689 entries in 0.861s
benkay: http://www.bluecoat.com/company-blog/2013-05-09/what%E2%80%99s-your-ssl-traffic-trying-hide // waaaaaaaaaaaaat is this
asciilifeform: TLS/SSL bug... hasn?t been found for over 16 years << don't blame the fscking mice...
mircea_popescu: "The biggest reason why the bug hasn’t been found for over 16 years is that code reviews were insufficient, especially from experts who had experiences with TLS/SSL implementation. "
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: The OpenSSL problem is deeper than SSL sucking as so many shitpiles just reuse their functions for other crypto applications
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: http://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article&sid=20140605202211 << the pill against this, as has been abundantly obvious for months to anyone who gives half a shit, is to take ssl out to the back of the shed and shoot it.
mircea_popescu: the long version being that there's no ssl on trilema because ssl is so fucking broken, the problem it purports to solve but fails to solve can in fact be actually solved by five lines OF PHP.
Naphex: mircea_popescu: so mircea why no ssl on trilema? what if NSA steals my cookie?:(
pankkake: by bank can't even configure their ssl properly
jurov: Naphex you do everything properly and they you get forced to surrender ssl cert to cloudflare anyway
benkay: i'm irritated that i gotta pay 85/year for wildcard ssl certs that normal browsers won't freak out about.
benkay: what bugs me about ssl is the conflation of "this server is authorized to handle requests from this domain" with encrypting the connection between server and client.
mike_c: but you need the underbody wash with your ssl cert. that's extra.
fluffypony: https://www.ssls.com/comodo-ssl-certificates/essentialssl-wilcard.html
assbot: Wildcard SSL Certificate (Unlimited Subdomains) - Digital SSL Certificates for your Website
assbot: Save money with Wildcard SSL Certificate from Comodo
mike_c: http://ssl.comodo.com/wildcard-ssl-certificates.php << $335 / year
benkay: christ a wildcard ssl cert is 2 grand
mod6: ahh, yeah, heard they were making SSH stand-alone from SSL/TLS
BingoBoingo: mod6: That's when 5.6 comes out with their redone SSL libraries and stuff.
fluffypony: for $5 a month I get an SSL cert and can use a snake-oil self-signed on the server
fluffypony: "5 days before this article was written Cloudflare started offering Full (Strict) SSL, where traffic between Cloudflare and the origin server is encrypted AND the origin server’s cert is validated."
mike_c: davout: same thing for aws. their load balancer sits in front of your servers and handles SSL termination for you
Naphex: varnish doesn't support ssl, so i'd bet that they will PT through regular http pretty often
Naphex: you pay for a varnish cache and a nginx ssl PT
Naphex: my fav part is how blockchain api carries password through cloudflare ssl passthru
fluffypony: sweet, CloudFlare have published their SSL config for nginx: https://github.com/cloudflare/sslconfig/
Naphex: but it will most likely use x509 certificates, and "ssl authentication"
benkay: jurov: all i mean is that i want to interact with anything btc-related with encrypted messages, and ssl does not count.
ThickAsThieves: hmm wsj ssl broken
Naphex: get SSL working in that :)
bounce: didn't ssl have a patch a while back that went snprintf(d,dlen,s) -> snprintf(d,dlen,"%s",s) ? something like that at any rate
pankkake: I was going to link https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/02/https-everywhere-decentralized-ssl-observatory which gave me a SSL Error, funnily enough (if you have it, disable OSCP whatever)
mircea_popescu: twitter.com, Twitter, Inc. VeriSign Class 3 Extended Validation SSL CA, VeriSign, Inc. 05/10/2016 12:59:00 AM GMT TLS v1.2 128 bit ARC4 (2048 bit RSA/SHA)
asciilifeform: ssl weirdness
fluffypony: http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/lib/libssl/src/ssl/
cgcardona_: for the ssl endpoints I pay
asciilifeform: <asciilifeform> you started out suggesting wifi and ssl. in the channel. now buzz off.
asciilifeform: <robwizz22> complete lie, meant to play on people's recognition of the word "heartbleed bug" without knowing what it is. There is no SSL anywhere within 100 miles of a Cardano, nor did I ever mention it. You seem to be playing off of your audience's ignorance. Is this really want you want to be doing with your life? Selling snake oil? Being a fraud?
asciilifeform: next comes the 'network disk', where the buggers don't need to settle for small change (ssl diddling, etc.)
KRS-1: mircea_popescu did you patch your ssl
[\]: because RPC over SSL isn't a bad thing.
asciilifeform: as if ssl were useful if it worked as printed on the box.
mircea_popescu: we are moving away from ssl and generally pki, and generally usg-crap. forever.
fluffypony: asciilifeform: aren't we moving towards SSL on everything forever?
asciilifeform: what's the excuse for a blog using ssl anyway?
fluffypony: and then they announce a new SSL cert, wtf
rithm knew he shouldn't have used ssl on his bouncer
benkay: don' want no mo ssl holes like that one
Apocalyptic: hum bitcointalk.org still haven't replaced their SSL cert
benkay: asciilifeform, mike_c, decimation, everyone else interested in ssl
fluffypony: bounce: you could possibly only see people identifying on SSL connections if the SSL/non-SSL memory pools don't overlap
bounce: now I can't help but wonder if your (nickserv/on connect) passwords aren't vulnerable even if /you/ don't connect via ssl to freenode. since loaded library, probably.
BingoBoingo: Ah, fucking freenode fixing their SSL...
asciilifeform: most web crap in common lisp uses 'CL+SSL', an FFI wrapper of traditional openssl.
BingoBoingo: How is clisp's webserver on the SSL stuff
Naphex: mircea_popescu: you can basically sniff whole SSL trafic with Heartbleed.
mike_c: it is the process space for whatever is handling ssl connections.. so all ur keyz belong to us
bounce: not all of your assumptions are going to be reasonable, actually. ssl is fairly logical when enabling rpc ("instant security" amirite or amirite), but restricting IPaddresses only so if either you have enough clue or someone in your vicinity does. similarly, plenty reasons why you'd leave the wallet unlocked.
midnightmagic: bounce: Only if you've allowed rpc connections from random douches, have turned on ssl, aren't limiting it based on IP, *and* they have your wallet.dat already and have been able to query your bitcoind constantly over time and caught you using the rpc command that unlocks your wallet.
mike_c: trilema.com will do ssl connections, but you can't get the blog.
BingoBoingo: Well, No SSL == NotHeartBleed
asciilifeform: wait since when ssl on trilema?
cgcardona_: dude I just got an email from heroku about the ssl bug w/ this as my list of potentially affected apps: Here are your affected applications:
thestringpuller: who needs ssl when you have gpg?
ozbot: [Python] heartbleed ssl test - Pastebin.com
punkman: also http://iang.org/ssl/h3_there_is_only_one_mode_and_it_is_secure.html
tg2: #1 google result for "litecoin online wallet", extended validation SSL cert
VanCleef: SSL handshake failed
asciilifeform: 'browser'? 'javascript'? 'ssl'? no thanks
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: wifi. with ssl, right. troll much ?
mike_c: mitm ssl:
ThickAsThieves: i dont even know what a SSL really does, nor am I a programmer, but I have successfully purchased and installed one on a system I advised the client was not really secure
mike_c: "being a CA involves tedious, mind-numbingly repetitive yet security critical work that unpaid volunteers are ill equipped to do well. " has he ever gone through the process of getting a SSL cert?? they don't do shit.
asciilifeform: 'SSL is one of very few crypto systems that’s in daily usage by hundreds of millions of people. Remarkably, it seems that governments have not compromised the infrastructure.'
ThickAsThieves: http://www.theverge.com/2014/2/25/5446534/apple-patches-ssl-security-vulnerability-osx
mircea_popescu: "This means theoretically that if you’ve been using the flawed iOS or OS X systems since then, a hacker on your shared network could have captured all your data that should have been SSL- or TSL-encrypted for the past 18 months."
jurov: ThickAsThieves: is that the apple ssl code?
Mallstromm: I'm sure not logging on my personal POP3, non-SSL email account through Tor
r3wt: pankkake: should i waste my time with that or should i continue writing ssl sockets for LUA?
Diablo-D3: you proxy them for ssl and caching performance
Apocalyptic: pankkake, you said earlier the payment protocol looks fine to you, did you know Hearn pushes for SSL to be part of it with all the centralized cert authority issues it implies ?
asciilifeform: as if it escapes anyone's attention that ssl-mitm is readily detectable.
mod6: This is an important notice for developers still using HTTP plaintext connections. On January 14th, 2014, connections to api.twitter.com will be restricted to TLS/SSL connections only.
mod6: yeah, same thing with a lot of these places. Verisign got hacked, lost all SSL private keys. Pff.
mike_c: pankkake, you see this? tsk tsk. http://arstechnica.com/security/2013/12/french-agency-caught-minting-ssl-certificates-impersonating-google/
KRS|gotyawallet: https://soundcloud.com/#ytcracker/ytcracker-bitcoin-baron-v1-ssl
random_cat: dub: logging into an ssl secured website
jurov`: truffles: you have to surrender ssl cert to cloudflare so that it works effectively
pankkake: doesn't protect against MITM - unless you have your own SSL certificate and check it
taub: oh, it doesn't work without ssl
asciilifeform: nah, 'biggest' would be the idiot ssl master keys.
ozbot: HTTP 2.0 May Be SSL-Only - Slashdot
pankkake: http://it.slashdot.org/story/13/11/13/1938207/http-20-may-be-ssl-only
Defiler_: Got an SSL warning
KRS1: https://soundcloud.com/#ytcracker/ytcracker-bitcoin-baron-v1-ssl
dexX7: mircea_popescu: you once said "the problem with ssl are the CAs".. so what's your take on issuing your own certificate? i'm aware that users would have to install them themselfs etc., but is there any downsite with ssl by itself?
Vexual: just make sure those ssl certs are up to date fuckwit
KRS1: thanks for sharing mircea..i handle SSL certs for the company I work for
mircea_popescu: and since i dug this up, dropping it here for the ssl fanclub : http://arstechnica.com/business/2011/09/new-javascript-hacking-tool-can-intercept-paypal-other-secure-sessions/ ☟︎
ozbot: Why Android SSL was downgraded from AES256-SHA to RC4-MD5 in late 2010