1600+ entries in 0.442s
phillipsjk: no, I just gave it the decrypted string
mircea_popescu: jurov: http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/search?_filestring=&_string=gethostbyname yay this works finally too << o hey wd!@
jurov: http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/search?_filestring=&_string=gethostbyname yay this works finally too
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes et al: consider mutilating the version string. perhaps 'Serenissima 1.5.3.x' ?
asciilifeform: pp. 297 has the actual magic string.
jurov: "Invalid verfication(sic) string" is so ... 70s
assbot: Invalid verfication string.
mircea_popescu: because gotta recover the end of the key from their bash string
mircea_popescu: that string's too short.
assbot: Invalid verfication string.
mircea_popescu: i want !gettrust to match any 32 char string as a key rather than a name
ben_vulpes: i'm only seeing two occurences of the string "slow" and neither in the context you quoted.
mircea_popescu: Adlai just looking for a random string really.
asciilifeform: one of you will have to pick the new string.
asciilifeform: mod6: here's something i was gonna put in 'chicken' (init patch) but somehow forgot: version string.
mircea_popescu: there's no intrinsic quality that makes a text string "science". it's the signature on it. a repository of anon derpage can be an encyclopedia like a pile of ascari lumbricoides can be my wife.
mircea_popescu: shit, "human girls asshole" search string trendingon trilema. THE ALIENS HAVE LANDED!
ben_vulpes: o hey a magic string
mircea_popescu: same name, same exact string.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> for that matter, imagine a "No" string signed. what now ? << This is the big.
mircea_popescu: for that matter, imagine a "No" string signed. what now ?
BingoBoingo: ^ @Beautyon_ @petertoddbtc Well, @Bitstamp being more than two cans and string could have helped a lot.
BingoBoingo: Who knows? It's the way of two cans and string, one of which is missing
BingoBoingo: Well did BitStamp lose a can or the string?
mircea_popescu: Apocalyptic i dunno wtf he's doing, im sitting here debugging a lengthy string of nonsense resulted from engineer deciding arbitrarily to selfmanage mid process.
mircea_popescu: they use sleek string.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla check out the cans! string popped!
decimation: re: tank's top < " That was Stalin's hall-mark, his style - that splendid disregard of differences, that levelling of friends and enemies that made him a unique figure in the whole of human history. Another thing for which the Soviet court did not condemn Potapov was that in 1945 - still in his broken spectacles tied with string but this time with a tommy-gun in his hand - he rode into Berlin on the back of a Red Army tank; this was
thestringpuller: ben_vulpes: lol createrawtransaction is pretty thorough for setting up a transaction. i don't think it broadcasts though, just outputs a hash and string
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: There were parts where maybe I believe, but yeah the string of inconsistent broke people kinda kills the thing as a movement.
BingoBoingo: 'String Theory' Exists, but mundane strings are still a hard problem
decimation: asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re: deterministic wallets << the ware that someone dropped in the chan a few days ago was amusing: you enter you die rolls on the command line (history!) and then it converts to 'diceware' string, and then it takes a sha256 hash
BingoBoingo: Ah, apparently someone whose nick is a similar string of letters to yours encountered him on the twatter earleir today
mircea_popescu: turns out the solution is adding &ncr=1 to whatever string you use for autosearch
gribble: (last [--{from,in,on,with,without,regexp} <value>] [--nolimit]) -- Returns the last message matching the given criteria. --from requires a nick from whom the message came; --in requires a channel the message was sent to; --on requires a network the message was sent on; --with requires some string that had to be in the message; --regexp requires a regular expression the message must match; (1 more message)
nubbins`: no, it's proof that the bot hashed a string of text and sent dust to the address
mircea_popescu: meanwhile using a single address has no cost associated, other than you know, one particular string of eight digits as opposed to another particular string of eight digits.
kakobrekla: As More New GTLDs Launch & The Marketplace Gets More Competitive, Registries Increasingly Will Turn To Promotional Discounts And Registrar Rebate Programs To Sell More Domain Names. The Problem With Discounts Is That They Devalue Your String, And The Problem With Rebates Is They Often Are Not Passed On To Registrants.
fluffypony: besides, this is a trivial problem - all IRC servers in a network need to be in-sync (services etc.), so just sync up a table of IP -> random string key-value pairs
ben_vulpes: https://www.refheap.com/94079 << i wanted to make it a bit more functional, eg bind the return string from decryption to a thing but...elisp man.
mircea_popescu: a) none of those pages contains the string and b) as far as i can determine, the only site on the internet containing it is the qntra article.
jurov: ben_vulpes: best make him write hex string on the dick and give him 0.1btc for the trouble :)
mircea_popescu: but otherwise, an undisputed and for that matter indisputable string of caselaw.
gribble: Error: You provided an empty string as argument. Your command: ;;gettrust [ident dartv].
adlai: maybe I'm doing it wrong, but ";;auth adlai" gives me a challenge string, and I need to reply ";;verify http://pastebin.com/blabla" with a signature for the challenge string, using my wot key
gribble: Error: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
mircea_popescu: the #2 reason it is idiotic is that discussion has remanence, poker hands do not. expert 30 years in has a fucking string of noted down examples of having done this, people with an ideologic interest can use to strangle him with
undata: thestringpuller: wrong string.
mircea_popescu: and apparently you shouldn't get into those guts anyway, just pick custom structure and form a string
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: saifedean for my own curiosity, google that string (no quotes) see what pops up ? << this is incidentally exactly why we should s/google/duckduckgo already
decimation: of course, the reason: "A string of investigations concluded that the nuclear corps had lost its "zero defect" culture. In response, the Air Force launched a program to "sustain, modernize, and recapitalize its nuclear capability." What that meant in practice, Aaron says, was punishing the rank and file for past mistakes while the colonels swept the bigger problems under the rug."
mircea_popescu: saifedean for my own curiosity, google that string (no quotes) see what pops up ?
mircea_popescu: but i mean the passport comes as a temp freenode:#bitcoin-otc:blabla string
mircea_popescu: someone actually thought that "yahoo" is a sane string to associate to your busines.
asciilifeform: 'There were a few serialization tricks. Submitter Arthur O’Dwyer writes usernames and IDs into a string' - from last year's winner.
punkman: I guess hex string used where you need byte string
gribble: c++ palindrome problem - C++ Forum - Cplusplus.com: <http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/29240/>; c++ - Check if a string is palindrome - Stack Overflow: <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8362572/check-if-a-string-is-palindrome>; Palindrome in String C++ - Stack Overflow: <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18326015/palindrome-in-string-c>
punkman: just sha256 the BXZ... string
assbot: Logged on 26-10-2014 20:32:15; punkman: deeds are sha256 hashed, hash is b58encoded, b58encoded hashes of all deeds are joined with ",", that string is sha256'd again and that's the private key
assbot: Logged on 26-10-2014 20:32:15; punkman: deeds are sha256 hashed, hash is b58encoded, b58encoded hashes of all deeds are joined with ",", that string is sha256'd again and that's the private key
assbot: Logged on 26-10-2014 20:32:15; punkman: deeds are sha256 hashed, hash is b58encoded, b58encoded hashes of all deeds are joined with ",", that string is sha256'd again and that's the private key
jurov: punkman: deeds are sha256 hashed, hash is b58encoded, b58encoded hashes of all deeds are joined with ",", that string is sha256'd again and that's the private key << ever heard of hash extension attack?
assbot: Logged on 26-10-2014 20:32:15; punkman: deeds are sha256 hashed, hash is b58encoded, b58encoded hashes of all deeds are joined with ",", that string is sha256'd again and that's the private key
asciilifeform: fucking --- string!!
punkman: deeds are sha256 hashed, hash is b58encoded, b58encoded hashes of all deeds are joined with ",", that string is sha256'd again and that's the private key ☟︎
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: string 'pnp' shouldn't occur in the resulting tree
asciilifeform: let's change that string to 'bitcoin maggots'
mircea_popescu: Mikayla as per a, link to your previous work, then i'll give you a string you can take your pic.
decimation: we are all in the same big zone together, might as well let the string be 'zekd'
asciilifeform: someone wants to suggest string?
decimation: that little scoreboard page could register your custom string :)
kakobrekla: <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform: the non-classical version strings are interesting << the first time i said ppl alter their strings ppl hgere were "oh, mp is just making shit up to win an internet argument" < i can see how someone running v0.9 would set the string to 'ducky duck' but not v0.1.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: one can fudge the version string in the proggy, yes, but if you're on the network, folks can presumably connect to your node and test behaviours <<< miner doesn't have to rely
asciilifeform: alter string - elementary
asciilifeform: it's intended to process strings << incidentally - 'SNOBOL'. i invite folks to read about it. the idea of dedicated 'string processing' languages is rather old, and has not really gone anywhere 'snobol' hadn't gone.
asciilifeform: one can fudge the version string in the proggy, yes, but if you're on the network, folks can presumably connect to your node and test behaviours
mircea_popescu: it was like... let's string him along guyse
decimation: that's a good question, and should be answerable. Don't the clients identify with a string?
PinkPosixPXE: mircea_popescu: I'll send you 0.1 BTC, same deal, if you provide me with some WOT rank, and if you want to do some personal shots, with a string of my choice, that's highly encouraged as well.
PinkPosixPXE: mircea_popescu: I'll send you 0.1BTC if you throw me some rank, you can send me pictures of your titties as well, with a string of text written on them. ;)
gribble: Error: You provided an empty string as argument. Your command: ;;gettrust assbot [ident CryptoGoon].
mircea_popescu: (as to the first part, bitcoin mining is EXACTLY insurance, as a mechanism. it turns a string of discrete events (blocks found) into a practically continuous stream of services (hashes))
mircea_popescu: how about napoleon ? better string of predecessors pissing away throne could scarcely be devised.
mircea_popescu: bounce yeah, just make sure you have a wallet inspector made out of two cans and a string or something.
gribble: Error: You must not give the empty string as an argument.
gribble: Request successful for user r3wt, hostmask r3wt!addaa87c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Your challenge string is: freenode:#bitcoin-otc:8de1384f466bb5e40b3674399986491cf19a87fd964ee18c0fcc1324
gribble: Request successful for user r3wt, hostmask r3wt!addaa87c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Your challenge string is: freenode:#bitcoin-otc:2165f1dc184c18a321305fa5ee114f7bf3b9034ae14ca673225fc187
pete_dushenski: library) of OSX 10.9 (all versions) and 10.10/R2 are the only known standard installations that pass the bash exploit string back and up to getnameinfo()."
G________: Hey all, super n00b here - sorry. I am trying to verify with gribble, not sure what to do with the challenge string.
mircea_popescu: <string>Pingback from http://trilema.com/o-hai-let-me-wanna-be.php?id=www.contravex.com/2014/10/11/the-six-pillars-for-surviving-in-computer-times/ to http://www.contravex.com/2014/10/11/the-six-pillars-for-surviving-in-computer-times/ registered. Keep the web talking! :-)</string>
mircea_popescu: <diametric> honestly, though, ebola has an R0 of 2, its less serious than measles << this is relying on a whole string of assumptions.
mircea_popescu: Adlai ;;eauth adlai ;;everify adlay "freenode string"
mircea_popescu: this'd be a decent idea for an oglaf strip : a retarded indian that doesn't quite grok the entire scalping business so he's going around with a string of pubic hair patches
mircea_popescu: ah but this is only half the story. you also saved it there, and saved the "notes" string somewhere etc.
mircea_popescu: through a string of perl ?
mircea_popescu: no. i mean the fact that you have a string stored, and an apparatus to retrieve and use it in place.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform "Suppose you want to support strings and have a string comparison instruction. You might think that "it's done in the hardware", so it's blindingly fast. It isn't, because the hardware still has to access memory, one word per cycle. A superscalar/VLIW assembly loop would run just as quickly; the only thing you'd save is a few bytes for instruction encoding. On the other hand, your string comparison thingi
thickasthieves: i was loading some stuff into the fridge earlier and felt like a web or string my neck, so i grabbed and flicked to floor. it was a huge red wasp.
Dimsler: vs a string of numbers?
gribble: Error: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)