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mircea_popescu: AndChat567216 the concern is that may cause trouble to tor.
AndChat567216: It's perhaps discussed already... but why not a MPEX proxy as TOR hidden service?
mod6: i have basically only accessed mpex over tor since you moved it all over to that early last year
mircea_popescu: mod6 tor is coming i think.
mjr_: i kinda thought that maybe you could host the website on tor with no order functionality
mod6: so i'll probably just re-introduce those files if/when that happens so tor may be utililzed
mod6: cause with that, it was still tor capable
mircea_popescu: aethero there are bots trading here. there will be an onion up, but im not sure tor can take the load.
mircea_popescu: tor network may not be solid enough to cope
mircea_popescu: knotwork the tor proposition is a little more complicated
knotwork: I would've though the DDOS might just kind of clog entire Tor or i2p system
knotwork: is it true at all that using Tor .onion site or i2p site these DDOS attacks would not work?
kakobrekla: and if you change it to unknown its same shit if you keep it hidden via tor or via decent http proxies
mircea_popescu: someone taking down all tor nodes is a coupla degrees of magnitude over that.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla mpex would be on tor, proxies would be on normal web.
kakobrekla: tor is not friendly
kakobrekla: tor sux
mircea_popescu: this is a small scale garden variety tor implementation.
mircea_popescu: the worst case scenario is we move over to tor.
Chaang-Noi: tor everything :/
gribble: Study estimates $2 million a month in Bitcoin drug sales | Ars Technica: <http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2012/08/study-estimates-2-million-a-month-in-bitcoin-drug-sales/>; Feds shutter online narcotics store that used TOR to ... - Ars Technica: <http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2012/04/feds-shutter-online-narcotics-store-that-used-tor-to-hide-its-tracks.ars>; (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: the judgement is that privacy-minded users are better server by proxy/vpn/tor/etc
mjr_: obviously some may use tor
gesell: im trying to liberate subversive services from the Tor only option
gesell: or at least, Tor is optional then
gesell: the advantage of using The blockchain as apposed to a new one is that you can use blockchain.info for all sorts of purposes (finding WidgedA sellers, checking reputation) and its a little harder to kill blockchain.info which has plenty of legal use, than specialwidgetsellerblockchain.info. So you could basically do silkroad without Tor
jcpham: * i2pRelay (~i2prelay@gateway/tor-sasl/i2prelay) has joined #bitcoin-market
pirateat40: though routing it through TOR would've made for ultimate trolling
mircea_popescu: jcpham left that tor dood a comment. real curious if he publishes it.
mircea_popescu: must be really hard to be anonymous when your name actually is tor.
Ukto: so, apparently tor has 'torchat' now?
mod6: it connects to mpex (currently just over inet, tor ability is coming, probably in beta, tor works with perl version) and grabs all the JSON and parses it.
PsychoticBoy: I can pay 2k on tor to hunt you down but I wont
PsychoticBoy: hmmmnz should not be long till someone hires a hitman on tor
PsychoticBoy: lets rent a hitman on TOR
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask aethero!~kvirc@gateway/tor-sasl/aethero . User aethero, rated since Wed May 2 16:24:52 2012. Cumulative rating 410, from 192 total ratings. Received ratings: 190 positive, 2 negative. Sent ratings: 187 positive, 16 negative. Details: http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=aethero
BTC-Mining: Which would be worthless, considering most scammers in Bitcoin where always on TOR and used gpg identity not officially tied to anyone.
BTC-Mining: And if that person was always dealing from TOR, never tied the bitcoins to a transaction toward one of his bank account and denies owning the address, you can't provide a proof.
gmaxwell: load via tor only.
Luceo: So, whos setting up a tor or p2p exchange?
B0g4r7: or, as ppl have been saying a lot, on tor.
mircea_popescu: so a combo of tor + whatever public libraries you have around should pretty much make you as anon as practically useful.
mircea_popescu: but can they follow tor ?
mircea_popescu: pigeons but still, you could at least in theory use tor
noagendamarket: dunno why theres no tor stock exchange yet
PsychoticBoy: only use it on tor though
matthewh3: even if GLBSE was forced to shut down there are multiple copies of the database and it wouldn't take long until it surfaced on I2p or Tor networks in full with all history, accounts and coin.
pigeons: a couple truledger servers on tor are getting popular
knotwork: once there is some easy way to use it through Tor there are a few groups who want to have OT servers as Tor hidden services
smickles: knotwork: so you're saying just the ui and tor interface need work?
knotwork: It could do with easier way to use Tor though, like actual proxy-port support
mircea_popescu: In case the domain is confiscated or otherwise lost MPEx will move to a different domain, in a different jurisdiction. Should the same happen again, MPEx would move to what will at the time be a solid alternative for a free Internet, be it the TOR network, namecoin or some equivalent DNS or any comparable solution. No government will ever be able to stop the Internet, in general. We're prepared to show this in the particular.
Luceo: All the feds are accomplishing is driving legitimate businesses underground, into tor, into darknet, onto IRC
Diablo-D3: mircea_popescu: they execute people over there for using tor
Chaang-Noi: so to use glbse you should use tor...
da2ce773: the client could always talk via tor or localhost, or whaterever.
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask Luceo!~Luc3o@gateway/tor-sasl/luceo . User Luceo, rated since Tue Jun 12 11:09:09 2012. Cumulative rating 24, from 50 total ratings. Received ratings: 44 positive, 6 negative. Sent ratings: 52 positive, 5 negative. Details: http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=Luceo
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask Luceo!~Luc3o@gateway/tor-sasl/luceo . User Luceo, rated since Tue Jun 12 11:09:09 2012. Cumulative rating 60, from 45 total ratings. Received ratings: 43 positive, 2 negative. Sent ratings: 49 positive, 5 negative. Details: http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=Luceo
Diablo-D3: and what happens when I use tor and segregate my bitcoinds to different parts of the network?
jcpham: damn i'll have to start using tor after all
Diablo-D3: its probably unlisted tor nodes
Ignatius-otc: hey Diablo-D3, will your vps and dedi offerings allow IRC and tor exit nodes?
Luceo: sasl-tor ftw
BTCHero: ic3d: but you can say the money came from selling widgets to tor users
nefario: they get a list of all public tor bridges
mircea_popescu: well that kinda defeats the entire point of tor neh ?
mircea_popescu: they can block tor ?!
mod6: tor?
Diablo-D3: tor fixed the bug shortly after
Diablo-D3: and then disconnect, and the tor node would still flush the buffer
Diablo-D3: mircea_popescu: so, what happened is, I could max out the tcp send buffer on the tor end point
mircea_popescu: tor is from like 2003 ?
Diablo-D3: mircea_popescu: yeah, I used an unpatched bug to use tor nodes to repeat an attack
mircea_popescu: are you nuts tor is recent lol
mircea_popescu: tor ?!
Diablo-D3: mircea_popescu: the fun part is when I used tor to take down the network :D
Diablo-D3: rg: man, did nenolod ever tell you what I did with a combination of perl and tor?
EmanuelDeOrtego: Darknet = Tor
Diablo-D3: I once used a throwaway account over tor to edit GWB's article to say hes actually a reptile in human guise
mircea_popescu: for the record : ga does breach tor. https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/3991
Chaaaang-Noi: tor only hids what you send,not who you are
usagi: Oh even on tor?
Chaaaang-Noi: but really unless you realy really know what you are doing it only takes about 2 or 3 hours to find someone with an ien internet connection, even on tor
Ignatius-otc: btc is also an unregulated market, afaik...but I personally wouldnt take on the risk of being a bitcoinica,unelss I based in tor maybe:P