184 entries in 0.529s
mircea_popescu: colbert was efficient, not particularly charismatic. napoleon was charismatic. not particularly efficient.
asciilifeform: it is 'interesting' in the same sense as denizen of insane asylum who thinks he is a glass bottle is more interesting than the fella who thinks he is ordinary napoleon ?
asciilifeform: and it also turns out that for some reason the folks who are very excellent at non serviam - don't program. (napoleon's work in geometry notwithstanding...)
mircea_popescu: and the napoleonic wars before that.
assbot: Logged on 11-08-2015 12:01:47; mircea_popescu: balzac's french contemporaries (who were on the napoleon gold standard) pretty much used the beatings, which did make for great literature but really a rather miserable society.
mircea_popescu: balzac's french contemporaries (who were on the napoleon gold standard) pretty much used the beatings, which did make for great literature but really a rather miserable society. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: (unlike napoleon, stalin never wanted it)
mircea_popescu: the most important point of military strategy is that a weak position which the enemy doesn't invest is not really weak in any sense. this is the meaning of napoleon's "never interrupt"
assbot: Napoleon's Theorem -- from Wolfram MathWorld ... ( http://bit.ly/1Vy9mj6 )
asciilifeform: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/NapoleonsTheorem.html
asciilifeform: phun phakt: napoleon was a closeted maths type
assbot: Napoleon Sightings: Napoleon Sighting #002: The Little Corporal ... ( http://bit.ly/1Vy9e3m )
decimation: he was called the 'little corporal' because he went out and sighted guns himself http://napoleonsightings.blogspot.com/2010/08/napoleon-sighting-002-little-corporal.html
decimation: mircea_popescu: certainly napoleon had an aspie-like grasp of tactics, etc
mircea_popescu: it may well be 14% of kids are in fact napoleon.
decimation: especially since 99.999% of 25 year olds are not napoleon
decimation: plus, maybe if the 25 year old is Napoleon you can get rich on some awesome loot
decimation: it's appeal to Napoleon to finally rule the world
decimation: it's possible the derp could be Napoleon
asciilifeform: whereas i contend that it is possible to be 'napoleon' with theorems and 'spineless piece of shit' with girlz
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: my contention was that you describe will as a spectrum, perhaps between 'spineless clerk' and 'napoleon'
asciilifeform: will is not a scalar. perelman has will, mircea_popescu has will, i have will, and napoleon had will, and comparing magnitudes alone is rank nonsense
mircea_popescu: (you may think "oh, wouldn't it be more logical to do africa first ?" and no, it wouldn't. africa's inhabited by monkeys currently, so it doesn't matter. same pattern played out in 1705 - napoleon went after europe not after the us. because in 1705 the us was africa)
mircea_popescu: and the numerous coallitions of defeated european monarchs trying to save monarchies from napoleon
asciilifeform takes off 'madman muntz' napoleon bicorn
mircea_popescu: and fucked napoleon's mother.
davout: 'At Jena, Napoleon won a battle he could not lose. At Auerstädt, Davout won a battle he could not win".'
gribble: Louis-Nicolas Davout - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis-Nicolas_Davout>; Davout & Napoleon - The Napoleon Series: <http://www.napoleon-series.org/ins/scholarship97/c_davout.html>; Ask MHQ: Why Wasn't Davout at Waterloo? - History Net: <http://www.historynet.com/davout-at-waterloo.htm>
mircea_popescu: napoleon's general that won the battle of jena for the confused four footer's name was davout.
ascii_field: recall napoleon's 'can do anything you want with a bayonet but to sit on it' ?
mircea_popescu: yes, and napoleon has an infinite number of arms.
mircea_popescu: nobody but apparently also napoleon intermittently.
asciilifeform: Chillum: may as well take over a psych ward to get at the valuable napoleons therein
mircea_popescu: Chillum and kept it, until napoleon showed up.
mircea_popescu: sort of a rehash of napoleonic conflicts.
asciilifeform: decimation: re: footballist and maths << napoleon has at least one theorem to his credit
asciilifeform: they really ought to wear their napoleonic best
asciilifeform: when napoleon is in the asylum - harmless
asciilifeform: decimation: even if napoleon wrote that 'every soldier's knapsack must contain a fieldmarshall's baton', not everyone can be fieldmarshal
asciilifeform: 'insufficient number and quality of bicorns issued to the napoleons'
mircea_popescu: the process is wholly self-referential. it is in no sense different from the goings on in any insane asylum. you are essentially asking "ok, the sanitariums of the world hold a supply of at least 5000 napoleons. why is there no glorious history being produced ?"
mircea_popescu: decimation : re the "russia supporting independent mexico" thing : this has already ahppened. napoleon iii fromed a mexican monarchy, under maximillian. the us refused to recognise.
mircea_popescu: same reason napoleon tried to invade moscow not magnitogorsk, same reason the barricades went up in paris not derpue-sur-herpoise
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform notably, napoleon
mircea_popescu: back in the 60s, even clowns in napoleon costumes were accomplished engineers.
mircea_popescu: Alexander Fox @AutonoZone · Oct 6 @napoleon @BitcoinBelle Idealism is a dangerous investment strategy. Just look at the goldbugs. Global capital is pouring into the USD. <<< why does the usd sound so much like every other altchain scam ?
Adlai: nice https://twitter.com/napoleon/status/467322725074079745
gribble: You rated user napedia on Mon Nov 17 07:30:42 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: https://twitter.com/napoleon/status/534321538657308672.
BingoBoingo: A light shiny metal, Napoleon commisioned Aluminum flatware.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> "we are looking to hire a young cowhand, you will also be our napoleon" << haha
mircea_popescu: "we are looking to hire a young cowhand, you will also be our napoleon"
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: In Napoleon's army mustaches
mircea_popescu: how about napoleon ? better string of predecessors pissing away throne could scarcely be devised.
Dimsler: before napoleon came and raped germany
mircea_popescu: your idea of germanity is perhaps very similar to napoleon's
mircea_popescu: i guess these known affectations are overpopulated and so don't hold as much perceived cachet,. huh. random tramp invited for her tits and drunken antics at some party wouldn't get away with claiming she's the real niece of napoleon's first wife quite as well.
mircea_popescu: caesar is not much for an example. similarly napoleon, minus his pr, was not jacobin at all.
decimation: but this usually doesn't end well for anyone ie Napoleon
BingoBoingo: mike_c> psh, anybody can do world domination << Napoleon could even take Ethiopia which was such an easy target the fucking Dagos took it a century later
HeySteve: nubbins, this looks like napoleon dynamite kinda movie
asciilifeform: word is, asylums used to stock tricorn hats to issue to 'napoleons.'
mircea_popescu: or napoleon
asciilifeform: when things get wedged at 'of birth' that's really an invitation for a napoleon to come and, technical term, 'fuck shit up just because'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: napoleon's "general's baton" << i always understood that piece to speak of his favour for aristocracy 'of merit' vs of birth
mircea_popescu: (napoleon's "general's baton" bs is nothing but the reimplementation of the gracchi's reforms, 20 centuries prior)
mircea_popescu: but look at the matter : ever since napoleon implemented the idiotic idea that people generally should have a voice merely for having been born,
truffles: Napoleon wasnt weak why dont they mention him?
nubbins`: was gonna be a cross between the picture of you squinting in the desert and this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0e/Napoleon4.jpg
nubbins`: mp as napoleon ;0
greenspan_fan: But of course Napoleon won because he was an extremely effective leader of a particularly important part of society
wbaw: and didn't napoleon lose?
greenspan_fan: And wasn't it barras who was jockeying for position w/ napoleon?
mircea_popescu: philippe egalite didn't end up the head of the french republic. napoleon did.
mircea_popescu: the thought process being, napoleon was a great general, great generals are forewarned, being forewarned is like having an extra pair of arms,
mircea_popescu: they let it run overnight, among the conclusions it had arrived to by morning was "napoleon had an infinite number of arms" ☟︎
BingoBoingo: In Napoleon III's court Aluminium was worth everything
mircea_popescu: the problem we have now is with the nationalist state of napoleon (and the us which is really just a pale copy) having successfully attacked this natural wot
thestringpuller: maybe i want a napoleon-esque style portrait of mircea_popescu commissioned
mircea_popescu: i am black napoleon, i discovered america in indonesia.
mircea_popescu: in the simplest translation of common law that even a napoleonic lout might get, they don't have tyhe right to THAT capital. just to something equivalent, as practicable.
mircea_popescu: i wonder what zombie napoleon does for a living.
Namworld: It would have to be zombie napoleon
mircea_popescu: like, napoleon.
nyRednek: unless you live under napoleonic code, which throws legal precedent out the window