121 entries in 0.468s

dorion: 2 was out of poorly documented dissatisfaction with bb ash, yet he
said, "perhaps his pdksh can be of use."
deedbot: dorion rated trinque 7 << he owns deedbot/deedbot.org and genesis'd irc/logbot and Cuntoo. went by undata in ancient logs. writes at
trinque.org mircea_popescu: perversely, this "superior" code's even more inscrutable than ye olde asm. which civilised people could in fact read, unlike the
current shit mircea_popescu: now, all this becomes entangled once we apply our
literate coding standards, because suddenly the code-vs-text difference above dissolves, and wtf are you saying, mircea_popescu ?!
dorion: trinque further notes that apparently 4.7.4 can be built with
tcc dorion: trinque your blog did the html stripping thing again from my latest
comment; here's the
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-12 12:47:24 dorion: mircea_popescu in light of never moving off
linux 2.x series, it seems to me bvt ought to port his rng work from
4.9.95 it currently sits on to 2.x.
dorion: mircea_popescu in light of never moving off
linux 2.x series, it seems to me bvt ought to port his rng work from
4.9.95 it currently sits on to 2.x.
diana_coman: trinque: I had a look at your published
paster lisp code; my current understanding is that it's only a part of what's required to stand up a backup paste service though, isn't it? mind pointing me to the rest of the bits/a recipe to put it all together? I had this idea that it's saner to replicate at the very least the paste service and a mirrored wot website. My current understanding of that paster ...
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-29 05:44:04 diana_coman: trinque: is the select thing not working on your blog? I'm trying to select that great "fits in hand" and I can't seem to,
this doesn't do anything.
diana_coman: trinque: is the select thing not working on your blog? I'm trying to select that great "fits in hand" and I can't seem to,
this doesn't do anything.
deedbot: jfw rated trinque 2 << Knowledgeable on system administration, Lisp, Bitcoin. Develops & operates deedbot, holding its wallet keys. Writes occasionally at
trinque: diana_coman: btw you'll notice items filling in at
trinque.org/src over the course of the day.
trinque: in other and related news, ressurected
trinque.org . will get the url rewriting fixed tomorrow
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-05 14:34:28 BingoBoingo: Trinque's
recent post had me reevaluating the dietary situation and adjusting. I'd been taking it for granted Milk is rich in Vitamin D, etc only to discover... The locals throw some folic acid in flour y Ya! After making some dietary adjustments the last few weeks of winter were less "blah" burdened than te preceeding.
diana_coman: ofc the help page is on
trinque.org that seems also down, ugh.
BingoBoingo: Trinque's
recent post had me reevaluating the dietary situation and adjusting. I'd been taking it for granted Milk is rich in Vitamin D, etc only to discover... The locals throw some folic acid in flour y Ya! After making some dietary adjustments the last few weeks of winter were less "blah" burdened than te preceeding.
deedbot: diana_coman updated rating of trinque from 4 to 9 << His Lordship, Michael; writes at
trinque.org lobbes:
http://trinque.org/2018/11/27/cuntoo-bootstrapper/#comment-47 << to update: I ended up having to re-run the bootstrapper.sh as the first time around I neglected to get the correct kernel. Second run I was able to boot from teh usb on the lenovo x61 (exciting seeing that 'Cuntoo' in the lilo bootloader). Next up is testing a subsequent install onto the main HD of the x61 from the usb. (Once complete I aim
deedbot: diana_coman updated rating of trinque from 3 to 4 << writes at
trinque.org; deedbot and cuntoo; he makes me want again to visit Texas.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-08 23:31 mod6: Hi all, I wanted to get some review, on this manifest file that would be introduced into trb. It would be placed inside the 'bitcoin' directory along the 'Makefile' and 'src' directories. It follows trinque's proposal here:
http://trinque.org/2018/06/02/v-manifest-specification mod6: After looking at PeterL's blogpost, was curious if there had been any consideration into if a manifest file should grow up or down (i.e. newest change first, or newest change last in the file). This is purely a cosmetic thing, I suppose it would be up to the author too. Probably why trinque didn't touch on this in the post either
http://trinque.org/2018/06/02/v-manifest-specification/ mircea_popescu: so im reading
trinque.org now in hopes there's explainy.