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a111: Logged on 2017-11-01 20:19 asciilifeform: went, apparently, into the black, when absorbed into the reich machine.
asciilifeform: went, apparently, into the black, when absorbed into the reich machine. ☟︎
asciilifeform: unless you know how to convincingly paint him black
mircea_popescu: so in this sense there's a ready measure, in the proper-est term : the black market value of the country capital warrant was under the black market value of the local capital warrant in most places.
asciilifeform also found the 'black market' today, where gypsies sell questionable shit, lotsa lulzy pics
a111: Logged on 2017-10-26 02:40 lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-25#1728918 << 'Tis insanity, indeed. Some hobbyist cheese-makers / real-milk enthusists near Amish lands have been known to engage in 'black market' raw milk transactions. FDA regularly sets up sting operations to crack down on the 'contraband': http://archive.is/nfrox
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-25#1728918 << 'Tis insanity, indeed. Some hobbyist cheese-makers / real-milk enthusists near Amish lands have been known to engage in 'black market' raw milk transactions. FDA regularly sets up sting operations to crack down on the 'contraband': http://archive.is/nfrox ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: only to the marked wretches with the black b00k.
BingoBoingo: As we referred to him watching drunk election returns in 2006 (It was college), The Black Deval
BingoBoingo: And in almost there http://www.vdare.com/posts/black-identity-extremists-nyt-is-spitting-mad-that-trumps-fbi-understands-sapir-whorf
asciilifeform: ( re madagascar : apparently on top of other joys, now has confirmed black plague. )
mircea_popescu: apparently the black hat is black from pantsuit dust.
BingoBoingo: That's what they try to sell. They mostly end up selling tools (Which they sold to Stanley Black and Decker) and lawnmowers. Also assorted catalog novelty schlock other retailers won't touch
mircea_popescu: and in other (lengthy) lulz : i cursed new girl with the old mpoe-pr curse, if you haven't guessed by now. the tardstalk this time is "black hat world", dedicated to "seo" and shit.
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-07#1680305 << https://www.wired.com/1996/05/gassee/ a '96 wired article about bebox (but more so about Be head, Gassée), the article is framed by a gratuitous road trip from palo alto to black rock desert (i.e. burning man site) hot springs ☝︎
BingoBoingo: Lol, in this sportsball most of the players ARE black
mircea_popescu: in which case, i suspect federation rules requiring all black players wear a yellow star and apologize for being there before every game have even odds next year.
BingoBoingo: Oh, the sportsball players didn't stand for the song of country before game in protest of "Police r mean to us black folk" as they had been for the last couple weeks. Mike Pence went to game and left before it started.
mircea_popescu: "protector" of youth that sees no problem as long as the cumguzzler is black etc.
mircea_popescu: ating in most homes) a list of easements, the chief buttress of which being an extra 100 lei allowed to pregnant mothers (about 1 dollar in black market rates of the time). then the people were dismissed, and they started to leave, but for some entirely to this day unknown reason they were called back. except, they DIDNT go back in order, which means the politruks didn't know who's who.
asciilifeform: these folx trample one another regularly, there is even a commercial 'holiday' ( 'black friday' ) when they have india-like mass tramplings fighting over misc. retail crud
a111: Logged on 2013-11-08 05:01 asciilifeform: "the little black rifle" which is useless to our cause!"
trinque: http://archive.is/IrEBe << "Two black lawmakers in the U.S. Congress" something or other
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform character in true romance. thinks he's black.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in grainy black-and-white teenage interest, http://78.media.tumblr.com/38ddc93cb51ebedb94df8d46d637847f/tumblr_nqmypnYnWn1u3sqw6o1_1280.jpg
mircea_popescu: no, "those" "sank into swamp" whereas every last hoaxtoshi, ripple, women's rights and black lives matter is "worth" all the moneyz.
mircea_popescu: "does this boob implant come in black and also smokeless powder variants ???"
mircea_popescu: anyway, but the above line re "consolidated into" is there to explain how exactly $item became shit : at time t0, there existed $item, and it was respectable. at time t1, misguided "pluralism" allowed a bunch of rank imbeciles, such as here typified by charles f wilson, to open $rakim-and-his-black-chix-code, $faggots-fashion-law-review etcetera. then at time t2, the foregoing useless items "got consolidated" into $item. the
midnightmagic: +1 Gesha Esmeralda coffee. It's a sin to drink it anyway but black.
trinque: uh, I can show anyone to a number of whataburgers that are black as hell
BingoBoingo: le sigh, there goes dream of coffee shop next to datacenter being staffed by black people in white suits all county club style
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform such as what, black chix coding ?
shinohai: http://archive.is/gJCkR <<< If only black girls had coded for him.
mircea_popescu: you can't turn terse explanations of the problem into lengthy discussions of implications taylored for idiots, what is this, black chix coding now ?
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-26#1717418 << fwiw 500k/annum ( unless in cash, for dealing black market plutonium ) is not 'rich' in usaschwitz, it typically comes with 450k/annum house+commute/etc ☝︎
cruciform: it's just that bitaddress.org is a black box to me
mircea_popescu: in the sense that apparently there's less black chix coding at google now than before.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-23 00:04 trinque: this season willing to bet there are more black lives that didn't matter to hurricanes than white.
trinque: this season willing to bet there are more black lives that didn't matter to hurricanes than white. ☟︎
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: high yellow :: Referring to a person of African American decent that has very light skin, also see [redbone] [ex:] That girl is so high yellow, she lights up a dark room! [/ex] | There's nothing derogatory about being High yellow. It has nothing to do with jealousy of darker complexioned blacks, or bi-racials who think they are better then others. Not all light skinned black people are biracial, (8 more messages)
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: redbone :: Light skinned female/male mixed with black and another race. [ex:] "she doesn't look full black, she must be a redbone" [/ex] | A fine, thick light skinned girl. [ex:] "imma get me some red bones 2nite." [/ex] | Okay this is the real, real deal folks.Redbone, the correct terminology, is a black person who has red undertones in their hair and skin. Usually light or light caramel (9 more messages)
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: another name for da black man, usually the southern ones, kinda like looty for example, at least they kinda know how to speak english [ex:] [racamoni] 10:35 am: I dislike the spics more than bluegums[driver99] 10:37 am: almost hit one last night.[driver99] 10:37 am: bluegum [/ex]
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: blue in color. Used to differentiate from the more common pink-gummed black person. [ex:] Officer "Ma'am, is this the man who robbed you?"Woman "No officer, this man's gums are pink, the man who robbed me was a bluegum" [/ex] | A black person of the darker variety such that the gums are of a blue color. [ex:] Billy-Bob: No officer, I ain't robbed the liquor store. It was a damn blue-gum what did it. (2 more messages)
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: person of african american decent. Also see [nigger] [ex:] Damn blue gums stole me bicycle [/ex] | A synonym of African American, this word describes the bluish color typical of a black mouth. [ex:] Hey! Somebody hang that bluegum! [/ex] | An African or African American with exceptionally dark skin. [ex:] He ain't high yellow, he's a bluegums. [/ex] | Any black person whose gums are (3 more messages)
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: bluegum :: A person of African American Heritage who has a purplish hew to the dental margins. [ex:] " Boy you-all doan want to get bit by one uh them Blue Gum N-Words! They bite is poisonouser than a rattlesnake!" [/ex] | Usually refers to a lazy black American who refuses to work. [ex:] Look at that ol blue gum just watching us do all the work!Stop blue gumming and get to work! [/ex] | A (4 more messages)
mircea_popescu: making up kanye west "black man" like they make up the barbies. when they age and clintonize they'll be making up obamas. black men in no sense whatsoever other than the needs of stupid white cunts.
shinohai: http://archive.is/2WIUp <<< Black Labs matter
a111: Logged on 2017-09-13 21:17 mircea_popescu: afaik "fuchsia herring" never gained coinage in ru, but honestly it's a much better name for "black chicks code" than "black chicks code"
mircea_popescu: anyway, his point stands -- absent any qualitative understanding, ie for a black box world, the probability as declared is the best approximation. this is no small matter, at all.
mircea_popescu: afaik "fuchsia herring" never gained coinage in ru, but honestly it's a much better name for "black chicks code" than "black chicks code" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: heck, they don't wanna fuck them as it is, TODAY! look through the dating sites, two thirds of black female profiles indicate "no black males" in some manner (such as, "no gangstas" or whatever)
mircea_popescu: what exactly am i asked to believe, that woman whose name only exists because she was bought by jefferson family somehow had other priorities ? like what, sexual congress with the black males ? odds are she'd have rather fucked a donkey.
mircea_popescu: the proposition that there existed black woman in the time discussed who didn't similarily bask in "omfg, WHITE MAN!!! is scratching me between the legs" is out and out ridiculous anachronism.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: https://archive.is/xFSpv << '...statue of Thomas Jefferson in black Tuesday night during a rally criticizing the university’s response to recent white nationalist demonstrations...' etc lulz >> qntra fodder ?
a111: Logged on 2017-09-12 19:48 asciilifeform: https://www.modelfkeyboards.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/animation-final-black-2.gif << likbez
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> https://www.modelfkeyboards.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/animation-final-black-2.gif << likbez << Plenty of room to grout to top of machined piston
asciilifeform: https://www.modelfkeyboards.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/animation-final-black-2.gif << likbez ☟︎
mircea_popescu: ~equivalent of "and policeman must not be black"
BingoBoingo: Tattoo black letter into white rubber, replace ever 25k kilometers
asciilifeform: ( the item where the lettering NEVER wears out, because it is simply the inner layer of the key is black and protrudes just-so )
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: what's the connection between acephate and black people?
BingoBoingo: OMG Google doesn't care about (black) people!
BingoBoingo: "An alarming moment came toward the end of the day when a man driving a black Chevrolet truck adorned with American flags and a Confederate flag decal" << AHAm pickup truck flag index!
mircea_popescu: as opposed to the usual black chix code bs, which is never about any black chicks getting anything but reamed.
mircea_popescu: black doods simply manage to count as subpar for a larger percent of females than whites.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-07 21:24 BingoBoingo: ke into account this specific sexual targeting, be it phobic as in the case of the rapist or philic insofar as black males are imagined to be sexually insatiable. This is what black male studies scholars mean by anti-black or racist misandry, or the cumulative assertions of black male inferiority due to errant psychologies of lack, dispositions of deviance or hyperpersonality traits (e.g., hypersexuality, hypermasculinity, etc.), which r
BingoBoingo: ationalize the criminalization, phobias and sanctioning of black male life."
BingoBoingo: ke into account this specific sexual targeting, be it phobic as in the case of the rapist or philic insofar as black males are imagined to be sexually insatiable. This is what black male studies scholars mean by anti-black or racist misandry, or the cumulative assertions of black male inferiority due to errant psychologies of lack, dispositions of deviance or hyperpersonality traits (e.g., hypersexuality, hypermasculinity, etc.), which r ☟︎
BingoBoingo: From deep in the lulzmines: "The Man-Not is a theoretical starting point that tries to capture the history of black males being killed, mutilated and raped beyond simply saying it is racism that causes this violence … History has shown black males are eroticized in an anti-black world. Their genitalia has been imagined to be at odds with the endogamy of the white races of America and Europe, so our attempts to study black males must ta
mircea_popescu: i think latin-gone-wild may be more on the point. sort-of like that good jewess / future balabusta of http://trilema.com/2016/black-book/ trying to get as much nazi/anything cock as possible.
BingoBoingo: Another gem found in the wild: "I literally had my high school sociology teacher argue that "if the illegals aren't here, who will pick our crops?" He was black, too. It baffles me that he, of all people, couldn't see the argument he made was literally the same argument the Democrats used to enslave his ancestors."
mircea_popescu: if hussein bahamas didn't (somehow, incomprehensibly) manage to convince everyone forevermore that black people are fundamentally and for that reason unfit for any sort of social participation, this cinematic atrocity with will smith certainly does.
mircea_popescu: (ed buck, pantsuit supporter, killed random black twink)
mircea_popescu: kardashian is just hairy, she's not black.
mircea_popescu: in other lulz http://worldofwonder.net/georgia-cop-tells-woman-not-worry-remember-kill-black-people/
mircea_popescu: "To put the matter in simple terms : next time you get a "black chix code" itch and feel like vomiting your idiocy in the shape of "patches" and "code submissions", seriously consider writing strings on your tits instead. It's infinitely easier to clean up, and it ends up costing us less money! This is what true ecology is all about, ye ken ?"
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in black-on-white, http://68.media.tumblr.com/035803b1154f5d585d3a69f6fdf57692/tumblr_nwx6npsjWw1u9uov7o1_500.gif
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I doubt it's a folding to Republican ideology so much as "Remember how popular Black Lives Matter was electorally..."
mircea_popescu: the black knight always triumphs!
mats: white people love black dongs
asciilifeform: i was speaking of properly lethal black coffee of course.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> shinohai do they all wear that kinda suit ? could be worth a lotta lulz. << It's a black thing
asciilifeform: which means NO black boxes, NO ic for which i did not personally approve the gate layout, and NO c/cpp code anywhere inside, as well as machine arch which boundschecks all array accesses.
kanzure: why took so long for the black ice storm whatever clifford wolfyap fpga stuff?
a111: Logged on 2017-08-27 04:37 ben_vulpes: " I’ve been told that Antifa have physically fended off neo-Nazis who have attempted to enter people’s homes in raids in predominantly black neighborhoods."
mircea_popescu: as close to being black as wigger can get.
ben_vulpes: " I’ve been told that Antifa have physically fended off neo-Nazis who have attempted to enter people’s homes in raids in predominantly black neighborhoods." ☟︎
mircea_popescu: dude shot an uppity black kid recently FOR being uppity recently, walked.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i deliberately didn't want to make any assumptions. "black box" if you prefer.
asciilifeform: it ain't 'to black hole', it's an 'anyonecanspend'
mircea_popescu: at time t2, SOMEHOW (im not even sure this is possible), someone in black hole sends coin chunk back to address 1b.
mircea_popescu: at time t1, via tx2, address 1a spends coin chunk on segwit chain. this appears to you and me as "1a sent coins to black hole"
asciilifeform: if trb node is not fetching blocks, but is not showing symptoms of 'black hole'
trinque: tomorrow we've got Black Lives Matter (TM) marching past my apartment for, whatever it is they tweeted about last
ben_vulpes: took a skull to the face the other day. black eye and barely a whimper.
shinohai: Article in NY Times today says black person responsible for the creation of Jack Daniels, leaving me to wonder how long before it starts showing up in rap videos.
mircea_popescu: it's your racist victim that stood in the way of black code matters and progress and spice and everything nice.
mircea_popescu: but not even say hi or anything ? we were figuring 50-50 you got liek, shot by men in black or something.
BingoBoingo: "remember when a black supremacist sniper killed 5 cops last year and nobody demanded the president condemn 'black supremacist violence' and then the president went on to condemn the police for being racist?"
BingoBoingo: Eh, tattoo yourself all black play transracism card