1000+ entries in 0.581s
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-06-2015#1166281 << everything is 'measurable.' but you have to be ~able to lay out the circuit physically~ rather than merely mathematically to get the guaranteed equal delays. as in, you have to have knowledge of ~all~ addressable part of the fpga. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 17-06-2015 13:17:59; asciilifeform: you can pick up a textbook and write a dram controller for fpga from first principles - and it won't work. because, for starters, only a small number of output cells in the chip can function on both rising and falling edge of clock cycle (what 'ddr' means) and only xilinx's closed turd knows where they are in the routing fabric;
asciilifeform: a readily-available ~true~ fpga would be the greatest political advance in a century of electronic crud.
asciilifeform: thing is, fpga is fundamentally a very cruel lie
asciilifeform: you can pick up a textbook and write a dram controller for fpga from first principles - and it won't work. because, for starters, only a small number of output cells in the chip can function on both rising and falling edge of clock cycle (what 'ddr' means) and only xilinx's closed turd knows where they are in the routing fabric; ☟︎☟︎☟︎
kakobrekla: ah the problem is on the fpga chip side.
asciilifeform: it is trickier than first appears, because 'i want the s00p3r-s33kr1t floor plan for $fpga' is turing-complete (that is, whether the trade was an honest one is not resolvable by machine)
ascii_field: see also the fpga threads.
asciilifeform: which orbits around deep-packet shenanigans and likes fpga
asciilifeform: the not-so-secret here is that intel wants to bake fpga directly on x86 die
asciilifeform: there was an outfit which sold something quite like this (fpga on sdram stick) and even one in the shape of a cpu, which could sit down in ordinary cpu socket on multisocket mb
asciilifeform: (connection via ram slots is not, as it may appear, lunacy, but could be done with fpga, which would pretend to be a slice of sdram to two boxes at the same time, ignoring refresh cycles and managing locking somehow)
punkman: justJanne: I mean, a startup in my city sells FPGA clusters that can be used for that (or for crypto mining), and the NSA bought 256 clusters, each should be enough to break AES256 in 2 weeks. << lolwut
justJanne: I mean, a startup in my city sells FPGA clusters that can be used for that (or for crypto mining), and the NSA bought 256 clusters, each should be enough to break AES256 in 2 weeks.
asciilifeform: aha, as on early fpga.
asciilifeform: (then you get: 'fpga' which doesn't give a damn about radiation, can be fabricated with 1940s equipment, etc)
asciilifeform mined his first, and for long time, only bitcoin, on an fpga for which he wrote a very elementary miner, as an exercise
ascii_field: from spec sheet: 800MHz sparc-like; sata-2; 12 ddr3 ecc dimm slots; various standard i/o (e.g., pci-e, GbE;) and, most interestingly, built-in fpga for 2d interconnect into clusters by directly linking bus (202 G/s claimed.)
asciilifeform: for another, fpga and the genuine article can never be comparable on account of ruinous delays in the latter
decimation: if one had a working implementation of a silicon cpu (like msp430), wouldn't you be able to test the silicon version against an fpga simulator?
decimation: still, merely making an 'open fpga' would be a big improvement
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: possibly the fpga/dragonfly thread relates.
asciilifeform: mention of xilinx is especially on the point because a bit-flip in fpga routing fabric is catastrophic
assbot: Logged on 19-04-2015 14:37:11; ascii_lander: ben_vulpes: http://www.rocketlabusa.com/about-us/electronic-systems/avionics/ << radhard fpga is available, for its weight in diamonds, but does anyone actually fly with d-sub connectors? they aren't rated for vibration...
ascii_lander: ben_vulpes: http://www.rocketlabusa.com/about-us/electronic-systems/avionics/ << radhard fpga is available, for its weight in diamonds, but does anyone actually fly with d-sub connectors? they aren't rated for vibration... ☟︎
asciilifeform: it had a xilinx spartan 1st ed. fpga inside. and was built like a tank.
trinque: funkenstein_: he's already talked at length about FPGA
funkenstein_: fpga not good enough for you?
ascii_field: gabriel_laddel: not exactly. even if you could secure an infinite supply of the particular fpga, it turns out that they are not actually very general. in that you cannot efficiently implement muller c-gates in them.
ascii_field: at one time there was much crowing re: a 'xilinx fpga backdoor'
ascii_field: (for pathologically degenerate case, see my fpga tale from conf-II)
nubbins`: <asciilifeform> or my mips-on-fpga that exists nowhere but my living room <<< uh, srs??
asciilifeform: or my mips-on-fpga that exists nowhere but my living room
asciilifeform: and especially not if they had used actual ab initio fab instead of 'hard copy fpga'
ascii_field: on any fpga whatsoever
ascii_field: mats: the way the story normally ends is that the reversed fpga becomes quasi-usable nearly the same time it goes out of print and replaced with incompatible version... ☟︎
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: recall my fpga story at conf. II ? same idea
asciilifeform: if i'm buying 'fpga', and he doesn't have the exact bitstream, he's more or less shit out of luck
decimation: it's kind like the 'punch-out' fpga we were discussing
asciilifeform: sucks for exactly the same reasons as ordinary fpga
asciilifeform: called antifuse fpga
asciilifeform: but in practice, it has. i have a $$$$$ fpga board gathering dust because realized that it is impossible to implement ddr2 controller (and drive any available memory of reasonable density) without reversing the entire chip
jurov: catching up with logs and on 'ic printer' ... perhaps fpga-like discs burnable with bluray are more feasible?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: an fpga that isn't a usg-proprietary piece of shit would go a long way
the_scourge: i need to head off... this weekend i'm going to look into the parallella. i'm curious if a symbolics machine could be implemented in it's FPGA
decimation: ah interesting, one can reprogram the fpga?
asciilifeform: it's a little thing with a 'xilinx' fpga (nonvolatile) and 'ftdi' usb2 diddler
asciilifeform: theer is an 'open bench logic sniffer' (more or less naked fpga, ~50 usd)
decimation: asciilifeform: presumably because fpga board designers are solving actual problem with actual hardware
asciilifeform: interestingly, fpga dev boards often have bayonet connectors for external clocking.
asciilifeform: whateverthefuck fpga cpu << http://www.cs.utah.edu/~elb/cadbook/Chapters/Chapter13/mips.v << mips. ☟︎
decimation: http://www.alvie.com/zpuino/ << free fpga 'soft' cpu
decimation: honestly it's probably better just to buy an fpga board and roll your ow
asciilifeform: the mere emission of a 'muhahahaha' - or some more specific activity peculiar to reverse-engineering purloined fpga bitstreams ?
asciilifeform: i still want that fpga that evolves to live in one particular floor tile of your cellar.
asciilifeform: folks doing actual work with fpga make very light use of the general-purpose routing matrix
asciilifeform: this is because the entire fpga concept, as imagined by n00bs to the subject, does not actually work.
asciilifeform: punkman: [fpga thread] would MIPS be easier than x86? or does the problem lie in connecting the thing to outside world (fast RAM, peripherals, etc) << problem is that you can't make so much as a barrel shifter on any extant fpga without using a closed turd from the vendor - actually, two turds: one in the logic library part itself, other - the synthesis toolchain
assbot: Logged on 05-01-2015 00:46:15; ascii_modem: folks who bring up fpga as a solution - straight to ebay, pick up a board, see if you can bake so much as an i386 compatible, with at least the original's performance, -without- the fpga vendor's closed libraries
ascii_modem: folks who bring up fpga as a solution - straight to ebay, pick up a board, see if you can bake so much as an i386 compatible, with at least the original's performance, -without- the fpga vendor's closed libraries ☟︎
decimation: third choice: make own hardware using fpgas (yes, I remember past fpga threads)
asciilifeform: fpga is internally very much like the well-known 'eniac'
asciilifeform: thing is, synthesis for proper asic is nothing like fpga synthesis
BingoBoingo: The same way BFL FPGA miners were crippled. Adapted for winblows shit toolchain instead of whatever archane elder less smelly turdchain sun nursed internally.
asciilifeform: anyone who wants one - can go get (it builds for the larger among the common fpga)
decimation: it's sad that some enterprising chinaman doesn't try to steal fpga designs/warez
asciilifeform: the latter isn't simply a non-reprogrammable fpga; it has the LUTs of fpga, but with 'wiring' baked into the metallization layers, rather than fpga-style switching fabric
assbot: Logged on 08-12-2014 18:26:51; asciilifeform: (re: miner asics: anyone who gives a damn can find, in #b-a logs, my reasonably well-supported hypothesis that miner asic never actually -happened.- that is, there are devices, and they - approximately - work, but they are not 'asics' in the traditional sense. more 'hardcopy fpga.' - actual term of art)
asciilifeform: (an undergrad can throw a mips-compatible fpga core together in a day)
assbot: 0 results for 'hard copy fpga' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=hard+copy+fpga
asciilifeform: !s hard copy fpga
asciilifeform: also to prevent taking the design to another fpga.
asciilifeform: at the risk of repeating the last 100+ xilinx threads - the closed architecture of -all- fpga vendors is specifically to enable this 'business model'
asciilifeform: incidentally, fpga work shits straight into the faces of folks who think that 'anything can be slow-prototyped'
decimation: asciilifeform: did you implement ddr2 bus on an fpga?
asciilifeform: decimation: overpowers << skeptical until demonstrated in field (i.e. x86 pc) rather than laboratory (fpga with custom dram controller)
decimation: I suspect the crypto would need to be done on an fpga
asciilifeform: the way i understand it, a 100% open fpga, produced in a thousand factories of mutually-antagonistic owners, is the one and only way to 'open computer.'
asciilifeform: the closest thing anyone has conceived off to movable type re: chip design is the fpga concept.
asciilifeform: wasn't speaking of fpga specifically
asciilifeform: if you had cheap chip fab, there would not even be much reason to build fpga !
asciilifeform: decimation: notice that all known fpga manufacturers (xilinx, altera, lattice, a few others) have the same business model ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: don't wait for the chinese to copy fpga. they have no reason whatsoever to.
decimation: not only is open fpga useless for consumer market, it openly antagonizes it
asciilifeform: as i may have once explained, the chicoms have not done this and should not be expected to ever do it, because fpga is profoundly useless in a mass consumer product.
asciilifeform: pci is a paragon of transparency compared with any extant fpga
asciilifeform: where is the open fpga?
decimation: with a reasonable and open bus, it would be simple to plug in an fpga card if one wanted to use
asciilifeform: (re: miner asics: anyone who gives a damn can find, in #b-a logs, my reasonably well-supported hypothesis that miner asic never actually -happened.- that is, there are devices, and they - approximately - work, but they are not 'asics' in the traditional sense. more 'hardcopy fpga.' - actual term of art) ☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not only dreamed, but simulated using bizarre terrorist contraption of fpga+dram+flash.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: cannot, much as i'd love to, use 486, or bk-0011, or handmade pdp-11 in fpga.
asciilifeform: on fpga emulating a 486?
midnightmagic: it has an fpga onboard, (almost) no firmware except perhaps for the sdd. it's free-ish
decimation: including all the fpga bugs
asciilifeform: e.g., xilinx wants you to prototype on their fpga, and then offers massively-discounted asic process which simply consists of their fpga die plus custom metallization layer.
asciilifeform: decimation: asic << and here's where the turdmeisters win. many 'asic' products on the market presently are actually 'hardcopy fpga'
decimation: it's cheaper to run a full server than to pay for the engineering time to dick with the fpga
decimation: which is why many folks don't even bother with fpga for small projects
asciilifeform: this - is fpga 'in a page.'