162 entries in 0.99s
asciilifeform: the fact of the matter appears to be (ben_vulpes and his experiment, etc) that the folks who pay for ads are largely the old cargo cultists and have very little to do with bitcoin, for perfectly logical reasons of it being a bugspray against their species
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform they will, to ~their detriment~. i'm not sure this is getting through, or that im doing a good job of explaining it, but in fact such victories are more expensive than the respective defeats they supposedly keep one from.
brendafdez: why is it? bc there are no people doing it cash in mendoza? i know for a fact thats not the acse
decimation: doh stupid cut "Though the report found that a majority of Americans are skeptical of government surveillance programs, it also found very few are taking the extra step of encrypting the content of their e-mails. In fact, half of those surveyed said using encryption software gives the government enough suspicion to monitor a U.S. citizen's communications."
mircea_popescu: Transhumanists are not fond of death. We would stop it if we could. To this end we support research that holds out hope of a future in which humanity has defeated death. Death is an extremely difficult technical problem, to be attacked with biotech and nanotech and other technological means. I do not tell a tale of the land called Future, nor state as a fact that humanity will someday be free of death - I have no magic
asciilifeform: 'For the fact is that being inside a whale is a very comfortable, cosy, homelike thought. The historical Jonah, if he can be so called, was glad enough to escape, but in imagination, in day-dream, countless people have envied him. It is, of course, quite obvious why. The whale's belly is simply a womb big enough for an adult. There you are, in the dark, cushioned space that exactly fits you, with yards of blubber between yours
gmaxwell: BingoBoingo: nah, it seperately tracks 'counterparty' value, like a colored coin, the bitcoin is irrelevant, and just gets around the fact that bitcoin core won't relay 0 value txouts and miners are lazy and don't change defaults.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-02-2015#1031922 << this is fucking insane. "federal employees are not overpaid because federal govt is a business except it's not a business, and other businesses that are businesses skew the business average data!!!! federal employees are not overpaid by comparison to federal employees, in fact thjere's a perfect 1:1 correspondence" ☝︎
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: http://xkcd.com/1489/ <<< that's pretty much EXACTLY it. and then various noobs imagine physics is a serious science, while in fact it barely hangs out at the outskirts of credibility, and same noobs imagine stuff like i dunno, psychiatry or "earth sciences" are not kinda as srs as physics "but nevertheless".
saifedean: in fact, if you think about it, you can't really even calculate a subsidy per joule, since the moronic process probably consumes more energy than it produces, so the more subsidies, the more joules are wasted!
mircea_popescu: hose soldiers were thinking, "look, I know who I am, I know I'm not a coward, I'm not helping the Iranians, but I have to do whatever is necessary to get out of this mess." What they are saying is that they can declare who they are, and what they do has no impact on it. "I am a hero, regardless of how I act." That's the narcissist fallacy. Whatever they may think about themselves, the fact is that they did help the
asciilifeform: in need of some free money but are otherwise perfectly content. Although it is just as possible to be poor and happy in America as anywhere else, here one must make a choice: to avoid any number of unpleasant situations, one must be careful to hide either the fact that one is poor, or the fact that one is happy. If free public money is to be obtained, then only the latter choice remains. It is another curious fact that vast nu
asciilifeform: 'The Russian author Eduard Limonov wrote of his experiences with poverty in America. To his joy, he discovered that he could supplement his cash earnings with public assistance. But he also quickly discovered that he had to keep this joy well hidden when showing up to collect his free money. It is a curious fact that in America public assistance is only made available to the miserable and the downtrodden, not to those who are
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: a little more complicated than this. just like quite a few folks who have never drawn a proper 'federal' paycheque are really members of usg, quite a few folks (tens of millions) in usa are in fact 'policemen' though they do not know it
mircea_popescu: In Bitcoin this responsibility is based not in law, but fact. LocalBitcoins chose to fart on their plates and some of their weaker customers who trusted them are now ill. It doesn't matter where what was served was contaminated, but that LocalBitcoins served poison. Yes the consumers ought to have known better, but in the future knowing better means escewing a venue that sells turds as sausages on the virtue of both be ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "The system not only pays poor people, it employs lots and lots of almost poor people. I'm not saying this is a good thing, or a desirable thing, I am simply stating a fact. Some of these are direct government jobs (e.g. staff down at the SSI office) and some are pretend private sector jobs. If you're a psychiatrist at an inner city clinic, you may think you're an independent contractor, but you're really working for T ☟︎
asciilifeform: this is (almost certainly, i did not check but it seems like a no-brainer) on account of those parts of c which are not in fact standardized in any meaningful way (e.g., 'pragmas' for struct and bitfield layout)
asciilifeform: it all depends, also, on whether you see usa as just a normal country, or - a fundamentally criminal enterprise, whose enemies - any and all of them - are really friends of mankind by virtue of being it's enemies, and are in fact defending themselves from usg colonial rape.
mircea_popescu: gernika: What aggravates me more and more recently is the claim that mac products are well designed, when in fact they will destroy your hands. << mactardism is a very visual field. it doesn't account much for function.
badon: The funny thing is, it's a prominent fellow in China who can't even read English. They have noticed the badon effect all the way in China, despite the fact all my writings are only in English. That's like causing a tsunami in Japan by flushing the toilet in Detroit.
mircea_popescu: anyway. in the country where no man may say "do it this way ~becayse i say so~" all sorts of pathologies are bound to develop. because in point of fact a country has some scope for that sort of thing, whether you want to or not. and like in any living organism, once a metabolic pathway is blocked, homeostasis becomes extremely difficult if at all possible. and will take all sorts of crazy to pull off.
mircea_popescu: the fact that the iranians don't manage just shows how fucktarded htey are. it's by now a one man job.
asciilifeform: o keep track of, and your concerted effort to keep adding one more to the pile while fighting off squirrels may cause small children to start calling you silly names. The bigger the pile grows, the more likely you are to have to take inventory, and in the process you are increasingly likely to make a mistake, so that it turns out that 1,000,000 + 1 is in fact 1,000,001 - δ, where δ is the number of acorns you
asciilifeform is not pleased that these are presently more widely supported than the complete ascii set. but it's a fact.
assbot: 28 results for 'it are a fact' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=it+are+a+fact
bounce: !s it are a fact
mircea_popescu: no ppl i r not insane tyvm stop pming me. i am aware that through the process as described signatures never get in fact verified and one could create a colision and sign for someone else. this is not a bug, it's a fucking feature. you ARE supposed to check YOURSELF the fucking sigs if you intend to rely on the signed documents. it's the only way to implement this correctly.
mircea_popescu: "It's a fact. Yeah. You see, uh, Sicilians have, uh, black blood pumpin' through their hearts. Hey, no, if eh, if eh, if you don't believe me, uh, you can look it up. Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, uh, you see, uh, the Moors conquered Sicily. And the Moors are niggers."
mircea_popescu: "Given all these downsides, it should be apparent that decentralization isn’t something to aspire to lightly. In fact, it may be better to say that decentralization as a design technique is best reserved as a last resort, only to be used when there are no other suitable alternatives."
mircea_popescu: muisti = cocksuckers in romanian. a very economic language, needs fewer letters for the concept. also reflective of the fact that romanian women are on average better trained & moar experienced with it so it doesn't take as long.
mircea_popescu: "If you /are/ the majority and I am in the minority, how could you possibly believe that I have not already and many years ago figured out exactly how you guys work? If you had the brain to do it, this would be a grave insult, but you do not think ahead. You do in fact not think at all, because the things you say can only be uttered by a mind closed shut long ago."
asciilifeform: in the sense that if you have to live in a particular place, or worse, become a certain kind of person, to earn it, you are in fact very poor
ninjashogun: mircea_popescu, you can also see a lot of that in Apple computers. For example, they are supposed to be very "easy to use" (yet are expensive). But this hides the fact that a lot of people use it to run accounting software that's also dumbed down to their level, and a load of similar extra-expensive things that let them manage their lifestyle. It's becaues they make enough money to buy Macs and to buy expensive dumbed-do
BitChrista: There are many regulations for politicians already with just accepting cash donations, It's a little trickier with Bitcoin. I also work for a web marketing company that works with candidates so we know all the regulations and compliance. So we just have the upperhand in the fact that we know how to stay in legal boundaries.
Neil: mircea_popescu: It's nice, but nothing special. Just a self-adjusting mechanism. I think the economics / incentives of bitcoin are the smartest part. And the fact (other than block size which was a short-term expedient solution to a short-term problem) that so much was left to just float (including the creation of altcoins for example). I think that took balls and real insight. Satoshi was a cool dude for whom I'd love to buy
nubbins`: "I respectfully disagree with your opinion that the 'cockpit,' (we now call it the flight deck as no cocks are required), is no place for a lady. In fact, there are no places that are not for ladies anymore."
mircea_popescu: The system not only pays poor people, it employs lots and lots of almost poor people. I'm not saying this is a good thing, or a desirable thing, I am simply stating a fact. Some of these are direct government jobs (e.g. staff down at the SSI office) and some are pretend private sector jobs. If you're a psychiatrist at an inner city clinic, you may think you're an independent contractor, but you're really working for Th
kakobrekla: Whatever may be said against dogecoin, the fact is that it has gained traction very rapidly and become a very serious coin for trading. Why wouldn't a serious exchange want to offer it? We are after all in the trading business.
jurov: <mircea_popescu> jurov the start-up times are a legitimate problem tho, and so was the fact it took two weeks to sync a year ago. <<< yes and fixing that was reasonable i don't think they should be riced further to detriment of other stuff.
mircea_popescu: jurov the start-up times are a legitimate problem tho, and so was the fact it took two weeks to sync a year ago.
mircea_popescu: "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies."
mircea_popescu: honestly, social engineering is the #1 most significant threat. people are slow to realise this, but it's a fact.
mircea_popescu: and dense that little, if any, ever made it into the upper atmosphere. In fact, chlorides from wind-driven salt spray are a far larger constituent of atmospheric chlorine than CFCs ever were. Also, over the US where much of the CFCs were being released the amount of UV reaching the ground was decreasing during the same period (as the “ozone hole” was being fear-mongered).
pankkake: paid shills on the internet are a fact though. the European Union got caught doing it
ThickAsThieves: "It's unfortunate that there are few bonds around (the ones out there are all sold out). It pretty much shows how full of shit all these new mining/ASIC companies are - although they'll happily predict huge profits for investors they won't put their money where their mouth is and raise their capital via loan/bond paying a fixed-rate. Despite the fact that if they're right about the
mircea_popescu: phillip g's memorable quote, "Relativism. It was impressive in a way to see Protagoras's sophism alive and well after 2500 years. But the "all points of view are equally valid and supported only by someone's opinion" ignores the fact that it is easy to measure the correctness of business beliefs: some people are losing money and some are making money; some companies are gaining market share while others are losing mark
ThickAsThieves: "We can run the numbers all we want with all the quants we can find.. The fact is that share price is driven by human emotion. The fact it that if everyone gets a big hard-on for ActM and there are only X amount of shares to buy were going to see some serious action baby!!!"
mjr_: Namworld: it comes down to the fact that we are in a new situation, so we don't know how to process them, and we go with what we would do in that situation
asciilifeform: " It is a curious fact that in America public assistance is only made available to the miserable and the downtrodden, not to those who are in need of some free money but are otherwise perfectly content. Although it is just as possible to be poor and happy in America as anywhere else, here one must make a choice: to avoid any number of unpleasant situations, one must be careful to hide either the fact that one is
unbalanced_: It has the advantage of avoiding the fact that in a bear market / crisis, all asset classes are suddenly highly correlated in a rush to liquidity.
Chaang-Noi: why are you talking about the trade volume if it is a nonargumnt? im just saying you cant see the real trade volume, that is a fact :/
mircea_popescu: you get 5 free a week, iirc, so you can take solace in the fact that the articles quoting you are free. it's the others that go ten to the penny.
maximian: DailyAnarchist put it right it a bitcointalk thread: if nobody knew what the source of these "spam" transactions were, then the discussion would be about how to improve the system to handle more transactions. The fact that the crusaders know these transactions are from SatoshiDice has clouded their judgement.
jurov: It is purely internal, to wit, the fact that you are worthless as a human being, have no point in this world and your opinions do not matter.
BTC-Mining: No, no, actually, the fact is, everyone in Bitcoins are actual insane and placed in an institution. Bitcoins are all but a figment of their imagination that started with one of the patient shouting the word "Bitcoin". It's true.
BTC-Mining: Yeah, it's just one of many speculative idea brought forth, not a fact. That's the problem with the forum. Speculations/hearsay are distorted/presented as facts.
BTC-Mining: Aye, people are not complaining about if she has a good guess ratio. They complain about the fact she pass up unverified information as facts to push her guesses before the actual facts happen. It's like someone saying everytime "I saw that person murder someone" when it never happened and she just had a hunch about it and in her defense, claim to be right 90% of the time. Doesn't really
OneEyed: Diablo-D3: that's where the fact that both are run by the same person give it a meaning again: usagi can't say "eh, usagi said it was out of business, so I usagi can do nothing"
OneMiner: Not a fan myself, but I love the fact that it's there. It's a check of sorts. If that goes away we are in trouble.
Chaang-Noi: people are using it to troll is a fact :/
EmanuelDeOrtego: When the Pirate singularity collapses, I will be far away from here. In another universe, as a matter of fact. You, on the other hand, will be destroyed in every way it is possible to be destroyed-and even in some which are essentially impossible.
mircea_popescu: the code is trivial man. it's just a simple matter of "how often are you willing to sample balances" and "can you live with the fact it won't be precise"