600+ entries in 0.145s
asciilifeform: it is, and x is a random string from rng
asciilifeform: ( for the l0gz, refresher: pcode is meant to give a mechanically simple system where yer privkey is a pcode string, and so is yer pubkey, and so are ciphertexts, and whole mechanism is set in motion simply by feeding pcode to the processor )
asciilifeform: what i prolly oughta roll into the conveyor, is a variant of ffacalc that's libraryized (i.e. callable from other program, with string argument containing pcode, and fills a provided buffer with the output)
mircea_popescu: dood didn't "accidentally omit" the string "idiot" in "check out this moron, spits out pdfs". it was omitted for reasons that have something to do with what orgmode fundamentally is.
mircea_popescu: unity is three dorks and a shoe string. not working, never will work, won't be here in another few years.
mircea_popescu: i utterly don't need a scriptable wrapper to do string manipulation, what the holy shit is this, onyl someone who grew up on c strings can imagine such nonsense.
mircea_popescu: psa : one point of mp-wp people might not be familiar with is the feed encoding. like here : http://bimbo.club/?feed=rss2 ; that leading "OTIxMjQ0NTYxMTJ8MTc5LjUwLjIyNi4xNjE=" encodes the ip of the caller. if you get your feeds republished (often done by spammers ), you de-base the string and can ban the scrapper by ip.
mircea_popescu: next shit out of your dumb mouth fails to string match apologizing for being quite so fucking stupid, i'ma fix the negligence whereby you can still speak here. ☟︎
asciilifeform: $string.vpatch .
asciilifeform: correct vtron duncare whether $string contains .
asciilifeform: and ftr naming convention ( carried on since asciilifeform's original vtron ) is simply that patch is $string.vpatch and sig is $string.vpatch.author.sig .
billymg: so one solution is to wrap you string in something like `<span class="break">longstring</span>` and setting `.break { word-break: break-all; }`
billymg: so `word-break: break-all` works in that any string will be cut when it hits the end of the line, but this has the unintended consequence of breaking spoken language words as well
billymg: but you're looking for a css property that will break a single string when it reaches the end of the line?
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871158 << it isn't clear to me that hashing is even needed -- issue to each customer a 256bit string (base64 it) out of a FG, that will be his pseudonym in the public spreadshit. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: eh, whatever. the history of mankind on earth chiefly consists of a string of "couldn't find way out of paper bag, died next to coconut tree" and so on. why should qatar be special.
mircea_popescu: basically, any time you go "this string should contain control characters for my convenience" you are living in a state of sin, and should remedy.
mircea_popescu: i feel about "this string has spurious /n inserted in random places" about the same way you feel about FG getting random control bits pissed into the stream by "helpful" wrappers.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-04#1869238 << iirc ( really calls for experimental test ) when you foo : String := "bar" & "baz" ; at compile time it glues'em , and does not drag in secondarystackism, fwiw ☝︎
mircea_popescu: and no, they couldn't be "anything". i'm not asking fucking naively, "please supply a string for my exec()". i'm asking to see whether they're fucking demented or not.
a111: Logged on 2017-04-15 17:27 mircea_popescu: given the list of all the things that have been said already (this is really a tree, but in his perspective it's flattened into a list by nulling out all the values associated with the string nodes), his choice is :
asciilifeform: test is straightforward, you take yer vintage serpent and feed in k1,string, get ciphertext1, k2,string, get ciphertext2, and observe that the ciphertexts are same (cuz key expanded to same thing)
asciilifeform: relatedly, i've written a working replacement for Bounded_String .
a111: Logged on 2018-10-26 02:26 asciilifeform: i suspect that String Must-Die(tm)
diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-26#1866278 -> ~every time I used String for anything more than constant value I regretted it somewhere down the line so I tend to converge on the same idea - it's just broken ☝︎
asciilifeform: to continue in these lulz : ada std has a 'bounded string' type, that superficially is defined as exactly how i wanted to do 'path' type earlier. but! but! if actually invoked, it -- for no logical reason afaik -- prevents the invoking package from being declared stateless ( i.e. pragma Pure ), and this propagates ad infinitum , to caller.
asciilifeform: the braindamage of unix open()'s demand for a null-termed string, percolates all the way up.
asciilifeform: problem is that CPath : aliased C.Char_Array := C.To_C(Path); , in the glue, demands a String .
asciilifeform: i suspect that String Must-Die(tm) ☟︎
asciilifeform: so then could avoid String entirely.
asciilifeform: currently i'm in a zugzwang in re the mmap lib : the http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/extOl/?raw=true invocation form is The Right Thing, but it requires passing in a String for Path, which dun work without secondarystackism;
a111: Logged on 2018-10-25 01:28 asciilifeform: ( how ran into this : sneak preview of mmap demo : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/VDYWv/?raw=true << path is set cleanly, as part of the generic invocation. but turns out this dun work (unless secondarystackism is enabled) , as somewhere internally it tries to ~return~ the string
asciilifeform: ( how ran into this : sneak preview of mmap demo : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/VDYWv/?raw=true << path is set cleanly, as part of the generic invocation. but turns out this dun work (unless secondarystackism is enabled) , as somewhere internally it tries to ~return~ the string ☟︎
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in today's gnat retardations : apparently it is impossible to use ( but can define!!!11 just fine ! ) a generic that takes a String as 'in', without secondary stack.
asciilifeform: at any given time, your www -- with the possible exception of comment-eater and search box (the latter dun even exist in mp-wp iirc) really wants to be a static string
bvt: i have already reworked the code based on the following code from GNAT: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/xjjec/?raw=true (g-locfil.adb, lockfile implementation). i.e. System.Address of an aliased String as argument to C function.
bvt: thanks, i see what you mean. the Interfaces.C.Strings.New_String() comments explicitly say that the heap allocation is necessary for the large strings, which is not the case for vpatch temporary file names.
a111: Logged on 2018-10-15 19:13 bvt: ave1, can you expand on getting rid of string allocations? I see a way to get rid of it for Mode, but not for the Path argument. i can move its c-string from heap to stack, but that would be it. anyhow, i will revise this aspect.
bvt: ave1, can you expand on getting rid of string allocations? I see a way to get rid of it for Mode, but not for the Path argument. i can move its c-string from heap to stack, but that would be it. anyhow, i will revise this aspect. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-10-15 10:26 ave1: btw, gnat specific; System.OS_Lib has 'Create_New_File' (it also has a temp file generator, but I cannot recommend, uses digits). bvt's implemention looks the way to go (Although the string allocations to talk to C should be removed)
ave1: btw, gnat specific; System.OS_Lib has 'Create_New_File' (it also has a temp file generator, but I cannot recommend, uses digits). bvt's implemention looks the way to go (Although the string allocations to talk to C should be removed) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: 32 is a very simple thing and absolutely easy to lift and package into 52 lines of code in the .adb file + 130 in the .ads file so 182 all in total1, comments and two types of input (string or raw array of octets) included."
asciilifeform: then thing loox for rows that ~could~ contain yer string
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: takes yer search string, and cuts it into trigraphs, e.g. 'trigraph' -> 'tri':1 , 'rig':1 , 'igr':1, 'gra':1, 'aph':1
asciilifeform: unrelatedly, 'for I in Integer range S'First .. S'First + 3 loop' is problem, what if yer string has <4 chars
a111: Logged on 2018-10-11 19:34 asciilifeform: phf, bvt : i thought of a possible algo for sane tmp file creation that dun need rng or global counter. 1) pick a file name in tmp dir, if none exists, take empty string, as string S 2) produce S' = H(S) , H is hash (e.g. keccak) 3) stat(S') ; if already exists, take S'' = H(S') and repeat .
asciilifeform: phf, bvt : i thought of a possible algo for sane tmp file creation that dun need rng or global counter. 1) pick a file name in tmp dir, if none exists, take empty string, as string S 2) produce S' = H(S) , H is hash (e.g. keccak) 3) stat(S') ; if already exists, take S'' = H(S') and repeat . ☟︎
phf: well, it's also a reason why bug wasn't caught in development. a sequence of wtfs: linux man page says mktemp should be 3 or more X's, so project builds on a non-musl build. meanwhile POSIX mandates there to be exactly 6 X's, so a musl build fails to produce a random string, returning instead a blank one, which is when gnat decides to not only generate a temp file but also do cleanup.
phf: i like that ada will create a temp file for you and then clean it up on empty string, though that's a bit too magical (the interface, not the behavior)
phf: bvt: i think the conclusion of yesterday's thread was that using mktemp is a bad idea, and that it's better to rewrite temp_file_name to be self contained, i.e. get rid of mktemp pragma and have temp_file_name do its own random string/stat loop
bvt: 2. Ada internally uses mkstemp(3) to generate a random name when empty string is passed as filename to Open procedure.
BingoBoingo: Here they do entire parks using string trimmers
asciilifeform: 'The mktemp() function generates a unique temporary filename from template. The last six characters of template must be XXXXXX and these are replaced with a string that...' etc
a111: Logged on 2018-10-10 21:15 bvt: empty string ("") is special-cased in GNAT runtime, which does mktemp equivalent internally
bvt: empty string ("") is special-cased in GNAT runtime, which does mktemp equivalent internally ☟︎
mircea_popescu: amusingly enough, i could see the paralel between alf's (not entirely unsuported in practice) notions of "useful physics -- turn of the century, einstein-centric" and "useless physics -- string theory" and semiology/semiotics.
diana_coman: aaand if I get it right, GNAT.CRC32 uses Ada.Streams.Stream_Element and it expects a String as input so overall it really sounds like back to GNAT.Sockets style, ugh
mod6: The string handling, discussed previously in the logs, is basically a solved problem - would just need something similar to what alf or others have done before - character by character.
mod6: I had started on a ada vtron last year, but I got hung up with some of the string handling, and the fact that I had to use shell-outs for pgp. I'd like to get back to it at some point. I would love to dispense with the shell outs - and can probably do so, but not until 'peh' is finished.
diana_coman: asciilifeform, the IP_To_String will return a string with null chars (in Ada: Character'Val(0)) at the end for IPs that are shorter than 16 chars (e.g.; I'm in 2 minds whether to make it change those to spaces (keeps size same) or otherwise return some len; since it's your lib though: what is your take on it?
asciilifeform: i'm 100% in favour, so long as can use new file extension and not trip over own old patches. ( afaik phf's tool does not marry .vdiff string hardcodedly ? )
asciilifeform: there's also a missing restrict pragma in the lib, pragma Restrictions(No_Implicit_Conditionals) , took it out during dev (when experimented with to-string sans-callout ) and forgot to reinsert
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/patches/udp_genesis#L298 also may produce string with spurious trailing whitespace, prolly oughta fix
a111: Logged on 2018-09-18 13:05 diana_coman: for completeness, version 3. GNAT.Sockets.Thin that is an Ada wrapper on C system calls containing however questionable approaches (e.g. returning access to String so effectively a pointer but worse than this: allocating memory on the heap and leaving the de-alloc to the caller...)
asciilifeform: so if your own coad is compatible with this form, can safely jettison the string glue
diana_coman: asciilifeform, the udp lib can request it in a certain format; the rest is layered on top, I don't really see why it needs string representation or eating a string; anyways, splitting hairs on this
diana_coman: right; in terms of simplicity I can't say atm that I'm able to see anything that can be further cut off from the udp part itself indeed (the string <-> ip part doesn't seem to fit in there necessarily but that's not udp per se anyway)
diana_coman: for completeness, version 3. GNAT.Sockets.Thin that is an Ada wrapper on C system calls containing however questionable approaches (e.g. returning access to String so effectively a pointer but worse than this: allocating memory on the heap and leaving the de-alloc to the caller...) ☟︎
asciilifeform: ^ eventually i'd like to rewrite the human-string routines, and get rid of the unix callout there, but imho errything else prolly oughta stay as is.
diana_coman: ave1, hm, the recv_from doesn't return the length of the received string?
ave1: Also no UNIX sockets yet, I was reading the documentation and came accross how linux now supports "abstract" unix sockets which have no equivalent on the file system. Pretty big WTF all over, it's implemented by having a string start with a 0 (zero) byte.
asciilifeform: ( tho naturally you won't use ada String for arbitrary octetolade. but same principle. )
asciilifeform: i dun disagree with mircea_popescu one bit, in re 'juniper/cisco Must Die'. but their death cannot be made from shoe string and bubble gum.
mircea_popescu: the "secret string" of email seems sufficient./
mircea_popescu: rain2 say !!up to deedbot in pm, then !!v the string it gives you.
spyked: jurov, thanks for the idea! sbcl's resolver (sb-bsd-sockets:get-host-by-name) returns both addresses on my machine, but querying each of them for the banner might break the one-response-per-command rule (I could try to string them all together in one response, but I find that ugly). so maybe I could add DNS resolution as a separate command?
lobbesbot: mod6: Error: unexpected EOF while parsing (<string>, line 1)
lobbes: Lol. "While parsing the input measurement string, there isn't a check on the server address (-c). In this manner, any string can be placed as the server address and will be executed via system. Knowing this, an attacker can execute arbitrary commands in the position of the server address."
mircea_popescu: "Second, now theory develops into a FAMILY theories. When one member of the family is killed, the survival members will quickly mutate to accommodate the killing data, such as M-string theory, SUSY, multiverse and the inflation scenarios. That is, the Popperianism is now totally USELESS."
mircea_popescu: we've just been supplying the string because tradition, or dunno. i suppose much like venetian merchants dressed the house pets. dun mean naked woman about the house is a bug (even though the 80s retard, before i/we came about and fucked their "trtaditions" right in the ass, would have suspected such_
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-19#1836361 << i dunno that a comment's that important. basically it's the "string for allcomers" portion of wot mechanics. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: for the logs : 1st byte is, byte length of 2nd segment. 2nd segment is, byte length of 3rd segment. 3rd segment is payload. so "hola" is 14hola and 0xFF FF FF encodes for a 2.00352993e+19728 byte long string.
asciilifeform: in order to ~return~ such a string, a place other than the stack is required to store it. ( to grasp this, gotta visualize stack frame. )
mircea_popescu: so if the init were made so as to pass cmd line args as THAT, ie, proiper string, ie 3 part string, ie, x + y + z bytes, then...
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the dualstack thing comes into play when you start to demand that a function ~return~ a string of length not known in advance.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ada gives you ~this~ type of string 'for free' ( all ada strings contain their length )
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-18#1835931 << could something like http://trilema.com/2018/euloras-communication-protocol-restated/#selection-141.0-141.150 rescue one from the problems of "variable length string" ? ☝︎
asciilifeform: so hash could just as easily be an arbitrary client id string ?
Mocky: asciilifeform, i get that. I read your 'realistic description' statement to mean referrer string is promisatronic protection, was asking what referrer string is protecting.
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-17#1835572 >> does it change your pov if the hash is no form of protection or implied protection but merely an accounting convenience. like say http 'referrer' on phuctor page links to pizarro. maybe pizarro uses referrer to track where customer comes from and if came from known ad placement then counts customer for that ad. is referrer string now promisatronic protection since anyone ☝︎
mircea_popescu: certainly, but most us army grunts have to buy their own whatever, silly string.
asciilifeform: a larger and expensive version of the item could be built conceivably with off-the-shelf iron, all it'd take is a bit of courage, can plug it in wherever one happens to have access to unguarded mains socket plus a window to string the aerial from.
BingoBoingo: But if you are jsut stringing together tld's why not string them all?
diana_coman: it gave me the otp ; it just did not reply/confirm/do anything with the decoded string sent via !!v
a111: Logged on 2016-03-21 07:43 mircea_popescu: hanbot mod6 maybe an extension to deedbot where people could go !tag <string> and then a collection of clickable tags is published somewhere, each leading to a list of loglines ?
asciilifeform: re ifdef, n00bz are invited to study how the c preprocessor worx, and shudder at e.g. the fact that they can contain ~other~ ifdef's, which in turn can change the meaning of ~any~ string in the proggy
asciilifeform: fwiw i had it mark all patches with 'WILD' alarm string when operating gpgless
mod6: which also leads me to see that in your code, you're attempting to use an iterator to loop over a map<string, string> , and add the keys to argKeys. but you never did set the iterator to mapArgs.begin()
asciilifeform: ( spoiler : seems to clumsily look for string 'escue' and some, yet to be determined, magical attribute of a candidate rsa sig )
mircea_popescu: and it doesn't stop there ; are you aware "modern browser" won't even allow luser to set referrer string ? it's either "nothing at all" or else "Speak the truth". why ? so that fetlife can imp[lement faux security a la "oh, your referrer is incorrect, best relogin".