87 entries in 0.445s
mircea_popescu: though i suppose the proper name'd be http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=uci
mircea_popescu: in fact, the proper sources of tmsr hardware are, in order, a) confiscated usg hardware and b) its own iron outside the reich. that 2017 ended with 0% a and 0% b, and 2018 will likely end with 0%a and whatever%b has no bearing on this : there's always 2019, there's always uci, etcetera.
mircea_popescu: !#s UCI
mircea_popescu: douchebag dood is building the UCI before we even have it lmao.
mircea_popescu: the connection between http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-08#1787279 and http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-08#1787233 and, of course, http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=uci is that no, they wouldn't be separate processes (and no, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-14#1783826 hasn't gone anywhere) but SEPARATE MACHINES. ☝︎☝︎☝︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform some kind of uci is the only possible solution to "superinformation highway" potholes.
mircea_popescu: in fact, i'd even declare it an absolutely required bit of republican computing, as such. because it does make a first step towards the specifically stated uci goal, "location ambiguity"
mircea_popescu: !#s UCI
mircea_popescu: in this view the "web" logsearch is really properly "that part of uci you lot intuiutively implemented"
mircea_popescu: prolly something like http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Amirc+UCI best entry point. hey ben_vulpes why is http://logs.bvulpes.com/search?q=UCI&c=trilema only find 15 items ?!
mircea_popescu: ing widely available ( see eg http://trilema.com/2017/on-trisection-a-humble-contribution/#footnote_2_73491 ), but it can't possibly end there. and in all fairness, the uci as properly understood (see eg http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688642 ; http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687638 and so on) is definitely just this ia thing, one layer above bulldozer per se). ☝︎☝︎
mircea_popescu: im hiring a uci. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: the proposition that we'd end up with a sort of uci-as-nsa and l1-as-subtstitute-for-dnc is very much the proposition that, "you know what ? inca also corrupts" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: what, that they happened over freenode rather than over gossipd ? that the latter is "not properly uci" ?
mircea_popescu: back to the topic : the idea is to have properly arranged owned boxes. this will include gossipd as a basis, uci on top of that if the OWNer opts to, bitcoind on top of that likely, a devenv, whatever.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform point being, loser can just let uci churn, watch his bitcoin acrete. why not.
mircea_popescu: uci does not convey OWNership of box but permits USAGE thereof.
mircea_popescu: but whosoever does connect, puts in tmsr, ie, gossipd + uci whatever.
mircea_popescu: vorwarts, to the uci!
mircea_popescu: what system exists without physical component ? something running on uci ?
mircea_popescu: bitcoin+gossipd+uci -> pretty much time to say goodnight.
mircea_popescu: then all the ad-hoc uci impls doing full disk encryption for maerks could be actually useful.
mircea_popescu: nah. candi_lustt is a by hand, limited implementation of something that could be deemed uci in the sense of the donkey-powered shower.
mircea_popescu: see the early discussion re it in the log, http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=UCI it's well described
mircea_popescu: !#s UCI
mircea_popescu: if only we had teh uci already ;/
mircea_popescu: if you're going to actually build uci, go right ahead. all intel servers are at your disposal.
mircea_popescu: some kind of share-able listener tmsr infrastructure. has a lot to do with the uci project.
mircea_popescu: some kind of non-republican uci attempt ?
mircea_popescu: haha - eternal gentoo flame. "here's thins thing that you have to uci-compile"
mircea_popescu: after uci.
mircea_popescu: Framedragger aha. building the uci from the floor up!
mircea_popescu doesn't believe in this whole virtualization thing as implemented by cloud/vps/etc. the only virtualization that makes sense to me is via teh uci.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yes, they have. it's called uci.
mircea_popescu: !!s UCI
mircea_popescu: if we had the uci ready, we could run republican dns on these.
mircea_popescu: should have prolly run uci on them rather. but of course no uci yet.
mircea_popescu: i jus' did, and best i can see it is sufficient, and how we'll do stuff like rsa encryption/decryption over uci once gossipd is here.
mircea_popescu: i'm not interested in the branching, will be happy to have a bignum machine that's securely separable via uci.
mircea_popescu: in other words : paillier in UCI over gossipd seems capable of bignum.
mircea_popescu: i have nfi what you're on about. again : i want to multiply C1 by C2. I fire up the UCI, i ask C2 processes to add C1 to the result of the previous process adding C1 to the result of the...
mircea_popescu: mats no, the unobvious part in all that is, i suppose for lack of vocal underlining, the owner. in the uci model, any individual piece of hardware has one owner, who makes it available through the uci, sets the prices, etc ; and some tenants.
mircea_popescu: this is neither here nor there, inconvenient as it may be, it has no more bearing on uci than it has on hypocaloric diets.
mircea_popescu: that's one level. and it informs the practical definition of uci, an implementation thereof, as you quote it.
mircea_popescu: you want contact to my uci interface, we agree in advance, and i whitelist your key.
mircea_popescu: fundamentally uci is a lateral pill for the hardware problem, oddly enough.
mircea_popescu: "is your dec alpha/toaster/bitcoin miner pluggable into uci ? cool, then it makes money. no ? it's broken fix it"
mircea_popescu: the whole point of uci is for there to be no more platform in that sense. course, this seems an unlikely goal.
mircea_popescu: anyway. uci is not gossipd. there is a good reason to implement gossipd OVER uci, but on the uci layer the thing shouldn't be concerned with this kind of security i don't thinl
mircea_popescu: then uci responds with "script ran, results os and so, paqy here"
mircea_popescu: ie, uci admin thing advertises what it does, gets an order.
mircea_popescu: (uci) -> (gossipd) -> (user).
mircea_popescu: the obvious pill being, of course, point to point encryption via uci on top of end to end encryption via gossipd.
mircea_popescu: %p UCI 7
mircea_popescu: but not exactly see, because for instance in uti oops i mean uci thing : 4 doesn't block 7 if 3 is present say.
mircea_popescu: "apparently an intern installed uci. it's the third time this week."
mircea_popescu: http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/UCI_tickets.html << only 4 tickets oddly.
mircea_popescu: %p UCI 8
mircea_popescu: %add UCI F "Create UCI supervisor" "Interacts with UCI worker through interface ; interacts with peers through #trilema standard bot. Maintains list of prices for exposed abilities and Bitcoin address for payments ; list of trusted peers for accepting orders and verifying Bitcoin payments ; administrative policies as appropriate. Directs worker to execute accepted commands, returns results to peer." 2,7
mircea_popescu: %p UCI 8
mircea_popescu: %add UCI F "Create UCI supervisor" "Interacts with UCI worker through interface ; interacts with peers through #trilema standard bot. Maintains list of prices for exposed abilities (in satoshi/Gb/second of storage for instance) and Bitcoin address for payments ; list of trusted peers for accepting orders and verifying Bitcoin payments ; administrative policies as appropriate. Directs worker to execute accepted commands, retur ☟︎
mircea_popescu: %p UCI 7
mircea_popescu: %add UCI I "Research and design UCI/worker interface." "UCI element should expose significant portions of native ability (at a very minimum networking ; math processing - CPU and VidCard ; storage - RAM and HDD) through an unified, lightweight interface. Feature load less important than simplicity. " 3,4,5,6
mircea_popescu: %p UCI 6
mircea_popescu: %add UCI F "Create UCI worker for Embedded/ARM" "Worker should interface with kernel, execute all UCI commands, meter resource usage."
mircea_popescu: %p UCI 5
mircea_popescu: %add UCI F "Create UCI worker for Mobile (Android, iOS/OS X)" "Worker should interface with kernel, execute all UCI commands, meter resource usage."
mircea_popescu: %p UCI 4
mircea_popescu: %add UCI F "Create UCI worker for Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Fedora, Centos etc)" "Worker should interface with kernel, execute all UCI commands, meter resource usage."
mircea_popescu: %p UCI 3
mircea_popescu: %add UCI F "Create UCI worker for Windows (10, 7, 8/8.1)" "Worker should interface with kernel, execute all UCI commands, meter resource usage."
mircea_popescu: %p UCI 3
mircea_popescu: %r UCI 4
mircea_popescu: %r UCI 3
mircea_popescu: %p UCI 5
mircea_popescu: %p UCI 4
mircea_popescu: %p UCI 3
mircea_popescu: %p UCI 2
mircea_popescu: %p UCI 6
mircea_popescu: %add UCI F "Create UCI worker for Embedded/ARM" "Worker should interface with kernel, execute all UCI commands, meter resource usage."
mircea_popescu: %add UCI F "Create UCI worker for Mobile (Android, iOS/OS X)" "Worker should interface with kernel, execute all UCI commands, meter resource usage."
mircea_popescu: %add UCI F "Create UCI worker for Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Fedora, Centos etc)" "Worker should interface with kernel, execute all UCI commands, meter resource usage."
mircea_popescu: %add UCI F "Create UCI worker for Windows (10, 7, 8/8.1)" "Worker should interface with kernel, execute all UCI commands, meter resource usage." ☟︎
mircea_popescu: %add UCI F "#trilema standard bot" "Should be capable of maintaining connection to channel ; interfacing with deedbot ; interfacing with Lordship/voiced users."
mircea_popescu: %p UCI 1
mircea_popescu: %p uci
mircea_popescu: %add UCI S "TMSR's own Unified Computing Interface" "The goal of TMSR as far as computing is concerned is to deploy a cheap, effectual, networked computing interface that can not be disrupted significantly under any circumstances by any adversary for whatever reason." 8