1184 entries in 0.852s
punkman: The DarkMarket daemon << is this just a rebranded tor bundle thing ? << no it looks like a piece of shit implemented on top of 0mq, which didn't even do security for the first few major versions
mircea_popescu: The DarkMarket daemon << is this just a rebranded tor bundle thing ?
BingoBoingo: Well, tor always sucked, there was actually a not horrible Cracked article on the subject
mircea_popescu: anyway, imo it was teh yurpeans that made tor suck
mircea_popescu: so tor is integral to gambling ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: On point B the us has an impact in that it makes tor suck
BingoBoingo: No need to tor
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask dignork!~dignork@gateway/tor-sasl/dignork. Trust relationship from user assbot to user dignork: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=dignork | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=dignork | Rated since: Fri Oct 18 12:20:18 2013
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask dignork!~dignork@gateway/tor-sasl/dignork. Trust relationship from user assbot to user dignork: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=dignork | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=dignork | Rated since: Fri Oct 18 12:20:18 2013
dignork: tor access seems to be horribly lagging anyway:( so even my attempt to check if grible echo hack works was pointless :(
gribble: Nick 'dignork', with hostmask 'dignork!~dignork@gateway/tor-sasl/dignork', is not identified.
gribble: NSA knew about Heartbleed for two years - Bloomberg — RT USA: <http://rt.com/usa/nsa-knew-heartbleed-hacking-years-004/>; DO NOT USE TOR RIGHT NOW. HEARTBLEED IS AFFECTING ALL ...: <http://www.reddit.com/r/DarkNetMarkets/comments/22k76z/do_not_use_tor_right_now_heartbleed_is_affecting/>; If You Want Privacy or Anonymity or Security, Stay Off the Internet ...: (1 more message)
asciilifeform: ;;google tor heartbleed
robwhiz22: asciilifeform, why is tor sinning?
asciilifeform: TestingUnoDosTre: have you sinned, used TOR? that'll set it off.
asciilifeform: the other nice thing about tor is that the most ragged hobo can be nsa
rithm: i knew people used tor for _some_ reason asciilifeform
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu might be keeping tor net alive single-handedly...
rithm: should i just use tor and proxies
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell ThickAsThieves of course you don't use tor unless you're doing something illegal. EVERYTHING YOU CAN DO IS ILLEGAL!
ThickAsThieves: said stuff like "you dont use tor unless youre doing something illegal"
asciilifeform: wait for... the new, seekuur!1! replacement for tor.
ThickAsThieves: i was speaking with a former military tech at the bar a few weeks ago and he was giving me a shit-eating grin about NSA/Tor
ThickAsThieves: " Jered Kenna interviewed Bitcoin core developer Mike Hearn about BitcoinJ, the Tor network, and what developments are coming to the Bitcoin protocol. Mike explains why BitcoinJ will be using the Tor network for greater privacy and security."
mircea_popescu: anyway, this suddenly makes tor significantly more useful. at least for a few weeks.
mircea_popescu: Naphex all the poor souls arguing with me over tor's safety a few months ago. awww.
mircea_popescu: tor dun do anything.
antephialtic: tor exit node?
asciilifeform: anyone considering using tor for whatsoever purpose should... measure not 7, but 47 times, and cut - preferably not even once
MisterE: tor works it's 99.9% a PEBCAC issue
mircea_popescu: tor doesn't actually work, in general.
TestingUnoDosTre: download tor, sign up for anonymous email address, then pay for vpn?
MisterE: and get an anon email address also with Tor
MisterE: use Tor to sign up
jborkl: Tor is so slow
diametric: VPN through TOR
MisterE: use tor
gribble: Dan Egerstad's Tor exit nodes get him arrested and proves a point I ...: <http://www.zdnet.com/blog/berlind/dan-egerstads-tor-exit-nodes-get-him-arrested-and-proves-a-point-i-made-in-july/900>; Swedish Researchers Uncover Dirty Tor Exit Relays: <http://www.techweekeurope.co.uk/news/malicious-tor-exit-relays-136828>; Tips for Running an Exit Node with Minimal Harassment | The Tor (1 more message)
asciilifeform: ;;google tor exit sweden
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves: tor is great because any kid can set up his own nsa, vacuuming up the packets of 'seekoore' idiots. i'll leave it at that.
ThickAsThieves: so, to confirm, Tor is essentially useless, in regards to its original purpose, now?
mircea_popescu: midnightmagic the tor stuff ?
B007: and then there is tor
diametric: Satoshi dice would be very easy to attack since it's blocked in the US, which causes most US visitors to use TOR, which is easy to MITM especially since Satoshi Dice doesn't use https.
ozbot: Most Popular Bitcoin Apps Soon To Run On Tor Anonymity Network - Forbes
ThickAsThieves: http://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2014/03/05/most-popular-bitcoin-apps-soon-to-run-on-tor-anonymity-network/
ThickAsThieves: http://www.coindesk.com/upcoming-version-bitcoinj-software-will-use-tor-network/
ThickAsThieves: "I tell you what. I'll give you a very detailed explanation of how the Tor Network works and how Tor mail works, and you can understand what I mean ... It's designed to not be trackable, not be traceable by any form of government."
ThickAsThieves: "Just noticed my TOR wallet emptied a couple of days ago"
pankkake: there's the tor one
Mallstromm: probably modern Windoze and OSX are pumping all the data of somebody using Tor on that systems
Mallstromm: Of course using Tor on Windoze or OS X is just retarded
Mallstromm: sure, using Tor singles you out. But if you use it correctly that's all they know - that you are using Tor.
dignork: asciilifeform: pulled disk etc. This is a directed attack. I can imagine this picture, patyvans travels all over us,chaina,w/e and pull disks from all tor users. Srsly?
asciilifeform: how long does it take to write a perlturd that tells a planted box which other units in a cage are pumping tor?
dignork: mircea_popescu: ok, you suggest that mere fact of using tor, singles you. Since Snowden-induced paranoia this might not be a case anymore.
dignork: mircea_popescu: what's wrong with tor providing anonimity? I understand it's not absolute, but still better than nothing, and cheap.
mircea_popescu: "tor, anonimity, accounts"
asciilifeform: it is just as mandatory to mention 'tor, anonymity...'
mircea_popescu: who the fuck in his right mind would imagine that a) tor actually serves your anonimity or b) in order to anonimize you create accounts is beyond me.
asciilifeform: trivial exercise: pump bitcoin addrs through tor (exits), see what comes out on the other end.
Mallstromm: I'm sure not logging on my personal POP3, non-SSL email account through Tor
asciilifeform: dignork, Mallstromm: if you're using tor, children are sniffing your traffic
asciilifeform: bitbet is perfectly accessible over tor. but exits can easily substitute in magic addrs instead of the supplied ones.
mircea_popescu: dignork why isn't it accessible over tor ?!
dignork: mircea_popescu, sorry I had to jump offline for a bit, back to the using bitbet as a tumbler, private bets do provide this function, but bitbet.us is not accessible over tor and does not work over https...
BingoBoingo: Tor has nothing on turtle routing
Majjiok: Anyhow: if you are worried about privacy then you should always use Tor with Bitcoin-QT, plus coinjoin/mixing for most of your transactions. By default is very easy to link addresses owned by the same person.
herbijudlestoids: tor is a routing layer which has exit nodes
ThickAsThieves: why does freenet sound like a better tor, but everyone use tor?
ThickAsThieves: visit from tor
BingoBoingo: i2p makes tor look easy.
herbijudlestoids: so last night i was thinking of forking tails, and ripping out tor and filling it with i2p app goodness
mircea_popescu: pankkake i wonder if i could get tor through cloudflare on an amazon server ?
herbijudlestoids: this one http://www.dailydot.com/crime/deep-web-black-markets-beyond-tor-i2p/
[\]: same way tor did
b0n1: hey there! I just read an interesting article about the sefnit botnet (http://blogs.technet.com/b/mmpc/archive/2014/01/09/tackling-the-sefnit-botnet-tor-hazard.aspx) And I was wondering in what way this correlates with the litecoin mining difficulty
herbijudlestoids: i dont use this stupid shit man, i do all my dodgy business over i2p or tor using tails
herbijudlestoids: all i ever wanted was 1000 VMs running tor/i2p/gnunet all over the world
asciilifeform: (when lacking the root key, that is. the people who have the latter, however, needn't screw with tor; they diddle your packets wherever they like.)
blg: i have access to the #1 tor exit node
herbijudlestoids: or we fund a thousand VMs to run tor/i2p/gnunet
BingoBoingo: Also... TF seems to definitely lived in Norther Australia In the first 2/3rds of 2013 or found a bunch of people running tor exit nodes in the same apartment complex
asciilifeform: there are tor exits silently pumping ascii through 'sed' or the like, slipping 'friendly' btc addrs in place of originals. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: for instance, the silkroad kid they caught by discovering that he came here going "hey guise, how would someone make like a bitcoin tor craigslist"
Duffer1: silk road was just bitcoin and tor
ozbot: Doge Road - DOGE TOR Black Market - Beta Invitation
asciilifeform: and most 'special' of all are the folks who connect to pools... through tor.
pankkake: I thought their browser already existed, and that it was a tor bundle fork
asciilifeform: funnily, tor has made lusers' traffic more public than it ever was before.
asciilifeform: KRS|Gotyawallet: set up tor exits which replace SD addrs with yours.
mircea_popescu: and please stick to cloudflare and tor.
pankkake: "This puts BMR in the edge of the blade, Tor can’t support any site to be too big"
mircea_popescu: this takes the "most retarded thing on tor" award.
ozbot: [tor-talk] "Safeplug"
mircea_popescu: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2013-November/031215.html
pankkake: if you want unstopable exchanges just hide them. proxies, i2p, tor, whatever
asciilifeform: http://cryptome.org/2013/10/nsa-tor-disinfo.htm
asciilifeform: jurov: what we're dealing with here is the 'TOR gambit.'
firedrops: lol, idiot in -hidden just sent 2BTC to tor hidden service 'bitcoin laundry'..