711 entries in 0.658s
mircea_popescu: (this, incidentally, would be the lisp/perl difference imo. lisp does not have
strings, perl does not have sexprs. in spite of pretending on each side)
assbot: You rated user thestringpuller on 01-Feb-2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: I dunno that he's ever pulled any
mats: anyone have an idea how to google
strings of symbols? escaping doesn't seem to work
Chillum: we can remember concepts at much higher information levels than random
strings mircea_popescu: the only reasonable way to go forward at this point would be a) edit the source of the ssl we intend to use to include a magic string ; b) make ; c)
strings on the binary.
Chillum: so if it is set to UPC only you can still activate QR and inject long
strings, which a lot of software does not expect
mircea_popescu: he has a boss in rh who has a boss who has an orlov who has an etc. six
strings long, the flea circus.
punkman: Adlai, and for extra fun "Short
strings, given simply in quotes as above, are treated as numbers; long
strings, surrounded by the text keyword as above, are treated as array-like objects"
mircea_popescu: "Nevertheless, C's approach to
strings works well." :D
danielpbarron: is it possible to get money from USG without
strings attached?
joecool: google moved away from unique
strings over the past few years... moved to signals, will match synonyms and areas to a query
punkman: I've been seeing it more often for various search
strings, but I assumed it was personalization
mircea_popescu: much in the way kids used to replace the "made by"
strings in the old 8086 days with a hex editor.
mircea_popescu: i don't write any c, either, or c++. i've never written either java or javascript. i sometimes to a little bash, and always to dig up natural language
strings in natural language dialects. or otherwise mess the mup.
mircea_popescu: sure, that';s the general idea, have all the magic
strings in a file somewhere.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla : can assbot match 32 char
strings as keyids instead of names ?
mircea_popescu: i always liked the "fuck you, they're
strings, and concatenation is the only operation" approach.
mircea_popescu: state the rms "ethical consideration" w/e it is. "nobody may forbid anyone's access to written
strings" ?
ben_vulpes: not a record of all
strings sent to "#b-a", but a record of all
strings sent to "#b-a" as seen by the lN of "assbot".
gabriel_laddel: "nipping at your heels" was not the expression I wanted. something closer to "you can speak random alphanumeric
strings at people and they'll nod and smile at you. speak in an angry tone and they'll frown and shake their heads, but this and 'liking' things is the extent of their expressive and intellectual capabilities"
BingoBoingo: 'String Theory' Exists, but mundane
strings are still a hard problem
BingoBoingo: I think the entire point of the OpenBSD financial crisis was an allergy to
strings jurov: syncing 3e9
strings is trivial problem?
Diablo-D3: cans,
strings, and not as many DSPs as I had hoped.
mircea_popescu: that's what thought is, entirely, all the time : suggestively named
BingoBoingo: dgeats: PM, I'll halp troubleshoot to a point, but yes. Private keys stay private. If one of those
strings you entered is a private key... Generate a new keypair.
ben_vulpes: because there are mysterious 'stage'
strings prepended to some posts
decimation: you could deploy them in
strings off a buoy
mircea_popescu: "he's our junior high math teacher, focusing on c++
strings implementation"
TheNewDeal: probably just canada with their cups and
strings internet
mircea_popescu: nubbins`'s host kicked him off the internets because he has been posting base58
strings to irc.
assbot: lcamtuf's blog: PSA: don't run '
strings' on untrusted files (CVE-2014-8485)
kakobrekla: <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform: the non-classical version
strings are interesting << the first time i said ppl alter their
strings ppl hgere were "oh, mp is just making shit up to win an internet argument" < i can see how someone running v0.9 would set the string to 'ducky duck' but not v0.1.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: the non-classical version
strings are interesting << the first time i said ppl alter their
strings ppl hgere were "oh, mp is just making shit up to win an internet argument"
mircea_popescu: decimation no, moreover, php doesn't try to do much. literally, it's intended to process
thestringpuller: we like to think so, but who is really pulling the
bounce: the regulators really don't care what they're regulating, as long as they can make you dance on their regulation
strings. what are we regulating this thing for again?
mircea_popescu: a child is conceived. he is healthy. inside his cranial cavity, among water, thin
strings of protein run every which way.
mircea_popescu: if the wallet is old enough you can just do
strings wallet
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform "Suppose you want to support
strings and have a string comparison instruction. You might think that "it's done in the hardware", so it's blindingly fast. It isn't, because the hardware still has to access memory, one word per cycle. A superscalar/VLIW assembly loop would run just as quickly; the only thing you'd save is a few bytes for instruction encoding. On the other hand, your string comparison thingi
mircea_popescu: this is like saying, "i have a computer, it is my duty to generate random
strings and publish them"
mats_cd03: and internal MSFT rumors suggest that the skip from windows 9 to 10 was due to developers parsing os version
strings of 'windows 95/98' badly, e.g. testing for just 'windows 9' in the substring
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu I believe in a free market. my impressionable mind is fair game. get it while it's hot. sculpt me in your image. pull my
strings. I'm young. don;t miss out! your future is at stake!
JuliaTourianski_: so what has the jury decided? whose pulling my
strings? alex jones? berwik? amir? shrem? ahah
BingoBoingo: <JuliaTourianski_> I'm doing a guide on offline wallets using armory, and i was using armory for a year now and offered to do it. when that comes out u can say Trace Mayer is pulling my
strings right? see how that works << Are you familiar with Armory's poor behavior?
JuliaTourianski_: I'm doing a guide on offline wallets using armory, and i was using armory for a year now and offered to do it. when that comes out u can say Trace Mayer is pulling my
strings right? see how that works
JuliaTourianski_: +Dimsler I'm friends with everyone in the declaration video..that's a lot of ppl, so whcih ones are pulling my
strings? don;t cherry pick eh
JuliaTourianski_: +cazalla ive been on infowars, keiser, bbc, fox news - so who is it pulling my
JuliaTourianski_: if i'm associated with everyone, then who is pulling my
ben_vulpes: julia_: can you encrypt and decrypt arbitrary
strings with that or just emails?
chetty: well being raw makes it easy for someone with more experience to pull the
strings .. worht keepíng an eye out
cazalla: someone is pulling her
strings mircea_popescu: <decimation> yeah turns out the 'advanced' battery pack is just a pile of standard lithium batteries wired in
strings << i have no idea what's so advanced about it, basically the whole car is powered offa one of those 4.5 volt things discussed here previously
decimation: yeah turns out the 'advanced' battery pack is just a pile of standard lithium batteries wired in
strings mircea_popescu: "i float carried on tits with wings of cotton candy on their backs, they carry me through pink skies and fluffy clouds upon which bubble sleepy dinosaurs. flying by go butts with lengthy bead
strings, and a rustic potato crucified on lolips " etc
jurov: but you imply he needs to pull
strings in addition to that