 ? MEAT TONIGHT!
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: holy cramoly!
mircea_popescu: (but alf may appreciate article I : "A Christian general and permanent peace, and true and honest friendship, must rule between the Holy Imperial Majesty and the Holy All-Christian Majesty"
trinque: ascii_field: holy shit the video
mircea_popescu: holy shit, i don't even fuck without a condom!
assbot: Logged on 24-01-2015 05:51:18; mircea_popescu: holy hell a sane engineer.
mircea_popescu: and holy shit this logging up took forever.
trinque: holy fuck
ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-03-2015#1064878 << all hail the holy cunt ☝︎
mircea_popescu: holy shit, eight towns nobody heard about in a state that's barely extant, thousands of sex offenders ?
trinque: holy fuck I shall lay waste to everything in a five mile radius
trinque: holy fuck are american women cunts
trinque: +mircea_popescu | trinque well obviously. once the "to whoever according to his needs" becomes the payoff, needs become competitive. << holy fuck, does this social phenomenon fill me with bile
danielpbarron: the holy grail of all social media
trinque: holy fuck I step away for a minute :D
trinque recalls flopping around in front of a couch, saying to no one, "holy fuck, this is me!"
mircea_popescu: dude, check it out, pete_dushenski was punished by the holy redditard empire for his murdersome streak.
mircea_popescu: holy shit. enthalpy never happened ?
mircea_popescu: "holy shit all these cocks neighing!"
ben_vulpes: by the holy dogfucking jesus i will find them
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-03-2015#1044250 << holy shit this is the stupidest thing ever. srsly, cpu mining ? ☝︎
danielpbarron: Funny how not long it takes the Christian to start a holy war upon the poor Arab! << LOL, I honestly didn't even consider his ethnicity; I have a /stab alias for when people annoy me
mircea_popescu: holy shit 2k lines that aren't your own are hard as fucking coffin nails
mircea_popescu: holy shit who does these things
cazalla: haha holy fuck, derpopulous actually told the australian senate (with a straight face) he invisions a kid on a skateboard in indonesia running a billion dollar remittance business
mircea_popescu: it is. my skin was crawling earlier with that 2011 feeling of "holy shiot we're back to writing bitcoin stuff here"
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: and what IS burning man but fuck club ? << not entirely this is about 1/3 of it. Another 1/3 is "Holy shit I'm on so many drugs what's even going on, how do I survive, OMG this is so fucking awesome I wanna run around and do nothing cause I have no obligations or worries at the moment." Another 1/3 is "Holy fuck that giant thing is burning holy fuck holy fuck that is fucking awesome." IMO Burns are probably the
gabriel_laddel: "Nope. All he did was sprinkle some holy water on me and say 'your father in heaven accepts you. Amen'"
mircea_popescu: the only other people i know about this stupid and stupid in this manner are the sicilians, and they are fucking fixated on the holy cunt.
mircea_popescu: holy shit trilema was discussing the "hard drtives discovery" a year ago ?
nubbins`: "holy shit bitcoin core runs on raspi B+!"