500+ entries in 0.257s
ericbot: Logged on 2019-12-02 16:41:29 mircea_popescu: ima try putting the first few in and we see (i hope for eg you do the sed 's%"%\\"%g' | sed 's%*%\*%g' escapings, yes ?)
jfw: I tried a nearby "GNU Awk 4.1.3" on 1gb of `yes`. The direct reading was consistently slower than both input redirection and cat | , which is certainly suspicious in itself; seemed to work though
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-04 10:38:48 mp_en_viaje: aaand in "other questions nobody [was smart enough to have] asked of me" : "hey mp, why do you always cat file | awk ? isn't it awkward ? don't you know awk can load its own file directly by itself ?"
mp_en_viaje: aaand in "other questions nobody [was smart enough to have] asked of me" : "hey mp, why do you always cat file | awk ? isn't it awkward ? don't you know awk can load its own file directly by itself ?"
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema-hanbot/2020-02-17#1001392 << you can't be serious ?! how's about say cat ? | grep http | sed 's/http/\nhttp/g' | grep ^http | sed 's/\(^http[^ <]*\)\(.*\)/\1/g'
mircea_popescu: gales or no gales, the man who can't cat | grep is closer to a boy than any other man.
mircea_popescu: they're not even good for thieves, these morons. what the fuck need is there for any of these Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Works - Criticism ... / [Search domain www.amazon.com/Best-American-Humorous-Short-Stories/dp/1547279826] https://www.amazon.com/Best-American-Humorous-Short-Stories/dp/1547279826 / The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride - YouTube / monday | Stylish mens outfits, Real men real style, Dapper ...
mircea_popescu: diana_coman, the funny thing is that no trilema article is... i mean look at that junk, curl http://archive.is/L7xDs | wc -w > 6111
dorion_road: |http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-12-10#1954786 << sounds sound.
mircea_popescu: ima try putting the first few in and we see (i hope for eg you do the sed 's%"%\\"%g' | sed 's%*%\&ast;%g' escapings, yes ?)
mircea_popescu: in other wtf, awk does not have a native date increment ; people do insane shit like awk -F"\",\"" '{cmd="date -d \"$(date -d \""$0"\")+10days\" \"+%Y-%m-%d %T\"";cmd | getline datum; close(cmd); print $0 ",\""datum"\""}' test.csv > test-increment-10days.csv
mats: in wow it depended on which class you played, i had arrangements like ctrl+shift+A|S|D|F, ctrl+alt+QWERTY, the dumbest ongoing error i have ever made
mp_en_viaje: ~~ || [[ there's so many syntactically forbidden doublingd anyway.
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-19#1947016 << man, transforming what alf says back into what he's talking about is serious arcana, what the hell, his output is only english in the sense | base64 is plaintext.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-16 14:15:42 asciilifeform: aite, let's ask BingoBoingo to dd if=/dev/thatstick | gzip > diana_coman.img.gz and then gpg to asciilifeform . i'ma modify it strictly as required to sit down on new ip and naught else.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-16 14:15:42 asciilifeform: aite, let's ask BingoBoingo to dd if=/dev/thatstick | gzip > diana_coman.img.gz and then gpg to asciilifeform . i'ma modify it strictly as required to sit down on new ip and naught else.
asciilifeform: aite, let's ask BingoBoingo to dd if=/dev/thatstick | gzip > diana_coman.img.gz and then gpg to asciilifeform . i'ma modify it strictly as required to sit down on new ip and naught else.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-05 06:08:31 mp_en_viaje: judging by http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-05#1940527 | http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-05#1940531 you managed it in negatgive time, ridin' on a tachyon beam
mp_en_viaje: judging by http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-05#1940527 | http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-05#1940531 you managed it in negatgive time, ridin' on a tachyon beam
snsabot: Logged on 2019-02-03 12:27:29 mircea_popescu: in other news, mp's own bash grenadiers regiment suggests an ad interim solution for http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-02#1891951 in the shape of ls | grep ^x..$' | while read line; do curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} -X POST -F "pastebox=@$line" http://p.bvulpes.com -w %{url_effective}; done
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-06 15:17:27 spyked: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-06#1934123 <-- huh, whaddaya know, that was the problem! ty, diana_coman! unfortunately baking a patch isn't as simple as "vdiff a b", because sbcl comes with binaries included. :| will get to this when I'm back home
spyked: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-06#1934123 <-- huh, whaddaya know, that was the problem! ty, diana_coman! unfortunately baking a patch isn't as simple as "vdiff a b", because sbcl comes with binaries included. :| will get to this when I'm back home
ossabot: Logged on 2019-08-31 17:59:20 asciilifeform: btw : awk '{print $8}' whogave_10_20_2018-8_31_2019.txt | sort | uniq > givers.txt >> less than 200 nodez !
asciilifeform: btw : awk '{print $8}' whogave_10_20_2018-8_31_2019.txt | sort | uniq > givers.txt >> less than 200 nodez !
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-24#1930756 << ftr, right nao it loox like : pg_dump nsalog | gzip > /home/nsabot/log_db.gz; and on dulap , eats <8sec . ( getting the output to other boxes, however... )
snsabot: Logged on 2018-01-28 11:45:00 asciilifeform: diff -uNr $1 $2 | awk 'm = /^(--- a|\+\+\+)/{cmd="sha512sum \"" $2 "\" 2>/dev/null ";s=cmd| getline x; if (s) { split(x, a, " "); o = a[1]; } else {o = "false";} close(cmd); print $1 " " $2 " " o} !m { print $0 }'
mp_en_viaje: this is the female lifecycle : 1. menstruation ; 2.1. taken slave by republican | 2.2 taken slave by slave | 2.3. rots untaken. then 2.1 goes on to mother M.T. Tiro ; 2.2 goes on to mother a buncha redditards.
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, $ echo "’"| xxd >0000000: e280 990a
asciilifeform: this ^ is simple means of testing the logger for folx not yet ready to stand up bot. e.g. : zcat dump.gz | psql -U nsabot -d nsalog will eat (assuming you already inited db w/ the provided schema)
bvt: asciilifeform: can you try curl -s logs.nosuchlabs.com/log | grep --perl-regexp '\x01'
mp_en_viaje: ~$ echo "÷" | xxd >0000000: c3b7 0a
diana_coman: updated script: awk '/Day changed/ {Month=$5; Day=$6; Year=$7;} /Log opened/ {Month=$5; Day=$6; Year=$10;} ! /-|<--|>/ {count++; sep=";"; w= Year " " Month " " Day " " $1 " " $2 " 00"; if ($3 == "*") {pp=$3 sep $4 " "; $4=""; n=5;} else {pp=$3 sep; n=4;}; $1=""; $2=""; $3=""; print count+998966 sep mktime(w) sep pp substr($0,n);}'
a111: Logged on 2019-08-11 19:00 diana_coman: ftr, here's my quick'n'dirty awk that did the trick: awk '/Day changed/ {Month=$5; Day=$6; Year=$7;}! /-|<--|>/ {count++; sep=";"; w= Year " " Month " " Day " " $1 " " $2 " 00"; if ($3 == "*") {pp=$3 sep $4; $4=""; n=5;} else {pp=$3; n=4;}; $1=""; $2=""; $3=""; print count+998966 sep mktime(w) sep pp sep substr($0,n);}'
diana_coman: ftr, here's my quick'n'dirty awk that did the trick: awk '/Day changed/ {Month=$5; Day=$6; Year=$7;}! /-|<--|>/ {count++; sep=";"; w= Year " " Month " " Day " " $1 " " $2 " 00"; if ($3 == "*") {pp=$3 sep $4; $4=""; n=5;} else {pp=$3; n=4;}; $1=""; $2=""; $3=""; print count+998966 sep mktime(w) sep pp sep substr($0,n);}' ☟︎
diana_coman: heh, I learnt to cycle when I was...~24 :|
mircea_popescu: ''← 2019-08-09" ; but http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-09 displays the empty 10th link, "← 2019-08-08 | 2019-08-10 →"
mp_en_viaje: so, given that cat patreon.sql | wc -w yields 692469510, anyone wanna register bets as to how many artists are gonna be smarter than an obnoxious cocksucker, and actually take the deal trudy famously didn't ☝︎
mp_en_viaje: "I Got a Beer Spa Treatment, and It Was Transcendent Food & Wine|4 days ago When I first received the invite to check out the new beer-infused body treatment at Costa Rica's Tabacon Thermal Resort & Spa,"
mp_en_viaje: 'A citizen of the world': NASA's first Latino astronaut reflects on how space changed his immigrant identity - Washington Post|3 hours ago - About US is a new initiative by The Washington Post to cover issues of identity in the United States. While the American memory of the Space Race is most often filtered through black-and-white ...
mircea_popescu: a very useful tool for dropping the workload from ~50 minutes to ~30 minutes / otp is s/\n/" | sha512sum | cut -c1-2 >> hurr.txt \necho "/ and then comparing the line crcs.
mircea_popescu: for instance of what i mean by "any way" : you'd expect kill $(ps aux | grep wine | cut -f2 -d" "| awk '{print $1}') will do it. and indeed it kills DOZENS of processes.
asciilifeform: ( i.e. cat tape.peh | ./bin/peh 32768 32 100000 0 dulap_1m.bin , in this scheme all '?' output is taken from the supplied file )
a111: Logged on 2019-02-03 17:27 mircea_popescu: in other news, mp's own bash grenadiers regiment suggests an ad interim solution for http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-02#1891951 in the shape of ls | grep ^x..$' | while read line; do curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} -X POST -F "pastebox=@$line" http://p.bvulpes.com -w %{url_effective}; done
stjohn_piano_2: curl http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/q34GD/?raw=true | gpg produces:
mp_en_viaje: curl http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/yXnbk/?raw=true | gpg
mp_en_viaje: stjohn_piano_2, so do you see something wrong with having an article about a script that does |xxd ?
a111: Logged on 2019-05-16 15:54 mp_en_viaje: in other lulz, $ echo "ϰλιρουόμος ϰλιρουομία χλιρουομια" | xxd
asciilifeform: cat yer_otp.txt | gpg --decrypt ?
mp_en_viaje: in other lulz, $ echo "ϰλιρουόμος ϰλιρουομία χλιρουομια" | xxd ☟︎
hanbot: 6. what's incomparably worse : | tr '\n' '\r' will transform the file as it correctly stands into a file that matches the "expected" hash.
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: yes: $allblocks = '(?:table|thead|tfoot|caption|colgroup|tbody|tr|td|th|div|dl|dd|dt|ul|ol|li|pre|select|form|map|area|blockquote|address|math|style|input|p|h[1-6]|hr)';
a111: Logged on 2019-03-01 23:04 mircea_popescu: meanwhile in other http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-25#1889862 slash http://btcbase.org/log/2014-12-08#948046 lulz : the dork i used above for a source for the commie radio pictures (not that he originates them, they actually come from http://www.latrecut.ro/2006/05/ric-stramoshul-ipod-ului/ which is significantlly better contextually, but I was lazy) not only passes himself as a "Ministrul Cyberculturii | Recenzii, cronici, cr
hanbot: ps -aux | grep sdb3 meanwhile lists pid 4693, [jbd2/sdb3-8]
hanbot: continuing my mounting woes, i can't unmount sdb3 partition on target drive from initial cuntoo bootstrap.sh (target is busy); offending process from 'lsof | grep sdb3' looks like /proc/4693/exe ("txt, unknown"), no response from kill -9, no idea how it zombied out or why, what am i gonna do?
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in other http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-25#1889862 slash http://btcbase.org/log/2014-12-08#948046 lulz : the dork i used above for a source for the commie radio pictures (not that he originates them, they actually come from http://www.latrecut.ro/2006/05/ric-stramoshul-ipod-ului/ which is significantlly better contextually, but I was lazy) not only passes himself as a "Ministrul Cyberculturii | Recenzii, cronici, cr ☝︎☝︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2015-07-05 15:04 asciilifeform: 'Topic for #musl is: http://www.musl-libc.org | Ask questions; treat others with respect; stop off-topic discussions for musl questions; do not publish logs; no sexism, homophobia, or other forms of asshattery.'
mircea_popescu: objdump --syms eulora-0.1.2b/euclient | wc -l >>7
asciilifeform: objdump --syms eulora | wc -l
bvt: http://bvt-trace.net/src/test_task_exceptions.tgz - test source for those who want to test. to be run as 'while true; do echo -n .; ./adatests >/dev/null || break; done' -- should not take too long to have it segfault.
asciilifeform: | in move_insn, at haifa-sched.c:5179
asciilifeform: | GPL 2016 (20160515-49) (aarch64-linux-musl) GCC error: |
asciilifeform: e.g. for 3 handlers, 3 | 1.329 | 446.821
a111: Logged on 2019-02-12 18:29 diana_coman: for added lulz, gnat on macos has only zcx :|
diana_coman: for added lulz, gnat on macos has only zcx :| ☟︎
mircea_popescu: in other news, mp's own bash grenadiers regiment suggests an ad interim solution for http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-02#1891951 in the shape of ls | grep ^x..$' | while read line; do curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} -X POST -F "pastebox=@$line" http://p.bvulpes.com -w %{url_effective}; done ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: cat * | grep -P '\S' | wc -l in ea. dir does the job.
mircea_popescu: find . -name '*.php' | xargs wc -l or w/e it is you want
mircea_popescu: sudo ldconfig -v | grep libode
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in trilema lulz : netstat | grep http | wc -l > 190.
mircea_popescu: https://twitter.com/juliasowells << even twitter acct, with a typically "powerpoint"-informed montage in the background. " Julia Sowells @juliasowells Senior #Information #Security Specialist #Cybersecurity Author @Hacker_Combat | Got Tips? Contact me: juliasowells@hackercombat.com"
diana_coman: well, if they don't, they'll find out quickly :|
mircea_popescu: might as well use wall of ( 3 tall if you're doing wall of |
mircea_popescu: Posted byu/mijalis Crypto God | BTC: 21 QC 7 hours ago "Lessons learned - Crypto and Divorce - In January I was a millionaire thanks to BTC, then my wife divorces me and now I have $30,000 AMA" << http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875524 slash http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-20#1873926 yes ? ☝︎☝︎
mats: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-07#1878885 << <gribble> Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 3240.58, Best ask: 3242.22, Bid-ask spread: 1.64000, Last trade: 3240.58, 24 hour volume: 21780.93020893, 24 hour low: 3222.0, 24 hour high: 3645.05, 24 hour vwap: 3388.72 ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-11-30 03:22 asciilifeform: ... or that the #define ULT(a, b) ((a ^ ((a ^ b) | ((a - b) ^ b))) >> (sizeof(a) * 8 - 1)) macro dun turn to barf in the preprocessor on acct of some esoteric beard shaving from dennis richie ?
asciilifeform: ... or that the #define ULT(a, b) ((a ^ ((a ^ b) | ((a - b) ^ b))) >> (sizeof(a) * 8 - 1)) macro dun turn to barf in the preprocessor on acct of some esoteric beard shaving from dennis richie ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: incidentally, re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-25#1874601 it occurs to me i should probably also share the echo "FC66C0C5D98C42A1D4A98B6B42Fv9985AFAB953C4/17215D118B7239507FAFED98B98228A001ABFFC7/gns" | sed 's%.\{1\}%&<wbr />%g' that produced it. ☝︎
trinque holds his nose and appends a || true
a111: Logged on 2018-11-18 20:04 mod6: d10b713fd66312f2a498b8b93620d87836283bafcbd4b969b1b842ccf11b2beb | ben_vulpes | 6.56190000 | 2018-07-11 06:52:43.265797-07 | Transfer of entirety of outstanding Pizarro funds to deedbot wallet.
mod6: pay | ben_vulpes | mod6 | 6.21445021 | 6.29924690 | 2018-07-15 05:29:59.365463+00
mod6: d10b713fd66312f2a498b8b93620d87836283bafcbd4b969b1b842ccf11b2beb | ben_vulpes | 6.56190000 | 2018-07-11 06:52:43.265797-07 | Transfer of entirety of outstanding Pizarro funds to deedbot wallet. ☟︎
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: it might take a little work for other folx, but realize that you can back up your rk just by picking up the disk, lol, with hands, and sticking in yer lappy and dd if=/dev/sdb | gzip > backup
mircea_popescu: $ curl http://www.adaic.org/resources/add_content/standards/05rm/html/RM-3-5-1.html | grep "Shift_Right(Result"
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo ps aux | grep mysqld says what ?
mircea_popescu: im sure i mentioned my script to s'\n\n%\r'g | s'\n% 'g | s'\r%\n'g many times before
asciilifeform: ( in the | 2^512 )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform let's try something else. suppose key = 512 bit prime and suppose cipher works as E = P ^ K | 2^512.
asciilifeform: |\n get yourself a key already and reg with deedbot
asciilifeform: i saw |\n's snippet and thought 'loox familiar' and sure enuff it was in that 2017 piece.
asciilifeform: |\n: if it was shown to you as 'omfg exploit!111', you've been duped.
asciilifeform: evidently sumbody passed it off to |\n as an 0day
asciilifeform: eh |\n it's a duck : apparent source is https://ecc2017.coreboot.org/uploads/talk/presentation/38/Microcode.pdf talk , and demands a pre-diddled, per the recipe, old amd k8/k10
asciilifeform: |\n: where'dja come across this, and for what chip is it alleged to work ?
asciilifeform: |\n: haven't seen, but if it actually worx, will be hilarious
mircea_popescu: |\n suppose you start by introducing yourself and showing the minimum awareness of republican process of using sane fucking pastebins.
deedbot: |\n voiced for 30 minutes.
asciilifeform: !!up |\n
a111: 23 results for "from:|\\n", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3A%7C%5Cn
asciilifeform: !#s from:|\n
asciilifeform: the obvious down-side, aside from the substantially moar complicated logic, would be that you could no longer dd if=/dev/fg | dieharder etc