2100+ entries in 0.501s
holy fuckingshit, fifty years of making it progressively easier for kids were enough to squander 500 years worth of accumulated advantages, to the point even the fucking indians can now compete with american kids.
mircea_popescu: o
holy shit don't tell me he's of the "spoken as written" school of pararetardism
holy hell i blink and 800 lines appear
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu>
holy shit... aluminum brass knuckles ?! << WHere???
holy shit already, people, start whipping your children.
ben_vulpes: ahhhh
holy shit you guys i just bought a flipphone
mod6: yeah. i was like "
holy shit! is this guy kidding?! how do you do that?!"
undata: Mikayla:
holy fucking statistic
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform also on the list of surgeries : motherfucker memory management
holy shit omfg.
mircea_popescu: bounce: "we're looking for a junior database developer. you will also be our DBA. we do big data and require tsql skills. we're active in 80% of the country's hospitals. we're an entirely microsoft shop." -- this advert frightens me. <<< omfg
holy shit.
mircea_popescu: and
holy shit, this linux thing is really not used by anyone, is it ? took until 2014 for someone to mash the prtscr key ?
mircea_popescu: what should have kept hitler from digging the desert looking for the
holy grail ?
holy shit i just wasted 5 minutes of my life.
mircea_popescu: "339,192 US rank. This site reaches over 858 monthly people" <<
holy shit, it's not fucking possible that 1k people reading you on a monthly basis puts you in the top 300k sites on the internets.
mircea_popescu: 9: bank.kensavage.com <<
holy shit, the stuff that's in my logs!!1
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform dude. her fuhrer had people do a) rocketry. b) airplanes powered by hydrazine ; c) rommel in africa looking for the
holy grail
mircea_popescu: wallpapers
holy shit, we can't even afford a cascading ss.
holy shit, intersection right outside my door is flooded up to the windshields of private cars
holy shit, bitbet is painful in w3m
BingoBoingo: <dub> you forget this is libertard
holy grail, fully half of all bitcoiners are sitting in the bunker cleaning ar15 right now << AR-15 is rather heavy for a walk to the exit
dub: you forget this is libertard
holy grail, fully half of all bitcoiners are sitting in the bunker cleaning ar15 right now
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> which kinda explains the un
holy proliferation of the "vlogger". derp that can't be bothered to write shit down because it's too much work, and so instead he wants everyone to see past his out of shape flesh and obnoxiously poor vocalisation. beause that's somehow not a lot of work. << Why Vlogger's can't be relevant
mircea_popescu: which kinda explains the un
holy proliferation of the "vlogger". derp that can't be bothered to write shit down because it's too much work, and so instead he wants everyone to see past his out of shape flesh and obnoxiously poor vocalisation. beause that's somehow not a lot of work.
mircea_popescu: assbot: 7th Heaven Dad Stephen Collins Taped Confessing to Child Sex Abuse <<<
holy shit omfg no wai!!1
mircea_popescu: TomServo>
Holy shit this 'seamonster' "crash analysis podcast" is a train wreck. << but that's what you were there for right ?
Holy shit this 'seamonster' "crash analysis podcast" is a train wreck.
mircea_popescu: "If Kentuckians write-in Robert Ransdell as their choice for Senator in the 2014 election they will support my plan to fix America by pursuing the ..." bla bla bla. write-in candidates for kentucky elections ?!
holy shit, it's almost as if... i dunno, my similes fail me. i don't have something for this nonsense.
holy shit on a stick, 4 people i never heard of ?! and likely nobody has ?
mircea_popescu: if they weren't unclean in the eyes of the lord, the
holy dollarghost'd give them some moneyz too!
mircea_popescu: i seriously expect the entire world to now bow down to my superiority and explicitly recognise its inferiority, as a w
holy owned, substantive characteristic of their own.
assbot: TeamFairlay comments on
Holy Smokes! Someone plunked down 1000 bitcoin on No today for the Berkshire vs Bitcoin bet on bitbet.us
assbot: apoefjmqdsfls comments on
Holy Smokes! Someone plunked down 1000 bitcoin on No today for the Berkshire vs Bitcoin bet on bitbet.us
holy shit, i missed the 2nd 500
Holy Smokes! Someone plunked down 1000 bitcoin on No today for the Berkshire vs Bitcoin bet on bitbet.us : Bitcoin
holy shit these meninists dudes are completely fucking retarded.
mircea_popescu: a system that either works as intended or not at all is the
holy grail of unbreakability.
mircea_popescu: kinda how the
holy roman emperor got ground into dust.
mircea_popescu: For example, systems running systemd now generally store their hostname in /etc/hostname, something that used to be specific to Debian and now is used across distributions. <<
holy hell that took half a century.
holy shit look at that crapolade. "problem statement. i nthe current state of social media interaction blablablabla"
mircea_popescu: born 93.
holy shit they could be my daughters by now ;/
mircea_popescu: the way that thing must read is "we, including myself personally, and the institution i work for - the imf - are a collection of contemptioble idiots with w
holy unsupported delusions of cultural relevance and scientific rigour. fortunately for the world nassim taleb has been saying this for a long time ; unfortunately for the world we thought we knew better, like any clueless two bit scammer on an infamous web forum"
holy shit what sort of bullshit is this. who wants a MISSION to take battered sluts to the er.
mircea_popescu: shit that's 90% produced by a govt agency with a clear agenda, is taken as "science". what the
holy shit.
BlueMeanie4: that sounds like the scene from Monty Python
holy Grail
mircea_popescu: silenceisdefeat.com ?
holy shit, bangalore marketplaces must have won.
mircea_popescu: Duffer1: i bought a handmade spalted mable/bubinga keepsake box for bitcoin on saturday << what the
holy shit.