400 entries in 0.431s
lobbesbot: mod6: Sent 47 minutes ago: <asciilifeform> http://pizarroisp.net/pizarro-hosting-rate-sheet/ << plox to make FUCKGOATS text link to subj
asciilifeform: !Q later tell mod6 http://pizarroisp.net/pizarro-hosting-rate-sheet/ << plox to make FUCKGOATS text link to subj
deedbot: http://www.dianacoman.com/2018/06/04/rocking-fuckgoats-on-the-rock-chip/ << Ossasepia - Rocking Fuckgoats on the Rock-chip
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: it's FUCKGOATS, btw, not FUCKGOAT ( re: your post )
asciilifeform: https://archive.li/yBBhM << strictly for thread-completeness, this is a typical 10W sw amp. size is approx same as 2 FUCKGOATS laid wide end to end.
mircea_popescu: 1:0 beotch, take your alfred and fuckgoats it!!!1 mwahahaha.
asciilifeform: douchebag: if they 'cared about security', they'd have , for instance, FUCKGOATS ( whether purchased from snsa, or built 'independently', take your pick. ) do they ??
asciilifeform: ... or when they do, 1000% markup ( recall the thread about the lids on FUCKGOATS analogue board ? )
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Well, the existence of FUCKGOATS raises the bar
asciilifeform: ha, seems as if Mocky did find a 'fuckgoats', http://www.loper-os.org/pub/aoa_fg.jpg
asciilifeform: iirc the convo was approx : asciilifeform : it's ready, nao what should we call it mircea_popescu : how about FUCKGOATS asciilifeform : loox good, let's
a111: Logged on 2016-11-05 15:08 hanbot: "S.NSA is expected to realise operating revenue next period." << exciting bonbon in this month's s.nsa report. if FUCKGOATS didn't knock one's tongue out, anyway.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-19 04:14 Mocky: I'm also curious if fuckgoats had its name inspired by the ascent of alfred
Mocky: I'm also curious if fuckgoats had its name inspired by the ascent of alfred ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, in nitpicks today : if phuctor.nosuchlabs.com then also fuckgoats.nosuchlabs.com neh ?
a111: Logged on 2018-05-03 05:25 ben_vulpes: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-2#346680 << other way around, actually. 0.5 for the fuckgoats, 0.4 for the machine
ben_vulpes: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-2#346680 << other way around, actually. 0.5 for the fuckgoats, 0.4 for the machine ☟︎
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: 0.513333336 with fuckgoats
deedbot: mod6 updated rating of asciilifeform from 4 to 5 << Met IRL. Lord Admiral. S.NSA, FUCKGOATS, Pizarro: Shiva
asciilifeform: zx2c4: i'ma leave the rest of the session to mircea_popescu , owner of this chan, and my co-author in e.g. the FUCKGOATS auditable trng, https://archive.is/CGQkR )
asciilifeform: lol reminds me of the d00d who wanted to rename FUCKGOATS
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Bag when initially opened http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/P1000322-768x576.jpg and the FUCKGOATS http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/P1000327-768x576.jpg
deedbot: Invoiced trinque 0.02777778 << 2 FUCKGOATS installed
ben_vulpes: !!invoice trinque 0.02777778 2 FUCKGOATS installed
deedbot: Invoiced mod6 0.07838890 << 5 fuckgoats
ben_vulpes: !!invoice mod6 0.07838890 5 fuckgoats
ben_vulpes: !!invoice mod6 0.07838890 5 fuckgoats
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i'm more interested in the remaining supplies of fuckgoats; can i get a quote for 15 of them?
trinque: because he's the type that apparently cannot dishonor himself by e.g. shipping a less-than-alf fuckgoats
ben_vulpes: TomServo: not saying no benefit, would actually be a great thing to do and write up: "so you want to fuckgoats your gpg"
asciilifeform: i do not know how the south amer monkeys do their taxation, if it's anything like how the british taxed FUCKGOATS...
shinohai: http://archive.is/xiKPs no fuckgoats here
deedbot: asciilifeform updated rating of danielpbarron from 2 to 3 << operates heathenbux-denominated FUCKGOATS dealership; trb experimenter; history of doing The Right Thing
asciilifeform: !!rate danielpbarron 3 operates heathenbux-denominated FUCKGOATS dealership; trb experimenter; history of doing The Right Thing
mircea_popescu: shinohai better titles! FUCKGOATS-unboxing.html why not.
lobbesbot: 3 results for "cascadianhacker.com/fuckgoats-testing", http://lobbesblog.com/queryarchive/view.php?searchterm=cascadianhacker.com/fuckgoats-testing&sortby=
lobbes: !Qsarchive cascadianhacker.com/fuckgoats-testing
mircea_popescu: http://cascadianhacker.com/fuckgoats-testing << indeed
a111: Logged on 2017-10-21 23:27 deedbot: http://cascadianhacker.com/fuckgoats-testing << CH - FUCKGOATS testing
ben_vulpes: lobbes: naively i'd expect http://lobbesblog.com/queryarchive/view.php?searchterm=fuckgoats&sortby= to have a link to my fuckgoats testing post
lobbesbot: 17 results for "FUCKGOATS", http://lobbesblog.com/queryarchive/view.php?searchterm=FUCKGOATS&sortby=
ben_vulpes: !Qsarchive FUCKGOATS
lobbesbot: 17 results for "fuckgoats", http://lobbesblog.com/queryarchive/view.php?searchterm=fuckgoats&sortby=
ben_vulpes: !Qsarchive fuckgoats
apeloyee: it's the 1 product currently sold, that's worth buying. << and the xilinx item in 'fuckgoats'?
asciilifeform: the smaller ones are 'sea of gates' as they are intended to be used for glue logic, and emphasize predictable path timing ( the analogous xilinx series is the 95xx , as used in FUCKGOATS )
asciilifeform: e.g. FUCKGOATS is also 'plainly and publicly documented'. number of detectable clones made : 0
asciilifeform: theoretically this beast will print straight from a (downclocked, change 1ln in fg.v) FUCKGOATS ~sans computer~
gabriel_laddel: I'm here for the lispm, and staying for the FUCKGOATS
a111: 249 results for "FUCKGOATS", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=FUCKGOATS
lobbes: !#s FUCKGOATS
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform fuckgoats still is THIS orrery, rather than "hotswappable"
asciilifeform: the 'holy grail' is items which are demonstrably safe to operate continuously -- i.e. fsa with no wedge states. these are not so easy to achieve; FUCKGOATS is one example
a111: Logged on 2017-12-11 21:14 danielpbarron: !QAuction 10000000 72 First Generation FUCKGOATS Hardware Random Number Generator Unit #50 plus free S.NSA t-shirt -- free international shipping
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 164 STARTED by danielpbarron: First Generation FUCKGOATS Hardware Random Number Generator Unit #50 plus free S.NSA t-shirt -- free international shipping Opening: 10000000 coppers Ending: 2017-12-14 21:14:15 UTC (72 hours)
danielpbarron: !QAuction 10000000 72 First Generation FUCKGOATS Hardware Random Number Generator Unit #50 plus free S.NSA t-shirt -- free international shipping ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2016-12-28 16:58 asciilifeform since release of FUCKGOATS, spent much time studying 'serpent' block cipher.
danielpbarron: https://m.ebay.com/itm/First-Generation-FUCKGOATS-Hardware-Random-Number-Generator-Unit-96-/292352592561
shinohai: asciilifeform: posted before full coffee, meant fuckgoats
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740131 << aactually... you can. we did this already, with FUCKGOATS no less! ☝︎
diana_coman: asciilifeform, if you mean the usb trouble with fuckgoats it was on *centos*
asciilifeform: diana_coman: i wrongly assumed you had fuckgoats output for exponent just same as for key
a111: Logged on 2017-10-22 16:29 deedbot: diana_coman rated asciilifeform 5 << His kindergarten is better than your university. Also: producer of sane and reliable fuckgoats, horsecocks and lamport parachutes among other useful items.
deedbot: diana_coman rated asciilifeform 5 << His kindergarten is better than your university. Also: producer of sane and reliable fuckgoats, horsecocks and lamport parachutes among other useful items. ☟︎
shinohai now desires fuckgoats 10x moar
deedbot: http://cascadianhacker.com/fuckgoats-testing << CH - FUCKGOATS testing ☟︎
asciilifeform: who has a box that understands plain old circa 1960s rs232 -- can use fuckgoats
a111: Logged on 2017-10-08 00:16 asciilifeform: the ONLY correct method of generating cryptoprimes, is to 1) get N bits from FUCKGOATS 2) determine, in fixed spacetime every single time, whether that string of bits constitutes a usable prime.
deedbot: danielpbarron rated cruciform 1 << bought a couple FUCKGOATS from me
a111: Logged on 2017-10-08 00:16 asciilifeform: the ONLY correct method of generating cryptoprimes, is to 1) get N bits from FUCKGOATS 2) determine, in fixed spacetime every single time, whether that string of bits constitutes a usable prime.
asciilifeform: the ONLY correct method of generating cryptoprimes, is to 1) get N bits from FUCKGOATS 2) determine, in fixed spacetime every single time, whether that string of bits constitutes a usable prime. ☟︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-08-14 16:14 asciilifeform: ( tldr : superiority of the FUCKGOATS-enabled approach, of get-new-N-bits-from-rng-then-primalitytest-until-done, vs the kochian get-N-bits-then-increment-until-passes-millerrabin )
a111: Logged on 2017-03-29 16:24 Framedragger: re. FUCKGOATS customs hold-up in UK: according to their story the hold-up with uk customs was due to them having to apply import duty (had to pay a bit) from u.s., *even though* i've had plenty of shit sent in from u.s. of a. before, so who knows (they wouldn't tell me more) :D
a111: Logged on 2017-03-29 16:24 Framedragger: re. FUCKGOATS customs hold-up in UK: according to their story the hold-up with uk customs was due to them having to apply import duty (had to pay a bit) from u.s., *even though* i've had plenty of shit sent in from u.s. of a. before, so who knows (they wouldn't tell me more) :D
cruciform: would anyone like to sell me 1-2 Fuckgoats for less than listed price?
asciilifeform: because -- unsurprise, i hope -- if yer FUCKGOATS were replaced with an identical-looking ftmeadegoats en route, it would pass (perhaps even 'prettier') the dh, ent, etc tests, as the original
deedbot: http://trinque.org/2017/09/25/fuckgoats-tested/ << trinque - FUCKGOATS tested
asciilifeform: btw did i ever print the rated power consumption of a FUCKGOATS ?
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-20#1715990 << on second thought, this is prominently not true in... FUCKGOATS ( just as every other rs232 device, it must be connected to a machine that knows what to do with 8bit byte and NEVER pads it to any other size with nulls or otherwise ) ☝︎
pete_dushenski: anyone tried "superbithost" ? they have servers available in non-nato lands (eg. argentina, south africa, dubai), accept btc, and as of may 2017 will accept fuckgoats units by mail to the three aforementioned locales.
asciilifeform: rothbart: it mutated into a different item, FUCKGOATS
a111: Logged on 2017-09-11 17:37 fromloper: after I'm done with this shitfest, will be geting into WoT and tinkering with a FUCKGOATS
fromloper: after I'm done with this shitfest, will be geting into WoT and tinkering with a FUCKGOATS ☟︎
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/09/no-such-labs-posts-positive-cashflow-on-continued-fuckgoats-sales/ << Qntra - No Such lAbs Posts Positive Cashflow On Continued FUCKGOATS Sales
a111: Logged on 2017-04-27 19:09 Framedragger: btw there are like 770 people sitting and talking on ##crypto, it might not even be 100% hopeless, curious if they would respond well to FUCKGOATS advertising
asciilifeform: roughly same as 100 of the xl9572 used in FUCKGOATS.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-01 21:29 Barbarossa_: any chance of a price cut for FUCKGOATS w BTC @ ATH?
Barbarossa_: I mostly just wanted to bring up FUCKGOATS coz I'm so happy that it exists
Barbarossa_: any chance of a price cut for FUCKGOATS w BTC @ ATH? ☟︎
asciilifeform: ( FUCKGOATS in important sense was a reverse-gear of this process )
asciilifeform: and why is the design for item that simply charges a cap to known coloumb charge, and zaps a millilitre tube, moar voluminous than, e.g., that of FUCKGOATS..
asciilifeform: consider, kanzure , let's say you're fuhrer of ftmeade. which transistor in the 9572 will you diddle, to undetectably sabotage FUCKGOATS.
asciilifeform: FUCKGOATS, for instance, obsoleted entire pseudoindustry.
asciilifeform: ( but, i will point out, is MUCH roomier than the xc9572 cpld used in FUCKGOATS )
a111: Logged on 2017-08-14 16:14 asciilifeform: ( tldr : superiority of the FUCKGOATS-enabled approach, of get-new-N-bits-from-rng-then-primalitytest-until-done, vs the kochian get-N-bits-then-increment-until-passes-millerrabin )
asciilifeform: ( tldr : superiority of the FUCKGOATS-enabled approach, of get-new-N-bits-from-rng-then-primalitytest-until-done, vs the kochian get-N-bits-then-increment-until-passes-millerrabin ) ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: mike_c did you mean fuckgoats ?
edivad: so, back to the question, is the fuckgoats device meant to be, for instance, if i run a bitcoin service that constantly need to generate private keys, let's say, for example, for an hot wallet?
edivad: is now downloading again boost, meanwhile i would like to ask some questions about the fuckgoats device
asciilifeform: !~later tell pete_dushenski http://www.contravex.com/2017/08/10/unboxing-and-set-up-of-nosuchlabs-fuckgoats-on-macos-openbsd-linux/#comment-58669