689 entries in 0.712s
decimation: why is ssl linking to dl
assbot: SSL-busting adware: US cyber-plod open fire on Comodo's PrivDog • The Register ... ( http://bit.ly/1FBxCay )
dignork: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/02/24/comodo_ssl_privdog/
decimation: asciilifeform: I assume you saw the sudden freakout over hilariously weak crypto implemented by spec in SSL?
adlai: asciilifeform: the convenience of pgp with all the trustlessness of ssl!
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: nope. ssl-based crap
assbot: Logged on 03-03-2015 19:48:15; NewLiberty: SSL won't stop WCCP intermediaries or anyone with #enable (or better) in your path, but it keeps the lesser evils at bay.
NewLiberty: SSL won't stop WCCP intermediaries or anyone with #enable (or better) in your path, but it keeps the lesser evils at bay. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: NewLiberty: Even if it wasn't hard to count on SSL for actual security.
mike_c: he's done some cool stuff in the past. most famous (at least to me) for some ssl mitm stuff he built.
thestringpuller: GPG is bad SSL good!
assbot: Komodia/Superfish SSL Validation is broken ... ( http://bit.ly/1D9fEvY )
mats: https://blog.filippo.io/komodia-superfish-ssl-validation-is-broken/
lobbes: So getting ZNC configured to use SSL ended up being a great 'introduction project' for learning some of the basics of linux. I would recommend to all the other n00bs out there
mircea_popescu: https://flpics1.a.ssl.fastly.net/1975/1975551/00050efb-57c8-384f-c07a-4a309d258337_720.jpg
thestringpuller: i don't think it will if its running 0.9.8 ssl
mircea_popescu: but in other news, https://flpics2.a.ssl.fastly.net/2066/2066340/00050dbb-17e7-9554-ef52-cc5731d655ac_720.jpg
mircea_popescu: https://flpics0.a.ssl.fastly.net/1728/1728220/00050ef8-c44d-8b6c-90b3-6472a2bbc7d8_720.jpg << now this is some hardcore lightsabering.
mircea_popescu: https://flpics1.a.ssl.fastly.net/4232/4232146/00050edc-db76-1a9e-3e51-e2d153eb422d_720.jpg
herbijudlestoids: so far: squid, ldap, kerberos, djbdns, postfix, and today i finished setting up nginx and getting "A" score on the qualys ssl test
ben_vulpes: punkman: asciilifeform proposed snipping the crypto routines out of ssl and dropping them wholesale into the bitcoind
ben_vulpes: mod6, asciilifeform: forgive my naivte, but what's the recommended approach to efficiently toggling between versions of libs for compiling cturds? in particular, ssl for bitcoind.
phillipsjk: A careful reading of the logs shows that mod6 was careful to use the pre-f revision of debian SSL.
mod6: so far. it's really weird still though, because i wasn't having this problem before. and we've always been using an old ssl.
ben_vulpes: what was the story with a certain version of ssl breaking some kinds of btc signatures?
asciilifeform: aha so ssl-style sc4m
asciilifeform: ^ nazi ssl
punkman: adlai: lol https://github.com/orthecreedence/cl-async/blob/master/src/ssl/tcp.lisp#L321 << win!
adlai: lol https://github.com/orthecreedence/cl-async/blob/master/src/ssl/tcp.lisp#L321
adlai: right. so this error means that somebody in the middle tried to downgrade our connection, and my ssl lib took a shit instead of complying?
Naphex: TLS 1.2Yes / TLS 1.1Yes / TLS 1.0Yes / SSL 3No / SSL 2No
assbot: Qualys SSL Labs - Projects / SSL Server Test / btc-e.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1CcS142 )
adlai: thank you btce! error:140943FC:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad record mac
jurov: it's just all lost cause. self-signed certs yes, but only after ssl/tls is ditched.
asciilifeform: in case anyone needs to be reminded of this - ssl remains a crock of shit - as in, the entire protocol stack is porous and comically maldesigned
asciilifeform: if using the ssl crock of shit at all, being your own signing authority (instead of swallowing the master key bullshit and extortionary fees of the 'authorities') is the only way to go
asciilifeform: they're approximately what ssl is.
fluffypony: rather than fucking around with SSL
davout: fluffypony: nice comment on the "blockchain onion gets an ssl cert" derpage
mircea_popescu: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22My+law+firm+represents+GAW+Miners,+LLC%22&complete=0&gws_rd=ssl << like so.
Naphex: mircea_popescu: BTCXchange offered SSL Authenticated with GlobalSign.EU, the registration certificate was posted. And all due dilligance info posted
dignork: punkman: yes, but in theory signed ssl cert provides some identity validation. Although the same can be achieved by gpg signed .onion address.
punkman: "Creation of X.509 certificates has been improved. It is now also possible to export them directly in PKCS#8 and PEM format for use on TLS servers." << anyone here tried to generate ssl certs with GPG yet?
ben_vulpes: terminate ssl for me for 20 dollars a month" button than to...terminate it themselves. on a box they control.
asciilifeform: bounce: recall the 'null ciphers' in ssl et al
Naphex: this is how entropy use from /dev/random looks like on a SSL gateway (reasonable amount of connections/handshakes)
Naphex: if you're doing cryptography work (ssl, keys using randoms) and this value is below 200. you have a problem to fix, fast.
asciilifeform: and, naturally, ssl
asciilifeform: here's some unambiguous crap - ssl
mike_c: yes, that i agree with. i thought it might be nice to have some wallet software available to the lower tier that doesn't phone home every time you open it and lose your coin everytime SSL gets probed.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: so far i got qt and ssl snipped. mega-triumph! lol << weren't you supposed to work for nsa anyway!!1
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: so far i got qt and ssl snipped. mega-triumph! lol
asciilifeform: not a single mainstream mineatron, afaik, does anything useful against even a very pedestrian ssl mitm.
ben_vulpes: all of a sudden i want to rip SSL out as well
mircea_popescu: devthedev: Bitcointalk: "Due to a recently-discovered flaw in the TLS and SSL protocols, you may want to change your password, especially if you accessed the forum using Tor." <<< what, tor isn't safe ? incredibru.
devthedev: Bitcointalk: "Due to a recently-discovered flaw in the TLS and SSL protocols, you may want to change your password, especially if you accessed the forum using Tor."
mircea_popescu: 1.0.1 server implementations for both SSL/TLS and DTLS regardless of
assbot: Google Online Security Blog: This POODLE bites: exploiting the SSL 3.0 fallback
mike_c: http://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.com/2014/10/this-poodle-bites-exploiting-ssl-30.html
mike_c: so this is it, SSL is dead now. crazy.
assbot: Free POODLE SSL Security Vulnerability Check | Tinfoil Security
assbot: SSL POODLE Scanner
assbot: Google Online Security Blog: This POODLE bites: exploiting the SSL 3.0 fallback
danielpbarron: Disabling SSL 3.0 support, or CBC-mode ciphers with SSL 3.0, is sufficient to mitigate this issue, but presents significant compatibility problems, even today. Therefore our recommended response is to support TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV. http://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.com/2014/10/this-poodle-bites-exploiting-ssl-30.html
Apocalyptic: the SSL lulz keeps on
assbot: Google Online Security Blog: This POODLE bites: exploiting the SSL 3.0 fallback
Apocalyptic: http://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.ch/2014/10/this-poodle-bites-exploiting-ssl-30.html
rithm: twitter bootstrap, godaddy ssl, c++ backend
Apocalyptic: the ssl cert provided seems to be for *.battlequest.com
cazalla: i didn't reg an ssl cert, the domain was dropped by qntra.com at some point i believe
Apocalyptic: <Adlai> qntra.net seems to have some ssl issue? // just got the error
kakobrekla: also is there a point in ssl if its optional
kakobrekla: ssl has issue with qntra prolly
Adlai: qntra.net seems to have some ssl issue?
mircea_popescu: cazalla https://www.google.com/search?q=Arthur+Budovsk&complete=0&gws_rd=ssl << it's budowsky
decimation: yeah ssl is the usb of IP
mircea_popescu: Naphex also some ssl/ssh/etc
jborkl: ok, thank you I have been busy fixing all the ssl crap and forgot about everything else
jborkl: I moved everything to ssl and it should all be green. You guys mind giving it a test and tell me if it all seems good
mircea_popescu: "Who is sending 1000 BTC to a site with no SSL? Any why would anyone trust this site anyways? People are stupid or it's fake."
mircea_popescu: https://www.google.com/search?q=unattanium+scamcoin&complete=0&gws_rd=ssl << i like it when .lk outranks tardstalk
BingoBoingo: Even if the ssl premise is bork'd
ben_vulpes: lol ssl php ===
TheNewDeal: i got this https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl
decimation: yeah it's pretty much the same way that people think that ssl websites are the best practice in 'secure' data transfer
fluffypony: where they got nailed for old nginx + broken SSL et.
asciilifeform: ssl on top of webturd, it seems
mp_a_colonia: o its ssl ?
asciilifeform: mp_a_colonia: what must they be drinking to crap out yet another 'seekoore mail' ssl gizmo ?
benkay: some of these sites have busted ssl configurations
benkay: i guess ssl_verify might help...
asciilifeform: 'take out mistakes' >> ssl
mircea_popescu: moiety: https://p10.secure.hostingprod.com/@spyblog.org.uk/ssl/wikileak/2011/09/why-didnt-julian-assange-use-pgp-properly-when-handing-over-cablescsv-file-to-da.html << re this ? the first website on the whole internets to actually publish cables ? my blog.
moiety: https://p10.secure.hostingprod.com/@spyblog.org.uk/ssl/wikileak/2011/09/why-didnt-julian-assange-use-pgp-properly-when-handing-over-cablescsv-file-to-da.html
dignork: mircea_popescu: well, they are actually lying, for this to work, they either have to ssl-strip, or plant corporate CA in all their system
mircea_popescu: "Now you can have visibility into all the encrypted SSL traffic on your network—at extremely high performance—so you can inspect it, identify potentially nefarious activities, and feed the intelligence to an ecosystem of security application vendors—all through Blue Coat."
Mats_cd03: fucking ssl
assbot: Blue Coat – Whats Your SSL Traffic Trying to Hide?
dignork: benkay: http://www.bluecoat.com/company-blog/2013-05-09/what%E2%80%99s-your-ssl-traffic-trying-hide // i've seen similar hardware deployed by companies to monitor their employees traffic. Single point of failure. Awesome point to hack.
assbot: Blue Coat – Whats Your SSL Traffic Trying to Hide?