179 entries in 0.841s
mircea_popescu: the fsf, and the "foss" concoction, are going to be gone before the usg.
mircea_popescu: sitting on thumbs and stroking cocks over "FOSS!111" has resulted in pretty much unusable software.
mircea_popescu: <mats> how is it possible this has escaped audit all this time << welcome to the wunderbar world of FOSS, aka a chunk of raw meat in the sun, festering with a million grub eyes
decimation: mircea_popescu: " foss is fundamentally immune to this bs" < not clear. however I suspect usg would not want to try to stick someone posting foss - because the courts would likely find that this kind of regulation would contradict the first amendment
mircea_popescu: decimation foss is fundamentally immune to this bs, and who uses ms hypervisor
mircea_popescu: there are other people matching exactly hpa's profile (high value foss target) with keys apparently added in the same manner. not too many.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform nobody asks intel. the idea was, if FOSS actually can deliver on the promises it makes, then it takes over at that juncture.
mircea_popescu: the itanic thing was perhaps the breaking point for FOSS, in retrospect.
mircea_popescu: you mean to tell me if we intend to use any FOSS thing the way that'll happen is if we write it first ?
mircea_popescu: the path from the current FOSS, roughly approximating a spunk-crusted sock floating in a pringles can half full with week old urine ☟︎
mircea_popescu: foss, the wonderful world of 90%
mircea_popescu: works about as well as fucking foss.
mircea_popescu: and so here we are, AGAIN : foss is perfectly fucking useless.
Citizenfive: Well those are among the most widely used and studied things in all of cryptoland. Vs. everything else, i.e. some arbitrary piece of FOSS something. Stuff like Tor is what gives everyone a false sense that everyone is all over everything in FOSSland
mircea_popescu: let's make glibc no longer compile statically and github not work. that'll make the foss so much better.
mircea_popescu: foss seriously has a problem by now. and it is of the nature of alf's "fits in head" thing.
mircea_popescu: "unfortunately, the way we made this foss software is that it behaves exactly like windows"
mircea_popescu: i had no fucking idea, then, of exactly the state of rot in foss.
asciilifeform: and yes, esr was a barnacle on 'foss' from day one. authored inconsequential crap, claiming to be 'contributor'; attached his name to 'jargon file' historical book, having added various bogus entries; etc
pete_dushenski: likes foss
mircea_popescu: odd that foss got a lot further in latin america.
assbot: Logged on 31-01-2015 19:13:51; fluffypony: but all their FOSS work is pretty much to further their own endeavours
mircea_popescu: does not make it part of foss.
mircea_popescu: just because google has been measurably more successful at embrace, extend and extinguish foss than say microsoft
fluffypony: but all their FOSS work is pretty much to further their own endeavours ☟︎
mats: http://bb.osmocom.org/trac << foss baseband firmware
mircea_popescu: yes, he is not as powerful, or moreover, power works differently in foss.
assbot: Pogoplug Safeplug review – anonymous browsing instantly | Linux User & Developer - the Linux and FOSS mag for a GNU generation ... ( http://bit.ly/1BjlJF5 )
assbot: Logged on 10-09-2014 11:54:21; mircea_popescu: other than proper cryptography for all foss, as discussed coupla days re gentoo overlays etc, i would fucking love for all lines of code to come with a counter.
mircea_popescu: ms has not become a different beast. what used to be foss has decayed to the level one can't distinguish it from microsoft anymore.
assbot: Logged on 10-09-2014 11:54:21; mircea_popescu: other than proper cryptography for all foss, as discussed coupla days re gentoo overlays etc, i would fucking love for all lines of code to come with a counter.
mircea_popescu: kinda why stuff like the wot-foss i was discussing and even gossipd are so important
mircea_popescu: anyway. there's nothing wrong with the people who didn't belong in foss in the first place finding their own way out, just like there's nothing wrong with the people who have no business in bitcoin finding their own way out.
mircea_popescu: uhm. happy campers = the entire foss community ?
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> and That Would Be Wrong (tm) <<< i think doing away with FOSS shared idiocy will be the greatest bitcoin contribution to the movement.
mircea_popescu smiles at the original premise of the entire foss movement rebirthed. "by working on intelligent tasks with intelligent people you become more intelligent yourself. this is more important than money"
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, the relative failure of foss is strictly due to the incongruous and often misshapen radical leftist ideas of stallman. had that thing been "the same old gospel of individualism, small government, and market fundamentalism that we associate with Randian characters" it'd not be struggling covered under a pile of open source.
mircea_popescu: so am i the only one displeased but unsurprised that not.a.single."foss".implementation out there has yet come up with a way for the user to bind a sole keyboard to kernel bus ? and all others get rejected ?
mircea_popescu: bitcoin + pgp + foss would have been a much better alternative past than fucktarded "flower power"
decimation: I remember those heady days, when it was thought that it wouldn't be possible to 'make money' off of foss
mircea_popescu: same shit, so foss starts, great, get rhel to be a pentagon contractor.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i mean specifically about patches to foss.
mircea_popescu: not what i mean tho. incidentally : that's rms gnu. he lies when he says that's foss. it's not. it's a particular attempt at a middle way, with him as the "modest" hero.
mircea_popescu: the entire "foss is better because read by millions of eyes" fetish needs to be put to rest already. opportunity does not equal actualisation.
mircea_popescu: in short : it makes the cost of nsa covert ops in foss go from O(log(t)) all the way up to P,N
mircea_popescu: if you're the sort of gentoo/linux/foss user that downloads and runs buggy pieces of shit, you're expected to either a) be conversant in code and fix em or else b) not run production.
asciilifeform: problem (or not problem, depending on who you are) is that most cl work was and is done by 'naggum-like' figures - that is, behind closed doors, no public derping, no 'foss'
mircea_popescu: the false dichotomy here being that either you apple (onlt accept stuff we made) or else foss (accept any turd)
thestringpuller: USGavin's proposal consists of significantly increasing the burden on the full nodes, while doing nothing to address the actual problem threatening Bitcoin. This, of course, is not the direction a responsible head of a FOSS project steers things. It is however the exact direction a puppet of Microsoft tries to steer a standards discussion."
bounce: really need to find more ways to recover the secret keys from SIM cards and stick'em in (FOSS-programmed) alternate SIMs that you control
mircea_popescu: this is a major cause of the foss taking so very long to be killed.
mircea_popescu: i tell you, if my signaturss thing existed people would at least KNOW what a fucking fraud this foss bs is
mircea_popescu: honestly i think tablets will suffer a foss revival much like the pc did.
mircea_popescu: it's nice supporting foss authors and everything, but i doubt the guy can or would spend atc.
mircea_popescu: other than proper cryptography for all foss, as discussed coupla days re gentoo overlays etc, i would fucking love for all lines of code to come with a counter. ☟︎☟︎
nanotube: rithm: code is foss :D
mircea_popescu: the net result would have been foss+amd buldgeoning them into a fine paste.
mircea_popescu: the exact way in which the various distros do the updating is imo the best way to diagnose usg moles in foss.
HeySteve: that's not the way we do things in FOSS, Reggie >:(
mircea_popescu: like if a woman was washed by the FOSS, her nipples and vulva would be very clean
mircea_popescu: kdomanski: https://github.com/django/django/pull/2692 << anbd then that fuckwit is going to preternd like he's a FOSS contributor.
mircea_popescu: like anything else foss.
fluffypony: Naphex: http://owncloud.org - it's just a FOSS implementation of a Google Drive/DropBox style service, so you have to host your own server to run it
Diablo-D3: BingoBoingo: truffles runs a large company and writes foss in his spare time?
MisterE: no I know foss projects need ongoing financing
mircea_popescu: “Firefox is the best argument that proprietarians have about low quality foss software. A million eyes, a million hands, a million turds.”
mircea_popescu: but all the fun aside, srsly, a foss clojure implementation of this would actually be a great thing.
mircea_popescu: "Mircea Popescu is very nice person, thank you for saving OpenBSD. Now, why are some a-holes here bouthmouthing one person that did something to help OpenBSD's problem?! And jumping to conclusions and all. Jesus Christ that will teach any future milionares to sponsor FOSS."
nanotube: all the code is foss. wanna spin up your own bot, nobody's stopping you.
mircea_popescu: fortunately the foss was always big in europe
mircea_popescu: the entire fucking point of the foss is to build code.
midnightmagic: This is a primary namespace channel and thus technically falls under the Bitcoin FOSS project ownership.
mircea_popescu: should be kicked off foss.
mircea_popescu: so as an ideea it runs contrary to the very principle of pretty much everything, from bitcoin to freenode all the way to foss.
nefario: does foss sound any better?
nefario: FOSS?
mircea_popescu: this is like the FOSS : bring your own!
Diablo-D3: they cant afford the commercial software, and the foss software works better anyhow
Diablo-D3: FOSS hospital software works great in africa though