211 entries in 1.399s

mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, supposedly because you have good automated fallbacks people can't be bothered to write themselves. sorta early handcranked
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-25 13:20:14 BingoBoingo:
http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/wyswl/?raw=true << Their list of gateways shows what one would come to expect from shitgnomes. Clustered around places where USG already clusters their stuff, which... is probably the only way to build a VPN service that offers speed. This means
UCI, sucking off the enemy, or a sad indefensible inbetween.
http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/wyswl/?raw=true << Their list of gateways shows what one would come to expect from shitgnomes. Clustered around places where USG already clusters their stuff, which... is probably the only way to build a VPN service that offers speed. This means
UCI, sucking off the enemy, or a sad indefensible inbetween.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-25 00:08:42 asciilifeform: trinque: that being said, mircea_popescu's '
uci' is prolly closest thing to 'sane vpn'. but not exactly in scope of piz, we dun have a fleet of 1e6 pwned boxen or anyffin of the kind.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> i'm still curious what mircea_popescu thinks of as 'ada machine' << 128 bit MIPS 1, 2, 8, or 72 cores at 800, 1600, or 3200 mhz when purpose backed. Otherwise 128 bit for the
UCI address space.
mircea_popescu: in fact, the proper sources of tmsr hardware are, in order, a) confiscated usg hardware and b) its own iron outside the reich. that 2017 ended with 0% a and 0% b, and 2018 will likely end with 0%a and whatever%b has no bearing on this : there's always 2019, there's always
uci, etcetera.
mircea_popescu: douchebag dood is building the
UCI before we even have it lmao.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform some kind of
uci is the only possible solution to "superinformation highway" potholes.
mircea_popescu: in fact, i'd even declare it an absolutely required bit of republican computing, as such. because it does make a first step towards the specifically stated
uci goal, "location ambiguity"
mircea_popescu: in this view the "web" logsearch is really properly "that part of
uci you lot intuiutively implemented"
mod6: is there a trilema post on
a111: Logged on 2017-07-21 18:44 mircea_popescu: im hiring a
a111: Logged on 2017-07-20 20:06 mircea_popescu: the proposition that we'd end up with a sort of
uci-as-nsa and l1-as-subtstitute-for-dnc is very much the proposition that, "you know what ? inca also corrupts"
mircea_popescu: the proposition that we'd end up with a sort of
uci-as-nsa and l1-as-subtstitute-for-dnc is very much the proposition that, "you know what ? inca also corrupts"
☟︎ trinque: the imaginary observer before whom the whole
UCI topology sits, with equal results for all-comers
trinque: asciilifeform: sounds like you're thinking of
UCI as one giant virtual machine atop which godman inca runs his programs
mircea_popescu: what, that they happened over freenode rather than over gossipd ? that the latter is "not properly
uci" ?
mircea_popescu: back to the topic : the idea is to have properly arranged owned boxes. this will include gossipd as a basis,
uci on top of that if the OWNer opts to, bitcoind on top of that likely, a devenv, whatever.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform point being, loser can just let
uci churn, watch his bitcoin acrete. why not.
uci does not convey OWNership of box but permits USAGE thereof.
mircea_popescu: but whosoever does connect, puts in tmsr, ie, gossipd +
uci whatever.
mod6: Perhaps people can donate hardware for whatever purpose trb,
uci/gossip via deedbot; then could be accounted for by some process while under our control; maybe even listed as "asset"?
mircea_popescu: what system exists without physical component ? something running on
uci ?
mircea_popescu: bitcoin+gossipd+
uci -> pretty much time to say goodnight.
sina: you mean, the ransomware bot shoudl have been
UCI bots? haha
mircea_popescu: then all the ad-hoc
uci impls doing full disk encryption for maerks could be actually useful.
mircea_popescu: nah. candi_lustt is a by hand, limited implementation of something that could be deemed
uci in the sense of the donkey-powered shower.
sina: mircea_popescu: so is
UCI just candi_lustt + an interface you can pay for resources via?
a111: Logged on 2016-12-12 15:24 Framedragger:
uci == universal computing interface? something something infrastructure on demand at your irc fingertips, right (ironically google is failing me)
mircea_popescu: if you're going to actually build
uci, go right ahead. all intel servers are at your disposal.
mod6: and we could track things easier instead of having to have it be a formal role. but with the new version, seperate projects can have different users, so for instance, if
UCI wants a stenographer, then the project admin can just add the steno to the
UCI users table. volla.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> some kind of share-able listener tmsr infrastructure. has a lot to do with the
uci project. << yeah, many exciting things are starting to open up.
mircea_popescu: some kind of share-able listener tmsr infrastructure. has a lot to do with the
uci project.
trinque: deploying other people's code into a logbot service sounds pretty
UCI to me
mod6: Something just to start the thought of what to do about all of this. Maybe there is even some folding into a
UCI with this, not sure.
mircea_popescu: haha - eternal gentoo flame. "here's thins thing that you have to
uci == universal computing interface? something something infrastructure on demand at your irc fingertips, right (ironically google is failing me)
☟︎ tb0t: Projects:
UCI | t | trb | v
mircea_popescu doesn't believe in this whole virtualization thing as implemented by cloud/vps/etc. the only virtualization that makes sense to me is via teh