600+ entries in 0.374s
mircea_popescu: ok, let me rephrase : if program includes "long
strings" then compiler turns stack into heap.
mircea_popescu: but the model here discussed DOES permit very long
a111: Logged on 2018-07-18 14:09 asciilifeform: phf: observe however that it is impossible to make use of your approach re cmdline args. the standard unambiguously mandates variably-lenghted
strings ( i.e. dualstackism ) for that.
mircea_popescu: diana_coman entirely my arbitrary call. i'll put whatever
strings in there i put, and well... what can you do.
trinque: as I recall just walks the
strings present in that position in the vpatches
lobbesbot: phf: Sent 2 hours and 54 minutes ago: <asciilifeform> other interesting observations: 1) loader is not the same as what appears in the src, in either 3.3 or 3.4 fw bin; not only key differs, but eggog
strings, and possibly the rsa per se. 2) seems like : nowhere else in the fw is there any other routine which checksums/rsaverifies the cr50 fw , or references the rsa keyz at all other than to print keyid .
mircea_popescu: a) better be LOUD and b) if no
strings snap you're doing it wrongly.
oda: mircea_popescu: I got it working with the paste site in the deedbot help site. Also that tiuxo site is my site. Cloudflare filtering might have denied deedbot, I filter out China / Russia / Korea and a few useragent
strings I was getting a lot of weird traffic from
mircea_popescu: how did that go, "to obtain random
strings on linux, give a windows person vim and ask them to exit"
trinque: "There's no supported way to directly pass lisp data to foreign functions: scalar lisp data must be coerced to an equivalent foreign representation, and lisp arrays (notably
strings) must be copied to non-GCed memory." << right there in the
https://ccl.clozure.com/manual/chapter13.2.html trinque: or use the python "Decimal" type, with
strings passed to constructor
lobbes: But yeah, as it stands now all I got is 50gb of downloaded-from-archive.is sitting on a ssd and a search of the url
strings only
trinque: considering that there may be other lisp programs that want to use this as a dependency, it'd be really nice if instead of returning nils, printing
strings, you returned a list of vpatch objects.
mod6: And I'll certainly need to write something (or work with someone) to produce a ~fast~ parser. It's a giant ass-pain with the fixed-length
phf: but you don't even have to jump through the hoops of escaping, most lisp's run program implementations, uiop including, support passing in command as a list of
strings, which are in turn handled properly by the underlying machinery
mircea_popescu: anyway, maybe not the best word for it. but the idea is that the wotless individual finds himself very vulnerable strategically : the enemy doesn't need to make sense, just needs to make LONG enough
strings of nonsense.
mircea_popescu: ah ah. so you're not actually running around like a singapore coolie, trying to come up with
strings imaginary girls "said" and so on.
mircea_popescu: now here's a question on which i'd very much like to hear a lordship oppinion. so, the model currently contemplated for eulora includes a bit whereby the server has to be told by the client a magic string, and will report this back to the client on demand, "here's what you told me you are". the idea is that the client can then sha his binary, and see if the
strings match.
mircea_popescu: Darwin_Fish, consider this place, chicks regularily come asking to write
strings on their tits, and it's not even in california!
phf: sleepless mp nights of generating
strings and paying bitcoins for the endless whorde of tits
mircea_popescu: ascii_lander, i meant the physical fatbags, not the
strings phf: so cl-irc isn't "stripping away" faulty sequences, there's a state machine parser there that only accepts a valid irc protocol, likewise the renderer is not escaping html, instead the dom is constructed server side and where you have
strings, you can only have
strings. they will be serialized into html according to html escaping rules.
phf: i'll try my implementation against arbitrary binary data, because right now i'm still passing in C
strings essentially. (i've discovered the null trim issue because one of the buffers ran short, and had stale data in it, so ada was getting a character, where null was expected, but the data itself didn't have anything umseemly about it)
diana_coman: ave1, aha, byte by byte was what I ended up doing at testing stage just to see it really working; hopefully I'll still get it working properly with To_C as such and then I can still avoid the C.
Strings, stick with the procs To_Ada and To_C; it's not going to be pretty but at least the mess is as small as I can see a way to do it now
diana_coman: ave1, tbh I've been trying to avoid .c.
strings at least but atm it looks set to still make its way in because calling ada stuff from c and getting char * result is an even worse mess with interfaces.c only (i.e. with char_array vs chars_ptr)
ave1: the fun of C
strings, I hope you can use the procedure versions of To_Ada and To_C.
ave1: diana_coman: will you be depending on interfaces.c or interfaces.c.
strings packages (I'v done some initial work on modified versions of these that do not need a second stack)
mircea_popescu: (the obvious benefit for you is that eventually you'll be able to say "ledger only runs to the past x lines or y calls of ledger, whichever is longer. this may seem as "nothing" but mind the "unbounded
strings" fallacy. everything has to have a length.)
mircea_popescu: try and understand that taking refuge in a string of nouns after having pointed out to you that most people will just discard out of hand
strings of epithets as pure painstuitola isn't the best of strategies.
mircea_popescu: phf so what is the call on republican alphabetic order ? "all
strings are made of bytes and the byte order is the alphabetic order" ?
mircea_popescu: two bitwise-identical
strings are not thereby the same thing.
mircea_popescu: "oh, we will look for the
strings". which fucking
strings ?
mircea_popescu: the interpretative theory (T) states that for all possible
strings there is at most one M per present S. those which have exactly 1 for all S are called well formed ; the rest malformed.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i am not going to take responsibility for your not reading the connection routines. it's plain as day the thing expects magic
phf: maybe he's talking about pascal
strings, it's hard to say at this point
trinque: ah we're talking about linked-list
strings then?
mircea_popescu: o wow check it out, this was pretty advanced (class names randomgenerated
strings to fool google etc)
a111: Logged on 2017-11-29 01:48 asciilifeform: ( hey lamer, you wanted No_Secondary_Stack restriction ? fuck you, we used variable-length
strings for the exception message passing. and 9,001 of similar item. )
mod6: b__main.adb:(.text.adainit+0xfd): undefined reference to `ada__strings_E' << this is sad, really.
spyked: nono, I look at Lisp symblol *names* and I think "
strings", i.e. sequences of characters.
mircea_popescu: it might just be that you look at mccarthy's symbols and think "oh
spyked: mircea_popescu, I understood that. the point is, McCarthy's Lisp system still uses
strings internally in some form.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-21 19:38 phf:
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741179 << you can just ignore the whole "string" question in first version, McCarthy's lisp used symbols instead of
strings (that's why early nlp code, like eliza all come out as DOG SAID, HELLO) and the only operation you could do at some point was read and eq.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-21 19:38 phf:
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741179 << you can just ignore the whole "string" question in first version, McCarthy's lisp used symbols instead of
strings (that's why early nlp code, like eliza all come out as DOG SAID, HELLO) and the only operation you could do at some point was read and eq.
strings as lists of character is a schemist wankery anyway along the "our cpu uses church numerals!1"
a111: Logged on 2017-11-20 12:21 spyked:
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737956 <-- but lists are sequences too, and
strings can be represented as lists. this becomes problematic when O(1) random accesses are needed. if/when that happens, I will have to implement arrays, but until then...
strings are lists-of-characters.
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741179 << you can just ignore the whole "string" question in first version, McCarthy's lisp used symbols instead of
strings (that's why early nlp code, like eliza all come out as DOG SAID, HELLO) and the only operation you could do at some point was read and eq.
☝︎☟︎☟︎ a111: Logged on 2017-11-14 19:03 jurov: a111:
strings are sequences, not lists. cons/car/cdr does not apply, there's different set of functions for these
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737956 <-- but lists are sequences too, and
strings can be represented as lists. this becomes problematic when O(1) random accesses are needed. if/when that happens, I will have to implement arrays, but until then...
strings are lists-of-characters.
☝︎☟︎ spyked: safe array indexing), which brings asciilifeform's point re. bytecode further. in current item, builtins are hardcoded using
strings, very not-elegant!
a111: Logged on 2017-11-14 18:50 phf:
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737529 << that doesn't sound right, read and eval are distinct phases, by the time you get to eval you shouldn't be operating with
strings when but instead with interned symbols (i.e. things that can be eq'd in lisp and pointer equivalent on c machine level)
a111: Logged on 2016-02-25 17:12 phf: i've been mulling over that question with logs. fwiw, entire log can be kept in memory for analysis, annotation, whatever, 180mb as utf-8 byte arrays. with unicode
strings takes up twice the memory on 16-bit cmucl, and ~~4 times on 32-bit sbcl. i'm not yet convinced that transcoding everything you get into string and then transcoding it back to a bytearray onto the wire is the best strategy
a111: Logged on 2017-11-15 11:34 diana_coman: I don't even know whether he tested it or how otherwise; also not sure if there isn't some way around using
diana_coman: I don't even know whether he tested it or how otherwise; also not sure if there isn't some way around using
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2017-11-14 18:50 phf:
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737529 << that doesn't sound right, read and eval are distinct phases, by the time you get to eval you shouldn't be operating with
strings when but instead with interned symbols (i.e. things that can be eq'd in lisp and pointer equivalent on c machine level)
jurov: a111:
strings are sequences, not lists. cons/car/cdr does not apply, there's different set of functions for these
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2017-11-14 11:25 spyked:
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737264 <--
strings are (lisp) lists-of-characters. which, as it is, unfortunately makes parsing and evaluating builtin functions (e.g. cons, car, cdr) a pain in the ass. can be structured cleanly though. also, this makes it not a simple matter of find+replace in shithub scheme.adb.
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737529 << that doesn't sound right, read and eval are distinct phases, by the time you get to eval you shouldn't be operating with
strings when but instead with interned symbols (i.e. things that can be eq'd in lisp and pointer equivalent on c machine level)
☝︎☟︎☟︎ a111: Logged on 2017-11-13 19:35 asciilifeform: phf: ideally i'd get rid of Ada.
Strings , full stop
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-13#1737264 <--
strings are (lisp) lists-of-characters. which, as it is, unfortunately makes parsing and evaluating builtin functions (e.g. cons, car, cdr) a pain in the ass. can be structured cleanly though. also, this makes it not a simple matter of find+replace in shithub scheme.adb.
☝︎☟︎ phf: well, right. i'm not sure what ada.
strings is (i.e. is it a protocol or concrete datatype), so i can't really comment further
a111: Logged on 2017-11-13 18:13 asciilifeform: use Ada.
Strings.Unbounded; << mno ben_vulpes this is ~specifically~ a Do Not Want
mircea_popescu: iirc there was an isprime implemented, now i'm curious re 13371337 and similarily appended-1337-
strings whether prime or not
mircea_popescu: tbh, by comparison with the volume of spurious
strings pasted into shitsites, the amount of idle for loops executed to date seems dismall. less reddit more foring.
mod6: Doing such, avoid use of the heap. And there is quite a bit of manipulation I have to do with the
strings. So that adds some cost, because I'm basically doing the parsing on my own. I'm not using any weird 3rd party libs.