1700+ entries in 0.457s
asciilifeform: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCDi-UXUo8E << holy fuq. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: so he prayed to yahweh, "oh lord, do not let me fall into sin in the holy day of sabbath". and lo and behold, all around him was suddenly wednesday.
assbot: Holy shit! Technical Analysis is real! on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1PLchSi )
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-01-2016#1361397 <<=-=>> http://trilema.com/2014/holy-shit-technical-analysis-is-real/ ☝︎
BingoBoingo: I usually do, but holy shit
BingoBoingo: Anyways went to visit brother's house for dinner. This involved crossing the Mississippi which has apparently been receeding. HOLY FUCK THE WATER!
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-01-2016#1358550 << aha. the fear of coming home from war to find yourself in the 'holy cross hospital ? you mean the second reformed hospital' scene from dr. zhivago ☝︎
ascii_rear: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-01-2016#1358429 << holyfuck am i the only one who r ☝︎
assbot: holyrofler comments on Ian Murdock, Debian founder, is threatening suicide on Twitter right now. Please, let's stop him! ... ( http://bit.ly/1PyhBIr )
thestringpuller: whoa holy fuck
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: holy shit - sold out
thestringpuller: https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoinxt/comments/3ybds9/core_is_only_bitcoin_by_name_lets_just_fork_the/cyc2ktv << holy shit. I didn't think redditards could get any more stupid...and now this: "if there will be no miners the difficulty will drop until we can become CPU miners again."
mircea_popescu: "The growing public attention sparked by the investment became both a heaven and a hell. On one hand, during the course of Gowalla’s life we received more tech press coverage than is right and holy for any startup. On the other, I dare you to find a post about Gowalla that doesn't mention Foursquare."
mircea_popescu: holy shit, what ?
mircea_popescu: holy shit check that crazy out.
mircea_popescu: holy shit, someone's not entirely dumb ?!
asciilifeform: holy shit
asciilifeform: http://ireport.cnn.com/community/assignment << holy shit what is this
asciilifeform: also holy shit i read the title and assumed it was a snarky ru-eng pun but it wasn't
asciilifeform: http://trilema.com/2015/continut-platit-no-more << holyshit
ascii_field: already weights most of what bitcoin weighs holy shit
mircea_popescu: holy shit, turning off error reporting altogehter took!
assbot: Logged on 21-12-2015 23:38:07; mircea_popescu: holy shit it's in a dpaste in the logs ?
mircea_popescu: holy shit it's in a dpaste in the logs ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: holy shit sha512sum doesn't match either.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349167 << lulzy obit. odd that no BSDO mentioned. << Holy shit, how did I miss this in paper newspaper ☝︎
asciilifeform: https://github.com/dedis/Dissent/blob/master/src/Crypto/DsaPrivateKey.cpp << holy fuck the yale thing supports dsa ?!
ascii_field: holy fuck mircea_popescu
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346648 << holy shit ☝︎
mircea_popescu: holy shit the innovation...
ascii_field: 'Because we live in a landlocked territory, District residents’ interest is piqued by any mention of a beach...' << holy fuck, did someone pull up the drain cork on the potomac river or what
mircea_popescu: holy shit...
ascii_field: holyfuq wat
assbot: Logged on 15-12-2015 07:47:56; BingoBoingo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343231 << Was offline dedicating my pipe to a test. Holy fuckballs does 0.11.2 suck at peer discovery and sig verification speed.
assbot: Logged on 15-12-2015 07:47:56; BingoBoingo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343231 << Was offline dedicating my pipe to a test. Holy fuckballs does 0.11.2 suck at peer discovery and sig verification speed.
BingoBoingo: Holy shit. danielpbarron is now a gurl on twitter.
BingoBoingo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343231 << Was offline dedicating my pipe to a test. Holy fuckballs does 0.11.2 suck at peer discovery and sig verification speed. ☝︎☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: holy shit...
mircea_popescu: second off : grain diameter ? what the holy shit ? he imagines they ground marble down to molecular size ?
asciilifeform: holy fuck
mircea_popescu: and holy shit that alf link. "You can ask for the Buns of a different sandwich. Most people don't know that. Like get Big Mac buns on a mc double"
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1341360 << holy shit is that a zil ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1340919 << holy shit they're doing it backwards. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: holy shit... i've.... i've become gaddafi ?!
asciilifeform: holy fuck is there not 1 paragraph of text on the net without a uniturd or eleven in it.
danielpbarron: prometheus including haught holy horrors see below
assbot: Holy shit! Technical Analysis is real! on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Qpy3fB )
mircea_popescu: somewhat relevant to the mobile and google discussion, http://trilema.com/2014/holy-shit-technical-analysis-is-real/#comment-115994
ascii_field: holy fuck:
ascii_field: holy fuck, there are still people discussing 'buying ice cream cone' and 'bitcoin' in same paragraph...!
assbot: Logged on 01-12-2015 18:39:12; ascii_field: trinque: typical bureaucrat folk seek only the holy trinity of mortgage, 'health,' and 'dental.
ascii_field: trinque: typical bureaucrat folk seek only the holy trinity of mortgage, 'health,' and 'dental. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: this pretense that say france is a country because holy usg says it's a country, while isis is not a country because louise shelley acts as if it weren't...
mircea_popescu: hence my comment comparing to a holywood star. it wasn't idle words.
pete_dushenski: palace at versailles yields different impression, yes, that of "holy fuck how did they even think of that level of detailing?" and "holy cramoly where did they even find craftsman to make that?"
ascii_field: theoretically, 'sviato' == holy; 'gor' ~= 'of mountains'
mircea_popescu: the hero HolyPlot
assbot: Logged on 26-11-2015 15:00:55; mircea_popescu: (bitcoin unintelligently transformed its already minor cost into a disasters of commons situation, due to the fact that satoshi had about as much financial experience as a holywood star. but anyway.)
mircea_popescu: (bitcoin unintelligently transformed its already minor cost into a disasters of commons situation, due to the fact that satoshi had about as much financial experience as a holywood star. but anyway.) ☟︎
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-11-2015#1330273 << holy shit, straight rip of ken thompson ?! ☝︎
mircea_popescu: i never saw much in it (and in pelevin generally) other than "oh if only the holy tenets of TRUE socialism hadn't been /intinate/ or however you say that in russian
asciilifeform: (btw this subject is near & dear to yours truly, as it was one of the historic 'holy wars' between the common lisp and scheme aficionados - the latter system had tailcall elimination as a required mechanism per the standard, the former - did not)
mircea_popescu: HOLY SHIT has this field improved.
asciilifeform: holy shit
mircea_popescu: shinohai you don't understand the magical power of "afaik" in defense of the holy "basic bojum".
assbot: Logged on 14-11-2015 01:50:57; asciilifeform: it's a kind of cryptographolysenkoism aha
asciilifeform: it's a kind of cryptographolysenkoism aha ☟︎
mircea_popescu: holy shit even the words of this doomed civilisation are aspirational now. "it means nothing, but what does it aspire to mean ?"
BingoBoingo: Classes weren't happening? Eh, no big deal. Having to field a white football team? Holy shit the sky is falling!
asciilifeform: http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/strfry.html << holy fuck jurov wasn't joking
mircea_popescu: holy shit it's James Spader !
mircea_popescu: in unrelated not-news, ""For the past two weeks Sandberg was anywhere nothing useful is happening, and I'm going to include Facebook in that. Some cry-baby over at Jezebel was thrilled that Sandberg was featured all week on Access Hollywood, holy Christ, she thought this was a good thing. "Feminism is back in the mainstream in a big way," she wrote, I assume in between quaaludes, "the women's movement is actually movi
mircea_popescu: holy shit, check it out, mp's "you don't own your own sex bits" is older than europe!
mircea_popescu: holy shit huh.
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-11-2015#1315011 << holy fuck, it's as if we didn't have ~enough~ 1990s shitware living on as undead ☝︎
thestringpuller: Holy fuck!
mircea_popescu: holy shit.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: "repatriation schemes" would be "kiss the ring and the usg will pressure holders of your holy artifacts to return them"
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: "curation standards" would be "lock all of your holy relics up in slidy climate controlled shelving units and never let anyone touch them"
ascii_field: 'holy fuck, you speak language!'
ascii_field: holy fuck
pete_dushenski: i know this is just supposed to be 'normal soviet retardation' but holy jeez does this get my goat
asciilifeform: and holy fuck, enough utf8 hieroglyphisms to kill five elephants
mircea_popescu: holy shit, don't save these derps from car crashes, it's immoral not to mention unethical.
pete_dushenski: "the point is Latin hasn’t been in common use for a long time outside of the Holy See. using a Latin phrase for which there is an exact equivalent English term is little more than the intellectual way to talk down to someone."
mircea_popescu: holy fucksticks! the ENTIRE THING took place in a space that's smaller than any apartment i keep girls in.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-10-2015#1304004 << holy fuck, i have two. paid a hundy for each. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: "TYRANNY IS A PREREQUISITE FOR QUALITY, APPLE RETCONNERS." << holy shit this may even actually be defensible.
pete_dushenski: holy lolz that's a first, i just had an entire half-hour convo between myself and assbot
assbot: Logged on 16-10-2015 10:35:22; danielpbarron: shinohai, 1 Corinthians 6:19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body[a] and in your spirit, which are God's.
danielpbarron: shinohai, 1 Corinthians 6:19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body[a] and in your spirit, which are God's. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: its not that i suspect the holy grail is spirited there. i just don't grok what it does is all.
mircea_popescu: holy shit netsp[lits
mircea_popescu: holy shit, "employment record book" is a thing!
assbot: Logged on 13-10-2015 02:34:57; mircea_popescu: "For the past two weeks Sandberg was anywhere nothing useful is happening, and I'm going to include Facebook in that. Some cry-baby over at Jezebel was thrilled that Sandberg was featured all week on Access Hollywood, holy Christ, she thought this was a good thing. "Feminism is back in the mainstream in a big way," she wrote, I assume in between quaaludes, "the women's movement is actually moving."
assbot: Logged on 13-10-2015 02:34:57; mircea_popescu: "For the past two weeks Sandberg was anywhere nothing useful is happening, and I'm going to include Facebook in that. Some cry-baby over at Jezebel was thrilled that Sandberg was featured all week on Access Hollywood, holy Christ, she thought this was a good thing. "Feminism is back in the mainstream in a big way," she wrote, I assume in between quaaludes, "the women's movement is actually moving."
mircea_popescu: "For the past two weeks Sandberg was anywhere nothing useful is happening, and I'm going to include Facebook in that. Some cry-baby over at Jezebel was thrilled that Sandberg was featured all week on Access Hollywood, holy Christ, she thought this was a good thing. "Feminism is back in the mainstream in a big way," she wrote, I assume in between quaaludes, "the women's movement is actually moving." How can you work ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: if things moved < 5% it was clear, if faster than that holy blur on a shitstick!
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-10-2015#1294700 << you will note that it's holy, from peru, and like 10 pesos. ☝︎