13 entries in 0.618s
asciilifeform: chukcha is not reader.
asciilifeform: that'd require chukcha to be a reader !
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: i suspect that 'chukcha is not a reader, he is a writer'
asciilifeform: it did not even occur to me that chukcha is a writer and not a reader, and has not used
asciilifeform: apparently i'ma 'chukcha-reader, not writer'
phf: chukcha brings his novel to a su publishing dept. the editor reads it and goes "you know, you ought to read some classics, pushkin, turgenev, etc." chukcha goes "naw, chukcha is a writer, not a reader"
asciilifeform: most folks are 'chukcha ain't a reader, he's a writer' and do it anyway.
punkman: chukcha not writer, chukcha reader
asciilifeform: at any rate, chukcha is a writer not reader.
assbot: 2 results for 'chukcha reader' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=chukcha+reader
asciilifeform: !s chukcha reader
assbot: Logged on 05-09-2014 17:15:16; asciilifeform: 'A Chukcha applies for membership in the Union of Soviet Writers. He is asked what literature he is familiar with. "Have you read Pushkin?" "No." "Have you read Dostoevsky?" "No." "Can you read at all?" The Chukcha, offended, replies, "Chukcha not reader, Chukcha writer!"'
asciilifeform: 'A Chukcha applies for membership in the Union of Soviet Writers. He is asked what literature he is familiar with. "Have you read Pushkin?" "No." "Have you read Dostoevsky?" "No." "Can you read at all?" The Chukcha, offended, replies, "Chukcha not reader, Chukcha writer!"' ☟︎