222 entries in 0.583s
ericbot: Logged on 2020-01-27 13:02:26 mircea_popescu: why the fuck are you so dedicated anyway ? wrong place, ditch the heathens at the FIRST sign of trouble.
mircea_popescu: why the fuck are you so dedicated anyway ? wrong place, ditch the heathens at the FIRST sign of trouble.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-18 16:25:05 asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: there's 2 separate qs.: a) whether it is possible to run a comfortably +ev miniature isp for use of l1/l2. b) is how to run large isp, hosting 1000 heathens, to make 100k's. presently it would be a lie if asciilifeform said that knows how to (b) , and suicidal if tried to (a) + (b) simultaneously right off .
asciilifeform: diana_coman: i do not currently have a concrete scheme for 'expand l1, l2' that would rise to the level of a plan. (and i've permanently 0 interest in servicing heathens, i.e. those not in wot at all.)
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-24 12:38:04 asciilifeform: fwiw when heathens are asked to do the things they actually advertise, sometimes very good service. e.g. asciilifeform asked coloco at 0hrs to fix this nonsense , and by 0300 hrs they ~did~ fix. genuine 24/7 repair, i was impressed.
asciilifeform: fwiw when heathens are asked to do the things they actually advertise, sometimes very good service. e.g. asciilifeform asked coloco at 0hrs to fix this nonsense , and by 0300 hrs they ~did~ fix. genuine 24/7 repair, i was impressed.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: there's 2 separate qs.: a) whether it is possible to run a comfortably +ev miniature isp for use of l1/l2. b) is how to run large isp, hosting 1000 heathens, to make 100k's. presently it would be a lie if asciilifeform said that knows how to (b) , and suicidal if tried to (a) + (b) simultaneously right off .
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i have no intention of housing heathens. specified right off the bat, l1+l2.
asciilifeform: the heathens sorta tried to do this, but in the usual heathen way simply shat in their pants.
asciilifeform: mod6: clean unwind is sumthing the heathens dun know how.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 13:39:05 asciilifeform: in piz, we solved this by having kvm device in the rack. apparently heathens no longer keep these around, near as i can tell.
asciilifeform: in piz, we solved this by having kvm device in the rack. apparently heathens no longer keep these around, near as i can tell.
asciilifeform: the spread of the impi retardation among heathens is potential problem: would have to either swallow it (i disabled in all of these) or find someone who , like the moldavian, is willing to serialport ( dun solve the problem of os installation tho, to such a place would have to ship'em with disks containing something resembling os )
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-07 22:08:54 asciilifeform: will miss the golden time of when could put a box in a locking cage where only l1 human , rather than dirty paws of heathens, will lay on it
asciilifeform will miss the golden time of when could put a box in a locking cage where only l1 human , rather than dirty paws of heathens, will lay on it
snsabot: Logged on 2017-12-19 18:23:09 trinque: "eudev" exists as an alternative to the systemd-udev. dunno what else the heathens stapled to systemd meanwhile
asciilifeform: the heathens pretend that they 'solve' this via ntpism. but, characteristically of heathenisms, it dun fucking solve anyffin, is a 'can't believe it aint butter!' pressed sawdust 'solution'.
asciilifeform: lobbes: there had been ad-hoc attempts by heathens to add signatures to patches (e.g. linus's) but afaik all permitted 'fuzzy'.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-17 14:51:34 asciilifeform: diana_alt: fella seems to have profound talent for reading text w/out ~actually~ reading. (for instance, escaped noticing that primary diff. b/w a vpatch and a heathen patch, isn't that it is pgp signed (heathens had pgp-signed patches 20y ago) but that it doesn't fuzzy-merge.
a111: Logged on 2019-08-01 15:53 asciilifeform: ever wonder why heathens still fascinated, like chukchas with radio found in taiga, with 'bittorrent' ? it's because warez goes at ~line rate~ over 'bittorrent'. and at maybe 2/3 line rate on http on a good weather day. why? cuz bt , despite authored by idiot, ~let go of tcpism~ !
asciilifeform: ever wonder why heathens still fascinated, like chukchas with radio found in taiga, with 'bittorrent' ? it's because warez goes at ~line rate~ over 'bittorrent'. and at maybe 2/3 line rate on http on a good weather day. why? cuz bt , despite authored by idiot, ~let go of tcpism~ ! ☟︎
asciilifeform: somehow gotta find method to house coupla 100 heathens in actual isolation from ea. other
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 03:23 asciilifeform: would like to offer heathens a) fully isolated linuxen b) at competitive cost. so far erryone in meat wot to whom showed piz rate sheet, replied something in vein of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-16#1922858 .
asciilifeform: would like to offer heathens a) fully isolated linuxen b) at competitive cost. so far erryone in meat wot to whom showed piz rate sheet, replied something in vein of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-16#1922858 . ☝︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2019-06-30 20:06 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-30#1921075 << we have slim but realistic shot of emplacing 32 heathens and reaching breakeven (counting BingoBoingo's food & pad) , per the outlined mips + irons plan. if mp goes home, however, and cancels his irons, even slimmer.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-30#1921075 << we have slim but realistic shot of emplacing 32 heathens and reaching breakeven (counting BingoBoingo's food & pad) , per the outlined mips + irons plan. if mp goes home, however, and cancels his irons, even slimmer. ☝︎☟︎
BingoBoingo: The disease afflicting the republic is that 2013, 2014 through 2019 and three figure USD bitcoin reported by heathens to 4 and 5 figure Bitcoin reported by heathens is that while a bunch of very cool tools have been made, there hasn't been much escaping from the bezzle.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: re piz -- the mips item , i think i described, is so that ea. of the 32core boxen can be cut into 32 'you have root' properly isolated virtuals, which then can be leased to heathens w/out particular selectivity. but this requires not only for it to be finished properly ( it is on conveyor behind peh, which i explicitly promised to mp et al ) but for machine delivery to proceed.
asciilifeform: the heathens ftr took up this fallacy ( 'who needs reproducible builds, we have vmware' ) and have written themselves into some pretty amazing corners ('what did you say, you wanted to BUILD 'rails' from src? no one has done this since 2011... here have a vm' etc)
asciilifeform: it's funny, imho, how heathens fucked the softs stack to the point where it actually makes sense to pass a whole-machine state around
asciilifeform: problem is in how the heathens approached the problem, with the reliance on intelisms , heavy turdware, etc. ☝︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the problem approached, is how to house 9000 heathens on 1 machine. the currently used shared hosting system presumes certain amount of literacy (and cooperation) from the tenants, it is simple unix accts thing.
asciilifeform: ( the heathens use intelism 'virtualizations' for it, wins a bit of speed but at cost of 9000 nobus )
asciilifeform: nao that i think about it, iirc we indeed had thread where calculated that with 10 or so % of total hash horse , could frag the net ~by orphanage size~ ( us, 0, heathens, a range of x's )
a111: Logged on 2019-05-22 14:15 asciilifeform: stjohn_piano_2: we even have folx who dun have comment eater on their www at all. and iirc danielpbarron has only hand-cranked 'x wrote in re...' comments. but if you have automated comment box, imho the real win is to occasionally hear from intelligent heathens.
asciilifeform: stjohn_piano_2: we even have folx who dun have comment eater on their www at all. and iirc danielpbarron has only hand-cranked 'x wrote in re...' comments. but if you have automated comment box, imho the real win is to occasionally hear from intelligent heathens. ☟︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-03#1910992 << there's a simple , if ugly , pill for giving heathens working links -- http://a.working.box.with.gateway/mocky etc ☝︎
asciilifeform: there's an activation energy barrier , of sorts, even with bright heathens, where 'waddayamean yer not in the cage with us, yer saying cage has an outside?!'
BingoBoingo: Fellow produced an interesting archaeological example of what happens to passive heathens then the Woes hit their altcoins https://mydayinuy.com/2019/02/20/20244/
asciilifeform: granted i ~could~ have heathens bake coupla hundred dies, for the cost of e.g. that bolix
asciilifeform: for all i know, the heathens have moved 100% to hearn's 'pay to ip via ssl' or similar horror
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: 2014. and imho sounds like less of 'attack on irc' and moar of 'attack' on wotless heathens / allcomerists
asciilifeform: one might naively picture heathens would jump at 'i bring martian tech and +9000 strength of will' etc. but nope. 'we built a++ straw plane, cargo when'
asciilifeform: but mircea_popescu had these ultra-compact pieces that i suspect would penetrate the biofilm of all sortsa thick heathens today, if they were still on the main pg
asciilifeform: it is, highly a++ recc'd to anybody who still finds himself tending heathens
asciilifeform: yea tending heathens with headset, meanwhile primordial trilema..
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform on the basis of general experience i expect (the foregoing is no kind of proof) that their "fucking heathens" consists of this derpy dood telling some inept whore in cocal casino that "he didn'rt want to assume".
asciilifeform: ( and it aint as if 'simply aint done', saud princes routinely get on airplane & fuck heathens )
mircea_popescu: because i can see why someone'd go, "eh, whatever, thirty heathens to the cent, i don't even mind paying". as per ye even older http://btcbase.org/log/2015-02-21#1026639 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if pizarro can say "talked to 985,553 heathens this month, here's the script, here's the results breakdown, here's the more interesting lulz/notions/ideas" it stands in a WAY the fuck better position than what trinque above perceived may well degenerate into a simple "gimme".
a111: Logged on 2019-01-07 20:25 asciilifeform: if they knew how to do biz ~only~ with one another, and not heathens, i suspect -- would.
asciilifeform: if they knew how to do biz ~only~ with one another, and not heathens, i suspect -- would. ☟︎
asciilifeform: imho it's pretty hilarious, that the heathens think they have 'crypto libs' that 'work'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: phunphakt, since last night , massive uptick in heathens visiting ffa www, even curl'ing patches. but so far none have the balls to speak up.
asciilifeform: and could even be possible, if heathens weren't jawdroppingly retarded
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873666 << much of what seems to n00bs as 'unnatural acrobatics' in vtronics is in fact the actual and inevitable cost of writing proggies ~honestly~ -- i.e. without pretending, as the heathens do, that 'i only changed this one little thing, whatddayamean it's a new program now' ☝︎
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in spam trap, http://bitcoinrabbithole.org/writings << links to heathens ~and~ mircea_popescu , which is atypical
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if robo-woman can muster the hiring of actual pair of hands, to hoist boxen, weasel heathens into 'bank acct', etc -- then yes. tho it still wouldn't crack the problem of 'loyal hands'
asciilifeform: ( asciilifeform strongly suspects that the idea of replacing '2 strong oxen with 1024 chickens' in the ~general case~ is a perpetuum mobile. witness the heathens and their 'cloudism' , it is a circus )
BingoBoingo: If the censorship resistance piece survives peer review, Imma test it on some orcs and start using it as my explainer to heathens for why the fuck I am in this hell hole
mircea_popescu: moreover, heathens are generally completely bereft of any kind of thought process. by way of example : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/WXFOP/?raw=true
BingoBoingo: We've documented our victories well, but when explaining to heathens why, collections of log links where the path to victory happens and is discussed often don't quite do it on their own
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It's not for heathens. It's for me and whoever else reads to repackage for heathens.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: potentially interesting, but i suspect that it wont do much for the idjit heathens , who dun grasp even most basic step of hygiene , i.e. letting go of dnsism
mircea_popescu: if experience is any guide, heathens do not buy by rational criteria.
asciilifeform: also worth noting that it's an item heathens might actually buy.
asciilifeform: gotta be sumthing on the remote (fetched from heathens?) end, iirc the old shot still had these
asciilifeform: my logic : seems like Mocky is in one of those orcistans where the heathens luvv shiny things.
asciilifeform: might be useful item to show the heathens.
asciilifeform: billymg: most folx here use hand-curated /etc/hosts ; dns is largely for giving links to heathens
a111: Logged on 2018-10-20 18:10 asciilifeform: lol afaik even the heathens have largely forgotten flashism
asciilifeform: lol afaik even the heathens have largely forgotten flashism ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-10-03 03:41 asciilifeform: ( pretty hard, imho, to even begin in language heathens might understand.. )
asciilifeform: as i understand, it's a temple, they had'em in 3000 bc just the same, heathens pray to their peculiar gods
asciilifeform suspected '50:50' 'eaten by heathens' vs 'long voyage under sail'. happily turns out -- the latter
asciilifeform: worx ok with trb. but heathens do all kinds of weird things, throw up various garbage in place of e.g. getaddr answer
asciilifeform: diana_coman: erry so often i try an' search for some symptom that heathens know of trb etc., ~never found
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in trb observatory... nuffin on surface. but! loox like all of trb planet stuck on 544911 ( heathens : 544928 )
asciilifeform: ( pretty hard, imho, to even begin in language heathens might understand.. ) ☟︎
asciilifeform: and yea it's http://btcbase.org/patches/asciilifeform_aggressive_pushgetblocks/tree/bitcoin/src/main.cpp#L1362 that trb (and for that matter heathens, but fuck'em) doesn't respond to sanely.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i dun propose to 'help' heathens somehow against will. but imho anyffig that in any way makes trb noad harder to stand up than strictly must -- yields terrain to enemy.
asciilifeform: sanely-behaving nodes (both trb and hypothetical trb-compatible heathens, which exist, or we'd see 0 blox) ought to be able to find ~and keep~ each other company
asciilifeform: not even speaking out of concern for heathens ( tho they do read my www and occasionally try to build the proggies ) but for tripping over own feet
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the heathens make a pretense that 'dun have to, automerge' etc
BingoBoingo: Ah yes, Naphex welcomed Republic as customer of exchange he did for someone else. Then when he wanted to do HIS OWN camsite ran away to heathens
a111: Logged on 2018-08-14 17:43 asciilifeform: my understanding was that mircea_popescu refrained from giving signal 'build us a fleanode' in the past on acct of (but not limited to) the reason where heathens (e.g. fetgurlz) would have difficulty visiting . but we already have the +r hoop for them to jump, i dun see how much worse would be own fleanode.
asciilifeform: my understanding was that mircea_popescu refrained from giving signal 'build us a fleanode' in the past on acct of (but not limited to) the reason where heathens (e.g. fetgurlz) would have difficulty visiting . but we already have the +r hoop for them to jump, i dun see how much worse would be own fleanode. ☟︎
asciilifeform: then again perhaps it'd make life too easy for heathens
a111: Logged on 2018-07-17 09:53 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-16#1835039 <-- this imho doesn't make asciilifeform an idiot, it makes user responsible for whatever setup he runs the binary on. the same guarantee would be given for hypothetical linux kernel with changed abi as for mswindows kernel. as much as the word of heathens are not to be trusted, heathen did promise e.g. https://archive.is/KD183#selection-248.64-248.65 . so imho misbehaving kernel will just be
spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-16#1835039 <-- this imho doesn't make asciilifeform an idiot, it makes user responsible for whatever setup he runs the binary on. the same guarantee would be given for hypothetical linux kernel with changed abi as for mswindows kernel. as much as the word of heathens are not to be trusted, heathen did promise e.g. https://archive.is/KD183#selection-248.64-248.65 . so imho misbehaving kernel will just be ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: heathens are , as i currently understand, so unspeakably stupid that 'stealing fixed code' is not to date ever observed, they re-break as soon as they touch. ( any heathens stole trb for the shitfork warz, other than funkenstein ? )
asciilifeform: mod6: my original disagreement in $thread wasn't re 'sometimes gotta try to limit distribution to l1' -- it is very easy to think of cases where this is the obvious Right Thing -- but in re eulora client in particular, i still dun see what the eulora folx have to keep seekrit in the client ( i.e. what problem do 'heathens produce shoddy client' create, that ordinary pgp signature doesn't solve )
asciilifeform: when the win from keeping out the heathens justifies the very real expense of keeping the cards to your chest
asciilifeform: speaking of 'explain' in ~your head~, not to hypothetical heathens
asciilifeform: relatively compact -- and, more importantly -- short-lived -- seekrits -- are practical. e.g. i send BingoBoingo a qntra item, gpggrammed so as not to get scooped by heathens. next hour it gets published openly.
mircea_popescu: but the "keep magic coad from heathens" is your contribution to this discussion!
asciilifeform: not the same item at all as 'keep the magic coad from heathens' is it.
asciilifeform: the 1 remaining use case is reaching out to heathens who can't be pinged through anything else, but i haven't had any result worth half a shit with that in aeons , so that leaves just about nuffin
asciilifeform: the heathens know this, and so they specifically put mega-effort into making 'get the text out via awk-like' as painful as possible.
asciilifeform: because i trust heathens about as far as i can throw'em ?