1184 entries in 0.93s
devthedev: Bitcointalk: "Due to a recently-discovered flaw in the TLS and SSL protocols, you may want to change your password, especially if you accessed the forum using Tor."
mircea_popescu: nubbins`: vexual using tor. imagine << it's easy, he just went over to the tor ip and proceeded to push keys until he was let in.
nubbins`: vexual using tor
assbot: anonabox : a Tor hardware router by August Germar — Kickstarter
kakobrekla: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/augustgermar/anonabox-a-tor-hardware-router
gribble: Nick 'Adlai', with hostmask 'Adlai!~Adlai@gateway/tor-sasl/adlai', is identified as user 'Adlai', with GPG key id None, key fingerprint None, and bitcoin address 13dkw1PtojBW74FN7ERbHqoEvgsTmtARuj
mircea_popescu: tor ?
Adlai: or tor sometimes
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask Adlai!~Adlai@gateway/tor-sasl/adlai. Trust relationship from user assbot to user Adlai: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=Adlai | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Adlai | Rated since: never
gribble: CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Nick 'Vexual', with hostmask 'Vexual!~amnesia@gateway/tor-sasl/vexual', is identified as user 'muXne', with GPG key id None, key fingerprint None, and bitcoin address 1Badmofonny75kX7FrVHpCpNsRxMrmuXne
mircea_popescu: bounce: huh, sneaky circular argument there. usg says hoster Ts&Cs allowed for monitoring to no privacy for you! -- but how'd they know what server to monitor, hm? tor ought to've made it unfindable. << they "just knew" heh.
bounce: huh, sneaky circular argument there. usg says hoster Ts&Cs allowed for monitoring to no privacy for you! -- but how'd they know what server to monitor, hm? tor ought to've made it unfindable.
Dimsler: they sit on tor exit nodes
midnightmagic: (the tor problem)
assbot: 'Re: tor segmentation fault on amd64 current' - MARC
assbot: 'tor segmentation fault on amd64 current' - MARC
BingoBoingo: http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-bugs&m=141192314032483&w=2 << Use after free bug in Tor
gribble: Nick 'Vexual', with hostmask 'Vexual!~amnesia@gateway/tor-sasl/vexual', is not identified.
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask dignork!~dignork@gateway/tor-sasl/dignork. Trust relationship from user assbot to user dignork: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 4 via 4 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=dignork | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=dignork | Rated since: Fri Oct 18 12:20:18 2013
X-Rob: mircea_popescu: Sonic Screw Driver. Tor-based coin. Technically interesting.
gribble: Nick 'guruvan', with hostmask 'guruvan!~guruvan@gateway/tor-sasl/guruvan', is identified as user 'guruvan', with GPG key id AF02B22DA54E87F2, key fingerprint 50C9ACA3898D561CEFE518FCAF02B22DA54E87F2, and bitcoin address 1GUruvanCg4gS62XCeD9VbCzJhT1cyn2a3
mircea_popescu: mod6: hmm. works through tor. << i think maybe proxy checker had a local connectivity issue
mod6: hmm. works through tor.
asciilifeform: must assume this happens, whether 'tor' or simply playful isp / backbone operator
assbot: Logged on 03-01-2014 03:15:35; asciilifeform: there are tor exits silently pumping ascii through 'sed' or the like, slipping 'friendly' btc addrs in place of originals.
asciilifeform: decimation: you can watch all you like - run a 'tor' exit.
BingoBoingo: It's no secret that the biggest open tor flaw is that anyone with enough tor nodes is going to often going to get some users traffic for all three steps
mircea_popescu: they used their numerous tor holes and exploits, then claimed to have done what what you seem to believe.
TheNewDeal: I'm just saying, tor wasn't supposed to prevent any of those things from happening (in my limited knowledge)
TheNewDeal: BingoBoingo they somehow take over a website, use it to deploy malware, and that defeats tor how?
assbot: Cybersecurity official uses Tor but still gets caught with child porn | Ars Technica
gribble: Nick 'shovel_boss', with hostmask 'shovel_boss!~shovel_bo@gateway/tor-sasl/shovelboss/x-56238960', is not identified.
assbot: Logged on 11-08-2014 23:15:37; mircea_popescu: godovo http://trilema.com/2014/awstats-and-stuff/ << 1mnish pages/month means even if they optimally use tor, it's still a tiny %.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo: Seriously the kept saying suggesting everything in the Bitcoin was shady Tor related stuff. << well what happens there is that they had a lot of early success just exploiting the geek idiocy. let the kids talk about how cool and anon and w/e it is.
BingoBoingo: Seriously the kept saying suggesting everything in the Bitcoin was shady Tor related stuff.
assbot: NSA Agents Leak Tor Bugs To Developers - Slashdot
pankkake: http://yro.slashdot.org/story/14/08/22/1311210/nsa-agents-leak-tor-bugs-to-developers
assbot: Darkcoin's Alternative To Tor
ryguy_`: put it up on a tor service or whatnot
mircea_popescu: tor shouldn't really do anything
nubbins`: tor is for weenies
dignork: nubbins`: are you running over tor?
mircea_popescu: godovo http://trilema.com/2014/awstats-and-stuff/ << 1mnish pages/month means even if they optimally use tor, it's still a tiny %. ☟︎
nubbins`: who needs tor? use anonymouse
godovo: mircea_popescu: y u allow people using tor reading your stuff for free?
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask Vexual!~amnesia@gateway/tor-sasl/vexual. CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Trust relationship from user assbot to user muxne: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 4 via 4 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=muxne | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=muxne | Rated since: Sun Jun 22 00:11:14 2014
gribble: CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Nick 'Vexual', with hostmask 'Vexual!~amnesia@gateway/tor-sasl/vexual', is identified as user 'muXne', with GPG key id None, key fingerprint None, and bitcoin address 1Badmofonny75kX7FrVHpCpNsRxMrmuXne
ThickAsThieves: Anyone who used Tor between early February and July 4th of 2014 "should assume they were affected" by the attack, says the Tor team.
mircea_popescu: now that aside, tor is really not functional, and so yes he has some good points mixed into the turd.
fluffypony: rithm: only if you've paid your Tor Tax and have your tax clearance certificate for it
rithm stands in line for "tor sign up compliance form 10-4q"
assbot: Mike Hearn proposes to build vulnerable censorship mechanism into Tor, opposes a fix for hidden service deanonymization, on Tor mailing list : Bitcoin
rithm: down with tor!
asciilifeform: tor prize << ad gone because prize claimed in five seconds. because contest was trivial.
assbot: Russia Posts $110,000 Bounty For Cracking Tor's Privacy - Slashdot
assbot: Talk on cracking Internet anonymity service Tor withdrawn from conference| Reuters
assbot: Peeling the onion: Almost everyone involved in developing Tor was (or is) funded by the US government | PandoDaily
thickasthieves: http://pando.com/2014/07/16/tor-spooks/
mircea_popescu: goin further on asciilifeform's very soviet public/private approach, i wonder how many peeps are creaming their pants reading this convo over tor.
ThickAsThieves: need to get chrome or opera or tor to support .bit
Rassah: Being on a tor site doesn't eally mea hiding, does it?
mircea_popescu: lol "sues tor"
assbot: Texas lawyer sues Tor for providing tools used by revenge porn site | The Verge
punkman: http://www.theverge.com/2014/7/9/5883651/texas-lawyer-sues-tor-for-providing-tools-used-by-revenge-porn-site
mircea_popescu: like tor, but for sms.
mircea_popescu: or ' USB ' or ' CD ' or 'secure desktop' or ' IRC ' or 'truecrypt' or ' tor ');
asciilifeform: idea being, tor for the morbidly lazy
mircea_popescu: a so tor.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it's a bog-standard 'linux live cd' with a copy of tor.
asciilifeform: simply picture a correctly designed 'tor'
BingoBoingo: I assume they can use pretty much Windows or android machine as the equivalent of a tor node anyways
assbot: NSA Considers Linux Journal Readers, Tor (And Linux?) Users "Extremists" - Slashdot
pankkake: http://yro.slashdot.org/story/14/07/03/1846215/nsa-considers-linux-journal-readers-tor-and-linux-users-extremists
asciilifeform: unless by 'encrypted' you also mean link saturation and some variant of 'onion route' (a la the claimed mechanics of tor) - same problem.
ThickAsThieves: ok it loads fine in Tor
mircea_popescu: * Ignatius-otc (~root@gateway/tor-sasl/ignatius-otc) << what could possibly go wrong
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask Vexual!~amnesia@gateway/tor-sasl/vexual. CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Trust relationship from user BingoBoingo to user muXne: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=BingoBoingo&dest=muXne | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=muXne | Rated since: Sun Jun 22 00:11:14 2014
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask Vexual!~amnesia@gateway/tor-sasl/vexual. CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Trust relationship from user assbot to user muXne: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=muXne | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=muXne | Rated since: Sun Jun 22 00:11:14 2014
gribble: CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Nick 'Vexual', with hostmask 'Vexual!~amnesia@gateway/tor-sasl/vexual', is identified as user 'muXne', with GPG key id None, key fingerprint None, and bitcoin address 1Badmofonny75kX7FrVHpCpNsRxMrmuXne
davout: except we didn't have a tor hidden service
davout: some people fell for the "oh hey, here is our tor hidden service for instawallet, deposit bitches"
mircea_popescu: tor, to receive an exceptionally harsh sentence"
davout: or on tor, or whatever, we're digressing here, my point is that monetizing convenience is something i think can make sense
asciilifeform: how many idiots with miners sitting on tor (why? ask them, not me)
assbot: Tor Challenge
jurov: mycelium wants to hide their proprietary server behind tor as ddos mitigation? good luck
jurov: curent slide "Using TOR for DDoS protection"
assbot: You Are Not a Digital Native: Privacy in the Age of the Internet | Tor.com
BingoBoingo: Doctorow is the worst kind of hack http://www.tor.com/blogs/2014/05/you-are-not-a-digital-native-privacy-in-the-age-of-the-internet
danielpbarron: that is like using tor
fluffypony: they live alone, no Opera off-road mode, no VPN, no proxy, no TOR
asciilifeform: trilema credit is probably the life support hose keeping tor alive...
jurov: i don;t have access to tor atm, someone else can check... but it's fun to guess, no?
mircea_popescu: i am saying that the entire "don't reuse addresses" campaign is exactly the equiovalent of "pls to use openssh" or "pls to use tor before that"
HeySteve: you can run bitcoin over tor
BingoBoingo: http://theconcourse.deadspin.com/the-moment-a-mississippi-tv-station-evacuated-for-a-tor-1568929551/+barryap
ThickAsThieves: <hearn> integrated Tor support in bitcoinj - merged! \o/
fluffypony: but Tor only
punkman: mircea_popescu: they plan to add Tor but still, I don't think it's prudent to 0mq with random nodes
mircea_popescu: punkman for the love of meh. why not just rebundle tor.