900+ entries in 0.514s

thestringpuller: I've always wondered when the first cash only exchange will pop on
ascii_field: 'In a terse statement Wednesday, Carnegie Mellon wrote that its Software Engineering Institute hadn’t received any direct payment for its
Tor research from the FBI or any other government funder. But it instead implied that the research may have been accessed by law enforcement through the use of a subpoena. “In the course of its work, the university from time to time is served with subpoenas requesting informat
assbot: Logged on 17-11-2015 22:38:39; ascii_field: (is a specially crafter derplinux pre-impregnated with
tor, faux pgp, etc)
ascii_field: (is a specially crafter derplinux pre-impregnated with
tor, faux pgp, etc)
☟︎ mircea_popescu: "PGP is not as important as people think. As long as both parties use an encrypted email (and connect with a VPN,
TOR, TAILS, whatever) you're fine. This is because if they get access to the webmail all information is decrypted either using automatic PGP decryption (eg: Countermail) or locally on their computer (somewhere this information is going to be stored)."
testingthisstuff: adlai, mircea_popescu: thank you. i don't mind being my real self. i want to get into the WoT and start participating, looking for the best ways. always thought
tor was a good idea but it seems not. I'll start reading at least 6 months of logs, as per the instructions, to catch up
adlai: there's a difference between "we don't support
tor becgause they suck at <reasons>" and "we don't support
tor because 'reasons'"
adlai: testingthisstuff: also fyi, even the
tor developers admit to the ease (~$1M) with which a large-scale sybil attack can be mounted against the network
adlai: testingthisstuff:
tor doesn't work on freenode, they actively prevent it
tor isnt something you want to be using.
testingthisstuff: mircea_popescu, thanks, I'm lurking and, at the same time, trying to find out how to connect to freenode with
ascii_field: 'C&C servers are located on the
Tor network; the malware communicates with the C&Cs via public tor2web services.'
ascii_field: unaffected whilst logged in, but still using
tor). It was also not a case of
tor vs non-
tor (US
tor exits
mircea_popescu: "Sure, go ahead and "challenge gatekeepers" with your
TOR blacklists and awesome ~0% of network mining power.
mircea_popescu: and this is not (one of the)
tor deanonymization tricks.
ascii_field: ‘releasing node’. S generates a pair of public keys to encrypt the return data then inserts the public key into the routing information for each node...' <<
tor, snore.
assbot: First Library to Support
Tor Anonymous Internet Browsing Effort Stops After DHS Email - ProPublica ... (
http://bit.ly/1ULaooS )
ascii_field: 'Reproducible builds are already a staple of Bitcoin and the
Tor Project.' << ahahahahahahaha
ascii_field: (two separate departments of muppetronics. as in
mircea_popescu: "Connections are made over clearnet even when using a proxy or onlynet=
tor, which leaks connections on the P2P network with the real location of the node. Knowledge of this traffic along with uptime metrics from bitnodes.io can allow observers to easily correlate the location and identity of persons running Shitcoin-XT nodes."
mircea_popescu: "Peer priorities are based on matching the connecting IP against a set of IP groups. For now, the only IP group is one that gives
Tor exits a score of -10."
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 03:53:10; asciilifeform: coderwill: on top of the thousand and one other sins,
tor linked in ssl at the height of 'heartbleed' - something which pretty much nobody is speaking of today
mats: coderwill: it is an open secret that
Tor is broken
decimation: it looks to me that they are whining about
tor because it makes their job harder
decimation: wtf how is that proof of anything re:
assbot: Logged on 04-10-2013 15:21:32; mircea_popescu: i'm with asciilifeform's suggestion : that pps is prima facie evidence that the nsa is in fact currently decoding ALL traffic passing through all
tor nodes, linking it to originating ips and storing this mess.
decimation: I think ascii is proposing something like
tor except everyone knows everyone else, and routes accordingly
jurov: how does the gate look? like
tor enter node?
punkman: didn't those guys fund
Tor as well?
decimation: in retrospect, using '
tor' was a giveaway
shinohai: @ asciilifeform therefore I post for newcomers to understand why
tor is smacktarded.
tor. sitting around on internet forums doing buying drugs with btc and hating on the government.
assbot: Logged on 06-06-2015 16:05:26; shinohai: I hav lurked around
tor but their is little excitement there for me. Mostly space cadets and libertarians of the worst kind.
shinohai: I hav lurked around
tor but their is little excitement there for me. Mostly space cadets and libertarians of the worst kind.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: for instance, im not on
tor, have occasionally derped on imageboards. same of you i would guess.
mircea_popescu: just sayin, people imagining pointing out to idiot
tor users how insecure that shit is would persuade anyone ? shit, hola got 8 million users with 8 million exploitable holes in it.
tor is kinda flawed in that respect.
copypaste: true. well, 8chan lets you post over
copypaste: yes, basically
Tor but a much larger network
jurov: by the way, mircea_popescu: is BISP okay with
tor exit nodes?
tor cloud, independent fabs, whatever
decimation: in the
tor cloud case, one cannot simply 'run an ec2 host' for nearly free like one can crib another's c code
williamdunne: Before I think it was data allowance, price, location and if they allow
tor or not
assbot: Logged on 18-04-2015 04:56:33; Citizenfive: I'd bet on Bitcoin's security (code-wise) over
Tor or anything else, just because of that
Citizenfive: But not
Tor, maybe. Perhaps something new. But
Citizenfive: Hence, maybe — holyfuckwhatanidea — financially incentivize
Tor scrutinization at the protocol level? O.O
Citizenfive: I'd bet on Bitcoin's security (code-wise) over
Tor or anything else, just because of that
☟︎ Citizenfive: Well those are among the most widely used and studied things in all of cryptoland. Vs. everything else, i.e. some arbitrary piece of FOSS something. Stuff like
Tor is what gives everyone a false sense that everyone is all over everything in FOSSland
tor: Quality: C code. One implementation, but well funded dev and lots of scrutiny. Good. << such kek