464 entries in 2.704s
mp_en_viaje: no bible in the drawers tho.
mp_en_viaje: anyways, it seems all very neoprotestant ("compile your own bible out of letters found around the house!!) which my rather catholic description doesn't do justice to. but it's just summary, i don't mean to rule by misrepresentation.
mp_en_viaje: anyway, that's what they seem to be doing, "here's the hardware, here's the mental floss slash bible, here's the daily prayers rules regulation and prayerbook", a complete package like that.
mircea_popescu: then no select is even needed, like the bible, #168:35 goes directly there
mircea_popescu: then no select is even needed, like the bible, #168
billymg: his, i believe one, other book, the neon bible, also not bad
mp_en_viaje: http://archive.is/aQ3mE#selection-489.2-489.112 aka "our '''philosophy of religion''' is in fact a church (so as to avoid '''biases''' such as for instance it being a church. therefore, please quote only from our bible."
danielpbarron: !!rate chonkin 1 chatted with him on dalnet about the Bible
asciilifeform: in '90s ru, there was joke that went around where eltsin had sworn on a copy somehow instead of bible
mircea_popescu: i don't think there even exists a publication currently that manages 500 reader-days. period and full stop, the fucking bible doesn't get that.
mircea_popescu: if there's anything in the world more insulting than the passage of time i can scarcely imagine what the fuck it'd be. but i suspect i know how moses feels every time danielpbarron quotes the bible : exactly how i feel every time one of these inconsequential schmucklettes discuss "the concept of bdsm".
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: you should see the jp bible some time.
danielpbarron: the truth of the Bible is universally known; to call it uninteresting is to make a fool of yourself
danielpbarron: i don't care so much about gaswagon; Bible says to obey laws
trinque: wanton use of the declarative cuts both ways. this internalized "because bible, full stop" can just as easily "because on my ass is what I do, full stop".
mircea_popescu: however in the redditard logic, only the one who ~~~specifically agreed~~~ to a bitcoin-for-pizza trade counts. the rest didn't specifically agree and so "it can't be held against them". this is a thing, in the bible, and in inept school systems, and therefore... IT MUST BE HONORED!!!
a111: Logged on 2018-06-11 23:54 danielpbarron: they have some app exibitors can use to promote where they'll be and what they are serving (i reserved a vendor campsite specifically for the purpose of provoking conversation about the Bible) -- i also mention in my "profile" that i'm a lord in the most serene republic of Bitcoin, which mysteriously gets removed. I add it again, removed again. They apparently don't mind a religious "cult" but not
danielpbarron: they have some app exibitors can use to promote where they'll be and what they are serving (i reserved a vendor campsite specifically for the purpose of provoking conversation about the Bible) -- i also mention in my "profile" that i'm a lord in the most serene republic of Bitcoin, which mysteriously gets removed. I add it again, removed again. They apparently don't mind a religious "cult" but not ☟︎
Mocky: anyway after god died, i didn't bother keeping the bible
Mocky: yeah was a huge 'fan' of macarthur for years, had macarthur study bible i carried around, listened to him on the radio etc
mircea_popescu: obviously "everyone was mentally inadherent to reality" -- but the first set produced the bible and the nth set were called john smith.
danielpbarron: !~bible mat 5:27-30
danielpbarron: !~bible john 1:14
mircea_popescu: but logos is != bible.
danielpbarron: !~bible john 1:1
mircea_popescu: wait wait, hold up there. the bible is god now ?
danielpbarron: lobbesbot, the Bible is God and it says it is true
lobbes: danielpbarron, but how do you reconcile the question of: "how do I know that the bible is actually the word of god if the only sources saying it *is* are $not-god?"
mircea_popescu: you got a pile of code, bitcoinsource=bible, which translates an ideal, thewillofgod=functioningbitcoin, into a real, actionable, existent item.
danielpbarron: the Bible that is, is that what you meant
danielpbarron: if the Bible is wrong, what's the harm to me? ever heard of pascal's wager?
danielpbarron: the Bible says so
xtina9: https://bible.org/seriespage/26-laws-land-romans-131-14
xtina9: idk, the bible
danielpbarron: i don't see the point, as it's not part of the Bible
danielpbarron: !~bible psa 97:6
danielpbarron: you don't need to read the Bible to believe it
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu, re greek texts, drawin can read greek hebrew and aramaic, and is working on his own translation of the Bible
danielpbarron: !~bible tit 1:5-6
danielpbarron: !~bible pro 30:8
danielpbarron: work in what sense? he cares only about the Bible. still true today as it was then
Darwin_Fish: Even before I believed the Bible
shinohai: !~bible Job 12:7-10
Darwin_Fish: People don't believe the Bible, even those who claim to
Darwin_Fish: You don't have to have a Bible
danielpbarron: !~bible rom 1:18-32
danielpbarron: !~bible rom 3:23
danielpbarron: !~bible pro 31:6
danielpbarron: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-13#1797998 << heh, a response to "i tell people what not to do" -- shivalry, did you know the Bible tells us to encourage your indulgences for so long as God hasn't forced you to believe in Him? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: and the time i burned the koran/bible and the time i stabbed that rabbit and so following.
jhvh1: douchebag: Admin, Alias, AutoMode, Bible, BitcoinData, Channel, Config, DuckDuckGo, GPG, GPGExt, GeoIP, Google, HtmlLogger, IPTools, Isup, Later, Listener, Market, MarketMonitor, MarketMonitorTicker, Misc, NickAuth, Owner, RSS, Seen, Sudo, Unix, UrbanDictionary, User, Utilities, and Whois
shinohai: !~bible Proverbs 16:18
BingoBoingo: * mircea_popescu recently saw "looper", a nine MILLIONTH!!! same retelling of here's whart we ustards managed to steal off the bible, whore (single mother!!!) and repentant sinner (junkie!!!) save baby jesus << That's half of US film between 2001 and 2015
phf: yes, but nobody's produced illustrated version of bible where all the womens have large, barely covered tits
mircea_popescu recently saw "looper", a nine MILLIONTH!!! same retelling of here's whart we ustards managed to steal off the bible, whore (single mother!!!) and repentant sinner (junkie!!!) save baby jesus
a111: Logged on 2017-12-29 13:50 shinohai: !!rate danielpbarron 3 #eulora Elder and merchant, operates rare ecu faucet. Bible markup project in #trilema-church
mircea_popescu: this is a little like being offered mention in the bible. i imagine many at the time thought 40 silvers a better deal, however...
mircea_popescu: so then, can we forget the inanities. reference is by wordcount, paragraph, work ; there is no "generic" work title but only correct patchid, ie the bible take 349875938475893749854379857 above ; and this is fucking all.
mircea_popescu: the bible take 349875938475893749854379857 paragraph 96 word 17
mircea_popescu: NOTE!!! however thatr foercing this ("all bible pages begin and end on same fucking words motherfuckers!!!) ruins the very point of print
asciilifeform: e.g. bible grew concordance, with word offsets etc
ben_vulpes: free bible software download!
BingoBoingo: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2018/01/04/professor-learns-student-reading-book-he-finds-reprehensible-opinion << "So Al had read the Bible at my suggestion and also, I remembered, my bible, Anna Karenina, and now he was reading Mein Kampf. Our happy reunion had gone down the sewer."
deedbot: shinohai updated rating of danielpbarron from 2 to 3 << #eulora Elder and merchant, operates rare ecu faucet. Bible markup project in #trilema-church
shinohai: !!rate danielpbarron 3 #eulora Elder and merchant, operates rare ecu faucet. Bible markup project in #trilema-church ☟︎
danielpbarron: any church that let's strangers walk into the service is at question in the first place, on the grounds that the Bible says you shouldn't pray in public
danielpbarron: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741325 << obvious false church. Bible says women are to remain silent in there ☝︎
mircea_popescu: our conversation today has distilled a golden bible of happy pet-taking. it goes like so : rule #1, do not presume to take decisions for the animal, it's capable for itself. rule #2, do not presume to put up a show for the animal, its sense of smell is fine by nature.
mircea_popescu: tl;dr : sad story of non-tmsr wot implemented by heathens. 60k or so ratings totally exchanged, item collapsed into uselessness. why ? because not had and therefore not observed the http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/ bible.
asciilifeform: there is a legend that yeltsin swore on a copy instead of bible
shinohai: !~bible Ecclesiastes 1:9
trinque: r0nin-: you've repeated that twice now, as though quoting your bible.
asciilifeform: would not have made any moar sense than mormon bible
sina: which somehow includes a religious discussion on the morality of returning mistakenly transferred bitcoins, including King Solomon bible ref
danielpbarron: !~bible 1 cor 14:34
mircea_popescu: lol. there's that joke with the christian and jew debating the truth of the bible also.
a111: Logged on 2017-05-25 09:09 danielpbarron: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-25#1661290 << i can relate (in that I hate this world and everybody in it -- really. everybody. to be alone and sustaining would be heaven), and the answer is the Bible. I'm not saying you should stop doing the great work that you do. but that there is relief in the way you dream of in the world that is to come, if you are made to believe. If God could change my mind on this matter (which he did, i wa
danielpbarron: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-25#1661290 << i can relate (in that I hate this world and everybody in it -- really. everybody. to be alone and sustaining would be heaven), and the answer is the Bible. I'm not saying you should stop doing the great work that you do. but that there is relief in the way you dream of in the world that is to come, if you are made to believe. If God could change my mind on this matter (which he did, i wa ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: but just as whiskey was indian's bible, so was bible imigrants' whiskey.
mircea_popescu: perhaps. nevertheless... unreliable item. (which is exactly catholic doctrine : "follow bible without priest, you'll go straight to hell in handbasked". it sounds absurd but then again it's lived history.)
mircea_popescu: if this does not prove bible is a poisonous, anti-human text which one follows to his perdition, nothing does.
mircea_popescu: is very much http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-21#1587276 ). consequently a situation of "whoever forges common language first wins" and so therefore 4. idiotic derpage "bible" crap won BECAUSE it was the ~only common ground. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: and in other random, isn't it funny that for all the millions of dorks going about finding "contradictions in the bible" there can't be had a single dork going about seeking "contradictions in wikipedia" ?
asciilifeform: bible, at most. phone book.
asciilifeform: i am no pro trishop, but bible and koran both were silent on what System.Storage_Unit oughta equal...
trinque: !~bible rev 13:16
shinohai: !~bible Genesis 1:28
mircea_popescu: the hamilton school, money as symbol, attempts to construct a grammar of the world wherein money is a word like all the others, and with it finally complete the ancient kaballah task of reading the true bible.
danielpbarron: !~bible lev 20:13
asciilifeform: but how does this 'need genesis block' ? yes it's a miner puzzle that uses genesis block as key. it could have just as easily used bible as key.
mircea_popescu: !~bible danielpbarron 5:27
shinohai: !~bible saifadean 5:27
mircea_popescu: this isn't teh actual word tho. dun rewrite teh bible!
danielpbarron: shinohai, is this the set up to a joke? I don't know that there is a gender restriction imposed in the Bible
danielpbarron: !~bible pro 5:19
trinque: !~bible mark 7:15
danielpbarron: !~bible isa 64:6
danielpbarron: !~bible mark 10:25
danielpbarron: !~bible mat 7:21
danielpbarron: the Bible says it defiles. i doubt they could do it in private for long without it somehow manifesting in public