mircea_popescu: women have this great advantage, that they cvan fuck dressed.
mircea_popescu: i dunno, dood... lame joke re intromission. what can i do.
a111: Logged on 2019-06-04 13:29 asciilifeform:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-04#1917019 << i'ma describe, for the l0gz, the hypothetical. suppose mips emu in asm ( the heathen item in fact compiles to a 30kB elf , not esp. complex, but would want clean rewrite really ). this'd be proggy that takes disk image and it tx/rx raw frames to/from nic, so can have own ip etc. then 1 large amd box can host coupla 100 instances of mips linux from known image. <1s teardown/bringup.
diana_coman: heh, sounds like a very nice vacation indeed
deedbot: lobbes rated Mocky 1 at 2018/05/19 00:55:42 << newblood^rad; does things, keeps blog
lobbes: !!rate Mocky 3 met irl; he's good people
lobbes: !!v 7B574A17134617B82BCABC7F4C594A2099410B96224080033340816245C747B5
deedbot: lobbes updated rating of Mocky from 1 to 3 << met irl; he's good people
Mocky: !!v F4D4496A7111453C0292B2DE520A9457DD1A00C8F3A8E34333C48FDEBDFB99C0
deedbot: Mocky rated lobbes 3 << we shared firewater