188 entries in 0.89s

http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-25#1931127 << at some point the cocksuckers (true to form, see eg nonsense arguments as to "why did symbolics thinking men need mit") actually went to trouble to BUY the damn things. then brief period where "bought", with leafmoney, like
esr's experience. and by now, they literally just expect to take over "by committee".
mp_en_viaje very much prefers being "that idiot who can't even" to anything else, if in exchange the typical
esr-tardisms as per above don't get a foothold.
a111: Logged on 2019-06-30 05:26 asciilifeform: recall belenko, stole last model mig for.. not even '30 silvers', or
esr's 'millions', but for life diet of canned cat food
a111: Logged on 2019-06-19 16:38 asciilifeform: 'modern linux komyooniti' is quite loyal organ of 'tame opposition', the occasional 20m of biodegradable monopoly money gifted to the occasional
esr (who incidentally is begging for change to buy wheelchair, reportedly his legs went) goes long way
a111: Logged on 2018-09-24 02:11 asciilifeform: it is interesting to consider diff b/w
esr and linus.
esr judased a thing he had 0 part in baking, and wanked for 20y on the periphery of. linus on oher hand merrily fucked not only the folx who were dumb enuff to invest 25y into baking with him, but... own life's work
BingoBoingo: Your surprise was just timing,
esr's surprise was the wealth
mircea_popescu: incidentally, do we agree that o'reilly pushing
esr idiocy ("bazaar") is responsible for 2001 bubble in the same way aol is responsible for 1993 and lehman for 2007 ?
phf: mircea_popescu: it's also possible that he's referring to the original publication of
esr's essay, that predated the book by couple of years
mircea_popescu: assistence went "you don't remember
esr ?" and i went "what would i remember him for ?" and they went "is this a bit ?"
a111: Logged on 2017-08-31 00:40 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: briefly revisiting
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-30#1706495 : i'm beginning to wonder if it was simply because of WHO asked. i can't really blame $chix for not relishing the prospect of kanzure et al riding her l337 w4r4z to stolen relevancy
mircea_popescu: i dunno how you managed to miss the
esr poverty discussion and the debian dork murder and the devil's leaves metaphore and everything else.
mircea_popescu: anyways, to round off the whole linux/bsd,
esr/rms/etc angle : at any point the Moterhood (be it implemented in practice as "the USG" or "the public opinion" or "the church of England" or whatever the fuck - there will exist a conclave of the lazy, stupid and covetous, and it will be somewhat politically influential and appear VERY politically influential much like to the small children the mother appears truly awesome in her
mircea_popescu: and in lulzy ancient stuff :
http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2005/06/30/esr_interview.html interviewer (random nobody) contrasts sony using netbsd for the psp and people finding out because they put an unlinked text file on their website (as per license obligation) which was then found whereas they advertised the shit out of running linux for the ps3 in the terms of "WE THE PEOPLE made this be".
mircea_popescu: o hey,
esr redefines nigger as "political carpetbagger". dork, to redefine word must use shorter variant. no longer alternative ever prevails in practice.
mircea_popescu: but at the risk of repeating myself, here it is again :
esr, fabled luminary of the "blabla programming style" failed to get his thing done in a week. mp, fabled terrorist, managed to get his thing done in a week.
mircea_popescu: i find it quite amusing that
esr tried to do ~exactly what i just did, except with much more rudimentary tools and with much less interesting results. idiots living among idiots ALSO has a cost eh.
a111: Logged on 2017-01-07 18:24 Framedragger:
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-07#1598383 << reminds me of how i first chanced upon lisp. i was eighteen, more pretentious than now, and had eaten my first hashcake half an hour ago. i was reading
esr, jumped to topic of lisp and homoiconicity, and was like... d0000d. this is how you penetrate the universe. knowwhatimsayin.
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-07#1598383 << reminds me of how i first chanced upon lisp. i was eighteen, more pretentious than now, and had eaten my first hashcake half an hour ago. i was reading
esr, jumped to topic of lisp and homoiconicity, and was like... d0000d. this is how you penetrate the universe. knowwhatimsayin.
☝︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: branson iirc lived in some island ; and cuban i have nfi, but he's worth ~same as
a111: Logged on 2016-10-04 02:17 asciilifeform: kid was cursed, at very young age, with being '
esr rich'
adlai: what is '
esr rich', though?
adlai: yeah i know who
esr is
adlai: sorry for reappearing so soon after "bbl", but - what does '
esr rich' mean? i struggled not-too-longago with a friend telling me "oh yes, that's shit that 'people with money' have in their house" (over random crap my idiot dad had), so... pray, what is "
esr rich"?
mircea_popescu: there's the regular idiots who think themselves "rich",
esr style.
esr is the guy who's into guns