900+ entries in 0.15s
lobbes: I don't know sales, but I know heathens; I wager those rockchips will be a way easier sell than the shared hosting, for e.g.
phf: i don't know what they did in sbcl that it gives 8.75863727 locally, but with double float cmucl gives 8.758457270000001 and with double-double-float it's 8.75845727w0
mircea_popescu: understand that when you opt ot make "small donations" as a palliative measure to reconcile the goat and the cabbage you're not using the tool. this is orcism, "i don't know how to work vacuum cleanner but did some fingerbanging of the dust ad interim"
mircea_popescu: mod6, i know, right ? anything, don't get me wrong, i don't think you have to do anything about it. or anyone else. it's a problem we can't yet well aproach, let it lie.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, think : you broadsided ME with it too. unlike him i am rather large mass, but the point is fucking there -- we don't actually even know the full dependency tree with any specified precision.
mircea_popescu: seriously asciilifeform dun take it the wrong way / be discouraged. it's great, so great in fact we can afford the luxury of refinement. while no one else has as much as the lines, we can thumb our noses and only deem the count worthy of insertion. if this isn't luxury i don't know what is.
esthlos: I'm fairly beginner, don't know many of the useful functions
mircea_popescu: you can't ; because i don't know you. did you see http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20#1803676 ? ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2016-09-15 15:08 phf: i think asdf is evil, version 3 is doing some straight up systemd shit. for those who don't know asdf 3 comes with fare's own portability layer called uiop, which in a very systemd agressive and underhanded style is superseding existing utility libraries.
mircea_popescu: exactly like i don't for a second btcvixen or w/e it was doesn't know he's just a sad dork with a self-mutilated penis.
mircea_popescu: i do not even for a second believe they don't know better.
ben_vulpes: "can never demonstrate the absence of bugs" notwithstanding, i don't know why folks don't slow down and test that their deliverables do what they claim before making claims
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20#1803946 << that's a good idea, there are different use cases though. i speak much less, so i use the yellow islands to know where i participated in the conversation, this way i know i don't have to reread that whole cluster. it highlights both from:phf and "phf", so i can also say where i was mentioned since the last time i spoke ☝︎
mircea_popescu: i credit it with a not-negligible chunk of efficiency-above-average. after all, i know what i fucking said. and if i don't, well, that's a major signal on its own.
trinax: I don't know but if you find him tell him I said hi
mircea_popescu: mod6, i don't even think it can't be the blog. just you know, have buncha pics directly visible.
ben_vulpes: i don't know why he's not asking for the tits under his own name
ben_vulpes: now if portage kiesters a py3 somewhere i don't know about, well, i don't know about it
danielpbarron: if your excellent works of fiction haven't, i don't know what could
a111: Logged on 2016-12-21 18:32 mircea_popescu: because no, words don't "have meanings". your meanings for ANY WORD are a function of ALL THE OTHER WORDS YOU KNOW. which is why my definitions regularily blow out english dictionaries, wikipedia and other sources of "wisdom" out of the water - i know more words, and in this knowledge i know all the words i know ~better~. infinitely and irreproducibly so.
mircea_popescu: but really, i don't know of a linux it doesn't work on, so if you find it say.
mircea_popescu: but i don't even know wtf is /vhosts.d/
ben_vulpes: and i don't know enough about what could go wrong to let user b write into user a's directory through some nightmare within apache
mircea_popescu: well, i don't know you well enough.
jurov: but i don't know if same temperature means h2o and o2 molecules have same momentum? or they have same kkinetic energy?
avgjoe: i mean, ok, it works for noobs, but at the same time you don't know instantly who is managing the keys
mircea_popescu: i don't even know that it knows what a port is or what to do with the colon.
shinohai: Don't want to use process restarter on this box ben_vulpes ... if it goes down I'd rather know why. I don't really trust atlantic anymore tbh
mircea_popescu: i need better indexing, and i don't know how the fuck to make it ;/
mircea_popescu: and the issue repeats with questions, "i don't know what question to ask such that the response puts me in full control of everything" is not a valid mapping for "i don't know what questions to ask". you've seen me n times ask questions ~about the thing~, ie, to allow the thing to be illuminated, irrespective of whether they "help" me to anything. cuz i don't care about myself ~in this sense~. i care about myself in the other
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796214 << yes, except for the part where "hashrate is gonna protect you". the whole POINT of taking some of the information OUT of the blockchain is to try and reduce the protection of hashrate, and make everyone dependent on protection by non-hashrate. which is WHY this is usg move against bitcoin. i don't need no stinking fuckwit to "help me", and i don't care why he thinks i do. i know wh ☝︎
douchebag: don't know why I made that 1337speak
phf: jeez i don't even know how to work with this soup in sbcl, that woman judge entry translates to, i shit you not, the following sequence of sbcl character names: ("WOMAN" "U1F3FE" "ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER" "SCALES" "VARIATION_SELECTOR-16")
mircea_popescu: i still don't know why they don't ; but as far as i can see there isn't an actual problem with his patches or seals.
mircea_popescu: i don't really care, you know the place better than me.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in the lulzy tales : late last night i went into girl's room cuz i couldn't sleep and wanted to play. she was asleep. she woke up startled, and then i could see panic grip her. and i was you know, all "don't worry baby, you're not in trouble, there's nothing wrong" and she was looking at me with these big and growing eyes and turning progressively whiteer.
trinque: MDude: don't pm me; I don't know you
trinque is on a box currently that's musl + libressl, but I don't know that it's much better
mircea_popescu: "but mp, I ~know~ the source" "no you fucking don't. what's discussed here is knowledge in the strong sense ; your lack of ability to know anything due to http://trilema.com/2014/the-problem-of-ideal-social-systems-reprint/ and http://trilema.com/2011/semiologia-semantica-si-viata/ type issues does not permit you to now claim knowledge out of the void.
douchebag: Awesome, can't wait to try it man. You really don't understand how happy this makes me to know I'll be out of this shithole
douchebag: I don't know a single person who doesn't use drugs here. Whether it be weed or shotting heroin up your arm
mircea_popescu: aand in other morning glories, "i dreamed that i was in trouble, i don't know what, and i was walking back to where you were, shaking incontrollably from all joints. but then, voice-of-god you, that was in the air, said "don't worry about it, pet. go back to sleep". so i went back to sleep." "did i also look like the old king on the packaging of small chocolates ?" "no, you didn't look like anything, it was just the voice."
ben_vulpes: man i don't know anything about port but this is delicious
emily22: And I don't really know anyone who draws well
douchebag: Alright, I don't know if I'd be any help with eulora - I'm not a gamer and I've never done any game development
mircea_popescu: it starts with "i don't drink alcohol." once you hear that, you know what you're dealing with pretty much.
asciilifeform: i don't know of any practical reason to; but strictly for mental muscle build, it is notbad
douchebag: trinque: Because I haven't seen the source code so I don't know if dtd was disabled
a111: Logged on 2018-03-22 16:41 douchebag: "i don't know how you think you know better what to do with your time than mp"
douchebag: "i don't know how you think you know better what to do with your time than mp" ☟︎
mod6: I would say, douchebag, that if you don't know how to, at minimum, ~use~ V, you'll find it very difficult to participate.
douchebag: I literally do not understand anything. I don't know what a vpatch is or anything. The concept just does not make sense
douchebag: diana_coman: I agree with you. The reason I'm a bit hesitant is because I know what I'm not good at. I know how to code, I write code almost every single day. However, I don't code for the same reasons most people do
mircea_popescu: i don't know.
mircea_popescu: his contributions on usenet suffer very much from the naggum problem (he's plain idiotic plenty of places, apparently interacting with idiots corrups HIM rather than corrupting them into being less idiotic) ; but such annoyances aside i don't know anyone coming around being so right since tlp.
mircea_popescu: i don't know of many sites besides trilema that don't look like monkey work. it's become the web tradition somehow.
BlueAngelHost: unfortunately I don't know his real name as we allow anonymous registration
ben_vulpes: well, i don't quite know what you mean by "stretch capital". republic gotta have an ISP; and it should be able to turn a profit and pay the foundation back. if it fails to do that, it'll be disappointing and i'll probably resign for mismanagement. initially mod6 and i were considering taking the entire venture on through the foundation when asciilifeform offered to match.
mod6: If I don't know the answer straight off, will ask ben_vulpes or whomever needs to be asked.
hanbot: trinque true. i suppose some things can't be learned without an actual beating, delivered by an actual expert whisk. i don't really know to jam it into the sick skull, i guess. and no harm done, i've always appreciated your directness.
mod6: I have too, and I recently read the entire thread on diana_coman's blog too. The whole thing. I know shortcomings have impacted lots of things. He's not the only one guitly of that. And even though I don't excuse anyones failures, I'm going to forgive. We've gained more than we've lost. In my estimation.
mod6: <+trinque> I don't think now's the time for that. lest rustled jimmies, not more. << Ok, well let me know if you want to. I'm ready to step down and take my leave of all of this.
trinque: I don't know, don't like to speak for people either.
ben_vulpes: if i say "all boxes getting racked will have 32 cores" that's a huge minimum buy that i don't know that l2 can really eat many of.
ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-14#1783842 << BingoBoingo needs supervision and tasking at a (micro-)scale that mircea_popescu understandably has zero interest in providing. now this may be a case of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-10#1783173, but if building an isp for tmsr isn't worth bleeding for i don't know what is and so this is the breach into which i intend to step. ☝︎☝︎
phf: i.e. you pack it in a box (300kg max, 70kg each individual box), weigh and measure it, send them a quote. i don't know what the specific prices are
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: shouldn't it be in orclang ? << No. They have made it clear they know more than enough English, and you don't make strong asks in their own linguistic territory. And the head of the tech team does fluent English including idiomatics. I have met enough of their people to know the message going to be understood.
mod6: I'm certain that I don't know all of what was discussed between yourself and mircea_popescu - even in this very chamber.
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu, yes, how much money? i don't know exactly
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i've met a bunch of "vegetarian" gals that are no longer ; much like i actually fuck about half-lesbians by headcount these days. if you don't know how $item is, easy enough to "give it up"
phf: i don't know
a111: Logged on 2018-02-03 04:52 ben_vulpes: guy delivering servers today wanted to know what i was doing with em; "well let's see, install some software and then rack 'em in a datacenter, what else does one do with servers?" "no but like are you mining bro?" "haha funny. don't you have something for me to sign?"
ben_vulpes: guy delivering servers today wanted to know what i was doing with em; "well let's see, install some software and then rack 'em in a datacenter, what else does one do with servers?" "no but like are you mining bro?" "haha funny. don't you have something for me to sign?" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: i don't care to hear "item was put here on incatime so and so" ; just let me know what its hash is.
danielpbarron: i just need to be in court whenever they say, don't know a date yet
trinque: maybe I don't want it; I want to tell my friend I know somebody who has
phf: actually i don't know! i'm in a bad place, spatially, DC is literally the worst place to keep tabs on this kind of stuff. everything seems dead, but i know if i were to just travel two hours north there's going to be updates on what's happening
phf: mircea_popescu: i don't think it makes sense to talk about bit order on any of the architectures that we're discussing, since you can only address by bytes. big endian systems could have little endian bytes and you would never know, likewise little endian systems could have big endian bytes and you would never know. logically though there's no reason you can't view big endian to be a bit reverse of little endian
phf: mircea_popescu: i'm perhaps failing to find a point at which your analogy connects with the situation. i read it as "don't know on things that seem trivial"
phf: i don't know the puritan arguments against sluts
NoSatoshisHear: ffa, some cool stuff, making a braindead c one just cause I can learn better. Sure wish I could pour some fast multiply hardware, but don't know enough prolly.
spyked: mircea_popescu: sent a couple of pingbacks to trilema, seems to have worked (though I don't see them, it might be that they're currently in the moderation queue). output and script at http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/LZVEr/?raw=true lemme know if they show up anywhere in your wp
hanbot: here's an example: i've made a genesis of mp-wp by vdiffing against an empty dir of the same name; this when pressed results in all desired files + copy of each file appended with ".orig". leaving aside that i don't even currently know why the fuck this happened, never seen it before in a press: i don't even know what to point out to ascertain that this is in fact NOT what is supposed to occur! if i was teaching a girl to do it, and she were the
mircea_popescu: anyone recall that ? "o hey, it got gigavps kicked out of bitcoin, but i don't know any history so why the hell not!"
mircea_popescu: which is even a welcome fucking idea, no more of this "DANGEROUS CURVE AHEAD". bitch, i don't know your idea of "dangerous", say "curve type W64" and be fucking done with it.
phf: well, there's another non-portable part there: awk i think is really gawk, but i don't know if linux consistently provides gawk command, so on unix it ought to be | gawk ..., but that might (?) fail in linux
douchebag: If they got it wrong, I don't know what I have. I certainly know I'm not like most people
caaddr: I don't know if anybody is actually using PGP, now you mention it. outside of the serene republic
spyked: but yeah, ^ w3m code is weird. and besides, I don't know how text highlighting is supposed to work in a text-based browser. highlighting seems to be a terminal thing, which is weird, because both w3m and lynx/links can be compiled with mouse support! which is essential for that js snippet in trilema, because iirc it relies on onMouse* events.
spyked: hm. "This exists because sourceforge went down for a week during July 2015, making it necessary to maintain local copies."; yeah, publishing these makes a lot of sense. I don't know if I'd find all the libraries I used for the blog if I were to look for them again.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-10 10:14 diana_coman: for the curious there are in fact 2 prolific-stamped documents describing pl2303 and pl2303x; pl2303x seems to be a sort of upgrade to 64bits but why couldn't it be properly identified as distinct I don't know
asciilifeform: some people spent $10k's on their collections of bolixiana. and imagine that these will become worthless if an accurate fpgalogical emulator appears. and for all i know , this is true. i simply don't care.
a111: Logged on 2016-01-02 14:04 mircea_popescu: i don't do private chats with people i don't know. you want to talk about something, this is the venue.
mircea_popescu: i sitll don't know what the objection here is.
phf: "hey man i just drive this tank, i don't know what makes it work" ok then.
phf: i don't know if you've spent any significant amount of time with it, but i literally got tricked into installing xemacs first (cause x means it's gui yes?? 97 me)
esthlos: I suppose I don't know, then, what i'm misisng. but certainly I couldnt cogently argue why x86 sucks besides 'von neumann lol'
asciilifeform: this is entirely separate problem from 'i don't know how a 6502 worked'
shinohai: I have seen him on twitter before I left, don't know him exactly though.
mircea_popescu: this is very much the problem of thinking man, "i know what i like i just don't know what it is" ie http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-05#1765170 ☝︎