700+ entries in 0.168s
mircea_popescu: (and the fact that nobody asked "which, the pole or the prussian" kinda is exactly what i'm talking about. what the fuck, we're going to discuss things we don't know about, meh)
phf: asciilifeform, yeah i just included the patches in case there's something interesting there (i don't know what the overlap of patchsets is between machines)
diana_coman: asciilifeform, I don't know if/that that is indeed the only thing that can kill the socket; and testing won't quite tell me either
diana_coman: I don't know but given Close_Socket(S), ignoring seems rather ...
diana_coman: I lost count how many times I told him to go & exploit but apparently I don't know anything about modern vulnerabilities that can't be exploited
phf: oh, i don't know what you guys achieved in html mode, because i'm looking at the result in lynx
mircea_popescu: there is no such thing! think for a second : "i don't know of a case of a star created out of either foreign material or accreted local material"
danielpbarron: i don't know of any believers anywhere else
danielpbarron: as for me, there is the poker bot that i haven't done yet, but i don't know that it needs its own whole machine
amberglint: asciilifeform: I also have an article about NS somewhere, don't know if you have it yet
zx2c4: I agree with you in spirit -- I think learning details of a proof enough that you have all of it in your head is a good pedagogical approach and gives you more mathematical agility as you progress forward. I just don't know about the ontological statement regarding the proof's validity
zx2c4: I more or less know the process involved but don't have all of the steps in my head. And as I wrote it down, I forget the details of previously written steps while working out current new steps. Yet I have faith in the process of writing it down systematically and having intermediate results from pages prior
asciilifeform: zx2c4: point being, i don't practice haskellism. and nit from being illiterate yokel who has nfi how. it so happens that i know how. but consider the whole approach to be braindamaged .
asciilifeform: in all seriousness, i don't even presently know of a more leprous pile of shit, either on pedigree or technical pov.
danielpbarron: i know what is not the reason, beyond that perhaps i don't know
mircea_popescu: i don't even know it's a requirement. for that matter, it's not clear how precisely the republic would even come to notice something as ridiculously trivial as whatever religious belief (unless i suppose you end up doing dumb shit "because of it", but even then, 0 difference between "religion" and "but then i got high" or w/e).
trinque: much as the openbsd folks shoot themselves in the foot politically, I don't know that I trust them less than w/e derps contribute to openssl
mircea_popescu: i don't know that i'd move there ; but it's certainly a pleasant two day trip.
trinque: I'll need to read up on how DNS resolution works in musl to recommend something strongly, but might be as simple as having it read a second hosts file. I don't know of any support for including one hosts file in another in either musl or glibc.
diana_coman: so if you are not sure, I'd even keep the trees separately, I still don't quite see the problem with this (the benefit being that it doesn't force you to decide NOW on something you don't yet ...know)
diana_coman: phf, I wanted to sign your vtools patches but I realised that they are using sha so I don't really know: do you plan to regrind them with keccak?
mod6: Anyway, we all know that I'm not very clued on this stuff, but I don't see how your records say you sent '6.56190000' to me, and my deedbot wallet ledger shows '6.21445021'.
phf: ivory is basically part of symbolics's digital age, and i don't know of the existence of e.g. somebody's home folder that you just need to but on the right machine, and you can bring up the "rebuild the ivory from first principles" workspace
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-15#1872488 << thinking about all this, shouldn't the bot say "i don't know who X is" rather than spit out a pad it knows anyway won't be honored ? ☝︎
Mocky: but those who were draped in black, covering the eyes as well with some see-thru black cloth: i never got used to that, always felt disconcerting and I don't know why. not like its that much different
Mocky: being in qatar where so many things were different.. I never really missed home, but once I got back everything felt so familiar all of a sudden. I don't really know how to explain it.
mircea_popescu: i still don't know what you dislike about it, other than it's continued existence per se.
a111: Logged on 2018-11-11 04:16 mod6: Ok, so I'm gonna call it a night. What I do know at this point is the ``surplus'' that we're seeing in the statements goes back at least through the August report. However, I'm not even certain at this point if what I'm seeing is actually incorrect, as I said earlier. Or if I just don't understand what I'm looking at. There's a strong chance that I just don't understand it.
mod6: Ok, so I'm gonna call it a night. What I do know at this point is the ``surplus'' that we're seeing in the statements goes back at least through the August report. However, I'm not even certain at this point if what I'm seeing is actually incorrect, as I said earlier. Or if I just don't understand what I'm looking at. There's a strong chance that I just don't understand it. ☟︎
mod6: mircea_popescu: fair enough. ben said something to me on the phone, "double entry accounting". I don't even know what that is. But, my guess is that I'm supposed to know.
mircea_popescu: so to summarize : 1. one hour (!?) wrangling with auctionbot on the 4th (the result still wrong) ; 2. 2 hours handling three conflated processes (why do you keep notes as an intermediate step ?) on the 5th ; 3. 1 hour reading logs on the 6th ; 4. half hour reading logs on the 7th ; 5. 1.3 h mostly brainstorming on the 8th ? ; 6. half hour doing... i don't know what on the 9th ; 7. 4 (four ?!) hours doing i still don't know wh
diana_coman: so perhaps I get the *why* but I don't buy it for a communication protocol, just why to "not know"
mircea_popescu: Hey, life sorts you lot into cans and can'ts. brooccofull I mean the text cute halfway. So I don't even know what that sentence is"
Mocky: I don't know where else to go with this, mircea_popescu. I don't see anymore strings to pull on
Mocky: nominally because neighbors claim 'allowed terrorist donations' but i don't know the actual why
Mocky: I don't know rsa maths well enough to say
diana_coman: asciilifeform, I know but I still don't fully buy it, it seems
Mocky: well i don't know but they don't tell me to fuck off, no matter how much i ask them but never agree to pay
Mocky: what would be considered a normal rate for an hour with a whore? i don't know anything about how things are elsewhere
mircea_popescu: billymg don't take it the wrong way ; nothing wrong with not knowing things. i don't know most of them either.
BingoBoingo: I don't know everything going on on the west side of Bulevard Artigas, but on my side the people getting robbed are getting robbed repeatedly because they can't quit their prey behaviors
Mocky: I didn't have any more experience talking to orcs than chatting up chicks or writing c++, or rebuilding my bike engine back in the day, or fixing a million and one things for the first time. I don't know shit about shit. I never did
BingoBoingo: This country is a god damned emotional see-saw and I don't know if I can quit it
diana_coman: asciilifeform, myeah, I don't claim I fully know everything that goes on in there and I quite doubt anybody does; and ftr yes, I'm not at all comfortable with the fact that I had to and have to sign it but... I have to, pretty much
asciilifeform: i don't pretend to specifically know. point is, it's an anti-personnel mine field, not anti-tank.
Mocky: i don't know shit about bdsm
Mocky: that I don't know
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-19#1864270 >> I don't have everything sorted in my mind. I don't know yet what they need or perceive that they need. or how to position myself with respect to the microsoft/cisco/cornell they have respect so much. ☝︎
Mocky: fewer lashes for theft etc. I know the corporal punishment sentences are handed down, but not always implemented. I don't know the ratio of commuting to jail time / deportation
Mocky: I don't know about public or not. as part of sharia law it applies only to muslims. they have secular law for non muslims.
mircea_popescu: (better than "i'll wait to patch it in directly at the right time" because the "right time" mioght never come seeing how the people in question don't know what you're patching)
a111: Logged on 2018-10-15 01:53 phf: oh i guess i see why that would be tricky, because of the specialization. i don't know enough ada yet to know how to fix that... perhaps just renaming it to Temporary_File is sufficient
mircea_popescu: i don't know it has any other revenue than these orc donations.
phf: oh i guess i see why that would be tricky, because of the specialization. i don't know enough ada yet to know how to fix that... perhaps just renaming it to Temporary_File is sufficient ☟︎
trinque: yep, I don't think so either. rater won't know where his rating went
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in "i don't think you know what those words mean", "I’m a geek person and I’m kinda nerd as well. I’m studying in human sciences and I’m a dancer. Also, I'm a young mom of a sweet lil girl who is 2 years old! :3"
bvt: and i'm don't know yet if files created this way can be mv'ed to file system
Mocky: i don't even know yet!
diana_coman: in costa rica I know they don't
mod6: I don't think I laughed, it's super hard job, even if you know what is going on. Can't imagine if you don't.
mircea_popescu: i really don't like this constant process you got in your head going sed -e 's/i don't know/doesn't exist/' everything-i-never-read.txt
a111: Logged on 2016-12-21 18:32 mircea_popescu: because no, words don't "have meanings". your meanings for ANY WORD are a function of ALL THE OTHER WORDS YOU KNOW. which is why my definitions regularily blow out english dictionaries, wikipedia and other sources of "wisdom" out of the water - i know more words, and in this knowledge i know all the words i know ~better~. infinitely and irreproducibly so.
a111: Logged on 2018-10-05 22:25 Mocky: a lot of sites are blocked in qatar and i don't know if I'll need it but I'd like to run a web proxy on my pizarro shared hosting just in case. can someone make a recommendation? do I need something like tinyproxy or squid, or is there a way to do it without installing anything?
a111: Logged on 2018-10-05 22:25 Mocky: a lot of sites are blocked in qatar and i don't know if I'll need it but I'd like to run a web proxy on my pizarro shared hosting just in case. can someone make a recommendation? do I need something like tinyproxy or squid, or is there a way to do it without installing anything?
Mocky: a lot of sites are blocked in qatar and i don't know if I'll need it but I'd like to run a web proxy on my pizarro shared hosting just in case. can someone make a recommendation? do I need something like tinyproxy or squid, or is there a way to do it without installing anything? ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: consequently, i don't trust a single word they write down to mean anything in particular, exactly like "how do you know democrat is lying -- his lips are moving" and "why do you have no faith in the xtian church"
mircea_popescu: i don't know they were doing opium.
asciilifeform: i don't specifically know, will depend on how it's used in the box neh
mircea_popescu: "but mp, i know who you or mocky are, i don't know these random names!" "so ?" "so the random names are spam" "congratulations of having a wot. now try without."
diana_coman: the thing is though that at any rate, it won't get the same type of use as it did as main disk so I don't know whether much can be found out from that really
mod6: i don't know how the fuck they did that shit. my girl could do it blind
mod6: Well, it's not that I don't want to, I'd like it if we could somehow get the train moving down the track. Just worried that I don't have the know-how for this.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-30 20:46 mircea_popescu: can't see the former as anything but "i stupidly gave my data away to some schmuckfarm which now owns me", but then again i don't solobike nor have any interest in navigating-by-map, either i know where i'm going or i'm exploring. but anyways, we don't have to copy each other.
mircea_popescu: can't see the former as anything but "i stupidly gave my data away to some schmuckfarm which now owns me", but then again i don't solobike nor have any interest in navigating-by-map, either i know where i'm going or i'm exploring. but anyways, we don't have to copy each other. ☟︎
Mocky: I don't know, repellent has always been worse for me than any insects. I guess you could call me an insect bite non-responder. Prolly wouldn't use even if I didn't have hard shell luggage
a111: Logged on 2018-09-27 15:50 phf: asciilifeform: you're just spreading fud, i don't know where to start unpacking this conversation
phf: asciilifeform: you're just spreading fud, i don't know where to start unpacking this conversation ☟︎
mod6: lol, I don't know how to make it do stuff either, but I guess that's a different problem :]
mod6: anyway, it's been a while, so I don't know for sure, but if memory serves, I believe his vtree is incompatible with my vtron, on the whole.
diana_coman: mod6, as far as I can tell they got lost in transit but I don't know *how close* to the machine itself (this UK machine is behind a router, I've set up port forwarding for it); basically atm the UK->UY vs UY->UK is pretty much client->server vs server-> client communication
a111: Logged on 2018-09-24 13:50 diana_coman: hm, a first tiny pilot test of the UDP send/receive looks quite dire (4 in 20 made it, when sent in batches of 4, random lengths); however, I don't know if it's not just overflowing the out buffer to start with (since default value in /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_default is 212992 so real would be half that iirc)
diana_coman: hm, a first tiny pilot test of the UDP send/receive looks quite dire (4 in 20 made it, when sent in batches of 4, random lengths); however, I don't know if it's not just overflowing the out buffer to start with (since default value in /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_default is 212992 so real would be half that iirc) ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-09-18 18:09 ave1: I don't know about the different v-trees for this, I'll have to think about it
ave1: I don't know about the different v-trees for this, I'll have to think about it ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-17#1850719 << she has a point you know ; i don't just mean ave1 though it's a fine example here. you folks have an excellent semaphore system, which works well and has been historically proven to work well (not to mention have all the interest in "feelings" of a guillotine). it is very stupid NOT to use it, to eschew use it, to miss out on using it. ☝︎
diana_coman: I don't know what an "ada system call" is, to answer that question; my aim is indeed to wrap them in one place so that everything else makes ada calls and doesn't care
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i dungetit, what's lower than 'it's a miner^H^H^Hcloud^H^Hpetroladditive^H^Hdentists-don't-want-you-to-know' ?
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-09-11 09:31 diana_coman: good morning; I can't seem to be able to connect to my rockchip anymore: http (ossasepia.com) gives 403 You don't have permission to access / on this server ; ssh refuses connection too; there was NO change as far as I know - I haven't touched it in quite a while and last time I connected everything worked fine; any idea what might be wrong there, BingoBoingo ?
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-09-11 09:31 diana_coman: good morning; I can't seem to be able to connect to my rockchip anymore: http (ossasepia.com) gives 403 You don't have permission to access / on this server ; ssh refuses connection too; there was NO change as far as I know - I haven't touched it in quite a while and last time I connected everything worked fine; any idea what might be wrong there, BingoBoingo ?
mircea_popescu: well no, i'm sure it's there, just, i also don't currently know exactly how it works. though in my case could be for lack of caring, i haven't been doing any building in 15 years +
diana_coman: I must say that I read lewis' narnia very late, mainly to see what the whole buzz was all about but it seemed a very poor and sorry thing to me so I still don't know what is supposed to be amazing about it
mircea_popescu: i was going to go to rio, for about the same sort of "oh, great party!" naivite that had me go to argentina. in the light of experience i had the relevant parts researched, and now i know i don't want to go to the rio festival in the late 2010s anymore than i want to buy real estate in miami.
mod6: It took some time, and I don't even begin to claim that I know -everything-, but I'm learning each time, and getting better at it. Kuddos to him for doing that.
mircea_popescu: in any case, it might be that the "decolonialization" sudden failure of europe has had the undiagnosed effect of removing fundamental mechanisms required for male maturation, leaving a sort of unstable state. perhaps the case is boys could manage just fine, if there was some sort of resource available to explain that... i don't even know, whatever the fuck, that it's ok to be a boy and it'll work out in the end.
diana_coman: asciilifeform, I don't know what that would be based on really or why you'd put it in
BingoBoingo: <diana_coman> I did hear a lot of dutch and german too,that is true; but all the dollar-prices and loads of English spoken and the baked in assumption - American, I don't know << Lots of Germans passed through the hostel (less than Latinos/Brasileros) they speak English because their hollywood ended in 1940s
diana_coman: I did hear a lot of dutch and german too,that is true; but all the dollar-prices and loads of English spoken and the baked in assumption - American, I don't know
hanbot: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-04#1847674 << always was and still is fear. everyone i talk to, from parent to phlebotomist to self-imagined "people in crypto" says the same shit: they don't know how, and learning looks too vast, and nobody will issue them certificate of Everything's-Okay. ☝︎
diana_coman: asciilifeform, what did you use then? I'm not a huge fan of iptables in any way and this have-to-recompile-kernel doesn't help but I don't know of anything else that is better
cazalla: not much i can say you haven't experienced or don't already know having done it i guess