80 entries in 0.591s

billymg: would like to get out before getting stuck in a
coke machine mircea_popescu: this is just about it, plain extortion. alf's
coke machine realised.
http://archive.is/DvFtx "there is no more risk of loss to our customers than to the customers of a snack
machine." <<< maybe
coke machine, however
BingoBoingo: rage has many flavors, and mebbe USG lives long enough for there to be a next
coke machine to Rage Against
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I understand you shiva hands are full, but maybe you can spit some venom at the Wizsec thing? As "
coke machine" prognisticator affair could use your voice from on high.
trinque: but it's a fair point; you'll otherwise have to buy the
coke machine on wheels
coke machine story should be set in the same universe/time as the pgp key story
a111: Logged on 2015-09-25 20:10 ascii_field: this is precisely the condition needed for the
coke machine trinque would read an asciilifeform sci-fi short on
coke machine.
mircea_popescu: ie, building
coke machine for itself, then wondering at results.
ascii_deadfiber: it steals (via everything from '
coke machine' to nsa-produced virii etc.)
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: You seem like a less busy person nao. You want to write up that news from
coke machine slant?
mircea_popescu: consider it a sort of
coke machine for miner rigs. inasmuch as you do exactly what they'd have done, you can keep it. else - reorg.
gernika: l0l the ethiopian
coke machine gernika: asciilifeform: you might be interested to know that the scheme involved some sort of
Coke Machine with a water filtration system.
adlai: ascii_butugychag: so, even if no single Sovereign invests in building and powering a
coke machine (or worst - CMaaS! cloud coking! etc), my point is that the collected actions of all eight billion / fifteen thousand / etc sovereigns does turn the rock into a bit of a
coke machine adlai: ascii_butugychag: fwiw, Bitcoin is its own (decentralized, to boot!)
coke machine adlai: in other words, if the
coke machine is +EV, then bitcoin's Existence will at least prove that "but he loves you" (carlin)
ascii_butugychag: for completeness, the operating cost of the
coke machine cannot be assumed to be zero
ascii_butugychag: if adlai knows how to rigorously prove the '
coke machine' to be -EV, i would like to hear.
mircea_popescu: the most you'll get is a can of
coke out of a vending
punkman: maybe he's already in
coke machine but doesn't remember teh keys
mircea_popescu: davout the
coke machine is this putative alf-proposed torturing device to extract bitcoin out of people. he's twisted like that.
davout: what
coke machine which karpelii?
mircea_popescu: because lo and behold! romanians invented
coke machine before you did.
ben_vulpes: and yes,
coke machine, still in usaschwitz, lizard hitler will never allow a defense attorney etc etc
ascii_field: this is precisely the condition needed for the
coke machine ☟︎ ascii_field: 'nobody expects the spanish inquisition', but only a fool at this point would not expect the
Coke Machine.
mircea_popescu: for that matter, i spent a million like you spend a dollar in a
coke machine.
ascii_field: saudi brass spend a million usd like i spend a dollar in a
coke machine. and i know this through degree-1 meatwot.
trinque: cazalla: that's going to be the ass end of asciilifeform's
coke machine BingoBoingo: At the point where USG decides franchisee employees are actually McDonalds employees...
coke machine decimation: BingoBoingo: and those machines don't exist because mcdonald's would face a shitstorm if it went 'full
coke machine'
decimation: greenspun thinks that if starbucks went 'full
coke machine' and got rid of the employees, they wouldn't be able to charge the rates they do, because 'not hand crafted'
ascii_field: trinque: perhaps meta-nsa doesn't need the libjpeg 0day, given as we'll confess in the
coke machine anyway
ascii_field: trinque: not only this, but i also predict specifically that an automated (i.e. robotic, as in '
coke machine') system of interrogation and 'incentivization' will be specifically permitted by u.s. law
mircea_popescu: the only reason there's no
coke machine murder-suicides is the low value of the item.
Overand: (a lot more antenna than your
coke machine is likely to have)