73 entries in 0.632s

mircea_popescu: but not the broad strokes. much like
chukcha confronted with car understands ~some~ things about it, but picture
chukcha's blog describing cars.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-19 02:45 asciilifeform: '
chukcha wrote a book. we open the book: pg 1: 'man got on a horse.' pg . N : 'man got off horse' pg . 2 .. N-1 : 'tgdyk, tgdyk, tdgyk...' '
mircea_popescu: dja have the "why do
chukcha go about in pairs ?" "they teach one to read and the other to write" one ?
chukcha brings his novel to a su publishing dept. the editor reads it and goes "you know, you ought to read some classics, pushkin, turgenev, etc."
chukcha goes "naw,
chukcha is a writer, not a reader"
phf owns a
chukcha mouth harp, can lend asciilifeform
ascii_field: all
chukcha stories are, arguably, about russians..
assbot: Logged on 26-10-2015 12:40:02; punkman: "Why shoot??!!? Russian hunter, very bad hunter!" the
Chukcha exclaims. "Ten kilometers to the yaranga, you drag bear yourself!"
punkman: "Why shoot??!!? Russian hunter, very bad hunter!" the
Chukcha exclaims. "Ten kilometers to the yaranga, you drag bear yourself!"
☟︎ punkman: A russian geologist is doing research in Chukotka. One afternoon, he joins
Chukcha on a hunt and they track a polar bear to its den.
Chukcha makes some noise and seeing the bear, shouts "Run!" and starts running away. The geologist shrugs, calmly raises his gun and shoots the bear.
chukcha not writer,
chukcha reader
assbot: Logged on 05-09-2014 17:15:16; asciilifeform: 'A
Chukcha applies for membership in the Union of Soviet Writers. He is asked what literature he is familiar with. "Have you read Pushkin?" "No." "Have you read Dostoevsky?" "No." "Can you read at all?" The
Chukcha, offended, replies, "
Chukcha not reader,
Chukcha writer!"'
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> thestringpuller, benkay, chetty: usa would send a tax bill to a
Chukcha if he weren't behind russian rockets. la << actually, aren't they derping about various russian citizens sanctions and whatnot ?